Year 5 Homework 14.7.23


  1. variety

  2. vegetable

  3. vehicle

  4. yacht

  5. exaggerate

  6. sufficient

  7. physical

  8. prejudice

  9. awkward

  10. committee

  11. environment

  12. mischievous

    Mrs Mathers group


Debate time

The children have been split into 2 groups and they will have to prepare arguments to put forward for their debate. Children are to come up with reasons for their argument and use research to help support their team. The question is ‘Should homework be banned?’ The groups for this are;

For argument (homework should be banned)

Lily-Mae Rosa

Christian Ruby-Lilly

Emilia Anncia

Nicola Evan

Max Iris

Dominic Leon

Tabby Owen

Against argument (homework shouldn’t be banned)

Stanley Angel

Connor-Sean Leo

Harvey Millie

Daisy Edi

Jay Matilda

Georgia Alex

Molly-Ann Charlie


Year 3 final homework

We have reached the final week in Year 3! Homework this week is more organisational.

Reading books: We kindly ask that school reading books are returned to school at the start of next week. Instead of a school reading book, we ask that each child brings in a book from home that they would enjoy reading.

Plastic bag to take work books home: Please could each child bring a plastic bag in on Tuesday so that they are able to take home their wonderful work books easily.

Optional Computing task: The children were super enthused when solving this weeks tasks. There is one more challenge which I know lots of the children are desperate to complete! I have set this as a 2Do for an optional homework activity.

Year 6 Weekly Blog 'the earth is what we all have in common' so let's look after it!

Happy Green Eco-Day everyone! Thank you for your donations!

It is another busy week next week, with the play. Most of you have ordered and received your tickets now. The show starts at 6:30pm and will be approximately 2 hours long. The children need to arrive at school at 6:10pm, to get changed in to their costumes. They all look fabulous in their outfits, thank you so much for making such effort. Here is a sneaky peak at rehearsals …

This week in class, we have discussed the arguments for and against home-schooling- a topic that was raised in our class novel. Our Maths and Geography has continued. During PE, this week we partnered up with some of our Reception friends, and made a game up for them to develop their fundamental skills. Year 6 loved it and were so lovely with them all.

Our ‘Castle Hodges’ has now been opened and we had a lovely blessing, naming and opening ceremony as a whole school, with who better to cut the ribbon, than our very own Miss Hodges! It is safe to say, the castle is a huge hit amongst all ages and Year 6 are relieved that it has been built just before they have left, as apparently this was their idea in council!

On the last day (Thursday) we thought it would be lovely if the Year 6 parents came to collect your children at the later time of 2:15pm, this gives more time on the playground to say your goodbyes and to take any pictures that you may want to take of their final day at Primary School.

We are all looking forward to the leavers day out next week! It is imperative that all children MUST have a bag with them, containing plenty of fluids, a snack, hat and sun-cream. They may also need a waterproof coat as it is so unpredictable at the minute. They are able to wear their own clothes on this day, however please could we be mindful of the appropriateness of outfits as they are attending mass first. Sensible shoes for walking must also be worn.

Reports have come out today with the children, I hope you enjoy reading and reflecting on them, they have so much to celebrate from their time at Our Lady’s but like everyone, always something to take away and learn from. The most important part of your child’s report, is the one written by us, as their teacher. We celebrate the WHOLE child, not just their performance on one day, so please let this be your focus and not the SAT’s results. SAT’s results are in the pack, so please have a good look at them along with the explanation- the standardised score on reaching expected for all papers was 100. Remember, results from a test never define you as a person, just look at what they have all achieved this year- there is so much to celebrate and be proud of!

Well done to Max and Asher

Wow Max, eyes are drawn to you while you are on stage. Your enthusiasm, confidence and delivery is infectious. Thank you for working so hard on your character, and doing your absolute best on stage! You know every single word of the songs and remember all of the dance moves- we are so impressed!

