Year 3 Homework to be handed in by 15.12.22

Christmas concert practise

Please practise the songs below:

Practise the British sign language for verse 2 only:

English - Dragons:

In your homework this week you should find a promt sheet to help you to create/design your own dragon. This dragon is going to be your main character in our innovated non-chronological report, which we will be writing next week. Please draw and label your main character (dragon). Include descriptive vocabulary that you would like to include in your independent writing. Think about/describe how your character will move (verbs/adverbs). Our innovated report will be based on the Manchester Ridge-Back. To all of our enthusiastic Bobby-bees you will already be thinking about the original non-chronological report and how you would like to change and improve it.

Year 6 Home Learning 9.12.22


This week our focus is on the PREFIXES ‘sub’ and ‘mis’. Both of these prefixes are from Latin origins- can you tell us next week what the meaning of these prefixes are? How does that help you understand unfamiliar words? You will be quizzed on words with these prefixes next week.

Can you collect examples of them in your homework books?

Please complete the IXL strands U3 and U4.

Your quiz will be picked from random on words with these prefixes.


Please complete the IXL strands on comparing numbers.

A9- Compare numbers up to one million

A10- Compare numbers up to ten million


It is all about Walt Disney next week. This weekend could you watch a NEW Disney film that you haven’t seen before or even one you have already watched and then go on to Purple Mash and write a film review all about it!

Christmas songs.

Keep practicing the songs for your Christmas Concert and your words- make sure you are speaking them slowly, clearly and loudly enough. Can you learn the sign language to the second verse of Silent Night, use the video below to help you:

Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 15th December


To read for a minimum of 20 minutes a day at home. I will be checking accelerated reading record to see how much the children are reading at home.


Continuing with our money topic. Will be on IXL;

R4- Add and subtract money amounts- word problems

Christmas Songs

Keep practising these songs as the concert is less than a week away! For silent night, we are only singing the second verse but can the children practice the sign language for the song.

Scarlet Fever and Group Strep A Infections - Guidance

Dear all,

There is growing concern amongst the community regarding iGas/Scarlet Fever, we have placed here the guidance school has received to share with you. Thank you for always communicating with us illnesses and absences. This is so important as it helps us to build a picture of the whole community and from this we are able to take any action should it be required.

Nativity Special

I’m sure you will agree when I say how splendidly the children performed in our Foundation Nativity this week. The nursery team are so very proud of them all.

If you cast your mind back to September… you can see how every single child has grown in confidence and self belief. It takes a great deal of courage to stand in front of an audience and perform and that confidence is down to nursery and parents working together. I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to you! You have trusted us with your precious children and we are grateful for that trust. We can’t wait to see where we can take their learning after Christmas!

After discussion with the whole team we though we would like to dedicate this blog to all things ‘Nativity’.

On Monday we visited the school worship area for the first time to look at the Nativity scene. The children all could talk about their part in the play and the true meaning of the birth of Christ. We then read the story ‘Little Owl and the Star, a Christmas Story’. Click here to listen.

After story we wrote a prayer on the prayer wall. The children wanted to write “ hello Baby Jesus” with lots of kisses.

Your child’s key person has written a short blog but all the Nativity photos will be at the end of the blogs.

Colette’s blog

Hello everyone.

I’m sure you will agree that your children have given the most amazing performance this week. It has been such a privilege for us Nursery Ladies to see them share this wonderful story with you all. Such a talented bunch! Thank you for all your wonderful  support from home too!

We have enjoyed watching a clip of the Nativity story being told by sand drawings. The children have enjoyed spotting all the characters in the story. Click here to watch it together.

We have continued to practice our sounds i,n,g,p,o and we are looking out for these sounds all around nursery too. We have also been doing our best to be ‘shape detectives.’ We are getting very good at spotting circles, squares, rectangles, triangles (especially upside down triangles) and even the odd pentagon and hexagon. Why don’t you ask your children if they can spot any shapes at home? Click here to watch another shape song.

Have a lovely weekend!


Michelle’s blog

Well, what a fantastic week that was! Well done to everyone for a fantastic nativity performance, we hope you enjoyed it! We have been practising singing our songs and we felt so amazing in our costumes.

