Welcome to Nursery!

A HUGE welcome to all our children and their families. It has been wonderful to finally meet you all in person.

The children who started nursery this week have really coped well with starting nursery under unusual circumstances. It is such a big ask to expect a small child to come unaccompanied into a new building with nursery ladies they haven’t met in person. I’ve been so impressed with how the children (and grown ups) have dealt with the circumstances. I would not be being honest if I said there hadn’t been the odd tear from one or two of our friends, but they have been short lived and within minutes they were having fun!

As is customary at the being of the year our learning thread will be ‘All about Me’. We will explore families, healthy eating and practices and how our body works. If you click on the button below you will be able to look at the next few weeks planning so you can support learning from home.

As is usual in September are some ‘housekeeping’ reminders, sorry!

  • Could all children’s clothing and belongings be clearly labelled. Also, a spare set of clothing would be useful, just in case of accidents.

  • Everyone should bring with them one piece of fresh fruit or vegetable for each session attended, for example, a full time time should have two pieces. Milk and water are available at nursery.

  • Each child should have an Our Lady’s book bag. These can be purchased from Top Marque on Park St St. Annes. Large back packs make storage tricky.

  • Please remember to send your child to nursery in clothing suitable for the days weather. It is also worth mentioning that the nursery is always well ventilated and therefore an extra layer during cold spells would be a good idea.

    That’s all the reminders for this week but I’m sure I will think of more for next week!

If you click on the buttons below they will display the attachments I emailed home earlier this week.

Finally, from next week we would like to start sharing our learning at nursery by using photos of the children at work and play. I will only be able to upload images of your child if you have sent me a consent email. Don’t worry if you have not had time to reply to my email yet, as long as I receive permission by Wednesday that will be fine.

I hope everyone has a lovely week end and that the sun shines on us all! The nursery ladies look forward to seeing you all on Monday bright eyed and busy tailed, ready for fun and learning.

The Nursery Team

It's party time!!

Such a fun week, culminating with our end of year party on Thursday.

Everyone joined in with the party games, we played musical chairs, statues and bumps, did the conga around the garden, played I wrote a letter to my friend all to some very loud music (Mrs. Gregan set up the loud speakers for us). We chose all our favourite music to play!

I must say we have some fabulous dancers!

We finished the morning with fish and chips (kindly donated St. Annes Fish Restaurant). They were sooo yummy that some the children had seconds and third helpings. We then had ice lollies for after’s. A perfect lunch don’t you think!

In the afternoon we watched the Year 6 production of the Wizard if Oz. As expected it was superb. We spotted lots of budding performers.

Take a look at our party photos.

As always we are sad to see the children leave nursery, but we are certain they will have a have an equally wonderful year in their Reception class.

It has been such a privilege, during such a difficult and unknown time, for you to have entrusted your most precious child into our care. It shows us how much to have trusted us to both keep the children safe and to get them ready for the next stage of their learning journey. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We will miss you all so very much but we hope you will keep a little piece of nursery safe in your heart forever.

We will see some of you in September but for those of our families who are moving to pastures new, remember you will have left your mark at Our Lady’s Nursery so you belong to us! Please keep in touch.

Please do keep safe and well this summer.

God Bless

Barbara, Clare, Colette, Frances and Hannah

This week...

This week has been an odd sort of week. I feel the children sense we are coming to the end of the year.

We have been spending lots of time preparing the children for the next stage in their learning journey and everyone is really excited, they can’t wait to grow their brain even more!. The children who have another year with us in nursery are looking forward to being the ‘big’ children in September.

A a democracy we asked the children what they would like to learn and find out about this week. As we suspected there was lots of physical activity, messy play, building, music and story telling. The children particularly enjoyed reading Peely Wally with Hannah. They then drew some fabulous pictures (even Hannah)!

Peely Wally was a small bird who lived high up in a tree . . . One day she laid an egg . .

Click here to listen to the story. Perhaps you could draw some of the pictures in the story.

The children also wanted to make tunnels and chutes from large cardboard tubes. We raced the cars to see which went the furthest! Great fun!

We worked out that the cars would not roll if the tubes were flat on the floor so we propped them on the tables and furniture.

We have been practicing our numbers and doing really hard problem solving activities. The children watched the Numberblocks video about when Ten turns up to tell the Numberblocks what it's like to be a perfect ten. Click here to watch at home.