Asher, you are such a gentleman and an absolute pleasure to work with in the hall, as you push yourself daily out of your comfort zone to give your very best and you are doing amazing! We are so proud of the confidence you are showing! Likewise, in the classroom, you show great independence and focus- what an all rounder! Thank you.

Intentional and Prophetic Butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are intentional in the choices they make, thinking about the impact this has on the world and others around them. We will also be spotting children who are prophetic, who do good deeds and who stand up for that is right. This week we thank Evie for being intentional and prophetic.

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Jack James Jacob M Jacob O

Final Notices:


A letter has gone home today about a grown up talk on Monday, please have a read of this over the weekend and if you have any questions just give me an email.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory performance: Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th July at 6:30pm. Children to arrive at 6:10pm.

Spare school shirts (not to be worn) for signing need to come in to school on Tuesday 18th July and be kept in trays until ready for signing.

Leavers Mass Wednesday 19th July 9:30-10:30am followed by the leavers day outing.

Thursday 20th July- Break up at 2pm.

Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 14th July - What we learn with pleasure we will never forget.

Year 2 Weekly Blog 14th July -

Zoo Trip Monday 17th July
On Monday we will be visiting Blackpool Zoo, children may wear their own clothes but please ensure your child wears comfortable shoes or trainers. We will be doing a lot of walking. The weather forecast isn’t looking great, all children will need to bring a waterproof coat or jacket and a small rucksack to carry their own lunch and drink in. Please ensure your child has had suncream applied before school.

In Geography this week, Bobby Bee visited Kenya. The children used their research and computing skills to make concept maps all about animal that live in Kenya. In computing this half term we have been learning how information can be presented, We’ve looked at Ebooks, quizzes, concept maps and fact files. The children have been confidently using these skills across the curriculum.

This week we finished our class novel - The Folk of the Faraway Tree. The children have loved this book, getting lost in magical lands with Saucepan and Silky! The children have even designed their own magical lands that they would like to see at the top of the tree.

We have come to the end of our Aladdin topic in English, the children have written some fantastic pieces of work - poems, descriptions of magic carpet rides and wonderous caves as well as persuasive pieces.

In Maths we have been been looking at halving numbers, investigating odd and even numbers and writing equations.

On Tuesday Year 1 joined us to practise the Hymns we will be singing at church next week. I was so proud of the super example the children set, we have some fantastic singers in our class.

On Thursday, half of the class visited Ashton Gardens with their year 4 buddies, to try their hand at Crown Green Bowling. We had a great morning, playing games to develop skills need to play bowls.

Eco Day
Thank you for all your kind donations towards our new bins.

Well done to our certificate winners this week!

Emilia, you work hard every week! You consistently show the characteristics of our learning character in all learning opportunities. You are curious and kind, enthusiastic and eager, resilient and responsible. You can be always be relied upon by your friends and by adults in school. You really should be proud of yourself.


Alice - you have been a curious Clara Clownfish this week, asking questions to deepen your understanding. You take an active part in lessons and its lovely to see how excited you get about learning something new. You have been a supportive learning partner and helped your friends get the best out of their learning opportunities too.

This week’s Star Readers are Alana, Bea, Phoebe, Myles and Heath.

Virtues Butterfly - Anna


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday
Zoo trip - Monday 17th July - non uniform, comfy footwear, waterproof jackets and rucksacks please!
Tuesday 18th July - please send a bag in for your child’s belongings - books, wellys, art shirts etc.
Wednesday 19th July - Leaver’s Mass 9.30am
Thursday - school closes at 2pm

Reminder - We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

As the weather gets warmer we’re hoping to spend more time learning outdoors. Please send your child in with a suitable sunhat with their name in it and apply suncream before school. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle into school.

No homework this week, have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Homework 7.7.23

Thank you for your train homework, the children loved sharing them with the class, some forgot to bring their trains in so I said we can share them next week.