As well as performing our nativity, we have continued to work on learning our letter sounds, some are a bit more tricky than others but we have worked really hard to think of words that start with our new sounds. Maybe your child can find some objects at home that begin with i, n, g ,p or o.

We have continued to learn how number 5 can be made lots of different ways and have enjoyed singing number rhymes. We love 5 sticky lollipops and 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed. Number rhymes are a fantastic way of reinforcing numbers and the concept of taking away.

If you are looking for inspiration for some ideas for learning at home, here are some of the best blogs and websites.

We have made the best of the weather, although it has been cold, we have had lots of fun making obstacle courses with crates and planks.

Physical play is so beneficial to children’s development in all areas, not just physical development but cognitive and personal and emotional development too. If you have some spare time over the Christmas holidays, go outside, ride a bike or climb at the park.  Any sort of physical activity not only grows children’s brains but also helps them to sleep better too– double win!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and we will see you next week

 Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

What a week! The children were all amazing in the Nativity performance. It was so lovely to see them all performing for you all and seeing everyone’s happy faces as they watched. All the Nursery ladies were so proud of them all. Well done everyone!

We have been busy this week making Christmas things to bring home – you may have noticed your child coming home with little bits of glitter on them! They can’t wait to show you what they have made.

We have been busy making obstacle courses in the garden this week – we had to be extra careful as the ice had made the garden all sparkly! We worked as a team to help our friends if they were struggling and we made some great creations.

We have continued spotting our sounds in the classroom – they are everywhere! We also played a game where we had to pop the sound bubbles – here it is if you would like to play at home (choose set 1 or 2 for the sounds we have been practising). Phonic pop click here

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week.


Strep A information for Parents

As you will of heard on the news there have been cases of Strep A in communities all over the country. Lancashire County Council has sent out information for you to read. Click on the buttons below to find out more.


Click here to watch Geraldine Giraffe find out about ‘p’

Click here to watch Geraldine Giraffe find out about ‘g’

Click here to watch Geraldine Giraffe find out about ‘o’

Nativity DVD

If you would like to order a DVD of Tuesday’s Nativity performance could you please send in £10 cash in a named envelope by Monday 12th December. You will receive a digital film code before we break for the Christmas holidays!

Lastly, I think all the children(and adults) have earned a long rest this weekend, Christmas is exhausting! We have lots more Christmas activities planned for next week…including making Baby Jesus a birthday cake!! The children have chosen a VERY chocolatey one covered in sweets!! No pressure…..

Thank you for being wonderful

God Bless


Year 2 Weekly Blog 9.12.22 'Help us to be ready to welcome you o God' Luke 3:4-6

'Help us to be ready to welcome you o God' Luke 3:4-6

Our second Advent candle, the candle of peace, has been added to our class Advent wreath.

In computing we’ve used Purple Mash to write an algorithm (set of instructions) to make planes take off. This week we’ve built on these skills, entering code into a program to direct objects what to do when they collide on screen.

In English we’ve been writing a book review independently as well as enjoying Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes. We’re continuing to use out knowledge of number bonds to 10, to help us with subtraction calculations bridging 10. Some of the strategies we’ve used have been tricky but the children’s resilience and determination has been admirable.

The children have been working extremely hard, practising their lines and dances ready for our Nativity next week. Our final dress rehearsal will take place on Monday - ready for our performances on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Our class book, Billy and the Minpins, came to an end on Friday but we’ve already started to read our next book, Fantastic Mr Fox, also by Roald Dahl.

All the children looked amazing for our Christmas colour day, thank you for your donations. The money raised will be used to purchase animals, through CAFOD, for people who need them.

Important information about staff changes

The children have received a letter today explaining changes to teaching staff after Christmas. We have chatted to the children today and all the information shared is in the letter which is also attached here. Thank you

Let’s Celebrate…

It has been lovely to see George engrossed in reading this week. He is reading at every opportunity, even outside at playtimes. Not only is George enjoying reading, he is also showing that he has good understanding of what he has read when he quizzes. Well Done George!

Hugo has been amazing learning partner this week. He realises how important it is to contribution to our class and help others achieve. He is  friendly, helpful and polite and it has been a pleasure to watch him be so encouraging with his peers, celebrating not only his own successes but recognising other peoples too.

