Year 1 Homework 16.12.22

Homework books have been sent out, please can you decorate your homework book and complete the Christmas Holiday Homework, enjoy this break, we would love to hear about your Christmas news and see if you can complete some of the challenges.

Year 1 Weekly Blog 16.12.22

I am so proud of how hard the children have worked for our Nativity, they were amazing! and a huge thank you to Miss Liddell for teaching the children all the brilliant dances. This was mine and Miss Liddell’s first time organising a Nativity so it was extra special for us.

This week in Geography we looked at our addresses and wrote our address on a blank envelope. In RE we finished writing the Christmas story and made each other a Christmas card look out for the post they should arrive soon.

In Maths we have continued looking at number lines and counted different objects by placing counters on top of them, then moving them to a ten frame to see how many there were.

Let’s Celebrate:

Our certificate awardees will be announced on Tuesday :).

Henry is going home with this person for a super week at school well done.


  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for the Christmas homework.

  • It is our Christmas party and christmas lunch on Monday, please come in party clothes.

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson

‘Jesus is the gift that perfectly fits every heart’.

Christmas is inching closer and closer, and the children (and nursery ladies) are getting more and more excited!!!

Everyone has nearly completed their Christmas surprises- keep a look our for them coming home.

On Monday we went to watch the KS1 Nativity play. The children enjoyed being together with the whole school especially when they saw their brothers and sisters….one big happy family!

The frosty days have given us all great joy. The aew and wonder when we noticed that the grass was white!! Justine read us a story about Jack Frost and the children said he had been to their house too! We all melted the frost with our warm hands to make handprints!

It has been very cold though. The children have not wanted to spend as much time in the garden brrrrrrrr!

Colette’s Blog

Hello everyone.

The children were able to begin this week by watching KS1 Nativity. It was such a wonderful experience for them being in the audience especially as they know this beautiful story so well now. Last Friday afternoon the children were beginning to miss performing so much that they decided to build their own stage in Nursery and recreate their Foundation Nativity.  For the Nursery staff this really was the most joyful performance to watch because it showed how the children had really understood the true meaning of Christmas. They never cease to amaze us with how much they can remember in their ‘thinking brains’.

The freezing cold weather has given us lots of exciting things to find in the garden, we have found evidence of ‘Jack Frost’ everywhere. Lots of water had turned to ice and so we have had some lovely conversations about freezing and melting too!

May I just take this opportunity to wish all of you a very Happy Christmas with your wonderful families and thank you so much for everything that you do to support us at Nursery.

Enjoy the holidays and I’ll see you in 2023!


Steph’s Blog

Hello everyone

What another busy week! We enjoyed watching Year 1 and 2 in their Nativity performance at the start of the week – they were brilliant!

We loved performing in our Nativity so much that we’ve continued performing in the classroom and outside too! We made stages and took it in turns to perform and also be the grownups in the audience – it was so nice to see the children encouraging their friends and clapping for them. Lots of smiles all round!

We have made the most of the cold weather and ice and enjoyed putting small toys in bowls of water outside and explored what happened to them overnight – we learnt the words liquid and solid! It was fun trying to ‘free’ our toys in the warm classroom. The children also decided to make an ice cream shop outside – at least it was cold enough for the ice cream not to melt! This was a great activity to develop language skills and turn taking.

We have continued looking at our 10 sounds we have learnt so far – some of us even know more than 10! We enjoyed ‘crossing the river’ at carpet time. We had to listen carefully for our sound and could only cross the river if it matched. We are so good at recognising sounds on the carpet and also in our environment. Keep looking out for these over the Christmas holidays!

I hope you all have a lovely time with your families over the holidays – I’m looking forward to hearing all about it when we are back!


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone,

This week has been so chilly but that has led to some wonderful learning about ice and the cold. This week we were scientists and we did our own experiments. We left some items outside in some water and wondered what would happen to them. The children said we were doing an ‘experiment’. We found out that the water had turned into ice and froze the items inside the ice. We also discovered that water when frozen is called ice and that it turns back into water when it gets warm.

