School Photographs

On Monday 30th October, a photographer will be in school taking the annual photographs of the children. Those nursery children who are in on a Monday will be included in these during the school day.

If your child is not in nursery on a Monday, but you would still like them to have a photograph taken, please bring them into the school hall between 8.30am and 8.45am. The children will be able to have their individual photos.

“I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart.” – Vincent van Gogh

The artists in year 2 have explored and experimented different ways of drawing texture using different media one of these was charcoal, messy but amazing results, the children loved it. Then we looked at how our facial expression shows how we feel the most important parts are you’re eyebrows and your mouth, having that in consideration we created our own emojis and there were some extraordinary expressions! Following this we have created our own book and made up our own story and characters, this was so fun and the artists/illustrators have created some beautiful books.

"Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.” – Pablo Picasso

In year 6 this term we looked at Ancient Maya to modern-day street art, children look at how artists convey a message through art, we explored how imagery, symbols can be. we have learnt the technique ‘chiaroscuro’ and where is comes from (Italian - chiaro= light scuro=dark).

Artists considered audience and impact to create powerful drawings to make their voices heard and were commissioned(with sweets) by me tp create a piece of art work using all techniques learnt through out this module and to send a message to others of something that they’re passionate about.

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for.” – Georgia O’Keeffe

Artists in year 3 were very busy and have leant so much about how artists see when they draw or paint-shapes. Everything around us is mainly made our of a shape or to be easier to put tin to paper they can use shapes. Year 3 looked at how we can create tone in drawings by shading and how we can hold our pencil in a different way from writing/detail (pencil grip)and how texture can be created and added to create art, we use the technique called frottage which is taking a rubbing from textured surfaces to form the basis of a work of art. The term frottage was created by the artist Max Ernst. We did botanical drawing and have explored different parts of flowers and did some closed up sketches, following this we created our own flower collage ( has Henry Matisse once said": “ drawing with scissors”) experimenting the difference between rip and tear in this artwork. We have inspired a lesson by Georgia O'Keeffe and did some abstract paintings of zoomed up flowers using watercolours and adding detail with fine liners, this was a very successful technique.

“Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.” – Leonardo da Vinci

Artists in year 1 this term , have been very busy learning about mark making and different types of lines and how to use them in their creations.

We experimented with a range of mark-making techniques, responding to music. We experimented different mediums and did observational drawing using all types of lines, starting black and white to a final piece in oil pastels, these were incredible successful.

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” – Vincent Van Gogh

In year 4 the artists have learnt how to create a 3D drawing by adding tone, we explored proportion and tone when drawing. We did a “drawing with scissors” , by collaging random imagery into an abstract design, we then used that design on an abstract wax resist drawing, we coloured a pattern with wax crayons and painted over in black(paint + washing up liquid) after drying we scratched the paint creating contrast revealing the crayons from underneath. This was so much fun! We have then created amazing abstract prints on fabric.

Year 6 Weekly Blog ‘Autumn tells is the season that teaches us that change can be beautiful’

I can’t believe we have come to the end of our first half term in Year 6! It has gone by so quick, but what a start Year 6 have made. They have all grown so much in the last few weeks, developing their independence and reflecting on the areas they know they need to wok on- we couldn’t be more prouder of them. Make sure they get lots of rest this short break, so that they are ready and raring to go for another busy, run-up to Christmas. It has been so lovely to talk to you all at the parent’s meetings, celebrating the successes of each one of them.

Read more

Year 5 Homework for half term


  1. fasten

  2. listen

  3. glisten

  4. soften

  5. castle

  6. rustle

  7. hustle

  8. bustle

  9. jostle

  10. whistle


Lots of time for reading over half term so I am expecting lots of children ready to quiz when we get back. Aim for at least 20 minutes a day.

Assembly practice

Everyone has been given their script and the whole class have had a rundown of what the assembly is out. The key at the top of the script page will indicate what colour tie you are to wear. Please can you bring your coloured tie in when back in school. Tips for helping to practice for assemblies;

  • Highlight your lines in the script.

  • Make a note of who you’re speaking after and the last word of their line.

  • Focus on expression and how you want to say your lines.


Any child who did not complete last weeks IXL homework then please get this finished over half term. The homework’s were

Maths- A5

English- CC7

Art is a line around your thoughts.” – Gustav Klimt

This term year 5, have being doing their DT unit (Mechanical systems) the have designed and created amazing pop up books, inspired in their history lesson and each have chosen their favorite ancient Greek for their books.

Year 5 Weekly Blog 18.10.23- ' Sometimes making progress means taking rest days'

And just like that, the first half term of the year is upon us. The children have settled into life in Year 5 fantastically and they deserve to rest and recuperate during half term. The next half term is set to be a busy one with our class assembly, starting our first science and geography units and also Christmas!

In our DT unit, the children have been making mechanical books and today they finally got the chance to go into Year 2 (our buddy class) and share/read these books to their partners. These photos are available on Year 2’s weekly blog.

Try and use materials that are waterproof so that they will survive our harsh winter weather conditions.


  • Parents Day- Is this Friday and will be online via ‘School Cloud’ (same as last year). If you haven’t already, please book an appointment via Mrs Gregans weekly newspaper.

  • Choir- Will be starting again after half term, the first session is on the first day back. If you are interested, then please sign the form [engage-> choir-> choir 2023]

  • Homework- Please check the homework blog for children to complete over half term.

Year 1 Homework 18.10.23

Assembly (ongoing)

We have enjoyed watching the assemblies this half term, ours will be on Thursday 16th November. I asked the children what they would like their assembly to be about and they said Mary Seacole. We have loved learning about her and are excited to share our knowledge with the whole school. I have sent home lines for you to practise over the holidays, I have highlighted their part and put the line before so they know when it will be their turn to speak.

Please can you also practise the song ‘He’s got the Whole World in his Hands’ we have been singing this in class with actions and I will put a link below to practise at home:


I have put some extra books in for you to read over the holidays. We have worked so hard this half term with our reading so please read as much as you can over the holidays to maintain this wonderful progress.

Purple Mash

Please continue to practise logging on and off Purple Mash.

Optional homework

It would be lovely to hear about your half term holidays to share during snack and chat, so please draw some pictures, write a few sentences or stick pictures (or email to me) in your homework books.

Mrs Gregan’s half term challenge

Thank you for all of your support this half term.

Have a lovely half term break, the children have worked incredibly hard this half term so deserve a good rest.

Miss Drummond

Year 2 weekly blog 18.10.23 - "Every star shines a little differently. That's what make each one so special."

And so we reach the end of our first half term together… goodness me the time has flown and so much fantastic learning has already been achieved! We have settled into our classroom routines, performed a wonderful assembly, taken part in our first enrichment afternoon, carried out many exciting experiments in Science… the list goes on!

This week we have listened to the word of God and discovered some of the special people that God chose in His mission to help our world. The children have worked in small groups to create short pieces of drama to retell the story of Moses, and have written their own versions of when God chose Abraham.

Magic moments this week


  • Today marks the beginning of the children’s half term holiday. We return back on Monday 30th October. We cannot wait to hear about what you have been up to during your time off!

  • Parents meetings - Please remember that these meetings are this Friday via ‘School Cloud’ each meeting is 10 minutes long.

  • When we come back we really need those winter warmers in school as the days become colder still.

  • PE remains on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Full PE kits needed on these days.