Please continue to read regulary at home, or complete some Phonics activites your effort at home has helped the children make great progress.

I am so sorry with all the trips, sports day and transition. I completely forgot about our spelling test. This will done done at some point next week. Thank you for your understanding.

This is our big spelling test with all the words we have learnt so far as there are 23 spellings.

my were says are said

here our house pull love

come put push school where

there friend ask once your

today one be

These are the ongoing IXL challenges:

These activities will help consolidate the skills being taught in maths and improve their fluency.

K.Addition skill builders

  1. Adding 1

  2. Adding 2

  3. Adding 3

  4. Adding 4

  5. Adding 5

  6. Adding 6

  7. Adding 7

  8. Adding 8

  9. Adding 9

  10. Adding 10

  11. Adding 0

L.Addition up to 5

  1. Put together cubes - sums up to 5

  2. Take apart numbers up to 5: words

  3. Add with cubes - sums up to 5

  4. Add with pictures - sums up to 5

  5. Addition sentences up to 5: which model matches?

  6. Addition sentences up to 5: what does the model show?

  7. Take apart numbers up to 5: addition sentences

  8. Add two numbers - sums up to 5

  9. Make a number using addition - sums up to 5

  10. Complete the addition sentence - sums up to 5

  11. Addition word problems with pictures - sums up to 5

  12. Addition word problems - sums up to 5

M.Addition up to 10

  1. Put together cubes - sums up to 10

  2. Take apart numbers up to 10: words

  3. Decompose a number up to 10

  4. Add with cubes - sums up to 10

  5. Add with pictures - sums up to 10

  6. Addition sentences up to 10: which model matches?

  7. Addition sentences up to 10: what does the model show?

  8. Take apart numbers up to 10: addition sentences

  9. Add two numbers - sums up to 10

  10. Make a number using addition - sums up to 10

  11. Complete the addition sentence - sums up to 10

  12. Complete the addition sentence - make 10

  13. Write addition sentences - sums up to 10

  14. Addition word problems with pictures - sums up to 10

  15. Addition word problems - sums up to 10

  16. Add doubles with models

  17. Add doubles

  18. Add doubles: complete the sentence

  19. Add using doubles plus one

  20. Add using doubles minus one

  21. Add three numbers

N.Addition up to 20

  1. Add with pictures - sums up to 20

  2. Addition sentences up to 20: what does the model show?

  3. Add one-digit numbers - sums up to 20

  4. Add any two numbers - sums up to 20

  5. Make a number using addition - sums up to 20

  6. Complete the addition sentence - sums up to 20

  7. Addition word problems - sums up to 20

  8. Related addition facts

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Weekly Blog 7.7.23

What another incredibly busy week! Two school trips, sports day and a transition day. I am so proud of the children, they were brilliant on our school trips and tried their best on sports day. I can’t believe there are only 8 1/2 days left of school!

Today we had our transition into Year 2 the children came back with huge smiles and told me all about their morning. They all have a button and their challenge is to look after it and bring it back to school in September.

Maths: This week we have created our own subtraction number stories, and then used these to fill in their cherry part-part whole diagrams.

English: We have started to write the begining of our story and will continue it next week. Thank you for the amazing train homework,the children loved sharing their trains.

Geography/DT/Science: as part of our topic work we visited Ridgeway farm and went to St Annes farmers market. The children enjoyed both trips and asked wonderful questions. We learnt so much!

Sports Day:

Well done to Marsden who won overall. The children were amazing and enjoyedsports day. It was lovely to see so many grown ups supporting their children, the children loved seeing you. Thank you :)

St Annes Train Trip:

On Tuesday 11th July we are going to look at St Annes Railway station and walk to the front to ride the miniature train and have an ice-cream. This is linked to our English topic Trains. Please wear appropriate clothing for the morning as we will be outside, school uniform or PE kit and a coat, thank you.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees, two Clara Clownfishes for asking wonderful questions on our school trip and linking their learning.

