Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 19th January 2022

Spelling - Silent letter spellings.

climb, ascent, crescent, handkerchief, sandwich, consign, character, archeology, breathe, ghost, thumb, plumb, would, knight, wrapper, silhouette, autumn, wrinkle, guilty, yolk

Maths - Can you complete these calculations in your homework book?



English - IXL ENGLISH - HH1 and HH2 - Modal verbs -
This is a revision and based on the grammar discussions that we had this week in class.

Are you learning your ROMEO and JULIET lines at home?


What is evolution? What are the basic principles? Using the buttons below, lift out the main ideas from the text and create a poster to illustrate your findings. This has been set for you on Purple Mash.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 12th January 2022

Spelling - Silent letter spellings.

crumb, debt, plumb, scissors, scenario, plaque, design, foreign, reign, anchor, chemical, knowledge, psychology, psalm, receipt, aisle, island, castle, chimney, disguise.

Maths - It is essential that you know your times tables really, really well.

Visit your HEAT MAP on Times Table Rockstars. Which times tables do you need to focus on? Which ones do you need to ensure you know as quick as the others? Can you get your speed down to less than 2 seconds per table.

IXL - Q1, Q2, Q9 and Q10

Can you practise some short division calculations so that you have mastered the skill?

English - William Shakespeare

Who is William Shakespeare? Next week you will be writing an Outcome 3 biography. I have set you a To Do on Purple Mash for you to record your research on: Early Life, Education and How he became a playwright.

Focus on:

  • Cohesive devices

  • Key dates

  • Subject specific language.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 5th January 2022

Spelling - Please can you recap the spellings from the last 3 homework ready for a random test next week?

decision, collision, Asia, discussion, revision, impression, expansion, vision, transmission, obsession, passion, recession, expansion, permission, comprehension, admission, tension, profession, possession, impression, collision, revision, confession, progression, direction, explanation, competition, cautious, especially, appreciate, ancient, delicious, subtraction, politician, infection, international, crying, reliable, busily, happiness, heavily, beautifully, mysterious, applied, business, heavier, copier, happily.

Maths - It is essential that you know your times tables really, really well.

Visit your HEAT MAP on Times Table Rockstars. Which times tables do you need to focus on? Which ones do you need to ensure you know as quick as the others? Can you get your speed down to less than 2 seconds per table.


This week we are starting our new unit of work on EVOLUTION AND INHERITANCE. To start with, what do you know about adaptation and how have animals adapted to the environment that they live in? I have set you a To Do on Purple Mash. Use the template to find 6 different animals explaining to me how they have adapted to their environment. Find a range of animals from a range of habitats.

Storyboard That - INVESTIGATION

Over the next few weeks, we will be using STORYBOARD THAT to help us tell the story of Romeo and Juliet. Have a play around with it for homework. What comic strips can you create? What characters can you include? See what you can create?

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 8th December 2021

Maths - IXL - Maths M10 - M15 Adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators

These are due to be completed for next Wednesday.

History - Who was Sir Francis Drake? What can you find out about him in relation to the Armada? How did he help Tudor exploration?

Purple Mash Task

CHRISTMAS - Can you design a Christmas card for our class and a Christmas bauble to be shared?

These are set for you on Purple Mash. They need to be in next Wednesday

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 1st December 2021

Spelling - sh sound spelt si or ssi

decision, collision, Asia, discussion, revision, impression, expansion, vision, transmission, obsession, passion, recession

Maths - Please can you continue to learn these fraction, decimal and % equivalences

IXL - Maths M10 - M15 Adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators

You have two weeks to complete these strands of IXL consolidating the work from the previous weeks.

English - Rosa Parks or Harriet Tudman

You now have your research on Henry for our Outcome 1 biography, today you need to collate information on EITHER Rosa Parks or Harriet Tudman for your Outcome 2 biography. The more you collate, the better research you will have to write about.

Think about:

  • DATES - significant dates that appear in their life

  • Significant people.

  • Significant places.

  • Context specific vocabulary.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 24th November 2021

Spelling - Retrieval test! This week’s spellings are all of the ones that we have been learning since half term. Next week I will give you a random test on them.

expansion, permission, comprehension, admission, tension, profession, possession, impression, collision, revision, confession, progression, direction, explanation, competition, cautious, especially, appreciate, ancient, delicious, subtraction, politician, infection, international, crying, reliable, busily, happiness, heavily, beautifully, mysterious, applied, business, heavier, copier, happily.

Maths - Please can you continue to learn these fraction, decimal and % equivalences

IXL - Maths M2 and M3 - adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. This should be a good one to whizz through. You all know how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.

