Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 14th November


Can you put the speech in speech marks into writing? Remember to use speech marks and I’m challenging you not to use ‘said’!


In French we have been learing the colours - Can you colour the paint pots the correct colours?


This week the children learned that Stone Age people recorded their lives in Cave Paintings. The children have been challenged to create their own cave painting artwork to display in cloakroom area. Be creative! We can’t wait to see your creations.


TT Rockstars 20 minutes over the week.

IXL A .Counting and number patterns

1 Skip-counting by 2, 5 and 10

2 Skip-counting by 4


Prefix ‘anti’
anticlockwise antiseptic antisocial antifreeze antibiotic anticlimax antidote antivirus antibody antifungal

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 20th November

Curriculum Evening and PJ Day

Curriculum Evening

This Thursday, 16th November, is our annual CURRICULUM EVENING. School will be open from 5.30pm-7.00pm for you to take part in lots of tasks and challenges, showcasing what your child will learn as they journey through school. This year the focus is on the wider curriculum. What opportunities will your children have beyond the core subjects learn? Each subject leader will be setting up lots of activities for you to try alongside your child. Some of our Year 6 leaders will also be on hand to answer any questions that you might have.

We hope that you will be able to join us - we are looking forward to showing you how we learn.

PJ Day for Brian House

This Friday, 17th November, is our annual pj day in school. Brian House are our local children’s hospice, and having visited them with pupils before, I know just how much they need our support. For £1, the children can come into Nursery in suitable pjs and dressing gowns for the day - bringing a teddy if they wish. Trainers must be worn, not slippers, as the children will be heading out in the garden to play at times.


Year 2 Homework to be handed in on Monday 20th November

WOW! The puppets were fantastic we have played with them in class learning the partner of a traditional tales and how it repeats itself!


It is that time of year when parts are given out and rehearsals for the Nativity begin!!! Every child in class has been given a script. We have chatted about making your part the very best it can be. Year 2 are on stage/side stage all the time so they will be contributing fully- we have a lot to learn. On the front of the script is your child’s name and their part. Please make learning these lines over the next few weeks a priority when it comes to homework. Please practice saying the lines before and after so they understand the scene. Once they have the line practice saying it from the top of the stairs - projecting your voice!


We have looked carefully at adjectives ending in y over the past two weeks. It is important to remember how the root word is spelt before adding the y! This week we have looked at a special focus Homophones. We have explored how these words sound the same but they are spelt differently and mean two different things! TRICKY! Can you write a short sentence with the word in.

see and sea

son and sun

blew and blue

knight and night

saw and sore


More numbers to 100 - please complete IXL B3 B6

Thank you - have fun!

Year 1 Homework 11.11.23


Please can you continue to practise the lines at home, continuing to focus on using a loud, clear voice.


Please keep reading at home books have been changed today. Please can you ensure that your child’s reading folder comes in to school every day. As we aim to listen to all children read to an adult at least once a week and change their books.

Purple Mash

Please continue to practise logging on and off Purple Mash.


Our first spelling test will be on Friday, please practise these at home:

I to no go

the she he we me

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond

Year 5 Weekly Blog 10.11.23- 'Be a rainbow in someone's cloud'

Another action packed week in Year 5 with most of the week focusing around our assembly. The children were fantastic throughout the preparation and the performance- displaying the importance of being equal and speaking up for what is right. 5 lucky members of our class had the afternoon out and Tuesday to represent the school in the Fylde Football Competition. The boys did really well, winning 2 out of their 3 group games to qualify for the FA cup round robin. The boys unfortunately didn’t win this group based cup but I am looking forward to watching them develop and improve when it comes around again next year.

We ended the week with our first eco trip of the year which was bulb planting down at Hope Park. Surprisingly, the weather was on our side and the sun was shining as we dug, planted and stomped our way down the park. Thank you to the Fylde Rangers for hosting the activity and for allowing us to help. They would like to share the photos from today on their website so if anyone does not consent to these photos going on their website then can you please let me know.

Due to lots of time out of class for assembly practice, Mrs Mather took on a whole class DT lesson, focusing on building bridge structures using every day objects.

In Science, focusing on our topic of forces, we have been measuring both the mass and weight of different objects- using a newton meter to measure the force of gravity pulling the object down.