Christmas Dinner - Monday 19th December

Staff will join the children in this festive feast!

We need to know the precise numbers for Jacqui, our wonderful chef!

Could you PLEASE take a few seconds to complete the form on today’s newsletter blog on the school website.

The meal is free for all Key Stage 1 children and for all those children on free school meals.  

Key Stage 2 children NOT on free school meals pay £2.40 - this should be paid in advance on ParentPay.

Please complete the form FOR EVERY CHILD in school, both Key Stages, whether it is a yes for a meal or a no - that would really help us!

Do please ensure you have completed the form by Monday Morning, 9am.

Thank you so much – The Office and Catering Teams



Our Nativity takes place on Tuesday and Wednesday next week.
The children have brought home a letter regarding staffing this evening, please check their bags.
Home learning tasks are in the children’s homework books.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham

Year 1 Homework 2.12.22

Thank you for those who have brought in envelopes. Please could you bring in a stamped envelope with your child’s name and address on. As part of our Geography and RE topic we are learning all about our addresses and making a Christmas card to send to another child in our class.


This weeks spellings are:

that   there   they

some  come   this

The children will have their spelling test on Friday.

Maths IXL:

We have been focussing on numbers up to 10. Please have a go at some of these challenges. This is ongoing.

 C.Numbers and counting up to 10

1.    Identify numbers - up to 10

2.  Learn to count to 10

3.   Count to 10

4. Count using stickers - up to 10

5.  Count cubes - up to 10

6.   Show numbers with cubes - up to 10

7.    Count on ten frames - up to 10

8.    Show numbers on ten frames - up to 10

9.   Represent numbers - up to 10

10. One more with pictures - up to 10

11. One more on frames - up to 10

12. One more - up to 10

13. One less with pictures - up to 10

14. One less on frames - up to 10

15. One more and one less with pictures - up to 10

16. One more and one less on frames - up to 10

17.Count up and down - up to 10

18. Count to fill a ten frame

19. Tally marks - up to 10

20. Number lines - up to 10

21. Before, after and between - up to 10

22.Count forward and backward - up to 10

23.Convert from words to digits - up to 10

24. Convert from digits to words - up to 10

25.Write digits given words - up to 10

26. Write words given digits - up to 10

27. Complete a sequence - up to 10

28. Ordinal numbers - up to tenth

 Thank you

Miss Drummond

This week...

Christmas is fast approaching and over the weekend the elves have been hard at work. Nursery has been transformed into a sparkling, magical, fun, learning space.

We have put up our Christmas tree, made a Christmas bell music area, been threading with tinsel and bauble fishing in the water, as well as making ‘snow’ and recreating the icy North Pole. On Monday a cheeky elf came to nursery and parked his sleigh next to his magic door! Everyday since we have found him hiding all over the nursery!!!! Cheeky old elf! Take a look at our photos.

Only a couple of weeks left…here’s December’s planning!


As it is Advent, we have been making Advent promises. Each time we hear or see a friends grow an extra bit of love we can draw a bauble on our Chrismas tree poster!.

We have also recreated Bethlehem. The children are excellent at telling the story of the First Christmas. Click here to watch ‘The First Christmas’.


Don’t forget:

  • Nativity dress rehearsal Tuesday 6th December - this performance is for the rest of the school. A DVD is being filmed for you to purchase. If you want your child to be on it (and it is not their usual day) please make sure they are in nursery for 9 am and collected at 10.30 please.

  • Parent performances Wednesday 7th & 8th December- tickets only If you want your child to take part (and it is not their usual day) please make sure they are in nursery for 9 am and collected at 10.30 please.

Christmas Party

Monday 19th December. 9.15 -11.45 am (if it is not your child’s usual day in nursery) Keep a look our for the party invitation in your child’s blue bag. Party clothes and dancing shoes essential!!!


Number 5

Five arrives to get a band together-and gets the party started-with a big high five!

We have been learning:

  • Five is one more than 4

  • To count to 5

  • To line up 1-5 in order

  • To recognise number 5

    Phew we’ve been busy

    Click here to watch high five!

Also five and friends discover a hole that makes their heads fall off! We learnt that:

  • a number of a group can be changed by adding to it or taking from it.

  • Addition and subtraction of 1

  • Number bonds to 5

Click here to watch.

