Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 8th September 2021

This is your home learning tasks for this week. It is due in next Tuesday.

Decorate your homework book.

I like to learn more about you. Make your homework book interesting. Please ensure that your name is clearly visible.


This week in class, we started to have a look at Barnam. He was a big clue as to what our new novel is about. But what can you find out about him?

I have set you a TO DO on Purple Mash. What can you find out about him, especially his link to the circus?

Think about the standard and content of your work - I can’t wait to see what you produce.

Class Councilor

Do you want to be our councilor this year? Have you never done it before? Is this your year?

Prepare a presentation to the class ready for next Monday. You can be as creative as you want. Why should we vote for you to be our next councilor?

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 30th June 2021

English - Read chapters 22, 23 and 24 of The Wizard of Oz

The Play - Do you know all of your lines and song lyrics? We film on Tuesday. PRACTISE…PRACTISE…PRACTISE!


Microorganisms - What is Corona Virus?

Corona Virus research questions.PNG

This seems like a really appropriate time to be looking at microorganisms, viruses and medicine. For 18 months, we have been living with Covid but what is it?

I have set you a To Do on Purple Mash.

When you are researching, make sure that you answer these questions.

Detail and quality please.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 23rd June 2021

English - Read chapters 19, 20 and 21 of The Wizard of Oz

The Play - Do you know all of your lines and song lyrics? Start gathering bits for costumes, I will be putting a list on the website on Friday.

Blackpool Tower.jpg

The History of Blackpool

What can you find out about Blackpool Tower? Complete the To Do on Purple Mash.

Create a fascinating factfile poster that looks at its history and key information about Blackpool Tower now.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 12th May

Spelling 12th May hyphen.PNG

Spelling - hyphenated words

Learn these words throughout the week ready for your quiz and dictation next Tuesday.

IXL - This week we have been working on angles and measuring angles. Can you complete the following strands. They are tricky. Can you complete Level 1 and Level 2?

Level 1

K5 - Add and subtract mixed number fractions with the same denominator.

Level 2

K12 - Add and subtract mixed number fractions with different denominators.

English - This week we have been writing our own classical fiction stories based on The Wizard of Oz. Thinking about your story, can you design a front cover for your story?

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

You need to think about the title of the story, the illustrations and including the author.

Think about how you want to format the page; on Powerpoint, Publisher, card/paper or I can set you a to do on Purple Mash…let me know. You can email me your work if you choose to.

I cannot wait to see your creations!

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 5th May

Spelling 5th May Abstract Noun.PNG

Spelling - abstract nouns

Learn these words throughout the week ready for your quiz and dictation next Tuesday.

IXL - This week we have been working on angles and measuring angles. Can you complete the following strand?

Y.8 - Find a missing angle - vertical angles and supplementary angles.

J.12 - Fractions of a number. This is revision ready to start fractions next week.

Geography - Lytham St Annes

This week we have looked at the coastline of the UK and specific coastal resorts. Now, let us focus on Lytham St Annes.

Lytham St Annes.jpg

Find your ‘To Do’ on Purple Mash and your task is to create a leaflet about this coastal location. Think about PERSUASIVE LANGUAGE to entice visitors.

To include:

  • Physical geography

  • Location in the UK

  • Human geography

  • Tourist attractions

  • Fascinating facts

  • Amenities.

I have set the leaflet out for you. You can alter this to make your own piece of work but I am expected to see all boxes filled with information. BE CREATIVE!

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 28th April 2021

Spelling 28.4 ance.PNG

Spelling - ance ending words.

Learn these words throughout the week ready for your quiz and dictation next Tuesday.


IXL - This week we have been working on angles and measuring angles. Can you complete the following strand?

Y.5 - Find a missing angle - vertical angles

RE - Saul becomes Paul

In RE, we are starting to look at the Christian Community after Jesus ascended to heaven. Following on from our work on the difference between a disciple and an apostle, we will be looking at Peter and Paul. For homework, I would like you to focus on Saul - Paul.

Use the two links to support you and any other research that you can find to produce a story board on how Saul changed to become Paul. You have 6 boxes on Purple Mash to use. Think about the images that you would include (you could use Storyboard That).

I am looking for detail in your boxes that tell the story of how Saul became Paul. Think about the language and the punctuation that you would need to use.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 21st April 2021

Summer Spelling double consonant.PNG

Spelling - double consonant words

Learn these words throughout the week ready for your quiz and dictation next Tuesday.

IXL - This week we have been working on angles and measuring angles. Can you complete the following strand?

Y.4 - Measuring angles with a protractor

Coastal Features

This week we have been looking at coastal erosion, especially around cliffs. What can you find out about the geography of a cliff?

Using the template on Purple Mash, can you research and record your findings on the geography of cliffs?