In Maths, we have still been continuing with decimals up to hundredths but in preparation for our big multiplication topic in spring, every maths lesson will consist of a mini multiplication check to get the children’s brains ticking. This week, we have played some speedy fluency games and we have explored square numbers.

We finally got to start our outdoor PE topic this half term which is netball. The children have been able to apply some of their passing skills from other sports and apply these into our netball drills. We are hoping that the weather holds off on Wednesday afternoons so we can continue this unit!

Let’s Celebrate

  • Faye for being a reflective learner- Whenever a serious convocation or topic is covered from a teacher- weather it is during RHE, class council or an incident has occurred- you are so reflective. Although you are never involved in any wrongdoings, you listen to advice precisely and hang onto your teachers word. You’re not just a role model when it comes to your learning but also in the personal choices you make and what type of person you want to be.

  • Ella for being a focused learner - Changing seats in class and having different learning partners can often cause distractions. However, you have kept being super focused during all of our lessons this week. You have worked alongside your new learning partners excellently and have contributed to lots of class discussions.

  • Ben for being faith filled- Although you have made some wrong choices this week, you have been honest when making these and have always admitted your wrong doings. It has been your application to our assembly that has shown you are faith-filled. Your commitment to learning our class prayer and the way you delivered this was fantastic.


  • Our Lady’s Bake Off- Will take place on Friday 8th December. £3 entry fee (money goes to Brian House) and you can enter as an individual or as a family. Bakes have to be festive themed and should not contain any nut products if possible.

  • Michael’s Coat- Could we have a check a home to see if anyone has a spare long navy coat with a fluffy hood. The name inside the coat says ‘Kato.R’

  • Travelling Nativity- As it is 30 school days away from the Christmas holidays, every night a child will be sent home with a nativity set. Inside the bag, there is a list of the items included. Please could you take the time to share a moment of prayer and liturgy with your child and capture this on the camera in the bag. A text will go out each night to let you know if your child has been chosen to take the bag home.

  • Dance Festival- Takes place this Monday. All information about this is available on the sports page.

  • Curriculum Evening- Will take on Thursday 16th November 5:30pm-7:00pm. We are focusing on the wider curriculum and having a look into how subjects progress throughout the school. It would if you could come along and experience this.

  • PJ Day- Will take place on Friday 17th November. Children are to bring £1 in to raise money for Brian House and they can wear their pajamas for the day. The children can bring in one teddy from home- as long as it is reasonable size.

  • PE on Monday- Due to lots of children and members of staff being out for the dance festival, Year 5 and 6 will be joining forces for a joint PE lesson on Monday afternoon. Therefore, the children will need to be in their PE kits on Monday.

This week....

A very reflective week at nursery. We have been remembering all the servicemen and women who keep our country safe, and also those who lost their lives or were injured in conflicts over the years. We all watched a short video to help us understand. Click here to watch. Everyone thought that if we were more like Jesus there would be no more fighting. They are quite right.

You will be so impressed at all the different ways we have made remembering poppies. Take a look at our displays.

As we normally do we visited the chapel and were amazed to see hundreds of poppies cascading down from the chapel roof to the garden. We all thought it looked wonderful and made us think hard about the significance of Remembrance Day.

Thank you to everyone who sent in donations towards the Poppy Appeal.

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog. We have had a very busy week learning about Remembrance Day. We watched a short video that helped us to understand that poppies help us to remember those affected by war. We then got very creative and made poppies in lots of different ways, printing using potatoes, collage using flower petals and using ICT on the interactive white board.

We also explored mixing colours with shaving foam and paint, experimenting with different colours as we remembered the fireworks we saw on Bonfire night.

A really important skill that we all need to learn is how to listen. Playing listening games is a really good way of developing the skills needed to learn to read and write. This week we played a game where we had to listen and follow the sequence. It got harder and harder but we concentrated like Cooper Crab and had a go like Tommy Turtle. Here is the game if you would like to have a go at home. Click here

We have continued this week to learn our letter sounds. We have learnt to recognise a, s, m, t and d. We are working really hard to write these letters too. Please look on Purple Mash for some phonic activities to do at home. Everyone should have received their log in details in a brown envelope a few weeks ago. Please do let us know if you need a reminder.

Please do read Emma’s blog too, as we both take lots of photos and do activities with all the children, not just our key group.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week


Emma’s blog

Hello everyone. We have had a wonderful week of learning and with the weather being not so great we still continue to have lots of fun.