You may want to watch Hide and Seek. Five is so good at hide and seek, she can find the others without looking up from her book-but how? Click here to find out!

Christmas games to play at home

Click on the link and enjoy lots of fun Christmas games to play! Enjoy!

Colette’s blog

Hello everyone.

Another extremely busy week here at Nursery! There has been lots to do! Rehearsals are well under way for our upcoming Nativity and we cannot wait for you all to see it.

We have been looking at number 5 this week and understanding how many different ways we can make 5 (e.g. 2+3, 1+4, 5+0) the children have been playing a game using 5 number cubes and two cups. We hide some cubes under one cup and some cubes under the other. Then we lift up one cup, see how many cubes there are and then we can guess how many cubes are under the other cup. It’s great for working out number bonds! Click here to watch number 5 playing a hide and seek game!

The children do enjoy music times and we like to listen to lots of different kinds of music. One of our favourites stories includes a piece of music called ‘Toccata and Fugue in D Minor’  by JS Bach which tells the story of two giants building tall towers. Click here to listen! It even inspired us to build our own tall towers.

Have a lovely weekend!


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone 

What a lovely week we have had for the start of Advent. Our nursery is looking very festive and the children are really enjoying singing our Nativity songs - we had a dance on Tuesday and the children chose tinsel to dance with. They all had a great time! We can’t wait to perform for you next week.

We have learnt about Number 5 this week. We are enjoying working out different ways to make up the numbers - as the numbers are getting bigger we are finding out more and more ways! We watched a Numberblocks video (click here) that showed us even if the blocks are arranged in a different way, the total number of blocks is still the same. We had a go at stamping these ourselves with paint and they look great on our Numberblocks display! 

 We have learnt more sounds this week! We are so excited when we see the sounds we know in books or around the classroom! Let us know if you find any at home! Our new 5 sounds are (i, n, p, g, o). 

 Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week for Nativity week!


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone, what a busy week we have had this week. We have continued to work on our letter sounds and have learnt five new sounds, i,n,p,g and o.

We have had a tricky challenge to match the letter pebbles, but we worked very hard to complete the challenge.

This week we had a visit from some cheeky reindeer, numbers 1 to 5, who hid around the room and we had to spot them. They can’t hide from us!

We also had lots of fun playing in the snow we had made!

Our workshop has been a hive of industry, all full of glitter and sparkles for some very special gifts for some special people later in the month.

We can’t wait to welcome you all to our Nativity performances next week. We have been working very hard practising our songs.

See you all next week, have a good weekend.

Here’s a few extra from Justine!

Geraldine Giraffe

‘i’ click here to watch

‘n’ click here to watch

Watch this space for more next week!


Please remember to collect your Nativity tickets from nursery. Correct payment in a named envelope please. Thank you.

As you can see everything is getting a bit hectic!!! We are all trying to keep calm!

Have the most wonderful weekend in readiness for an even busier time next week.

God Bless


Year 2 Weekly Blog 2/12/22 “In the seasons of our Advent—waking, working, eating, sleeping, being—each breath is a breathing of Christ into the world.”

“In the seasons of our Advent—waking, working, eating, sleeping, being—each breath is a breathing of Christ into the world.” —Caryll Houselander

What an amazing first week I’ve had in the classroom with the children!

The first week of Advent has seen us thinking about the imminent arrival of Jesus. We have made a class Advent wreath and put the first candle on it, each week on a Monday we will adding a new candle and discussing its meaning and significance.

We’ve been continuing to practise our nativity, with lots of singing and some time in the hall with Year 1 putting it all together. Thank you to everyone who has helped practise lines at home. The children are really looking forward to performing for their families and friends.

In English, we have been looking at fairy tales with a twist. The children have thought about the Big Bad Wolf in the Little Red Riding story and how his character could have been misunderstood - perhaps he was a good guy after all! They’ve also looked a similarities and differences between the original Three Little Pigs story and the book ‘The true story of the three pigs’ by Jon Scieszka.

In Maths, we have continued calculating number sentences with three addends, using strategies, such as finding number bonds to 10. We have used number lines to help us visualise the calculations and rewritten number sentences to include number bonds we know.