Geography of a cliff.PNG

Pay particular attention to the writing prompt box, these have all of the questions that you need to answer and complete your work. Think about the detail that you need to produce this piece of work.

FOCUS: cohesive devices, punctuation and word choice


cliff tool.PNG

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 14th April 2021

I will continue to add homework to the homework display board - keep the high standard up!


Spelling Summer 1 Week 1.PNG

This week, your spellings focus on ent, ency and ence.

Please practise and learn these spellings, you will receive dictation and a quiz on Friday in class.


This week, you have three IXL strands to complete. As we are covering angle work from Year 4 through to Year 6, I have given you a strand from each section. Look carefully at the year group and the strand you have to complete.

YEAR 4 - W.15 Angles of different turns

YEAR 5 - Q.12 Acute, right, obtuse and straight angles

YEAR 6 - Y.3 Types of angles

Classic Fiction - Is Harry Potter a CLASSIC TEXT?


Is Harry Potter a classic text?

I have set you a debating sheet on Purple Mash. Write 3 reasons, with evidence, why Harry Potter should be considered a classic text and 3 reasons, with evidence, why Harry Potter should not be considered a classic text.

Think about the detail, content and punctuation that is required in Year 6.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 24th March 2021

Here is your home learning for this week. Last week’s homework was exceptional and the bar was raised. I have included some excellent examples onto the display board above for inspiration.


silent letters spelling.PNG

This week, your spellings focus on silent letters.

Complete the dictation and practise the spellings at home.


Well done to the children who became masters this week in IXL. You have worked really hard.

IXL Masters.PNG

This week, you have three IXL strands to complete. Two of them are revision and you should be fairly quick at completing them, the second one is consolidating volume.

BB.1 - What is the 3D shape?

BB.2 - Count vertices, edges and faces.

CC.10 - Volume of figures made up of cubes.



What are the effects of caffeine on the body? We have looked at exercise as a way to keep our body healthy but let’s start looking at the effect of certain things. In class we have looked at smoking and alcohol…but what about caffeine? This week I would like you to research and produce a information page all about the effects of caffeine on the body.

Answer these questions as part of your information page:

  • What is caffeine?

  • What does caffeine do to the body?

  • Which food and drinks contain caffeine?

  • Interesting facts

Here are two websites that will help you with your research

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 17th March 2021

Here is your home learning for this week.

Don’t forget to use Time Table Rockstars, AR reading (you can quiz at home) and IXL to support your learning.

Maths - IXL Year 6 CC.4

Can you find the area of a triangle? We have worked really hard at this in class this week and you have all mastered this skill. Now it is time to consolidate this using IXL.

Area of a triangle = (base x height) ÷ 2

Spelling - can you learn these words ending in ial? Don’t forget to complete your dictation task on Purple Mash too

Spelling 17th March.PNG

Science - What are the effects of exercise on the human body?


We have looked carefully at our bodies and how each system within our body works but how do we keep it healthy?

Next week we will be completing a few investigations that look at the effect of diet and drink on our body, and exercise.

There are 3 links below that will take you to websites and videos. Watch them carefully then complete the piece of work set that explains to me the effects of exercise on our body.

I have set you a piece of work on Purple Mash. Think carefully about the detail that is needed to show me exactly what you can do.

Year 6 Home Learning - Tuesday 5th January 2021

As we are at home for a day, I thought I would set up your homework for you to crack on with at home.

Science - This week you have looked at Mary Anning with Mrs Webster. Can you complete the fact file on her that has been set for you on Purple Mash. Think about what you found out about her and what extra information you can include from your own further research. Remember sentence openers and how you are going to present the information.

Fossils - Mrs Webster started your discussion on fossils yesterday. What else can you discover about them? Complete your own research and complete the fossil factfile on Purple Mash.

Maths - IXL F strand. There are a fair few decimal strands that we haven't completed this year that would stand you in good stead for our fraction work - either in school or online. Tick away at these today.

Times Table Rockstars - where can you get to?

RE - Complete the work on the Seder Plate that you started in class on Monday.

READ READ READ READ READ! Can you complete one of the book reviews based on a book that you have read over Christmas? Remember that I would like 2 completed before half term, you can get a good start on one today. Remember to follow the prompts that have been provided for you.

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning - Wednesday 9th December 2020

Spellings: last week we looked at ‘shun’ endings spelt tion. This week it is ‘shun’ endings spelt cian.

electrician, magician, mathematician, physician, clinician, optician, politician, technician, beautician, musician, electrician, pediatrician, tactician, dietician.

What do all of the words have in common?

History - Tudor Clothing.

Tudor Clothin.PNG

Can you complete the To Do that some of you have started this week on Tudor Clothing? Don’t forget to use the question prompts at the side of the page to support your research and detail.

Put the research that you find into your own words.