Henry is going home with this person for a brilliant week in school, you have really been focused and were excellent on our school trips well done.

Reading Challenge: Well done to these children who received their certificates, there are so many that are very close, keep up the hard work :).

Green Day Friday 14th July

The Eco council are raising money for new general and recycling bins for the playground. Please bring a pound and wear green.


  • Preparing for the weather: As the weather is improving children are allowed to bring in a sunhat, which can be worn at break times and any sun cream that is brought in must be applied by the child themselves, roll on sun creams are easier to apply. We also ask that no sunglasses are to be brought into the school. Thank you.

  •  Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  • Please can you double check that all items of clothing are labelled.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher


Year 2 Homework Friday 7th July

Getting ready for Year 3 Booklet
Today the children started to work on their year 3 booklets, homework this week is to finish their booklet ready to give to their year 3 teachers.

Keep logging on to numbots - click the image below to go straight to the numbots website.

Click the image below to go straight to the TT Rockstars log in page

Please continue reading at home - 20 minutes daily.

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 14th July
eat must didn’t king everyone school want which cried gone

Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 13th July


  1. shoulder

  2. signature

  3. sincerely

  4. soldier

  5. stomach

  6. sufficient

  7. suggest

  8. symbol

  9. system

  10. temperature

  11. thorough

  12. twelfth

    Mrs Mather’s group

    1. young

    2. watch

    3. white

    4. until

    5. their

    6. they’re


Will be on IXL;

  • H13- Divide 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers.


Our music concert is less than two weeks away (10th July) so it is vital that we are all practicing the songs for this. They are all on charanga saved under the file ‘Music Concert 2022-23’

Year 3 Homework to be handed in 13.7.23

Spellings Revision

adding -ation to verbs






words ending in -ture






Maths IXL

T.Mixed operations

1 Ten more or less

2 Add and subtract 10 - input/output tables

This week we have been focused on finding 10 more or 10 less than a number which crosses over a hundreds boundary. In the coming week it would be helpful if you used moments such as; when in the car or when on a walk if you gave a number (see below) and asked your child to find 10 more or 10 less then the number given.

You could try the following: 10 more / 10 less than… 798, 495, 206, 603 etc


Please complete the task below ready for next week. You might want to make a poster, or use a separate piece of paper, for the research task. If so we will display these in our prayer area in the classroom.

Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 7th July - You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. Dr Seus

Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 7th July - You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. Dr Seus

Another busy week, not only in Year 2 but across the whole school!

Today the children met their new Year 3 teachers…. I am thrilled to tell you that next year I will continue to teach your children alongside Mrs Marshall, supported by Mrs Connelly. We have been such an amazing learning journey together in year 2, as we move into year 3 together I am sure we will continue learn and achieve amazing things. I will be returning to school in September as Mrs Naylor following my wedding over the summer holidays.

On Wednesday afternoon, Year 2 had their final visit of the school year to St Annes Library. Once again the children were exceptionally well behaved and the visit was a great success with every child leaving with a new book to enjoy. The feedback from the children and the library service has been amazing, more children are excited about reading and visits to the library are on the increase. It’s such a lovely building and learning space, if you haven’t visited recently I’d really recommend you do.

The children have continued to impress me with this week with their knowledge of their times tables! Our timetables skills have come in handy this week when we’ve been learning about division. We have also designed our own array cities. We may have a few teachers in the making - the confidence the children have as they come up and demonstrate or explain to their friends is lovely to see.

Finally……Sports Day happened and what a fantastic afternoon it was, thank you to family and friends who came down, supported and cheered on the children. The children we thrilled to see everyone as they came out onto the field, one child even commented that it was ‘like we were famous’ as they walked out to cheers. The children have worked hard practising the events and I am so pleased the sun shone and the afternoon went ahead. We took so many photos! Here’s a few…

Zoo Trip - Monday 17th July
We will be visiting Blackpool Zoo on Monday 17th July, thank you for all the offers of help, we are so lucky to have such a supportive set of parents. Payments for the trip will be live on Parent pay next week, as soon as it is on I will send out a text.