Just in case we had forgotten, we revisited ‘shapes’. We went on a shape hunt to find lots of different shapes and noticed how many sides they had, if they were curved and rolly, how many corners and the length of the sides. Click here to watch the shape song.

Please don’t forget our Leavers Party is on Thursday 9.30- 12.00. All the children are welcome and it’s fish and chips for lunch!!! Mmmmmmmmm!

…and finally a message from Miss. Hornby.

Over the past few days some of you have been asking again about gifts. The first thing I need to say is that please know that everyone in the building already knows just how much they are appreciated. You have already given us the biggest gift of all; the trust to teach your child. We never presume that we will receive gifts; our jobs are jobs of passion. We teach because we love the craft of guiding little minds to actively seek to learn. At Our Lady’s we have the most important mission to help children to become the ‘best versions of themselves’ just as Christ yearns for us.

I do appreciate that no matter how many times I say this, there are those of you who just want to say a personal thank you and please know we never want to offend and seem unappreciative of your kindness. However, we have all been through so much together this year and you have already given us so much. Please can I request that no class collections are asked for as many parents and families are genuinely struggling financially and often feel obliged to contribute, causing distress and anxiety. I do know that beautiful words in a card always give staff a sense of worth and a card or a letter is probably the most appreciated gift of all. During this year, some parents have made donations to charities such as CAFOD on the school’s behalf and have sent us a card in to share this; bringing our mission firmly to life!

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday for our last week together at nursery.

The Nursery team.

This week...

This week we have been taking advantage of the lovely warm weather. As you can see our learning activities have been varied!

Now we have all learned our letter sounds we tried to make some CVC words ( CVC words are words created using a consonant, vowel, and a consonant. Vowels are the letters A, E, I, O and U, while consonants are all the other letters in the alphabet. Examples of CVC words can include 'new', 'hat', 'cot', 'lit', and 'pit'. You can also create nonsense words that follow the rules of CVC words.) It was a little bit tricky to begin with but we soon got the hang of it.

We have continued with our investigation of mini beasts…still no snails! We have lots of spiders though! We watched ‘Come Outside’ with Auntie Mabel, all about spiders. Click here to watch Warning: may contain spiders!).

The children noticed this week how big the broad beans had grown. We decided to pick the biggest ones and see what they looked like inside. It was really interesting.

On Wednesday there was great excitement as all our butterflies had hatched out of their chrysalis. We had five! We gave them some sliced oranges to feed on and then released them on Thursday. Jacqui from the kitchen came to see them too!

A group of construction mad children made ‘Pride Rock’ for all the animals using the large bricks and boulders. We had to place the bricks and the animals carefully, one false move and the whole ‘rock’ fell down! It was quite spectacular when we had finished.

….and now for our regular feature ‘photos’ of the week! This weeks images range from under the sea world, afternoon tea in the house, making pictures at the workshop and more generally having a fabulous time at nursery!

Lastly, a quick reminder that our leavers party is being held on Thursday 15th July, 9.30- 12.00. All children are invited to attend. Lunch of fish and chips is kindly being provided by St. Annes Fish Restaurant… mmmm we can’t wait!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and see you on Monday, only two weeks left to the end of term, it’s hard to believe it! Where has this year gone!

The Nursery Team

This week...

We have been continuing our investigation of minibeasts. We completed ‘What am I’ description quiz. Everyone was very good at listening to the clues and then working out which minibeast it could be. Click below to have a go at home (you will need a PowerPoint facility to access this).

We looked in all the places where minibeasts could be hiding. We found worms, slugs, earwigs, spiders and one snail! We even got the explorer bags out! I must admit I think all the creatures ran away as they heard us coming! We had to search for ages!

We decided that we could catch some ants and make a formicary (the ants were extremely fast) and a snail house (we found out that snails have hundreds of teeth and we wanted to watch them eating! ! Click here to watch a video about snails eating!

Also, have a look at our beautiful garden!

Carrying on with our Sports’ Day physical activity challenges the children decided to create obstacle courses form the soft shapes and the large wooden bricks. They were really challenging!

I have also added some more photos from Sports’ day.

Our love of books has grown and grown over the years and the children can be found reading EVERYWHERE!

We listened to a video story with lots of minibeasts in it during the week, because we just love minibeasts. Click here to listen at home.

And now for more Photos of the Week!! They range from making a sand café in the garden, a shiny river for all the animals, designing a water filling machine, making snow (a request from Roo) and making wishes with Aladdin’s lamp! Such great fun!