CHALLENGE - M4 - adding and subtracting fractions word problems

English - Henry VIII biographical notes

Over the next three weeks, we will be starting to write our Outcome 1 and Outcome 2 of our biographical unit of work. For us to be able to write really good biographies, we have to have a really good knowledge about the person that we are writing about. I want you to continue to gather content all about Henry VIII this week. What further information can you find out about him? I have set you a Purple Mash template for you to record your research on.

Think about:

  • DATES - significant dates that appear in Henry’s life.

  • Significant people.

  • Significant places.

  • Context specific vocabulary.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 17th November 2021

Spelling - Please practise these spellings for next week.

expansion, permission, comprehension, admission, tension, profession, possession, impression, collision, revision, confession, progression

Maths - Please can you continue to learn these fraction, decimal and % equivalences

IXL - Maths L12 - comparing and ordering fractions.

English - Disney Film Review

This week we have been looking at Walt Disney’s biography and getting a better understanding of his life and times. But, what is your favourite Disney film? For homework I would like you to either watch your favourite Disney film or watch a Disney film that you have not seen before. I have set you a film review on Purple Mash to complete based on the film.

Don’t forget to follow the ‘Think about’ box that will prompt you with what to include.

Send me a photo of you watching you film! I even give you permission to get a range of film snacks to enjoy.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 10th November 2021

Spelling - Please practise these spellings for next week.

direction, explanation, competition, cautious, especially, appreciate, ancient, delicious, subtraction, politician, infection, international

Maths - Please can you continue to learn these fraction, decimal and % equivalences

IXL - Maths L4 and L5 - Equivalent fractions

English - The Nowhere Emporium Book Review

Please can you complete the Purple Mash template on The Nowhere Emporium. I would like you to write a book review on The Nowhere Emporium. Look at the prompts that you have been given and use the details.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 3rd November 2021

Spelling - Please practise these spellings for next week.

crying, reliable, busily, happiness, heavily, beautifully, mysterious, applied, business, heavier, copier, happily.

Maths - Please can you learn these fraction, decimal and % equivalences

History - to be completed in your homework book.


What can you find out about the Battle of Bosworth using the sources below.

Use these questions to support your research:

Where did the battle take place?

Who did the battle take place between?

How long did the battle last?

Which armies were involved? Who had the biggest army?

Between which houses did the battle take place?

What was the rose of each house? What did the rose become?

Who died and where did he die?

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 13th October 2021


Please continue to practise the spellings that we have worked on this half term. Retrieval is key in Year 6, bank those spellings to use in writing next half term.


Please complete these IXL units of work before the end of half term.

BB.1, BB.2, BB.3, BB.4, BB.5, BB.8, BB.9, BB.10, BB.15, BB.16 AND BB.17



Next week we will be spending two days on our electricity unit of work. It is a short and practical unit.

Please complete two To Dos on Purple Mash:

  1. Who is Thomas Edison? What did he discover? What impact did he have on electricity?

  2. Electricity at home. How do you use the electricity at your home? Can you create an information page on how you use electricity? Show me images of your electricity at home.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 29th September 2021


In Year 6, we have to learn all of the spelling patterns taught in KS2. Each week I will set you some spellings based on our work in class. Learn them for homework ready for a quiz next Tuesday. This week’s spellings continue to look at suffixes.

beginning, admittance, stoppable, permitting, preferred,

regrettable, wettest, forgotten, referring, forbiden


This week we have been looking at metric measures, linking with decimals. For homework, I would like you to cook or bake using metric measures at home.

Send me a photo of whatever you make! Discuss the metric measures with your parents at home.


We have been discussing retrieval in class and how we have to draw on prior knowledge. Can you complete the To Do that I have set you on Purple Mash? What can you remember about volcanoes? Think detailed and gather as much information as you can.


Over the next few weeks, you will be completing your own South America project at home. You will then be using the information that you have found to create your own interactive book. Please complete this piece of homework in your HOMEWORK BOOK.

This week is about your country’s food, culture and sports

Can you create an information page in your homework book about these?

Do they have a specific food that they eat? A specific sport that they play? A specific dance?

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 22nd September 2021


In Year 6, we have to learn all of the spelling patterns taught in KS2. Each week I will set you some spellings based on our work in class. Learn them for homework ready for a quiz next Tuesday. This week’s spellings continue to look at suffixes.

beautiful, careless, hopeful, deceitful, thoughtless, government,

powerful, judgement, achievement, definitely


This week has been all about place value and decimal knowledge. Can you complete these IXL strands to consolidate your understanding.