As Remembrance Day is this Sunday, the children have been learning about why we wear poppy's. We have watched a beautiful animated film about how some small animals experienced the effects of the fighting during World War One on the battle field. We then made our own poppy's using rose petals. We went to visit the Chapel and the children were very excited to see the school children's poppy's cascading from the top of the Chapel down to the ground. When we were in Chapel, we said a prayer about Remembrance Day and sang some hymns. 

We continue our thread, learning about colour. We had some fun mixing different coloured paints with shaving foam on the table. At first, the children used one finger to make a new colour and by the end of the activity they were mixing with both hands, making different marks all over the table. We made a beautiful peach colour using all the colours we had started with. Some of the children practised their mark making by writing the sounds we have learnt or numbers, some made firework marks. The children (and grown ups) had so much fun getting messy. 

We have also been strengthening our hands by squeezing and squashing clay and by screwing and unscrewing nuts and bolts. This will help the children's fine motor muscles develop and help their pencil grip and in turn their mark making skills. The children especially enjoyed playing with the clay and making some funny people and animals. 

Please see the below link to a fine motor dance and freeze game. Enjoy building your muscles in your hands! Click here.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and let's all keep our fingers crossed for a little sunshine. 


Watch Geraldine the giraffe find out about m,a,s,d,t!

m - click here

a - click here

s - click here

d - click here

t - click here

We have also been identifying these sounds using the Alphablocks song. Click here to see if you can spot them at home! Click here.

Don’t forget to use your sound mat to help you practise writing these sounds at home…good luck!

The Our Lady Christmas Bake Off!

Click on the button and get involved! It is going to be so much fun!!!!

Travelling Nativity

Our Travelling Nativity has started it journey visiting your homes. It is yours to keep for one sleep and then you must return it to nursery. Please make sure that it is complete ready for another friend to enjoy.

You will find instructions and a camera in the sack so that you can share photos of you enjoying the birth of Christ at home. We will download them each day on the return of the sack.


This year the Foundation Stage Nativity is as follows.

Dress rehearsal for the whole school 5th December. If you would like your child to be on the DVD you MUST attend this performance.

Parents performances will be on the 6th and 7th December. These are a ticket only events, with an allocation of 4 tickets per family over the two performances. Letters to purchase your tickets have gone out this week…check your child’s bag.

All children should be in nursery no later than 8.45 am on each performance day. If it is not your childs usual session could you please collect them promptly at the end of the play (at the nursery gate).

If your child requires a costume for their part in the play you will have received an email from the office this week, otherwise you can assume that there is an outfit available here.

We will need all additional costumes in as soon as possible please. If you are struggling to find any item just drop me an email.

If I can just mention two small things; after many decades of Nativity experience I find that sometimes three performances are a big ask for nursery children. It may be an idea to attend the dress rehearsal and one other performance (if possible, I understand that it will not be possible for all our children). Also another top tip, it is wise to sit where you can see your child but they cannot see you, as this often unsettle them and then they will not take part.

Finally, have the most splendid weekend and I will see you all on Monday.

God Bless


Year 5 Homework- Due 16th November


The focus for this weeks spellings are words ending in -ibly and -ably.

  1. understandably

  2. sensibly

  3. comfortably

  4. incredibly

  5. considerably

  6. terribly

  7. miserably

  8. possibly

  9. suitably

  10. horribly

Science- Gravity

In our forces topic, we have been looking at gravity and have experimented with measuring the force of gravity (weight). In the experiment, we were measuring the mass of objects (using a weighing scale) and also the force of gravity of the object (using a forcemeter).

Their 2 tasks for this week are;

1) Find 10 fun facts about gravity- design this into a poster or fact file in your homework books.

2) Measure the mass of 5 objects in your house using a weighing scale. Then using our conversion rate, calculate the force of gravity for that object.

100g (mass) = 1N(force of gravity)

1kg = 1000g


In our maths lessons, we will be doing 10/15 minutes of multiplication fluency at the start of every lesson to make sure that our times tables are mastered before starting our big multiplication topic after Christmas. This will be on IXL;

  • D7- Multiplication facts up to 12

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 10.11.23

English - Grammar- Please complete the sheet on adverbs.