After another packed week of learning at nursery the children may need a rest! Enjoy your weekend and we will see everyone on Monday, bright eyed and bushy tailed!

The Nursery team

Sports' Day Special!

As promised last week here is your Sports’ Day Extravaganza!

I know many of you were disappointed not yo have been able to attend our sporting event of the year but we have taken a huge amount of photos for you to get a ‘feel’ of the day. The children were very excited to be assigned a school ‘House colour’ to compete for.

We had:-

Red- Plessington

Blue- Harcourt


Everyone was super competitive, each team really wanted to win the cup!

Mrs. Greghan was our compere for the afternoon, the flags were up and we competed to the best sporting music from yesteryear! The scene was set!

Click on the button below to see all the vents we took part in!

Here comes the photos!

Didn’t we have fun! I do hope you manage to get a feel of what was a truly fantastic day. The children all loved joining the main school. In fact they are still talking about it! It was so much more exciting than the Euros!

You will be pleased to know that Miss. Lavelle (the Reception teacher), is as we speak compiling a video of all the Key Stage events from throughout the week (including Nursery). When it is complete I will post it for you all to watch!

Finally, I can announce the overall winner of the whole weeks events….it is Plessington. Well done Plessington!

It remains for me to say to you all, have a lovely, restful weekend. Perhaps you could do a mini Sports’ Day at home? Send me some photos!

The Nursery Team

We are happy to be back together again!

Welcome back! I trust everyone has had a restful break?

We have all hit the ground running this week, blessed with the glorious sunshine.

This half term we will be exploring and investigating the mini beast world. Have a quick look at our plans.

We began our investigation by watching a short video all about ‘What is a mini beast. Click here to watch. We decided that we already knew quite a lot! Everyone thought it would be a good idea to make a display using mini beats resources and factual books. These would help us to learn lots of new facts.

We then took the viewing tubs and magnifying glasses and went on a bug hunt in the garden.

As the weather was so warm we got distracted and hot so we all went paddling to cool down. Wow, that was such good fun, even though we did get very wet!!

To mirror our new learning of ‘lots of water’ Clare suggested painting shells so we could make an under water mermaid lagoon. Fabulous!

You can never have too much water play! Look at our fantastic water machine we made! The children worked so hard to join pieces of tubes and guttering together to direct the flow of water. Once more very wet, but great fun!

The children were very excited when we had a delivery of linking blocks to help with our number work. There are soooo many! We measured each other, made shapes and one friend counted the bricks to 33 all by themselves!

As has become a regular feature here are all the other activities and learning that has taken place at nursery this week. We made a sand café, mark making and picture making (a firm favourite), big building with soft shapes. physical activity practicing for Sports Day and then just having a jolly good time with our friends. I hope you enjoy looking at them.

Two final things to share with you.

Next Monday afternoon is Sports Day 1.30 -3.15 pm. All the children are invited to take part but I am sure you will understand that owing to Covid parents will not be able to attend. Don’t worry, we will take lots of photos. If it is not your usual session, please make sure that your child is in nursery no later than 1.15 pm and then collected promptly at 3.15 pm. Could all children please wear shorts, t-shirt, trainers and lots of sun cream!

Lastly, I would like to say a BIG welcome to Hannah who has joined the nursery team this week. She has been a huge hit with all the children, I’m certain your child will have told you all about her. Hannah will be working in nursery on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and all day Wednesday. When you see her say hello and introduce yourself.

Have a lovely weekend, I hear the weather is going to be fantastic! Fire up the BBQ!

The Nursery Team

This week...

Great news, our butterflies have emerged!! We found out that they are call Painted Lady butterflies. They are very beautiful.

We had to give them some sugary water to drink and pick some flowers for them to get the nectar from. The butterfly's primary source of food is nectar which it gets from plants and flowers

We also found out that Butterflies eat by extending the proboscis deep into a flower to sip nectar. Butterflies also use the proboscis to drink water and juice from rotting fruits.

Before we released the butterflies we managed to hold one on our hand, they felt so lovely. Take a look at our photos

One of our friends even made a butterfly picture using the peg boards. Well done!

Look out for the half term challenge sheets being sent home today….butterfly spotting! Good luck!