We also discovered more about number 5 this week. We drew our high 5 fingers and played a game where we had to put the sheep in the field, always adding up to 5. Maths mastery is knowing that 5 can be made up in different ways. This knowledge will help children with addition and subtraction in later life.

We have also enjoyed watching the school children in their nativity performances, we do enjoy going in to the school hall and sharing special moments with the rest of the school.

Don’t forget party day is Monday 19th, party dress is essential!

Finally, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your support this term. It is truly appreciated. I am sure you will agree with me that we really do have the best children here at Our Lady Star of the Sea Nursery. They are all amazing!

Just as few extras from Justine!

Our freezing and melting experiment.

As Colette has already mentioned, we put lots of different objects in cups and bowls then covered them with water. We put them into the garden to see if they would freeze. We learnt that the water was a liquid and when it got very cold it turned into a solid…ice! When we brought the ice inside our lovely warm nursery it changed back into a liquid…water! We could then rerieve all the objects which had been trapped in the ice. Take a look…

Healthy Start scheme- what is it?

If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk.

If you’re eligible, you’ll be sent a Healthy Start card with money on it that you can use in some UK shops. Your benefit will be added onto your card every 4 weeks.

You can use your card to buy:

  • plain liquid cow’s milk

  • fresh, frozen, and tinned fruit and vegetables

  • fresh, dried, and tinned pulses

  • infant formula milk based on cow’s milk

You can also use your card to collect:

  • Healthy Start vitamins – these support you during pregnancy and breastfeeding

  • vitamin drops for babies and young children – these are suitable from birth to 4 years old.

If you need anymore information visit or click here.

Christmas Taskmaster

As in previous years i have sent home a Christmas Taskmaster activity sheet. If you are a loose end why not try a few of the activities. You may not have time and that’s ok! The important thing is to enjoy being together and having fun!

Purple Mash

Don’t forget to check Purple Mash for any Christmas activities!

Christmas Party

Don’t forget that the Christmas Party is on Monday morning 9.15 am (if it is not your usual day) until 11.45 am. We will be joining Reception and the rest of KS1 for lots of Christmas merriment. Party clothes a must!!!!

Packed lunches and hot lunches are as usual. We will be having birthday cake as a treat to celebrate Baby Jesus’ birthday at snack time. The children have been quite specific in their choice of cake. It must ne chocolate, with chocolate icing, Smarties and chocolate buttons!!! Sounds good!

We are also hoping for a visit from a very special person….I do hope I am on the good list!

Lastly, may I remind everyone that school and Nursery closes at 2pm on Tuesday.

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you for the last two days of the term next week.

God Bless


Year 6 Home Learning

For homework over Christmas I would like you just to relax, make memories with your families and re-charge those batteries ready for another busy term.

However, the one thing we would ask is that you do lots of reading over the holidays!

It would be great if you could go to the library and borrow a couple of Biographies, as we will be writing our own when we come back! This will help you to gather certain vocabulary and get used to the style of writing, as well of course as being extremely interesting learning about the lives of others!

Here are some websites that you can download free biographies from incase you can’t get to the library:

Year 3 home learning

From now until we return, we want you to relax and enjoy Christmas. Spend time together, take the pressure off… bake, watch your favourite films, visit somewhere new, re-organise your bedroom, learn how to play a new board game, GET CREATIVE AND HAVE FUN!

We would love for you to share these memories that you make… you have our emails and can send any photos that you would like us to share in class when we return.

Try and get lost in a new book, visit the library if you can. When we return we will be looking at describing settings and characters… maybe you could start to magpie ideas from books that you read over the summer. These ideas could go into your homework book so that you have them to use when in school.

Remember that you have TT Rockstars to continue to use. Can you earn enough points to make your character Christmassy?

All our love, and wishing you the most wonderful Christmas.

Your ever growing Year 3 team xxx

Year 5 Weekly Blog 16.12.22 'It's the most wonderful time of the year'

We have finished our final full week and it has definitely been action packed. We started the week off with lots of trips out of class to practice for our Christmas concert. The children have combatted the dangerous conditions and have been careful as they walk and play with the icy pavements.

Thursday evening was a special evening for us all as we had our Christmas concert, where the children performed in front of a full crowd in church. The children sang beautifully and really spread the true meaning of Christmas.