This week was Miss Woodend’s last week in school before starting maternity leave. I know Miss Woodend feels a little sad leaving such a wonderful class at a time of year which is always magical, but know she is looking forward to some rest before the arrival of her new baby.

Any questions, queries or concerns should be emailed to myself at the email address below.

Let’s Celebrate

Isaac, what a fantastic week you have had!It has been wonderful to see your enthusiasm in lessons. You constantly have your hand up ready to make contributions to our class discussions or to answer a question. You explain well how you find answers; particularly in maths, this shows me you have a good understanding of what has been taught. You are also a thoughtful and helpful member of the class, I’ve noticed you helping your friends, as well as adults.

Fletcher, You have been noticed this week for always doing the right thing. You are a year two role model. This has been noticed not only by me but other adults in the classroom too. You are a polite, helpful member of our class and a good friend. Keep it up, we are proud of you!


Our Nativity performance at school will be on Tuesday 13th December and Wednesday 14th December.

On Friday 9th December, the school council have decided to have a Christmas colours day, you may wear Christmas colours, a Christmas jumper or decorate your clothes for Christmas. In return please bring in at least £1 donation - so that through CAFOD, we can buy animals for people in need. If everyone contributes we will have enough to buy a cow, a goat, a chicken and some bees!

Please check the home learning section for this week’s homework.

Please ensure children are coming to school with a coat, although it looks bright and sunny, it has been very cold outside at break times.

Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Marham and the rest of the Year 2 team

Year 3 Weekly Blog 2.12.22 - "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it."

What a wonderful way to end our week, a trip to the panto! We had a great time with year 4 and have come back feeling full of Christmas cheer!

We’ve had a busy week and have continued to deepen our understanding of numbers that added together make one hundred. We have been using 100 square grids to help us with this. I wonder Year 3, how confident can you share the method we have learnt this week to answer this sum: 26 + 74 (remember first to make 10 ones-show your family members how we partition these numbers to help us).

We have also welcomed a new member to our class, a rather shy, yet mischievous dragon. He heard that we were learning about dragons and thought we might be able to take good care of him. He likes to fly around the classroom when we aren’t there! I wonder where we might find him next week… (Extra homework-what could we name our class dragon?) We have been finding out many facts about dragons and have used last week’s homework to write questions to each other about their own dragon sightings.

Let’s Celebrate…

Gus for being a focused Cooper Crab! We have been SO impressed with your effort towards your maths and English learning this week! You thought of so many wonderful questions to discover more about dragons and your presentation was great too! Keep it up Gus, you have really impressed us!

William for being a keep improving Lizzie Ladybird! We have loved to see you reaching for the stars this week, improving your ideas and not giving up when things get tricky! You are trying really hard with your reading skills and have have focused carefully in maths to understand numbers that make 100. Well done William!


  • Next week we will be busy with rehearsals to church. Please make sure your child brings a warm coat and hat ALL week.

  • On Wednesday we are walking to Church with Year 1 and Year 5 to celebrate mass together this advent. Once again they will need warm clothing to walk to and from church.

  • Christmas cards: As we have done in previous years, we kindly ask that instead of writing individual Christmas cards for the class, we use this money to raise money for Brian House. You can, if you wish, make a whole class card that we can display in our classroom.

  • Our Christmas performance is in church on Thursday 15th December at 2pm and 7pm.

  • Friday 16th December Key Stage 2 Christmas party. Children can come to school in party clothes and sensible shoes. They can bring a non fizzy drink and a small snack such as chocolate or a packet of crisps.

Year 3 Home Learning to be handed in 8.12.22











Christmas concert - the next few songs

Thank you for learning the songs from last week and please continue to prioritise this, along with learning the following songs:


This week we have been discussing how it feels to be given an important job. Year 3 shared that they feel trusted, special and helpful to name but a few. We then looked at the moment Mary was chosen by God, to be the mother of His Son, when she was visited by Angel Gabriel. You homework this week is to research how different artists have drawn or painted this moment (the Annunciation). Next week we will use these ideas to create our own artwork to depict the Annunciation.

Maths - IXL

Please complete A8 and B1

Year 6 Home Learning 2.12.22


This week our focus is on the PREFIXES ‘re’ and ‘pre’. Both of these prefixes are from Latin origins- can you tell us next week what the meaning of these prefixes are? How does that help you understand unfamiliar words? You will be quizzed on words with these prefixes next week.