If you ten minutes spare click here to watch the The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

It may come as no surprise that hatching caterpillars and waiting for them to emerge as butterflies was fascinating. With that in mind we intend to repeat the cycle again after the holidays as well as expanding our investigative impulses by finding out about other insects and minibeasts. Maybe you could get ahead of the game and explore in your gardens to see what is living there. We’ve already started looking in the nursery garden!

Download the garden spotter sheet to help you out!

The children were excited to find deep at the back of the cupboard a big marble run game. It took us ages to fathom out how it fitted together, but we got there in the end. We have had endless fun experimenting how it works.

We have also been given the most fabulous road and train track, great fun!

Our passion for number is going from strength to strength and this week we had a new number puzzle arrive. We have made it over and over again. We LOVE number challenges!!!

Everyone had a good time playing a rhyming game with lots of fun objects (especially the snake in a box! Arghhh!)

…and now for our photos of the week!! They include balancing, block play, birthday celebrations, garden watering (our strawberries are amazing!), water play and mark making. Have you noticed how well the children are doing forming letters?

I must remind everyone that Sports’ Day will take place on Monday 14th June (Health and Happiness week). Unfortunately, owing to restrictions, we are unable to invite you to join us at this event but rest assured we will take loads of photographs to share with you. Please make sure that you send your child to nursery wearing shorts, t-shirt and trainers on that day. We have their special personally designed t shirts here. All the children are invited to take part, when I know the times I will text everyone!

It is IMPORTANT that before you wash your child’s Sports’ day shirt, you MUST press it for at least three minutes to seal in the colours.

Lastly, can I thank all of you for your wonderful support of nursery and your child’s learning. All the team are very proud of each and everyone’s journey this year, long may it continue. We hope that the sun shines on us over the holidays and you create some magical memories with your loved ones that will last forever.

See you all on Monday 7th June bright eyed and bushy tailed.

The Nursery Team

This week....

Box monster came to nursery this week and scared our socks off! Instead of playing ‘What time is it Mr. Wolf?’ and ‘Trollie, Trollie can we cross your river?’ we changed the name of the games to Box Monster, Box Monster can we cross your river?’ and ‘What time is it Mr. Box Monster?’ We had such good fun!

We also had a special deliver of a dragon. It came complete with instructions on how to care for it, what it ate and if it was friendly or not! We hoped it didn’t breath fire and eat children and nursery ladies! The children decorated the box it arrived in to make sure he had a cosy bed to sleep in.

Have you noticed how good the children are becoming with their mastery of number. We are all very impressed. This week Clare played lots of tricky problem solving number games to try and catch the children out….but she couldn’t. We will have to challenge them even more!

The children have been practicing writing numbers. They were inspired after watching an episode of Numberblocks which explained how to write the numbers using simple rhymes. Click here to watch and have a go!

On Wednesday it was so sunny in the garden that we decided to have a building day. We got out the large bricks, small bricks and the waffle bricks. Everyone worked so very hard. We even found the game ‘Jenga’ to build and play, we were fantastic at choosing the correct brick to take out so that the tower wouldn’t collapse. Although it was fun to shout ‘Jenga’ when it fell down!

We have no news to report with regards to our butterflies yet. We have learnt a new word this week...metamorphosis. Click here to find out what it means.

However, we have been looking all over the garden for insects and mini beasts. We have found woodlice, moths, spiders earwigs and slugs. This is clearly going to have to be explored further after the half term break. Watch this space!

As you already know we are never still at nursery. We see every second as an opportunity to learn, explore, discover more about EVERYTHING! Here is collection of learning which is ongoing, has been triggered by the children’s curiosities and fascinations. As you can see we are all interested in different things so life at nursery is diverse and very exciting!

Finally, I would like to finish this weeks blog by sharing some joyous news with you all. Our lovely Sarah has had her baby! I’m sure you will join us in sending Sarah and Liam huge congratulations as they welcome Baby Jude. Everyone here are soooo excited and hope to meet him very soon. Both Sarah and baby are doing well.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday.

The Nursery Team

This week...

Although it has been a short week, we have all managed to cram as much learning in as possible! We continue to search for superhero powers in everyone and everything we do; you would be surprised that no matter how small we all have special gifts that we can use to help others.

We also watched the Alphablocks ‘X’ who is a super hero. We then all had a try at writing ‘x’. We loved it!

Click here to watch and then test the children’s knowledge of ‘x’. You may need your Read, Write Inc. sound mat! The rhyme goes; down the arm and leg and repeat on the other side…easy peasy!