On Thursday, the children also completed their water safety lessons in swimming. These were to finish their lessons from the end of year 4 and the children have received a certificate for this, if they have attended at least one of the water safety lessons. Some children still have not achieved their distance targets and these will be done later on in the year (most likely in the summer term).

Today, as you have all been told about was Christmas Party Day! We were in the hall in the morning where there was lots of party games, dancing and sweets. We then spent the afternoon back in the classroom, where we watched a Christmas film with lots of Christmas colouring.


Choir Trip- Children in choir will be going to Stella Matutina care home, on Monday 19th December, to sing to the relatives. Children will be in normal school uniform and will be back for normal pick up time.

Last Day- School will close at 2pm on Tuesday 20th December.

Year 3 - "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear." - Will Ferrell

What a fun way to end our week! It was wonderful to see all of the Key Stage 2 children making such lovely Christmas memories during our Christmas party today. The singing, and roaring laughter filled the school with Christmas cheer! All of the children had a wail of a time playing musical statues, pass the parcel, silent footsteps … and who can forget those cheeky forfeits!

We had another beautiful moment yesterday as we performed our Christmas carol concert! The nerves started to grow as we walked to church, but as soon as the music started the children were ready to share the Christmas story with such enthusiasm and pride. It was absolutely beautiful and certainly brought a tear (or ten) to my eye!

Along with all of the festivities, we have been cracking on with our dragon writing. We are prepped and ready to go for our big independent write on Monday! We aim to put all of our learning to good use, so that together, we can create a ‘Dragon Hunters guide’. The children have shared with one another their homework from last week, and have discussed the dragons that they have spotted in recent weeks. We have also spent time discussing key features of non-chronological reports and we plan on using this knowledge, along with our growing grammar and vocabulary, to help us when we write our own non-chronological report about our dragons!


  • Please bring a carrier bag with you on Monday as we will be clearing out our trays and sending bits and pieces home.

  • Christmas dinner is on Monday next week.

  • Next week we break up at 2pm on Tuesday.

Wishing you the most wonderful, Holy and happy Christmas.

Your ever growing Year 3 team xxx

Year 5 Homework


To read a minimum for 20 minutes a day at home every day. The children have been given personal reading targets for their books (post it notes) so they can work towards achieving them.

Maths- catch up

To complete any of the previous two IXL homework’s if you have not done already. The children who haven’t done the previous weeks homework have been notified.

These IXL’s are;

R4- Add and subtract word problems.

R6- Price lists

Year 2 Blog 16.12.22 - Good news from heaven the angels bring, Glad tidings to the earth they sing: To us this day a child is given, To crown us with the joy of heaven.” ~ Martin Luther

Good news from heaven the angels bring,
Glad tidings to the earth they sing:
To us this day a child is given,
To crown us with the joy of heaven.
~ Martin Luth

I am so proud of the children, as I am sure you are too. Thank you to the families and friends who came to watch the children perform on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. All the time and practise the children (and adults at home) have put in certainly paid off. The singing, the dancing, the enthusiasm and expression the children spoke with when saying their lines was amazing. Its hard to believe, that for some of the children, this has been their first time on stage performing.
On Monday the performance was professionally recorded and will be available for parents to buy through parentpay. I have taken lots of photos, I will share a few at the end of this weeks blog and the rest next week.

It is the third week of advent, we have added the third candle to our class Advent wreath and spoke about joy. The children were asked to think about what brings them joy at this time of year. Some of their answers were: ‘Family and friends’, ‘Feeling loved’, ‘Spending time with my family’ and ‘Seeing my family from far away’. It was lovely that at this age the children are really appreciating and enjoying the real meaning of Christmas and appreciating these joyful moments.

In maths this week the children have continued using strategies to help with subtraction .The work was a little tricky and I was impressed with the resilience the children showed whilst learning.

We’ve enjoyed reading about the Big Bad Wolf’s adventures and mishaps in ‘The Great Fairy Tale Disaster'. Who’d have thought the Wolf could get himself into so much trouble!

