Year 3 Tuesday 28th April Photos from your Learning from Home

Good morning Year 3. We hope that you are all staying fit and healthy and enjoying your learning from home. Here are the photos from today’s learning from home. Keep sending in the photos we are really enjoying them.

Have a great day!

Reception Home Learning Tuesday 28th April

Everyday activities:

1. PE with Joe Wicks—Keep active some point today. ( )

2. Phonics: Today I would like you to watch the set 1 and set 2 speed sounds, by clicking on the link:                                                

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm

3. Oxford Owl: Login to Oxford Owl and read your next book. Remember to discuss the story throughout, checking your child’s understanding. Please make a note of any sounds or tricky words that your child struggles with and focus on these throughout the next few days/until they know them.

Today’s specific activities:

1. Personal, Social and Emotional learning: What makes us special. Today I would like you to follow the link and watch the short video able Pip and Pop. I would then like you to talk all about you! What you like/dislike enjoy doing/don’t enjoy doing etc. You could then discuss the similarities and differences between yourself and another member of your family. Finally, there is a “spot the difference” game to reiterate the meaning of ‘same’ and ‘different’.                                    

2. Purple mash: Please use your login details to access this weeks activity. Following on from the above activity, I would like you create a picture to show some me of the things that you like, the things that make you special. You could draw your favourite animal, food, toy, colour… anything!

3. Maths: White Rose: This week we have a new story focus: Night Pirates. Just like last week you might like to start this activity reading or watching the story here:

Please access Summer 1 Week 2—Day 1 Night Pirates: 

Watch the short video/ presentation and have a go at the activity.

Miss Bassett.

Year 4 home learning Tuesday 28th April


The video below shows how I reached the answers for the assessment. It helps you improve your learning by helping you see where you went wrong.

I would like you to make sure that you practise any areas you struggled with - as we are moving on to Fractions tomorrow.


Today, I would like you to write a high quality persuasive letter. Watch the video below to remind yourselves how to do this. Please send it to me when you have finished.

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Tuesday 28th March

Good Morning Year 2!

I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s learning. Here are Tuesday’s activities:


Access the RWI sessions below. All the children would benefit from accessing the set 3 sounds lesson, however some might also benefit from the other sessions.

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am

If you do however, feel that these sessions are not really benefiting your child, please feel free to access reading materials for a little longer instead.


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading and Epic Reading resources. Help can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section of my page if you need it.

It also isn’t too late to sign up for the Epic Reading resource. If you would like access to a huge range of books, some with quizzes, please send an email to This will enable me to send you an invite to create an account.


Day 2 - Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf
The link below takes you to a printed version of the text, together with an audio recording by the author, Roald Dahl. For the learning today, you will need to pause the recording at various points to make predictions.

Introduce the poem and explain that you are going to listen to it in parts. Start listening and then pause the recording at 1:02 mins. Make predictions. What do you think might happen next? What happened next in the original tale?

Resume the poem. Pause again at 1:40. Recap what has just happened. Ask, what does the wolf want to do next? Discuss the need to warn Little Red Riding Hood! Write Little Red Riding Hood a letter to warn her of the Wolf’s intentions and the need to stay away from Grandma’s house! Perhaps you could write as if you were a woodland animal – a friend of Little Red Riding Hood.

Remember to lay out your letter with your address, the date, to and from. Try to convince Little Red Riding Hood as much as you can to stay away! Check spelling and punctuation in each sentence together.

Finish the session by resuming the reading of the poem. How is it different to the original tale? Are there any parts that surprise you? Which version do you prefer and why?


Today you have a spelling challenge to complete.

Oxford Owl Spelling

Please see Monday’s home learning for how to access Oxford Owl Spelling.

Choose a spelling rule to work on today.


Choose one of the topics to revisit:

Counting in 2s, 3s, 5s or 10s - 


Introduction and comparison of 2p, 5p and 10p coins -


Time Sequences

Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for more learning!

Keep up being those Enthusiastic Bobby Bees that you are!

Miss Woodend


Dear Year 4,

Mrs Maddocks, the flute teacher has realised she has left her OWN flute in one of your flute cases! The week before schools closed whilst Mrs Mather was getting pupils to pack away she was helping a couple of pupils in a small room and somebody accidentally packed away her flute. 

It says ‘miyazawa’ on the neck. Please could you all check.

If you have it, could you please keep it safe during lockdown - or drop it off at the school.


Mrs Lyons

Father I pray that you will cover my child with your love. Psalm 33:22

One of our Year 3 children producing her own liturgy for her family on Sunday, what a wonderful way to keep Jesus in our hearts while we cannot attend Mass.

