Reception Multi-Sports Club

Mr Nay will be running an after school club for reception on Tuesdays, starting next week, from 3.30 - 4.15pm in school. There is only a set number of places available, but do not worry. If there is a lot of children who want to take part, we will split the group into two and run another session next half term. The club will really support the children and continue to help their physical development.

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We wish you a Merry Christmas

Just a short one to finish a very short week. I just wanted to say a big thank you to all the children and parents for all of your support and hard work this term. It is still hard to believe that we have finished our first term in Year 5. Please have a restful and wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!


Lots and lots of reading and times tables practice. Other than that, the children’s homework is to have a happy and merry Christmas! I’ll see you all in 2023.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

A very short week, this week, and now we have broken up for Christmas! Can’t believe we have had a term in Year 6 already- it has gone so fast!

Today we had a very long but fun assembly, where we celebrated Miss Brisco and Mrs Malley on their retirement. We are extremely sad that they are leaving, as we will miss them so much, but we wish them well and hope they enjoy their new-found freedom! Many dogs and pets appeared in our assembly today and we even had a bit of a quiz!

We also got to see some very funky dance moves, led by the Year 6 team as elves. The children were very impressed with our skill and Abi even commented on how flexible we all were! We then had a go at Elfing ourselves!

Leading Learners

Well done to Thomas and Christian this week.

Thomas you have been impressing us so much with your positive and hard-working attitude! You use your initiative on a daily basis to forward your own learning and always give your best– keep it up Thomas!

Christian you are such a roger robin, showing your kindness and thoughtfulness on a daily basis, always seeing beyond yourself. Whichever, partner you work with, you work hard and so cooperatively! Keep up the good work Christian! 

Prophetic and Intentional butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are intentional with their actions, who make deliberate choices for the good of others. Those that are prophetic, who may stand up to injustice for the greater good even when it is difficult to do so. These children are the role models of the school, who may march to the beat of a different drummer, but who make a big difference not just to our class, but to our school. This week we thank Arthur!

Have a wonderful Christmas!

" Everything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso

Together we found out all about sustainable art and how important it is for our planet and environment, we decided to upcycle everyday packages that would eventually go in the bin to each create a piece for a Christmas village, it was amazing to see the children’s ideas on their sketchbooks and there were so many great ideas!

" Art does not reproduce what we see. It makes us see." - Paul Klee

In Year 4 this term we looked at Optical illusion art , we have researched some artists that use this technique and then had a go at making our own optical illusion piece. The Artists in year 4 were encouraged to draw their hands and then add straight lines across the whole page but we learnt that by changing the lines direction inside the hand drawing this would give the drawing an optical illusion as if the hand was inside the paper, children were amazed by this effect!

Year 4 also created some flags to cheer up our friends when we had a visit from Paralympic Stuart Robinson. We used print technique on to cotton fabric and added our own individual cheering message.

Together we found out all about sustainable art and how important it is for our planet and environment, we decided to upcycle everyday packages that would eventually go in the bin to each create a piece for a Christmas village, it was amazing to see the children’s ideas on their sketchbooks and there were so many great ideas! Because we were all in the Christmas mood we started our Christmas cards, children were encouraged to create their own using any techniques/mediums that they would prefer.


Year 2 Weekly blog - 'Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas' Peg Bracken

Wishing you and you families a safe, peaceful and Holy Christmas.

It’s been an absolute pleasure teaching your children this half term, I’m looking forward to welcoming them back into the classroom in the new year.
As of yet there is has been no news about Miss Woodend’s new baby - perhaps she’ll have a Christmas Day baby!

Let’s Celebrate!

We are celebrating Nathan and Phoebe this week and their fantastic performances in our class nativity. Both children spoke with confidence, enthusiasm and expression. They were stars! Well done Nathan and Phoebe!

As promised, here’s a few more photos of your amazing children from our KS1 Nativity production.

Merry Christmas,
Mrs Marham and the Year 2 team

Have no fear of perfection, you'll never reach it."- Salvador Dali

This term the year 3 artists have been very busy.

We looked at Paul Klee’s art , in their sketchbooks using coloured paper (choosing 2 primary colours and 1 secondary colour), year 3 created their own version of one of Paulo Klee’s famous art piece-“ Highways and Byways”.

Following the same technique (now using black paper only), in our sketchbooks the artists in year 3 tried to make some optical illusion pieces inspired on the artist Victor Vasarely. We researched about this artist and his art work, we were all amazed by Victor Vasarely art.