Eco Day - Friday 14th July
Next Friday the children are invited to wear green to school in exchange for £1. Money raised will be used by the Eco Committee to buy new eco bins around the school.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!

Ava, you have worked so hard this week! You have shown me that you are thinking about what you need to do to be ready for Year 3. You are making smart choices and wise decisions, even though you’re excited. I am very impressed. Keep this up and you’ll blow the year 3 teacher’s socks off!


Ellie –Rose it has been lovely to see you working co-operatively with your learning partner this week. I have noticed you being helpful and considerate, finding ways to support your partner whilst always making sure you are completing your work too.

Your friends are lucky to have you as a friend.

This week’s Star Readers are Ava, Ellie-Rose and Myles.

Virtues Butterfly - Fletcher


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday
Zoo trip - Monday 17th July - please note this has changed
Eco Day Friday 14th July - non uniform (wear green)

Reminder -
We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

As the weather gets warmer we’re hoping to spend more time learning outdoors. Please send your child in with a suitable sunhat with their name in it and apply suncream before school. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle into school.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 6 Weekly Blog ‘If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change’.

What a busy week we have had in Year 6. We’ve managed to keep all of our learning going whilst finally finishing our play. Next week we will be running all the way through, making small changes and improving what we have done. There are still some children not fully familiar with their lines, please spend time this weekend going over their parts, making sure they know all their lines off by heart with the right expression. They have had their scripts for 5 weeks now and there is only one week to go! Most have booked tickets now, so these will also be sent out some time next week. Most costumes are not put together, could I please ask that anything they need to bring from home is brought in to school for Monday? Thank you.

This week we have continued our learning in Geography, where we have looked at countries, cities and towns that make up the UK. In Science, we finished our learning around fossils and classified living things. Our transition learning continues, this week our focus has been on whether we have a fixed or growth mindset and what we can do to change our attitude. On top of this transition preparation, all children have now been for a visit to their new high school and all have come back positive, looking forward to their new chapter, with of course some nerves. We have spoken in class about these feelings and how we need to share them with the people around us. We will of course, be discussing this in more detail over the next two weeks.

Our final DT groups completed their ‘Come Dine With Me’ experience and I have to say the desserts looked delicious. Here is a few pictures over the last few weeks, you can see just how much they have enjoyed this …

Leavers Day

As we approach the final two weeks of the school year, the celebration of our Year 6 children is at the forefront of our minds. Over the past 7 years, the children have grown into young people who are ready to fly. Young people who know how to be the change that they want to see in the world. They could not have achieved this without the love and support that they received from their school community, and more importantly, their family. For this we thank you.

On Wednesday 19th July, the whole school community will come together at the Leavers Mass to celebrate the class and Miss Hodges, who is sadly retiring in summer. This will take place at 9.30am in church.

Following the mass, the children will set off on their day of celebration. They will be walking down, along the beach, to Fairhaven Adventure Golf and Adventure Playground, where we will stay and have lunch and games for the afternoon. We will then head back to school for the end of the day.

There is just a small charge of £5 for the day, we will subsidize the rest and this will be on parent pay on Monday.

Next week we will finalise arrangements and what your children need to wear and bring with them on the day.

Well done to Grace and Saul

Grace, you are such a calming influence on our class. Your little acts of kindness and consideration goes a long way, as you discreetly help those around you. You are always a cooperative learning partner, that supports and encourages others- thank you.

Saul what a pleasure you are to teach! You are working hard independently in class but most of all we love your positive attitude and fantastic sense of humour, so thank you for making us laugh daily! 

Intentional and Prophetic Butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are intentional in the choices they make, thinking about the impact this has on the world and others around them. We will also be spotting children who are prophetic, who do good deeds and who stand up for that is right. This week we thank Max for being intentional and prophetic.

