Thank you for those who have brought in envelopes. Please could you bring in a stamped envelope with your child’s name and address on. As part of our Geography and RE topic we are learning all about our addresses and making a Christmas card to send to another child in our class. We will be sending these out next week, unfortunately if you don’t bring in an envelope we will be unable to post the card. Thank you.
Due to practising the Nativity we didn’t get chance to have our spelling test, please can you continue to practise these spellings:
that there they
some come this
The children will have their spelling test on Friday.
Maths IXL:
We have been focussing on numbers up to 10. Please have a go at some of these challenges. This is ongoing.
C.Numbers and counting up to 10
1. Identify numbers - up to 10
2. Learn to count to 10
3. Count to 10
4. Count using stickers - up to 10
5. Count cubes - up to 10
6. Show numbers with cubes - up to 10
7. Count on ten frames - up to 10
8. Show numbers on ten frames - up to 10
9. Represent numbers - up to 10
10. One more with pictures - up to 10
11. One more on frames - up to 10
12. One more - up to 10
13. One less with pictures - up to 10
14. One less on frames - up to 10
15. One more and one less with pictures - up to 10
16. One more and one less on frames - up to 10
17.Count up and down - up to 10
18. Count to fill a ten frame
19. Tally marks - up to 10
20. Number lines - up to 10
21. Before, after and between - up to 10
22.Count forward and backward - up to 10
23.Convert from words to digits - up to 10
24. Convert from digits to words - up to 10
25.Write digits given words - up to 10
26. Write words given digits - up to 10
27. Complete a sequence - up to 10
28. Ordinal numbers - up to tenth
All books have been changed unfortunately due to Nativities and our practise we haven’t been able to listen to many readers this week.
Thank you
Miss Drummond