The children noticed when they returned to nursery that our caterpillars had started their transformation into a butterfly and were inside a cocoon. We have been trying to understand the process but it’s rather tricky. We found out that:

Pupa and chrysalis have the same meaning: the transformation stage between the larva and the adult. While pupa can refer to this naked stage in either a butterfly or moth, chrysalis is strictly used for the butterfly pupa. A cocoon is the silk casing that a moth caterpillar spins around it before it turns into a pupa.

We also watched ‘Come Outside’ with Auntie Mabel and Pippin to help us understand more about butterflies; they visited a butterfly house and it looked fabulous. There are so many different kinds of butterflies and moths. We discovered that moths are nocturnal, we love that word.

Click here if you would like to watch at home.

We have also been reading the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ along with the puppet and all the foods it ate through! Click here to watch. So busy!

Inspired with our chrysalis we decided to explore patterns on butterfly wings. Guess what we found out? They are symmetrical! Mmmm… lots of learning there. We have drawn symmetrical butterflies, painted symmetrical butterflies on the computer, did some string pulling pictures and even made symmetrical butterflies using our giant peg boards. Take a look.

If you remember, last week a shared a new song about the seven continents. I have found the song and a video on YouTube if you would like to listen and watch. Click here and enjoy!

The next item seems to be fast becoming a regular feature. It’s where I share all the other learning and fun we have been having at nursery this week. You will notice that our passion for building obstacle courses hasn’t abated. We have also enjoyed digging in the sand kitchen this week, sorry if we sent the children home a bit grubby but they created some love dishes and wonderful cakes. Watch out Great British Bake Off.

The children also have been practicing their bubble blowing skills. I must say they are getting very good. We had a bubble blowing challenge with Reception, I think we definitely won! Hooray!

If you want to have a go at home all you will need is some washing up liquid and household items with holes. You could be scientists and conduct your own experiments. Send us the pictures we would love to see them.

Remember ‘think big’ – if you want to scale up the recipe, you just need one part washing-up liquid to six parts water. Try making a big bubble mixture in a washing-up bowl – then you can use bigger items, like colanders and slotted spoons, to make bubbles in the garden. Have fun!

Finally, I’m not sure what the weather will be like this weekend (surely it can’t be as bad as the Bank Holiday), but whatever the weather have a fabulous time as a family. We will see everyone on Monday for yet another great week of learning.


This week...

A massive well done to everyone who managed to complete last weeks home link challenge. The children have made some wonderful super hero masks. We finished them at nursery by laminating them and adding ties so the children could model their creations

They look fabulous!

The children are continuing their exploration of number and are loving it. They enjoyed playing the dinosaur and dice game, so much so that they can now play independently or in small groups. We feel a bit left out!

The children’s passion for number saw a group of children ( with some help) make a 100 square using the multi link block, wow!

We also measured how many bricks tall the super heroes were in the pictures, again using the multi link blocks. It was tricky but we got there in the end. Good brain growing. Some even decided to could block on their fingers.

To strengthen our hands we made a super hero squirting game. We had to fill a syringe and then squirt the super hero pictures. Such good fun, but we did get a bit carried away and got a bit wet! Ooops!

We had great fun making our own Super Tato using REAL potatoes. Some of our heroes looked a bit odd and a bit funny but we enjoyed it!

I am pleased to announce that the Sports Day t-shirts are finished! Well done Clare. They look FANTASTIC! Take a look!

This week our friend Alfie taught us a song to help us remember all seven continents on our planet Earth. We love it Alfie. Here are the words in case you would like to sing along at home. It is to the tune of 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive.

Here goes!

Asia and Africa,

North and South America,

Antarctica and Europe,

And finally Australia


As alawya we love building obstacle courses to practice our balancing. Each course is just a little bit more difficult and we love it! This week we got all the soft shapes out and the children got building and designing. It was tricky though because every time we stepped on the they were squishy and changed shape! Keep practicing!

Some friends even tried look at the word from a different angle…upside down!

As always the children have been very busy doing lots of other activities and learning. Here is a collection of other learning which happens daily at nursery.

I am sure you will agree everyone at nursery is in need of a good long rest. Luckily, it’s Bank Holiday weekend. Three days to recharge our batteries for another busy week next week.

I hope you all mange to get some down time and to enjoy just being together with your loved ones. We will see you all on Tuesday.


This week...

Another week of super heroes! The children continue to use their imagination and to explore open ended objects, media and materials to support their play.