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Jessica Stephanie Mason India

Final Notices:

‘Green Day’ on Friday 14th July- please bring a pound and wear green to help the Eco council raise money for new general and recycling bins- thank you!

Please can costumes start to come in next week.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory performance: Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th July at 6:30pm.

This week...

Yet another busy week. On Friday after assembly some of the children were collected by Mrs Hartley and the Reception and went for a play session in the Reception classroom. They had the most brilliant time, I don’t think they wanted to come back to nursery!!!!

Take a look at these fabulous photos.

Click here to watch The Colour Monster goes to school!

Emma’s blog


We have had a fabulous week!  We had some exciting news over the weekend, all our butterflies have broken out of their cocoons and we now have five beautiful Painted Lady butterflies. They were happily stretching their wings and flying around their enclosure. Everyone was excited to release them, we all said our good-byes and then released them into the garden and beyond! The children and the nursery ladies have really enjoyed looking after our caterpillars and watching them go through their metamorphosis (this is one of our ‘wow’ words).

As a celebration for our butterflies, the children wanted to make their own butterfly wings so they could wear them around nursery. They created some fantastic symmetrical designs.

Some of the children have wanted to learn more about bees so we watched an information video all about them. We learnt some really interesting facts! Did you know that bees can’t see the colour red? Did you know there are more than 20,000 species of bees around the world? Myself and the children found this really interesting and exciting.

During the week we have had great fun turning rocks into mini beasts using different colour paint and googley eyes. The children have made their own version of beetles, ladybirds and many more. Keep a look out at home, you may find one coming to stay with you!

We have worked out brains so much this week but I have squeezed in a bug game about quantities for you to play at home. Click here.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Michelle’s blog

This week we have been super busy. We have taken part in lots of activities to practise our listening skills. One of our favourites is a game called Wonkey Donkey where the children have to pull a donkey’s tail (not a real donkey!) and say ‘Wonkey Donkey’ . They then have to guess who had pulled their tail. This was tricky but we all concentrated like Cooper Crab and tried to identify our friends by their voices.

Another of our favourite games is the whispering game which we often play at snack time. This is a really good game to play at home. You have to whisper a word or phrase to the person next to you and they pass it on until the last person. This makes us laugh as we don’t always get it right!

In worship this week we have remembered that God loves us all the same and that we should be kind to everyone, and be more like Jesus. Our nursery has been full, full, full of kindness as the children have all shown how to be a good friend.

We finally got to release our butterflies in to the wild this week, though didn’t seem to want to fly away, they followed us back to nursery. We have really enjoyed learning about minibeasts, especially the life cycles of different animals and creatures. The children have said they would like to find out about slugs next week, so we will be off on a slug hunt to see if we can find any.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

What another lovely week learning about mini beasts. We left on Friday having 3 butterflies and came in on Monday to 5! They were so beautiful! We would have loved to keep them but we needed to set them free so they had space to fly and leaves to lay their eggs on. We took them down to the field and let them fly out of the net. Some of them were a bit wary to go and landed on our feet and hands! One even tried to follow us back to Nursery. We keep looking out for them in our garden!

We have worked hard this week measuring objects. We used the mini beasts in our bug research lab and could choose to use a ruler or the number blocks to work out which bugs were the biggest. We concentrated like ‘Cooper Crab’ and looked at the number on the ruler or counted the number of blocks. Some of the children then went on to measure other things such as pens, pencils and even each other! Our mathematical language is brilliant – tallest, smallest, taller, smaller.

We worked together to make a big craft picture on Thursday. We placed a big piece of paper on the floor and all sat round it to get creative. The children loved to choose different colours and textures to stick down. Now we just need to decide which bug to make it into! I think it might end up being a butterfly…!