Maths - There are 2 parts to your homework this week for maths

  1. Can you complete the Purple Mash document - MIXED UP MATHS. Remember to look at the display board to see all of the different ways that you can complete this. A small pencil is a must to avoid it being over sized.

  2. IXL - E5 and E6. Highest common factor and lowest common multiple. Remember to jot down the factors and multiples to help you.

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning - Wednesday 2nd December 2020

Spelling - tion. We are continuing to focus on suffixes. This week, all our words end in tion.

action, nation, potion, motion, section, station, fiction, caption, ignition, question, position, solution, education, formation, starvation.

Maths - read these instructions carefully.

  1. BODMAS - this task is set for you on Showbie or Purple Mash. It is the same task on both platforms. Choose one of them to complete the task on - or complete them on both if you want.

  2. LONG DIVISION - this is on Purple Mash. Please complete it on here.

English and Science - Science v Religion

Some people believe that the Theory of Evolution contradicts the Story of Creation. This is a challenging piece of homework that will make you really think. We have discussed this in class so think about what you need to include.

Can you log onto Purple Mash and complete the discussion text To Do which asks you to think of reasons for and against the Theory of Evolution. Remember to add detail - you will be using these for an Outcome 3 discussion text next week.

Romeo and Juliet Potion - optional as discussed with your partner.

Can you bring your Romeo and Juliet potion to life at home? Make your potion and take a photo. This can be used in your Book Creator about your potion.

Be creative with your photography work and email me your photos that you want to use.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 25th November 2020

There are a few different tasks on here today…see how well you can do.

Spellings - suffix ious

odious, various, obvious, serious, anxious, serious, precious, gracious, factious, religious, ambitious, hilarious, delirious, atrocious, officious.

Maths and Science

These are both assignments on your SHOWBIE account.

Maths - complete the long division calculations by writing on the sheet. Can you add a voice recording to explain to me what you have done?

Science - to be completed in your homework book and uploaded onto Showbie. Take a photo and upload.

Who was Charles Darwin and what did he discover at the Galapogos Islands?

Friar Lawrence.jpg

English - Was Friar Lawrence responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s death? I have set you a task on Purple Mash to debate and discuss.

3 detailed reasons why Friar Lawrence was responsible and 3 detailed reasons why he was not responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s deaths.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 18th November 2020

Online Safety


This week we have completed our work on online safety and what our digital footprint says about us. Please complete the following 2 tasks:

  1. Can you complete this anonymous survey on your screen time? We will be using the data to inform us in class.


  2. Complete the digital safety piece of work that I have set you on Purple Mash. Remember to use the prompts on the side of the page to inform your writing. I would like to see a detailed and informative piece of writing. Make sure that it reflects what you have done.

Maths - Rockstars this week please!

Next week I will be setting you into some challenging tables so get practising this week. Make sure you get those skills up! The quicker the recall the better the results. Remember that Rockstars over practises skills until you have got them.

Spellings - suffix ly

early, curly, unruly, simply, timidly, bristly, slightly, luckily, utterly, ideally, ghastly, probably, violently, generally, immediately.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 11th November 2020

Spellings - suffix ful

boastful, disrespectful, insightful, neglectful, truthful, prayerful, skillful, watchful, harmful, powerful, peaceful, dreadful, wrongful, vengeful, beautiful

Maths - IXL

Please complete the division units of work D4, D5 and D6

Can you also visit Times Tables Rockstars?

Remembrance Day Art

You can create some beautiful pieces of artwork digitally. Can you create a Poppy?

You can create some beautiful pieces of artwork digitally. Can you create a Poppy?

Next week we will be creating some digital artwork as we turn ourselves into Kings and Queens of Tudor times. Have a practice for home learning. Using the to do that I have set you on Purple Mash, can you create a poppy. Think about what tools you are going to use to get your desired effect. Be creative!

Online Safety

Next Tuesday is this term’s online safety day so I have set you two challenges on Purple Mash. One is a game…what keeps us safe online? The second is a quiz about your digital footprint. We will be exploring how our digital footprint has changed, especially during lockdown…so have a think about what you use the internet for at home? What digital devices have you got?

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 4th November 2020

We have come back all guns blazing…let’s continue that with our home learning.

Spelling - continuing to look at suffixes

beautified, powerful, immediately, governed, speedily, achievement, stoppable, admittance, regrettable, beginning, referring, forgotten, commitment, forbiden, preferred.

Maths - This week we have been working really hard to consolidate the skill of short division. I am confident that you know what this involves and you have all shown that you can do it.

Have a go at the sheet in your book.

History - The six wives of Henry VIII

Henry VIII was a significant monarch in British History, but what can you find out about his 6 wives?

Six Wives.jpg

Gather as much information as you can about the wives and what happened to them.

What was their date of birth and death?

How old were they when they came to the throne as Henry’s wife?

Did they have any children?

What was their influence on Henry?