Our history topic on Florence Nightingale has now finished, the children used Purple Mash to create an information book, sharing everything they have learnt. Earlier in the topic the children made lanterns, these have been sent home tonight.


It’s our party day on Monday 19th December - please send your children in their party clothes.
School closes at the earlier time of 2pm on Tuesday 20th December.

Have a safe and peaceful weekend,
Mrs Marham and the Year 2 team

Year 2 Home learning 9.12.22


Please read for at least 20 minutes every day.

Nativity Lines

The children have been given their lines to practise for our Nativity. Please keep practising these at home. I have asked the children to also bring their lines back to school each day, just in case we have a practise in class.


Please complete the number bonds activity in your home learning books.


Please complete the reading questions about ‘The Real Story of the 3 pigs.’

Here’s the link to the story on Youtube


Spellings to learn this week:

Changing y to ied - cried tried hurried copied dried married carried replied studied scurried

High-frequency words spellings to learn this week:

Set 11 - ever every everyone everybody another father

Spelling quizzes will take place on Fridays.

Year 5 Weekly Blog 09.12.22 'Nothing you could confess would make me love you less' Jesus

Another week down and another week closer to Christmas! The children have been getting excited with lots of discussion about elves on shelfs, advent calendars and Christmas lists. We as a school have also been preparing for Christmas by going to church on Wednesday for our advent mass. As the oldest pupils there, Year 5 were given the responsibility to buddy up with our Year 1’s. The children were brilliant in looking after our younger pupils and were excellent role models throughout the journey. You would be very proud of them.

We have also been getting into the festive spirit by preparing for our Christmas concert next week. We have been down to church for our stage practices so the children can become familiar with the settings. This has been a priority for homework, to practice these hymns at home. On Friday, the children had their confessions with Father Peter. This gave the children a moment to themselves to reflect and reconciliate, which is a huge part of them growing as children.

In Maths, we have continued with our money topic and have been applying this to real life scenarios such as buying items in a shop and receiving some change. The children have shown a deep understanding of this by applying their decimals knowledge to word problems.

In English, we have been recapping our skills knowledge of conjunctions and delving deeper into the different type of causal conjunctions. We have also been looking at explanatory texts and how conjunctions are used to construct these type of texts. We will be writing our own explanatory texts and linking this to our science topic.

In Science, we have continued with experimenting with forces and have been looking at which forces counteract gravity, such as air resistance. The children have been looking at what forces are applied with parachutes and have had fun at making their own and dropping them from a height.


We have picked up our kidsafe lessons again this week. Here is what we learned about;

Christmas Films- Parental Guidance

Please read and sign the form regarding the choice of Christmas films for our Christmas party next week.

Christmas Dinner - Monday 19th December

Staff will join the children in this festive feast!

We need to know the precise numbers for Jacqui, our wonderful chef!

Could you PLEASE take a few seconds to complete the form on today’s newsletter blog on the school website.

The meal is free for all Key Stage 1 children and for all those children on free school meals.  

Key Stage 2 children NOT on free school meals pay £2.40 - this should be paid in advance on ParentPay.

Please complete the form FOR EVERY CHILD in school, both Key Stages, whether it is a yes for a meal or a no - that would really help us!

Do please ensure you have completed the form by Monday Morning, 9am.

Thank you so much – The Office and Catering Teams


Let’s Celebrate

Dominic for being a enthusiastic learner: For being so passionate towards your learning and engaging in every subject that we learn. You are keen to discover something new and your enthusiasm towards your learning is what contributes to you being a resilient learner.

Georgia for being a brave earner: For continuing to give your best in lessons, even if you are feeling down. It takes a lot of courage to approach a member of staff and tell them how you’re feeling and for you to still carry on with your learning shows you are growing as a person.

Alex for being intentional: As upper juniors, we are on a journey of becoming more trustworthy and responsible learners and you have made some big strides this week. You were an excellent role model for our younger children when we were taking care of the Year 1 , during our advent mass.


The weather is really starting to drop so please make sure your child is wrapped up with gloves, hat and a coat.

Christmas concert- Will take place at church on Thursday 15th December at 2pm and 7pm. Children have been given a booklet which includes the song lyrics so they can practice at home. A video of our in school practices are available on the homework blog. Parents are free to attend either of these times.