This weeks mission with Super Croccy was to find baby spider. He kept running away and hiding from mummy and daddy spider. The children had to use their special powers to find him. Sometimes it was in some very unusual places.

Here’s a websites that give ideas for fostering imagination

The Imagination Tree click here

You will be pleased to hear that the Sports Day t-shirts are well underway, well done Clare! They all look fabulous.

The children have continued with their exploration of number six. We have been learning how to mix things up with a dice! Click here to watch.

Here’s and activity to do at home; Maths in the Bath.

Location: Bathroom Materials needed: Your hands.

Aim: This activity will help your child to understand that there are 4 fingers and 1 thumb (5 digits) on each hand and to recognise 1,2,3,4,5 digits without counting.

Ask your child to look at your hand and ask them: “How many fingers am I showing you?” If your child doesn’t say the number just tell them you are showing 4 fingers. Show your child 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 digits in random order. Can your child recognise automatically the number of fingers without counting? If your child doesn’t answer or gives a wrong answer just tell them the correct number without counting.


Maths in Steps

Location: Anywhere Materials needed: Your feet.

Aim: This activity will help your child to count up to 20 steps correctly and to use words such as, more, same, and fewer.

Ask your child to walk from one side of the room to the other. Then ask them “How many steps did you take?” Now you do the same. Ask your child to count your steps as you walk. Then ask them: “How many steps did I take?” Ask your child: “Are the number of the steps the same?”, “Who made more steps?”, “Who made fewer steps?”


Scavenger Hunt

Location: Garden/Green Space/Park

Materials needed: Things you can find in the garden like leaves, stones, flowers, and feathers.

Aim: This activity will help your child to understand and solve additions up to 10.

Ask your child to find 2 groups of objects. For example: Find 5 leaves and 3 stones. How many do you have in total? Find 3 small stones and 1 big leaf. How many do you have in total? Find 6 green leaves and 2 brown leaves. How many do you have in total? What other examples can you think of? If your child counts incorrectly, put all of the objects in a line and count all of them pointing at each one.

Good luck and enjoy!

The children have been using bricks and soft shapes to construct dens (and to have a just a jolly good time). Some of their building defied gravity!

As always in nursery we have been extremely busy. We have been watering the garden, writing to the ‘Poggle’ and looking for ‘Smeech’ who came into nursery garden and left lots of litter! Poor Smeech now gets the blame for anything and everything. Nobody has seen him so we don’t know what he/she/it looks like!

On Wednesday afternoon we had an unexpected visit from the Fire Service…don’t panic all was well. One of the children’s daddy drives the fire engine so he stopped outside the nursery so we could all have a look! It was very exciting!

Last but not least here are some photos of everything else we have been doing at nursery. It’s no wonder we are tired by Friday!

Here are the plans for the next two weeks!

I do hope the good weather stays for weekend and we can all fire up the BBQs. Have a lovely and restful couple of days and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.


Super heroes assemble!!

A super fabulous start to a the summer term. The children were soooo excited for our new learning thread….super heroes!

We kicked off the week by discussing super powers. Everyone chose their favourite power and shred with the group why they chosen it. X- ray vision was very popular although Clare’s teleportation power took some beating!

We are learning a song all about Amazing super heroes and their super powers: click here to sing along at home! I wonder what would your super power be?

We then decided that we should get our super hero play box out. What fun! We wore cloaks (some of them were invisibility cloaks), masks (some mask could freeze you!) and x-ray vision glasses! Have a look at our photos !

On Tuesday Super Croccy came to nursery. There was huge excitement when the door bell rang! He had a mission for us all to join in with. A puppy had got stuck up the tree in the garden. How would we get it down, what powers would we need? It took us ages to solve the problem.

We then read the story of Super Tato. Click here to listen.

If you fancy getting involved here is a mission for you to do at home! Don’t forget your cloak!

We then thought it would be a great idea to make a HUGE Spiderman web. You had to be very careful not to tough the web in case you woke up the spider in the tree. Arghhhhh!

Next, we made smaller webs on the chair legs for the small world super heroes. Beware of ‘Alligator’.

Clare made a super hero assault course. It was very tricky and we had to be brave and keep trying.

What a week! We are all exhausted! All this on top of our number and sounds work, watering the garden, water painting the walls and generally having a jolly good time at nursery! Phew! You better have a rest over the weekend we have another full on week next week!