To finish the week we loved dressing up as a beautiful butterfly, flying around the garden! Here is a video we have watched if you’d like to watch at home. Can your child remember all the bugs we have spoken about Nursery? Click here

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week.


and just a few from Justine!

Green Day

Next Friday it is going to be Green Day in school. Everyone is invited to wear green for the day and pay £1. All the proceeds will go towards buying new bins for the outside environments around school. We must look after our PLANET EARTH!

If your child’s day is not a Friday don’t worry bring £1 and wear green on another day!!!!

Leavers party

Wednesday 19th July 2-3.30pm

Keep a look out for the party invitation in your childs school bag! It is going to be a beach party with lots of dancing, games and of course lots of water!!!!. Come wearing shorts and t-shirts.

We would also like to ask if your child can bring a plate of party food!!!

I think that’s all I need to share with you this week, but I can’t help but think I have forgotten something!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and I will see you on Monday.

God Bless


Year 5 Weekly Blog 7.7.23- ' Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances'

Just 9 school days left now and yet there is still so much to come! It was a big week for the children as they had their transition into their new classroom for Year 6. With transition day taking place this morning, Year 5 secretly had their transition morning on Tuesday as Mrs Harrision, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker introduced the life of Year 6. The children were full of excitement and were bursting with questions to ask their new teacher.

Our week has been taken over with lots of sessions in the hall- practicing for the Year 6 end of year play. The children have just thrown themselves into their roles and have loved taking part in such a big play. With the first performance taking place on Monday 17th July, I am really looking forward to see what the children can do on the big stage.

Learning is still flowing inside the classroom, with more debates and discussions taking place in English. We have had a look at what grammar skills are often found in these texts and have been practicing these so that the children will be comfortable using them in their own writing. Statistics have continued in Maths, with us looking at how information in tables is displayed and how we can interpret these. The children have found this interesting as we have looked at some real life statistics such as train stations and population across countries of the world.

In DT, the class have made their final preparations for their cooking lesson this upcoming Tuesday. The children have all gone home with their ingredients list- giving them enough time to prepare these and to bring into school next week. In History, we have been looking into what made Baghdad so special during the golden age. The children compared houses and trade routes from the UK and Baghdad and how they became so powerful.

Let’s Celebrate

Georgia for being a co-operative learner: You have been working really well in maths alongside your learning partner by bouncing your ideas off each other and contributing to group tasks. You are getting more and more confident with your maths and sometimes you just need someone to reason with and to discuss your thinking. Keep it up!

Daisy for being an enthusiastic learner: I can tell that you have loved your learning this year, simply because you are always on task. Straight away you’re getting your book, sat straight down and on with the learning. You understand that really focused tasks require the most attention and you also love taking part in group activities in our foundation subjects. Well done!

Betsy for being a focused learner: Managing distractions can be very hard to maintain across an entire school year but you have been able to do this. You don’t let others, who are not focused, to distract your learning- giving you the best chance to progress. This super focus will be important next year so keep this up.

Virtue Butterflies: Our butterfly this week goes to Leon. Your lovely comment towards Miss Nevis really made her day and cheered her up after a long busy day. You didn’t have to make that comment and nobody told you to but yet you went out of your way to say something positive to her.


  • Sports Day for Year 5/6: The rescheduled date will be on Wednesday 12th July at 1:30pm.

  • Clarinet Concert: Will take place on Monday 10th July and parents are invited into school to watch and will now start at 2:30pm. All children need to bring their clarinets in on Monday.

  • End of Year Play: Year 5 will take part in the Year 6 end of year play which will be held on Monday 17th July and Tuesday 18th July- both starting at 6:30pm. Information about tickets are on the ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ blog on the Year 5 page.

  • Eco-Day: On Friday( 14th July), we will be a fundrasing day to raise money for the eco-council. The children can bring a pound in to wear any green own clothes that they have. The money is to replace all of the bins around school- which have been there for over 10 years.

  • Thursday 20th July-Is when we break up for the summer holidays at 2pm.