Year 3 Monday 27th April home learning photos

What a lovely start to the morning to log on to Acceleread to see that another two children have met their reading targets over the weekend. Well done to Mason and Olivia, great work you two! Will anyone else be able to reach that golden 100% today? Here are the photos we have been sent today, keep them coming please.

Reception Home Learning Monday 27th April

Everyday activities

1. PE with Joe Wicks—Keep active some point today. ( )

2. Phonics: Today I would like you to watch the set 1 and set 2 speed sounds, by clicking on the link:                                                

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm

3. Oxford Owl: Login to Oxford Owl and read your next book. Remember to discuss the story throughout, checking your child’s understanding. Please make a note of any sounds or tricky words that your child struggles with and focus on these throughout the next few days/until they know them.

Today’s specific activities:

1. Literacy: Talk 4 Writing: Please have a look at the PDF below. Today we have a poem that Mavis the cat would like us to get o know. Following this Mavis has a fun challenge involving you taking one of your toys on a special adventure. Enjoy!

2.  Sum Dog: I would like you to find more or less than a number. This will help to check on your knowledge of the number system to 10. This challenge will be available until Wednesday evening.

3. RE: Today I would like you to think about surprises. Have you ever had a surprise? What was it? How did it feel having a surprise? Please have a look at the following PDF working through using your yellow book where possible.  

I hope that you enjoy your day!

Miss Bassett.

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Monday 27th April

Welcome to another week of learning Year 2. I hope that you all had a great weekend at home and are ready for the new week.

Here are Monday’s home learning challenges:


Access the RWI sessions below. All the children would benefit from accessing the set 3 sounds lesson, however some might also benefit from the other sessions.

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am

If you do however, feel that these sessions are not really benefiting your child, please feel free to access reading materials for a little longer instead.


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading and Epic Reading resources. Help can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section of my page if you need it.

It also isn’t too late to sign up for the Epic Reading resource. If you would like access to a huge range of books, some with quizzes, please send an email to This will enable me to send you an invite to create an account.


Roald Dahl may already be one of your favourite authors, but did you know he was very skilled at writing poetry too? The extracts used this week are from Revolting Rhymes and Dirty Beasts, both of which are told completely in rhyme. Dahl did, however, also use poetry within some of his stories, e.g. when the Oompa Loompas sing about each of the children in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the window cleaners in The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me.

Day 1 - The Porcupine
Use the link below to listen to and enjoy ‘The Porcupine’ from Dirty Beasts by Roald Dahl.

Watch this short clip to find out more about porcupines.

Discuss what it must have felt like for the child in the poem! Listen to the poem again, stopping to write down favourite words and phrases. You may choose to print off a copy of the poem here:

Read together and highlight the key words and phrases.

Design and create a poster warning children about the danger of porcupines! Include some warning sentences starting with ‘if’, e.g. If you don’t look carefully, you could sit on one by mistake! If you sit on a porcupine, its spikes will stick in you!
Pinch some of your favourite words or phrases from the poem, e.g. It will feel as if a hundred red hot bits of wire are puncturing your skin! Be sure you look before you sit! You may also choose to use some key facts from the information clip, e.g. The spikes are called quills and can come out very easily. Ouch!
Include a diagram in your poster, labelling the key parts, particularly those dangerous quills! Check your punctuation and spelling.


Today I have set you a ‘grammar skills’ task.

Oxford Owl Spelling

Oxford Owl have allowed access to some superb spelling resources linked to the spelling scheme we follow in school. It would be brilliant for your child to access a different spelling rule a day. However, I will be unable to set certain spelling rules for each day as many of the tasks have the same name and I am unable to set links to specific rules. Therefore, It would be great to access the website everyday and choose one spelling focus for that day. You should then know which ones you have completed and which ones need doing. The tasks are only short and shouldn’t take too long. To access the resources:

Go to

Click ‘My Class Login’ at the top of the page and enter the username and password:
Username: ourladyyear2
Password: year2

From there, click on the ‘Read Write Inc. Spelling’ tab. (There are MORE reading books on this resource too, many that should have quizzes on Accelerated Reader! … So many opportunities to read!!)

If you then select Year 2 in the ‘Year Groups’ drop down menu, the spelling rules for Year 2 will appear. There you can choose which rule to work through each day.

If you have any issues, please do not hesitate to ask.


Maths is a little different this week because we are one week ahead on the resources due to having only one week off at Easter.
Therefore, I thought it would be good to give the children a choice of two skills to revisit. The first link will be to revisit a place value skill. The second link is to revisit a money skill. Your child can choose which area they feel they need more practice in, or can watch both videos if they wish.

Find one more and one less - 


Introduction to  money and the 1p coin -


x2 multiplication challenge

Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for more learning!

Have a super day of learning Year 2!

Miss Woodend