May I say a big thank to everyone who has donated items from our wish list. Your support of nursery is greatly appreciated. Also, WELL DONE for firstly remembering to bring your sunflowers back to nursery and for your fabulous nurturing of the seeds. Some have grown very tall. I feel maybe some healthy competition has been afoot. Monty Don would be proud. The seeds we planted in the garden have only just started to germinate! The beans and strawberries are doing well though.

It has been lovely to see the children happy to be back at nursery. As we enter the final term of the year we have noticed how much the children have learnt and grown in confidence. We are so very proud of them all.

Finally, have a lovely weekend, try not to go too mad now the shops, bars….and hairdressers are opening up! Enjoy the sunshine and we will see you all on Monday, but remember to stay safe.


COVID-19 reporting and contacts over the Easter holiday

In the first 48 hours (until 3:30pm on Saturday 3rd April) after breaking up we continue to need your support. If your child shows symptoms of Covid-19 within 48 hours of last being in nursery, please can you report this to nursery immediately by emailing b.draper@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk  

Following this, please then seek a test as soon as possible and inform the nursery of the result, as soon as you receive it, even if the result is negative. Again, you can do this by emailing b.draper@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk  

If your child tests positive for Covid-19 having shown symptoms within 48 hours of last being in nursery, we need to be informed immediately so that we can notify any other children in your child's bubble and their families so they can self-isolate for ten days. This will help to prevent the spread of coronavirus in our community.  

If your child develops symptoms after 48 hours of last being in school (after 3:30pm on April 3rd) and then tests positive, then contact tracing should be picked up by the NHS Test and Trace Service. 

Your help with this is greatly appreciated. 


This week...

We have managed to reach the end of the spring term and thankfully all safe and well.

It has been an exhausting term and I can see that the children are beginning to flag (as are the staff). Nonetheless, we have had great fun learning and growing our brains. This week the children have been reflecting on the events of Holy Week and have drawn pictures to show how they are feeling.

All the nursery ladies are so proud of all the children’s achievements this term and we can’t wait to start our new learning thread after the holidays….Super Heroes!

Click on the button to see what we will be doing.

This week saw some glorious weather and that meant we could move nursery into the garden. On Tuesday and Wednesday we stayed outside all day. We even had snack and lunch in the garden. It was all very exciting!

As it was so warm we decided to get all the BIG water play out…we had to wear wellies though. We attached hose pipes, cisterns, got the water wheel working and watered the garden using HUGE teapots. Everyone enjoyed the water but we did get a bit wet!

All the children made Easter chicks with Clare and decorated Easter eggs on the computer with Colette. Don’t they look splendid?

Whilst we were in the garden the children wrote letters to the Poggle monster. We drew a picture of the Poggle on the computer and then stuck it on to the post box. You can write anything to the Poggle even if you are missing mummy and daddy. If you want to summon the Poggle you stamp your foot three times….

It was an excellent way to encourage the children to mark make!

Considering we only had four days at nursery this week we certainly crammed in as much as we could, we even made hot cross buns again.

Throughout the year the children have been practicing their balancing skills by building more and more complex and difficult obstacle courses. This week was our best one yet! Take a look!

Finally, on behalf of everyone at nursery I would like to wish everyone a happy and Holy Easter. I hope you all gets lots of time with loved ones, albeit in the garden. Let’s hope it’s BBQ weather!

Nursery reopens on Monday 12th April and we look forward to seeing all then.


This week...

We began the week by reading the Easter story and discussed the events of Holy week. We were all very sad talking about the crucifixion but happy again when Jesus was alive again. We have tried all week to be more like Jesus in everything that we do. We have shown love and compassion to all our friends.

The children watched a short video explaining Easter. If you want to watch it click here. Also, if you visit the CBeebies webpage there is more about Easter, including Jesus coming back to life depicted in sand. We were all fascinated by this, next week we are going to try and make pictures in the sand at nursery; Click here

On Monday and Thursday we made hot cross buns as another way to explore Easter. We found out that hot cross buns go back a long, long time (as far as the 12th century). According to the story, a monk baked the buns and marked them with a cross in honour of Good Friday. Over time everyone wanted to eat them and eventually became a symbol of Easter weekend.

We used the bread maker to mix the ingredients and then we watched as the dough started to rise. Jacqui in the school kitchen baked them in the oven and then we ate them all up!!!! Mmmmmm yummy!

