As an introduction to our new science topic ‘materials’, the children were presented with a strange white material which they had to investigate. They first predicted what they thought it was by looking at it and touching it. They then observed what happened when they added small drops of water to the powder. There were lots of ‘ooohs and aaaaaahs’ as the powder grew bigger and bigger into a snow like substance. The class were amazed - I think it may even appear on some of the children’s Christmas lists!
Making Sandwiches
Here are the photographs of us following our own instructions to make some delicious ham sandwiches.
Read more"Rest and be thankful"
Well done children - you have all worked incredibly hard this term and I can’t quite believe how far you have all already come in such a short space of time. It was clear from today’s end of term reflection that many of you found the first couple of weeks in Year 2 difficult and tiring, but you now relish in the learning and challenges that get thrown your way each day.
Read more"It's our choices ... that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities"
With only three days of learning left before the holidays, the children are remaining as focused as ever in order to achieve those half term goals. Maths lessons have been filled with sequences and counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s. The children have been busy solving problems by finding missing numbers and have been giving some great explanations and reasons as to why they have given certain answers - the use of mathematical vocabulary has been great.
Read more"The most beautiful way to start and end the day is with a grateful heart"
Another week has flown by with Year 2 working as hard as ever to grow those brains and achieve those ever changing targets they are setting themselves. We began reading our first focus story ‘Meerkat Mail’ this week, with the children focusing on the main character Sunny. As a class, we learned all about adjectives and the adjectives we could use to describe our new favourite Meerkat. In the coming weeks, we will develop these adjectives to create our own postcards from Sunny’s travels and hopefully, some incredibly entertaining meerkat poems - watch this space!
Read moreThe Merchant of Venice
As part of our back stage experience Leo and Casey Hornby , who are in charge of marketing, would like to invite you to see the Royal Shakespeare Company’s performance of THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. The show will be performed at Our Lady of the Assumption on Tuesday 8th October at 7pm. Tickets on sale at Our Lady of the Assumption reception. Or you could come along to the Grand in Blackpool. On Saturday at 1:30pm 20 children from our school will be part of the production both backstage and front of house. Casey and Leo will be there to greet you!
"A wise person knows that there is something to be learned from everyone"
My goodness! We have reached yet the end of another busy week here in Year 2 and it has gone so quickly, I don’t think some of the children can quite believe it’s the weekend … AGAIN! Each lesson has been brimmed with new and exciting learning for the children to throw themselves into and I’m still amazed by just how much enthusiasm the children show each day.
Read more"We don't grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges"
I still can’t believe how quickly the children have settled into their new classroom and how much enthusiasm and energy they show in each and every lesson. They are coming into school each morning so curious about the new challenges they may face that day and know that by pushing and challenging themselves, they will enjoy their learning more and more.
Read more"I've learned that I still have a lot to learn"
What a fantastic second week back we have had here in Year 2! The children have fit seamlessly into their new routines and come into every lesson with such focus and enthusiasm. They have also taken on their extra roles of responsibility so sensibly this week, from taking the register to sharpening pencils - you name it, they’re doing it. I know some are already thinking about which job they would like to take on next half term!
Read more"You will never regret being brave"
What an absolutely amazing start the children have had to their Year 2 journey. It was a joy to see so many smiling, excited faces eagerly waiting for me to open the door to the classroom on Tuesday morning. I can’t believe just how quickly the children have settled into their new surroundings and how well they have taken to their new routine - it’s like they’ve been here forever!
Read moreWelcome Back Year 2!
I hope you have all had a wonderful summer holiday filled with laughter, rest and bundles of memory making! I bet it’s hard for many of you to believe (particularly parents) that you will be starting your new adventure in Year Two TOMORROW!
I am very much looking forward to seeing all of your fresh faces in the morning and telling you all about the exciting year of learning we have ahead. Mrs Connolly, your new Year 2 teaching assistant, is also incredibly excited to meet you all.
Just a few notices to keep you up to date in the first week:
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