Christmas cards- As a school, we have decided to not send individual Christmas cards to each other but to instead donate money to charity. If they would like, children can write one card for the whole class.

Christmas party- The Key Stage 2 party will be on Friday 16th December. Children can come into school in party clothes and sensible shoes. They can bring a non fizzy drink and a small snack such as chocolate or a packet of crisps.

Swimming- The class still need to complete there water safety unit from last year. We will doing this on Thursday 15th December. Children will need their pajamas with their swimsuit underneath. Please arrive at school at 8:30am, entering from the St Patricks road gate.

Year 1 Homework 9.12.22

Thank you for those who have brought in envelopes. Please could you bring in a stamped envelope with your child’s name and address on. As part of our Geography and RE topic we are learning all about our addresses and making a Christmas card to send to another child in our class. We will be sending these out next week, unfortunately if you don’t bring in an envelope we will be unable to post the card. Thank you.


Due to practising the Nativity we didn’t get chance to have our spelling test, please can you continue to practise these spellings:

that   there   they

some  come   this

The children will have their spelling test on Friday.

Maths IXL:

We have been focussing on numbers up to 10. Please have a go at some of these challenges. This is ongoing.

 C.Numbers and counting up to 10

1.    Identify numbers - up to 10

2.  Learn to count to 10

3.   Count to 10

4. Count using stickers - up to 10

5.  Count cubes - up to 10

6.   Show numbers with cubes - up to 10

7.    Count on ten frames - up to 10

8.    Show numbers on ten frames - up to 10

9.   Represent numbers - up to 10

10. One more with pictures - up to 10

11. One more on frames - up to 10

12. One more - up to 10

13. One less with pictures - up to 10

14. One less on frames - up to 10

15. One more and one less with pictures - up to 10

16. One more and one less on frames - up to 10

17.Count up and down - up to 10

18. Count to fill a ten frame

19. Tally marks - up to 10

20. Number lines - up to 10

21. Before, after and between - up to 10

22.Count forward and backward - up to 10

23.Convert from words to digits - up to 10

24. Convert from digits to words - up to 10

25.Write digits given words - up to 10

26. Write words given digits - up to 10

27. Complete a sequence - up to 10

28. Ordinal numbers - up to tenth

All books have been changed unfortunately due to Nativities and our practise we haven’t been able to listen to many readers this week. 

Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Weekly Blog 9.12.22

It was a lovely start to the week as we watched the Reception and Nursery Nativity, it was brilliant! We have been practising all week so we are ready for our performances on Tuesday and Wednesday we are excited to show you how hard we have been working on it.

In Maths we have continued counting to 10 in different ways. Starting at a specific point and spotting mistakes, I counted some animals Infront of the class, I said there were 7 but there were 8! I forgot to count the big teddy bear. The children helped me each time to ensure I counted all the animals.

On Wednesday we went to Christmas Mass at church, we paired up with the Year 5s it was lovely to hear lots of different conversations between the children. We sat beautifully and prayed for our loved ones and thought about how important it is to be kind to each other. In RE we have been discussing the Christmas story.

We have loved reading the book Dangerous, we have retold the story both orally using our story maps and written it down in our English books. We even remember to say when we needed a full stop of exclamation mark!

Before we went on our school trip we learnt about human and physical features and worked in groups to identify them. We enjoyed our Geography school trip to St Annes Beach we filled in our sheets to identify human and physical geographical features along the way. The rest of the children are excited to go next Thursday. Children will not need to bring anything extra with them for the visit and should come to school in their normal uniform. If you do not already have wellies in school please can your bring in a pair or bring in suitable footwear such as trainers or walking boots, as we will be going on the beach. Please ensure your child has a warm coat as we will be outside for the whole trip

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our certificate awardees:

Cooper Crab you have been very focused this week especially in Maths.

Sadie Spider You have worked hard in your Read Write Inc sessions and not given up.

Henry is going home with this person for her super singing in our Nativity you know all the lyrics and always sing with a loud clear voice, well done 😊


Christmas Dinner - Monday 19th December

Staff will join the children in this festive feast!

