"Creativity is contagious, pass it on!" - Albert Einstein

In year 3, we started our food tech learning all about how eating seasonally can help our environment, we have looked at how different seasons affect the growth of different fruit and vegetables and looked at a world map where we could see where some come from.

We tried some Japanese grilled fruit kebabs with plum sauce, it was different but oh my it was tasty!

We had a chance to make fruit crumble and with this really look at the ingredients we were choosing, having in mind our country seasonal fruits when out shopping for ingredients. We then baked some tarts using seasonal vegetables this time, the art room as like a mini farmers market, it was lovely to see the children taking ownership and being independent with their designing and preparation. These tarts smelled amazing and were so easy and low cost to make!

"Creativity takes courage"- Henry Matisse

In year 2 this term we had food tech. Initially we looked at sugar hidden in drinks and foods and to always check our packages ingredients and try and spot those hidden sugars. We looked in particular at certain drinks that we are familiar with in pairs we worked out the sugar and as a class we used actual sugar to make it visual for us how much actual sugar was in the drinks we were shocked to find just how much sugar was in the orange juice, nearly 10gr of sugar!

We looked at the food wheel and how should our plate look like when we eat, fruit and vegetables being the biggest portion. With eating healthy in mind we all did a “blind” taster session and we soon found out our likes and dislikes, we this in mind children then designed their own healthy wrap. I think its safe to say that we all learnt a lot and had loads of fun designing, preparing and of course eating!

" The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." - Aristotle

In year 6’s food tech we did our own version of “Come and Dine with me”.

Chefs entered a draw and we had two groups making Starters, Mains and desserts. In each session two judges were draw for a taster of the meals cooked and a score given to the team.

The chef’s had some key ingredients for their meals, peppers for starters, salmon for mains and pineapple for desserts. The chefs were encouraged to research online for recipes with thses ingredients. The results were amazing, everything looked delicious and smelled amazing.

Well done year 6 on completing the challenge.

"Don't wait for inspiration. It comes while working!"- Henry Matisse

In year 5 the food tech was all about eating healthy and make healthy choices when making and designing their own Bolognese.

I think it is fair to say that some Bolognese’s were unique and had some unusual ingredients but they smelled delicious.

I think the chef’s in year 5 have enjoyed their taster sessions, enjoyed their cooking as well as eating their Bolognese’s afterwards .

"Everything you can imagine is real!" - Pablo Picasso

In year 4 during our food tech it was all about making a basic recipe into our own, but trying to be aware of the costs too.

We designed our own biscuits boxes.

Tried a very basic biscuit recipe and then bake it with our own favourite add ingredients, chefs had to work in groups and then be mindful of each others likes and come to an agreement on what ingredients to use so everyone was happy with the end result. I think the chef’s did really well at problem solving and everyone was happy with their end results. I even had some biscuits coming my way that were tried an baked at home. Cooking is a life skill, keep practising and changing ingredients!

Our school ... our class ... is richer because of you

What an emotional but beautiful week we have had in Year 6. It is always sad to say goodbye, but my goodness, are they all so ready to spread their wings and fly at High School! It has been such a privilege to have taught Year 6 this year and we have loved every minute being with the on their magical journey. They have risen to every challenge, worked their socks off and showed so much love and compassion along the way. They will all be greatly missed by everyone at Our Lady’s.

It has been a week of celebrations and goodbyes. After a beautiful leavers mass for our Year 6 and dear Miss Hodges, we made our way to complete our crazy golf, chippy lunch and then the parachute games the children have been desperately asking for. The ice cream’s Mrs Gregan treated us to were also wonderful. We had so much fun altogether- Harriet sadly you were too poorly to come and missed you but you were there with us in spirit!

Wow, what a performance! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was amazing! We are so proud of them all…

Today was a perfect way to end their primary school journey … this morning the staff performed their very own ‘professional’ pantomime of The Wizard of Oz. Such a lovely way to thank all of Year 6 for the time they have shared with us.

Finally, the Year 6 team would like to thank you all for your continuous trust and support throughout the year. We have loved reading all the children’s cards and kind words and really appreciate any gifts we have received, although the real gift has been to teach all of your beautiful children. Thank you.

Have a wonderful summer and remember what Mrs Gregan said… ‘once an Our Lady’s, always an Our Lady’s’ so please do stay in touch.