 It was also Frances’s special birthday on Monday. We made her a card from everyone at nursery. We all had a lovely day…I hope Frances did too!

On Wednesday we read a story all about when mum turned into a monster. The cousins are coming to tea and Mum is busy cleaning, shopping and cooking. Sam and his sister are no help at all; they make lots of bad choices and create even more mess. Click here to listen.

The story inspired us to make a jungle camp in our garden just like the children in the story. It was so much fun!

Everyone was very excited to get a delivery of strawberry plants from Miss Neves in Reception. It took us ages to plant them. The children can’t wait until they grow and we can eat all the fruit. Fingers crossed!

As always nursery is a very busy place to be. We are so excited about our learning that it often takes us many directions all at the same time. Look at the photographs to see how many different activities have been happening.

As you will already know, nursery closes next Thursday for the Easter holidays. However, unlike in previous years nursery will not be closing at 2pm; we will remain open until 3.30 pm. We open again on Monday 12th April.

Try and have a restful weekend we have lots planned for next week! Our learning at the moment has no boundaries! Stay safe and I will see you all on Monday.


This week...

This week we have been continuing with our investigations as well as concentrating on our number work, sounds, planting and growing, celebrating St. Patricks’ Day and making dens to tell the story of the Three Little Pigs. It’s been an exhausting week.

Our garden is beginning to look much tidier and we have planted a butterfly and bee patch, potatoes, sunflowers and our broad bean plants. If you have any plants that you would like to donate yo our garden we would be most grateful. We will try very hard to look after them!

On Tuesday we celebrated St. Patricks’ Day. We watched a short video about the story of St. Patrick and them drew and coloured pictures. Click here to watch the story.

We have played lots of number games this week and read many many stories associated with a number. On Wednesday the children acted out the story of the Three Little Pigs. The wolf was very scary!! Arghhhhhh!

We also introduced Numberblocks Number 6. Click here to watch! The children also enjoyed this episode all about holes. Click here. Also, here’s the Numberblocks version of the Three Little Pigs…enjoy! Click here.

Through the week the children have been playing number snap, fishing for sounds and hunting the number gingerbread! Those gingerbread men kept running away and hiding in the nursery and garden! Listen to Mr. Tumble telling the story here.

To tie in with our floating topic we had another bubble blowing afternoon. It was great fun. We watched our bubbles float off over the school roof. Some of the children blew enormous bubbles!!

It’s hard to believe we still had time to take part in even more learning and fun, but we did. Look at everything else we did this week!

Over the next couple of weeks we will be focusing on the Easter story. I have attached our plans to the button below for you to take a look at. Next week I will be posting more information.

Lastly, let’s hope the good weather continues and we can get out in the sunshine, we certainly need it. Enjoy your weekend and we look forward to seeing on Monday.


This week.... sinking and floating

The children have loved working scientifically and finding out through first hand experiences; the nursery ladies have too! It has been VERY exciting.

This week we have been exploring sinking and floating. Click on the button to look at our plans for the week.

We began our experiments by watching and listening to a song.. Click here to listen. We even learnt a new word buoyant! We like finding new words. Everyone then set off around nursery to find an object that we could put in a large water trough. Before we could test out object we had to predict what we thought would happen. Needless to say there were some surprises. Look at our photos; we loved experimenting!

As you can see some of the children went on to build boats from boxes others used a boat building construction set to test if their boats would be able to carry people and not sink! That was tricky!

Towards the end of the week we watched another video to see if we would be able to predict what would happen; we had learnt so much! Click here to watch!

Here’s another video to watch in case it’s raining at the weekend, we haven’t had time to watch it at nursery; we’ve been so busy! Click here.

Later in the week we had a visitor come to nursery. Can you guess who it was? Yes, it was the Gruffalo! Of course we had to read the story!

The children over the past couple of weeks have been making special surprises for Mothering Sunday. I’m not sure if they have kept the surprise secret, but here just a few photos anyway. I do hope all our mums have the most wonderful restful day.

Next week we will be having a number a phonics week so watch out for things to do on Purple Mash! I’ve pinned lots of things on the Mini Mash site.

Finally, I have a huge favour to ask. If anyone has any nursery clothing at home, especially underwear could you please return them. Also, if you have any clothing that you no longer use donations would be gratefully received. Our stocks of clothing are very much depleted.

I’m not sure about the weather forecast for the weekend but I hope everyone manages to have some time together as a family, and…..