Together we found out all about sustainable art and how important it is for our planet and environment, we decided to upcycle everyday packages that would eventually go in the bin to each create a piece for a Christmas village, it was amazing to see the children’s ideas on their sketchbooks and there were so many great ideas! Because we were all in the Christmas mood we started our Christmas cards, children were encouraged to create their own using any techniques/mediums that they would prefer.

Year 3 Artists also did their own nativity scene using a glass window technique. We had to cut silhouettes and the stable, we have found this tricky but we persisted and we had amazing art pieces.

On our final week we looked at observational drawing and together discussed the key principles of drawing someone’s face. We looked at how splitting the face into sections and making sure the ears section has the eyes, eyebrows and nose will help us get the features as accurate as possible. We then sat opposite each other and tried to draw our friends, these were amazing and the children were so focus!

"There is no must in art because art is free."- Wassily Kandinsky

This term the year 2 artists have been very busy.

We looked at Aboriginal art and its origin, year 2 created a map in their sketchbooks using aboriginal art’s technique. We also found out what a didgeridoo is and decorated our own.

Together we found out all about sustainable art and how important it is for our planet and environment, we decided to upcycle everyday packages that would eventually go in the bin to each create a piece for a Christmas village, it was amazing to see the children’s ideas on their sketchbooks and there were so many great ideas! Because we were all in the Christmas mood we started our Christmas cards, children were encouraged to create their own using any techniques/mediums that they would prefer.

Year 2 Artists also started their own nativity scene in clay.

Each artist was encouraged to think about Jesus birth and how they imagine the stable would look like. These nativity scenes are adorable and the artists worked really hard to put them together.


“ The purpose of Art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” Pablo Picasso

This term the year 1 artists have been very busy.

We looked at Andy Goldsworthy and land art , we had a little try ourselves in the school garden. we also had a try in our sketchbooks with some tissue paper and followed Andy Goldworth technique. This was so much fun!

Together we found out all about sustainable art and how important it is for our planet and environment, we decided to upcycle everyday packages that would eventually go in the bin to each create a piece for a Christmas village, it was amazing to see the children’s ideas on their sketchbooks and there were so many great ideas! because we were all so in the Christmas mood we started our Christmas cards, children were encourage to create their own using any techniques/mediums there would prefer.

Year 1 Artists also looked at Primary colours and together we discussed and experimented making a colour lighter (add white) or darker (add black), the children absolutely loved experimenting!


Wishing you all a happy and Holy Christmas...

On behalf of us all we would like to say huge thank you for the constant trust and support you have given us! We wish you all the most wonderful and Holy Christmas, enjoy some rest and special time with friends and family.

Our dear Miss Brisco said her goodbye’s today, I know the children and all those who work alongside you will very much miss her! Miss Brisco you are full of kindness, always the first to help help and full of love. We wish you so much happiness as you begin your retirement. Enjoy and remember …. we will be in touch to share with you how we are getting on.

When we come back from the holidays, we welcome Mrs Hotchkiss! We are all so excited to have you in our Year 3 team and we know that you are very excited to be back in the classroom too. Mrs Hotchkiss will be teaching our wonderful children on Thursdays and Fridays. Miss Bassett will now be teaching on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Reminders for January

  • PE DAYS: Outdoor PE will remain on a Monday. Indoor PE will change and now EVERYBODY will have PE on Thursdays.

  • We come back to school on Wednesday 4th January. We cannot wait to hear all about your Christmas holidays and what you have been up to.

Year 1 Weekly Blog 20.19.22 Wishing you a Merry Christmas

It was our Christmas party on Monday, we had so much fun, everyone looked lovely in their party clothes.

Today we made chocolate tiffin together, its a special treat from myself, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson.

Here is the reciepe:

  • 175g shortbread

  • 75g glace cherries

  • 100g milk chocolate

  • 100g dark chocolate

  • 100g butter

  • 2TBSP syrup

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to Eliza and our ‘Bobby Bee’ for working very hard during our nativity and for their super dances.

Henry is going home with this person for a super week at school well done.

Have a lovely Christmas Break :), thank you for all the wonderful presents.

Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson

Christmas Party 2022!!!!!

We had a fabulous time at the Christmas Party!

Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!!!!

Party games and dancing!

Meeting Father Christmas.

Great fun was had by all!!!