Year 1 Weekly Blog 20.7.23 'How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard'

How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard

A.A. Milne

Gosh I don’t even know where to start, I have loved joining the Our Ladys family this year and you have been so welcoming and supportive.

First of all thank you for the effort you all put in to make that incredible video, I have watched it many times and cried! The lovely words from you all have also made me cry and I am grateful that I have been lucky enough to teach your amazing children this year. I am very proud of them and I love them all. Finally thank you for all the presents I have been spoilt.

This week we have enjoyed making butterflies, watching Year 6s brilliant performance of Charlie and the choclate factory, watching Matilda and so much more.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees, this week the children voted and gave wonderfull reasons why auch as you are kind and compassionate, you play with everyone and you are a good friend.

Henry has loved going home with everyone and is looking foward to meeting the new Year 1s :).

Reading Challenge: So many certficate winners this week, thank you for all the effort you put in at home it really did make a huge different and I am so pleased that I can finally say we ALL passed our phonics screening, this is a huge achievement! Well done :)

Have a lovely summer holiday.

Love from

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 2 Weekly Blog Thursday 20th July

And just like that Year 2 was done!
What an amazing year we have had having fun and making memories whilst learning. Your children really are a credit to you, it has been a pleasure to watch your children learn and grow and do so with such enthusiasm, I have had the most amazing first year at Our Ladys and cannot wait for the next.
Trips, visits, performances and lots of laughs! Let’s do it all again!

Thank you for all your support and the lovely cards and gifts.

Well done to our Learners of the Year - as voted for by the year 2 children.

Rodnie’s friends have voted for him as learner of the year because he is always ready to learn and puts his hand up lots in class. His friends describe him as hard working,  focused, kind and caring. Rodnie is a fantastic role model, Well done!


Scarlett’s friends have voted for her as learner of the year because she is always focused and listens. She is helpful and kind. They describe her as a kind loving person who always does the right thing. Scarlett is always happy and is a great friend.

I couldn’t agree more Scarlett, Well done


School reopens on Monday 4th September

Have a great summer!
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 5 Weekly Blog 20.7.23- ' We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams'- Roald Dahl

And here we are! The children have now officially finished Year 5 and now begin their journey as leaders of the school. It may have only been a short week but it surely has been jam-packed. The start of the week consisted of our performance of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- performing 4 times day and night. The children blew us away with their performances, showing such enthusiasm, effort and concentration-it truly was spectacular.

On Wednesday, we had our final PE lesson with a fun-filled activities- starting with some games of cat and mouse. Myself and Mr Murray then divided the class into two for a final end of year game of rounders.

Our last piece of learning took place this week with us focusing on debates. We divided the class into two and each took sides in debating whether homework should be banned or not.


I hope you all have a safe and happy summer! Thank you so much for your support this year and for the relationships we’ve built- I can’t wait to see you all fly next year as leaders of our school.


For children to keep up with their reading and times table practices over summer so they are ready to go in September to tackle their final year.

Year 1 Weekly Blog 14.7.23 'Stand tall and be proud, be yourself, you are amazing!'

‘Stand tall and be proud, be yourself, you are amazing!’


As we approach the end of term I want to tell you how proud I am of everyone and to say a big thank you to yourselves and your children, for working so hard together to make such great progress. It has been such an amazing first year at Our Ladys.

Maths: This week we have been writing addition and subtraction equations, using a cherry part-part-whole digram, ensuring that the parts and the whole are in the right place.

Our train day out

On Tuesday we had our train trip, we were so lucky with the weather and enjoyed watching the train arrive at St Annes station. We had a ride on the minature railway, followed by an ice cream and a play in the park, what a treat! We then wrote a recount of our trip in English.

History: On Thursday we had a visit from Lytham Fire Brigade. This is linked to our topic the Great Fire of London. We enjoyed sitting in the fire engine and even got to use the hose. We started to learn about what London looked like in 1666, then discovered there was a fire, we have enjoyed watching different videos with magic Grandad being a class favourite.

Today we had a great fire of London day and did lots of great activities. We compared fire engines now and then, started to make wattle and daub panels and rebuilt the city of London in a way that would prevent the fire happening again.