We need to know the precise numbers for Jacqui, our wonderful chef!

Could you PLEASE take a few seconds to complete the form on today’s newsletter blog on the school website.

The meal is free for all Key Stage 1 children and for all those children on free school meals.  

Key Stage 2 children NOT on free school meals pay £2.40 - this should be paid in advance on ParentPay.

Please complete the form FOR EVERY CHILD in school, both Key Stages, whether it is a yes for a meal or a no - that would really help us!

Do please ensure you have completed the form by Monday Morning, 9am.

Thank you so much – The Office and Catering Teams


  • Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for this weeks homework.

  • Our Nativity performance at school will be on Tuesday 13th December and Wednesday 14th December at 9:30am.

  • If you haven't already please bring in an addressed envelope with a stamp. For our topic we will be making Christmas cards for another child in our class.

Year 3 Weekly blog 9.12.22 - "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are."

It is hard to believe that we are already beginning the third week of advent! It is important that we pause and reflect on our advent journeys thus far. A huge part of our journey in Year 3 has been to always think of the impact our actions have on those around us… When we tell you how touching it is to see our class come together on the altar, helping one another and singing with such passion… it is simply beautiful. We know that when you watch them next week you will be filled with joy!

When in the classroom we have been sharing the children’s all important home learning. Our children set off with great enthusiasm and interest to create meaningful pieces of artwork relating to our learning of the Annunciation of Mary, using the artwork that has already been created to represent this special moment in our Catholic faith. It was wonderful to watch the children discuss the research that they had accomplished at home, sharing their ideas with one another and discussing why they had chosen to include certain key features in their artwork. We look forward to sharing this with you in the future.

Let’s Celebrate…. Congratulations to John Paul and Tommy who receive the certificates this week. John Paul you receive an enthusiastic Bobby Bee certificate. You always participate in lessons with such enthusiasm and interest. You love to share your ideas with others and you have been really quick and excited when playing out maths times tables games. Keep up the good work John Paul. Well done! Tommy, you receive a Co-operative Roger Robin certificate. You are a kind and thoughtful friend and you like to be helpful in class. These little acts of kindness are always appreciated Tommy, thank you, they don’t go unnoticed.

Staff Changes for the New Year Update:

Following Ms Marham's appointment as Year 2 class teacher for Miss Woodend's maternity leave, it has been decided that she will remain with Year 2 for the year. Therefore, Mrs Hotchkiss (Thurs and Fri) will be working along Miss Bassett (Mon-Wed) in Year 3 until Miss Lane's return after February half term. 


  • Winter warmers! Next week we will continue to spend time walking to church to rehearse our Chirtsmas carol concert. We will be visiting church on; Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. It is important that all children come to school on these days in warm clothing.

  • Chirstmas concert: This is on Thursday 15th December. The children will need to be wearing FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM INCLUDING JUMPER OR CARDIGAN - not our school PE tracksuit. Showings are 2pm and 7pm. Children will need to be at church for 6:45pm in the evening - in full school uniform.

  • Christmas party day: On Friday 16th December it is our Key Stage 2 Christmas party day. On this day we ask that children come to school in their Christmas party outfit. They should also bring with them a nice treat (just for themself) + drink (non fizzy drink) for our break time. Along with this please provide your child with a strong carrier bag. This bag can stay in school to help bring home extra items before we break up on the following Tuesday (20th December).

  • Christmas Dinner - Monday 19th December

    Staff will join the children in this festive feast!

    We need to know the precise numbers for Jacqui, our wonderful chef!

    Could you PLEASE take a few seconds to complete the form on today’s newsletter blog on the school website.

    The meal is free for all Key Stage 1 children and for all those children on free school meals.  

    Key Stage 2 children NOT on free school meals pay £2.40 - this should be paid in advance on ParentPay.

    Please complete the form FOR EVERY CHILD in school, both Key Stages, whether it is a yes for a meal or a no - that would really help us!

    Do please ensure you have completed the form by Monday Morning, 9am.

    Thank you so much – The Office and Catering Teams


We hope that you all have a wonderful weekend, stay safe and enjoy the advent festivities.

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell and Mrs Carter