IXL Year 6 maths - K2, K3 and BB.3


South America.png

Over the next few weeks, you will be completing your own South America project at home. You will then be using the information that you have found to create your own interactive book. Please complete this piece of homework in your HOMEWORK BOOK.

This week is about your country’s capital city.

Can you create an information page in your homework book about the capital city?

What is its population? Size of the capital city? Landmarks? Location? Interesting facts?

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 8th September 2021

This is your home learning tasks for this week. It is due in next Tuesday.

Decorate your homework book.

I like to learn more about you. Make your homework book interesting. Please ensure that your name is clearly visible.


This week in class, we started to have a look at Barnam. He was a big clue as to what our new novel is about. But what can you find out about him?

I have set you a TO DO on Purple Mash. What can you find out about him, especially his link to the circus?

Think about the standard and content of your work - I can’t wait to see what you produce.

Class Councilor

Do you want to be our councilor this year? Have you never done it before? Is this your year?

Prepare a presentation to the class ready for next Monday. You can be as creative as you want. Why should we vote for you to be our next councilor?

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 30th June 2021

English - Read chapters 22, 23 and 24 of The Wizard of Oz

The Play - Do you know all of your lines and song lyrics? We film on Tuesday. PRACTISE…PRACTISE…PRACTISE!


Microorganisms - What is Corona Virus?

Corona Virus research questions.PNG

This seems like a really appropriate time to be looking at microorganisms, viruses and medicine. For 18 months, we have been living with Covid but what is it?

I have set you a To Do on Purple Mash.

When you are researching, make sure that you answer these questions.

Detail and quality please.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 23rd June 2021

English - Read chapters 19, 20 and 21 of The Wizard of Oz

The Play - Do you know all of your lines and song lyrics? Start gathering bits for costumes, I will be putting a list on the website on Friday.

Blackpool Tower.jpg

The History of Blackpool

What can you find out about Blackpool Tower? Complete the To Do on Purple Mash.

Create a fascinating factfile poster that looks at its history and key information about Blackpool Tower now.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 12th May

Spelling 12th May hyphen.PNG

Spelling - hyphenated words

Learn these words throughout the week ready for your quiz and dictation next Tuesday.

IXL - This week we have been working on angles and measuring angles. Can you complete the following strands. They are tricky. Can you complete Level 1 and Level 2?

Level 1

K5 - Add and subtract mixed number fractions with the same denominator.

Level 2

K12 - Add and subtract mixed number fractions with different denominators.

English - This week we have been writing our own classical fiction stories based on The Wizard of Oz. Thinking about your story, can you design a front cover for your story?

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

You need to think about the title of the story, the illustrations and including the author.

Think about how you want to format the page; on Powerpoint, Publisher, card/paper or I can set you a to do on Purple Mash…let me know. You can email me your work if you choose to.

I cannot wait to see your creations!

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 5th May

Spelling 5th May Abstract Noun.PNG

Spelling - abstract nouns

Learn these words throughout the week ready for your quiz and dictation next Tuesday.

IXL - This week we have been working on angles and measuring angles. Can you complete the following strand?

Y.8 - Find a missing angle - vertical angles and supplementary angles.

J.12 - Fractions of a number. This is revision ready to start fractions next week.

Geography - Lytham St Annes

This week we have looked at the coastline of the UK and specific coastal resorts. Now, let us focus on Lytham St Annes.

Lytham St Annes.jpg

Find your ‘To Do’ on Purple Mash and your task is to create a leaflet about this coastal location. Think about PERSUASIVE LANGUAGE to entice visitors.

To include:

  • Physical geography

  • Location in the UK

  • Human geography

  • Tourist attractions

  • Fascinating facts

  • Amenities.

I have set the leaflet out for you. You can alter this to make your own piece of work but I am expected to see all boxes filled with information. BE CREATIVE!

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 28th April 2021

Spelling 28.4 ance.PNG

Spelling - ance ending words.

Learn these words throughout the week ready for your quiz and dictation next Tuesday.


IXL - This week we have been working on angles and measuring angles. Can you complete the following strand?

Y.5 - Find a missing angle - vertical angles

RE - Saul becomes Paul

In RE, we are starting to look at the Christian Community after Jesus ascended to heaven. Following on from our work on the difference between a disciple and an apostle, we will be looking at Peter and Paul. For homework, I would like you to focus on Saul - Paul.

Use the two links to support you and any other research that you can find to produce a story board on how Saul changed to become Paul. You have 6 boxes on Purple Mash to use. Think about the images that you would include (you could use Storyboard That).

I am looking for detail in your boxes that tell the story of how Saul became Paul. Think about the language and the punctuation that you would need to use.