Castle: On Thursday we opened Castle Hodges we listened to a story in it and enjoyed playing in there at break times.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees, two Sadie Spiders for their determination with their handwriting and for super spellings.

Henry is going home with these children for both having a great week and for excellent work in Maths and English, well done.

Reading Challenge: I am really sorry I didn’t get chance to sort out certificates today. It is our last week of certificates, Wednesday will be the last day to recieve a certificate as Thursday will be a very busy day.


  • Don’t forgot to bring in a coat just incase it rains, we try to get outside as much as possible.

  • Mass for Year 6 and Mrs Hodges: On Wednesday we will be walking to church to celebrate our fantastic Year 6’s and our caring, wonderful Mrs Hodges! Please make sure you have a waterproof with you just in case!

  • Please send in a large plastic bag on Monday as we will be preparing the children’s work, wellingtons and any belongings in their trays ready to take home on Tuesday. This will give us plenty of time to make sure all items have been returned! Thank you

  • We break up on Thursday 20th July at 2pm

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher


Year 1 Homework 14.7.23

Thank you for all of your hard work, this year.

My homework is to please send in a large plastic bag on Monday as we will be preparing the children’s work, wellingtons and any belongings in their trays ready to take home on Tuesday and Wednesday. This will give us plenty of time to make sure all items have been returned! Thank you

We will also be collecting books in from Monday, we have changed them all today for a last read over the weekend and it gives your child to gain their certificates. The children can read their own books at home if they are a few away from their award, please ensure it is completed by Wednesday so we have time to hand them out. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond

Year 5 Weekly Blog 14.7.23- ' Performance art is about joy, about making something so wild that you can't put it into words'

Our last full week of the year! And it has been a fantastic and jam-packed week. We started the week with our clarinet music concert. It was brilliant to see all of the hard work that the children have put in this year - in a showcase to celebrate their efforts. The children were amazing with both their clarinets and their singing. I’m sure you parents though will be glad to see the back of those clarinets…

On Tuesday, the children finally got to test their cooking skills in DT as they made Spaghetti Bolognese. The children definitely looked the part and I hope that all of their creations were as delicious as they looked.

The rest of the week consisted of lots of play practice, ready for the first performance on Monday, where the children will perform in front of the school in the day and then for parents in the evening. The same again will take place on Tuesday. We wrapped up our final English and Maths units this week, with us focusing on bus and school timetables in statistics- luckily they won’t have any problems getting the bus to high school now! In English, we planned and wrote our discussion text- discussing if all children should learn to swim. The children got their wish as we will be turning the classroom into a debate hall as the two teams prepare their arguments. This is the focus of homework this week.

Let’s Celebrate

Charlie for being a co-operative learner: No matter the activity or the group of children you work with, you always strive to be an excellent team player- bringing calmness and love to the group. I have loved watching you play outside as well in different sporting activities as you never let the emotions of the game get the better of you- a role model in this regard.

Leo for being a creative learner: You have provided some excellent reasoning this half term during our discussion texts and arguments. You always develop your points and build on your reasoning (an excellent skill for Year 6).  Thinking outside of the box is not an easy skill but for you it just comes natural. I look forward to see you in our debates next week.

Anncia for being a focused learner: We may be at the very end of the year and lots of children have been getting giddy and losing focus throughout lessons- this is not you. Even having to do maths after play practice all day- you still remain on task and put 100% of your focus and effort into your work.

Virtue Butterflies: Our butterfly this week goes to Georgia for being intentional. Your commitment towards your role in the play has been a joy to see and you have been making good choices all throughout our practice sessions.


  • End of Year Play- Will take place on Monday and Tuesday, starting at 6:30pm for parents. Please can all children arrive at school for 6:10pm. Children can come back to school in the evening in their own clothes and they will get changed in school.

  • Library Books- Any library books that have been taken home from school need to be returned ASAP.

  • End of Year Reports: Have gone home with the children today. Please check your child’s bag if they have not already made you aware.

  • Growing Up Lesson: On Monday, boys and girls in Year 5/6 will be split for separate lessons on ‘growing up’. All children have been given a letter which explains this in further detail. If you have any questions regarding this, then please drop either myself or Mrs Gregan an email.

  • Year 5/6 Sports Day- 3rd time lucky!!! The rescheduled date for our sports day is Tuesday- starting at 1:30pm.