SPELLING: this week we are focusing on doubling consonants. Once you have practised there is also a Purple Mash quiz set for you to test yourself at home. I have also set a 2Do on Purple Mash, where you will find some downlaodable flash cards, that may help you if you want to print them off:

Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group

line little live mean Most much


Let’s practice our arithmetic skills with short quiz!

HISTORY: The six wives of Henry VIII.

You have two weeks to complete this, as we are expecting depth and quality (no copy and pasting).

Henry VIII was a significant monarch in British History, but what can you find out about his 6 wives?

Gather as much information as you can about the wives and what happened to them. You can show your research in any way, in your books, on purple mash or on a piece of paper.

What was their date of birth and death?

How old were they when they came to the throne as Henry’s wife?

Did they have any children?

What was their influence on Henry?

Year 6 Weekly Blog 'Lest we forget'

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. This week is always a poignant week as we stop and remember all of those fallen victims of war and conflict. On Thursday we put aside some time to reflect and contemplated as we looked upon our beautiful display of poppies coming down our chapel, sharing prayers for everyone who has been affected by war and conflict around the world.

The week has flown by and we have done so much exciting and challenging learning. We have read more of our class novel this week, explored how to make a successful circuit and experimented whether mateirals were conductors of insulators through our human circuit- it was all very exciting! In RE we have started our Justice topic, where we reflected on the meaning of this word and firstly what it means.

Our Mathematics this week has been on fire and we are no unstoppable at ‘shifting the difference’ to make our subtractions easier and more efficient and using our reasoning skills to tackle problems.Very impressive!

Here are a few of our magic moments…


This week, we have completed our 5th and final Kidsafe lesson, before our recap in summer term, about hearing parents/carers arguing. Please click the button below to find out more detail about this lesson.

As you are all probably aware, we have changed our first said system in school now, so that if your child has recieved a bump to the head/ or has had a bad graze then you will recieve a standard text mesage from school, as well as the letter. PLEASE do not be alarmed by this, this is just protocol, as we realise often letters get misplaced or do not always emerge from bags until the end of the week and we want to let you know. Letter do not need to be sent back now with a response. Thank you.

Leading Learners

Well done to Edi and Connor-Sean this week.

Connor-Sean, you are a delight to teach as you ALWAYS work so hard and do your best in any task we give you. You notice when others need help and are always first to offer your services. You have great resilience, and never give up on any tricky areas. You really brighten up our day!

Edi you are so focused and engaged during lessons, which is then reflected in your work. Your determintion to be the best you can be is clear to see. We love teaching you- what a star!!!!

Helpers in the mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Edi Harvey Lily-Mae Matilda


On Tuesday 14th November we are going on our Samlesbury Hall trip. Please make sure you pack your coats and packed lunches (unless you have ordered a school one). Can you also make sure you have paid on Parent Pay and filled in the following form:

16th November 5:30pm- Curriculum Evening. Please come along and learn with us. We love as many of the Year 6’s there to help as possible. If you haven’t already, please let us know whether your child can come along and help:

Art Next week- please can all children bring in a shoe box or a similar size box to their art lesson next Friday.

Borwick Hall residential payment is now live on ParentPay for those that wish to make smaller payments more frequently instead of a lump sum nearer the time.

18th November- please come to school in your PJ’s and bring a ‘furry friend’ to school- we just ask that you bring £1 with you to raise money for Brian House.

A huge plea- please could you check that a navy coat with a fury hood, and with the name ‘Cato R’ has not been broguht home by mistake.

Wednesday 22nd November - Flu Vaccinations = a reminder below of earlier posts incase you have not already stated consent or no consent:

This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of flu. There may be rebound in flu levels this coming winter following low levels in the past 2 years as a result of COVID-19 restrictions.

Online Consent form: Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School

  • Please use the following link to access the online consent form:

  • Please quote the code for our school : BP119627

Please complete for both consent and no consent giving reasons

The Our Lady Christmas Bake Off!

See our poster and get involved! It is going to be so much fun!!!!

Travelling Nativity

Our Travelling Nativity has started it journey visiting your homes. It is yours to keep for one night only (unless you get it on a Friday) and then you must return it to Year 6. Please make sure that it is completely ready for another friend to enjoy the next day.

You will find instructions and a camera in the sack so that you can share photos of you enjoying the birth of Christ at home. We will download them each day on the return of the sack.

Have a lovely weekend all of you,

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Barker and Mrs Webster