  • End of Term- School will close on Thursday at 2pm for summer.

This week...

This week will be our final learning blog of the year…next week is all about farewells and our Leavers Party. It’s so hard to believe the year is ending!

It has been an exciting week with the children having a visit from the Fire Service and the Grand Opening of the castle on the school field. Watch out for the pictures below!!

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone,

What a fantastic week we have had. We have thoroughly enjoyed playing on the new castle on the school field. It is absolutely wonderful, we love it!

We were also excited to have a visit from the fire brigade. We got to climb up and sit in the fire engine and then we got to spray the hose. Brilliant!

We have had lots of fun practising our running and hopping skills. The nursery ladies couldn’t believe how our physical skills have developed over the last few months. It must be all those PE lessons.

Another skill we have been practising is recognising our letter sounds. We are getting so good at speedy sounds, the nursery ladies can’t keep up with us.

Next week is party day! We have so many party games planned. Its going to be so much fun!

Have a lovely weekend,


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

What another lovely week we have had. We’ve enjoyed the variety of weather and our sunflowers have definitely liked having some rain! We also enjoy running around getting wet!

We used our big butterfly wings to practise our number bonds this week. We placed the gems (we love anything sparkly!) on either side of the butterfly wings and worked out which 2 numbers made up the whole number e.g 3 and 2, 4 and 1 and 5 and 0 to make 5. We swapped the gems around but the total always stayed the same! I could see how much we have grown our thinking brains as the children were coming up with the combinations before we even moved the gems! We have definitely concentrated like Cooper Crab this week!

We also enjoyed being creative this week. We used different materials in the workshop area to make creations to take home (again, lots of sparkles!). Some of us made the link to our minibeast topic and made bug hotels. They look great! Here is an easy bug hotel you could try at home: Click here.

We have continued to enjoy drawing this week. We drew all the people in our family. We had a look back at our drawings from the beginning of the year and we couldn’t believe the difference! We love drawing the people that are special to us. We are great at using describing words to tell our friends what everyone looks like.

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week – I can’t believe it is our last week already! We have such a fun week planned – I can’t wait!


Emma’s blog


What a wonderful week we have all had.  We have been working hard as it’s our last full week in nursery before the summer holidays.

We have made our very own hungry caterpillar by painting different sized pebbles in green for its body and one in red for its head. Barbara asked the children to count to 10 as she wrote numbers on the pebbles. The children were so excited about what they had made.

We have been continuing with our theme of mini beasts and working with numbers. We made caterpillars out of pom poms using different sized lines as our guide. The children came up with some amazing shapes, sizes and patterns whilst working out how many pom poms they would need to complete the caterpillar. We had so much fun.

As the weather has been a little wet recently, the children have noticed that there are more bugs around than there was in the dry, warmer days. They have been asking if they can go on another bug explorers walk. The children got their backpacks on, grabbed their magnifying glasses and off we went. They loved finding and learning about the mini beasts.

I played the children a video about ‘dough disco’. The children had so much fun having a go, listening to the instructions given in the video about different activities to do with the dough to the music. Playing in the dough this way will help to strengthen the children’s hand muscles and helps them to concentrate and follow instructions whilst having fun. I’ll pop the link at the bottom so you can all have a go over the holidays.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. It’s going to be an emotional week next week as I know for some of you it’s your last week in nursery. Get lots of rest this weekend and ready yourselves for lots of fun and games at our beach party!

Dough Disco

Make your own playdough!

1 cup of plain flour

1/2 cup of salt

1 teaspoon of cream of tartare

1 tablespoon of oil

1 cup of water

Food colouring

Put all ingredients into a pan and stir until it resembles playdough!! Enjoy!!

…and a few extras from Justine!

Eco Day

As you know Friday was ‘eco day’ in nursery. We are collecting for new recyling bins for around school. What a splendid day!

We watch a couple of short videos about the recycling centre before playing the recycling game. We had to sort all the objects into the correct bin. You will be able to access the game aand video on your Purple Mash account. If you open ‘Simple City’ you will find the recycling centre there! Good luck!

It’s been a full on week, and great fun! I think the weather this weekend is a bit rainy so snuggle down and watch Wimbledon (if you can)!

Stay safe and God Bless