Can you collect examples of them in your homework books?

Please complete the IXL strands U1 and U2.

Your quiz will be picked from random on words with these prefixes.


Complete the Missing Numbers Puzzles in your homework books to reinforce what we have been learning in class!

Christmas songs.

You should all have your singing booklets now with all our Christmas songs, this should come back and forth to school to ensure we learn all the words to each song. You also should now have learnt your lines/ scripture and should now be at the stage where you are practising speaking slowly, clearly and loudly enough. We will be going to church for the first time on Tuesday and I will expect all of you to know your words off by heart.

Please make it a real priority to learn your lines and the words to the next 3 songs we practiced this week. There are two videos below with all three songs you can sing along to at home. Two of the songs are KS2 signing but the other is of Andrea Bocelli and Céline Dion, singing The Prayer. Remember Year 6, that we are singing the English echo, not the Italian.

Year 6 Weekly Blog- “Peace begins with a smile” Mother Teresa

It is hard to believe that we are now coming up to week 2 of Advent, the week of Peace. This week, we were welcomed to school with the beautiful reminder that Christmas is coming- the tree was decked in the hall and displays were up to remind us all of this special time. Of course, Nativity practices are also now in full flow, which teaches us the real reason of our celebration, how a a baby was born to us, that would one day, save us all.

Peace, this week, has been at the forefront of our RE lessons and worship. Our RE topic is such a reflective unit of work, as we ask the children to reflect on the injustices within our world today. They are often surprised that some of the situations still occur. We spent Tuesday and Wednesday reflecting on a poem about the plight of refugees in our world. Why not read the poem and see what you think?

They have no need of our help
So do not tell me
These haggard faces could belong to you or me
Should life have dealt a different hand
We need to see them for who they really are
Chancers and scroungers
Layabouts and loungers
With bombs up their sleeves
Cut-throats and thieves
They are not
Welcome here
We should make them
Go back to where they came from
They cannot
Share our food
Share our homes
Share our countries
Instead let us
Build a wall to keep them out
It is not okay to say
These are people just like us
A place should only belong to those who are born there
Do not be so stupid to think that
The world can be looked at another way.

Now read the poem backwards. What a powerful poem with a really significant meaning. The discussion around this and the empathy the children showed was so humbling, what a group of compassionate and intentional children you have.

Following this lesson, the children have written their own poems about refugees. These are going up on our worship board next week, so we will show you them next week.

In Maths, we have been continuing to work hard on our reasoning and applying of missing numbers. We have also looked at the strategy of redistribution and have even started our shape work with Mrs Nel. This week we have learnt that one of the main characters in our novel has gone missing, and the children have predicted many different theories as to where he has gone. We can’t wait to find out!

Year 6 have loved Art this week, giving them the chance to get really creative with all of the recycled ‘rubbish’ we have brought in, to create many different creations to go in our whole school Christmas scene. We can’t wait to see it put all together …

Leading Learners

Well done to Lena and Mason this week.

Lena, Wow Lena you know how to work your socks off! You have such resilience, stickibility and a desire to succeed, it’s contagious! Keep enjoying your learning and giving it your everything.

Mason, we have been so impressed with your focus during our writing this week! You have really set your mind to it, been extremely determined and created a beautiful piece of descriptive writing. This was also evident in your WONDERFUL History research for homework, where we saw that creative flair really come to life! Keep working on your resilience Mason and you will fly!

Prophetic and Intentional butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are intentional with their actions, who make deliberate choices for the good of others. Those that are prophetic, who may stand up to injustice for the greater good even when it is difficult to do so. These children are the role models of the school, who may march to the beat of a different drummer, but who make a big difference not just to our class, but to our school. This week we thank Grace.

Helpers in the mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Mason Grace Steph Amber


We are out and about a lot next week, doing various rehearsals in church. Please could you make sure children have a warm coat and hat each day to keep warm.

We have decided as a school not to send individual Christmas cards to each other, but to instead collect this money for…… Children can if they wish, write one card for the whole class.

Next Friday 9th December- Please wear Christmas colours and spread the Christmas cheer- we just ask if you could to donate £1 towards CAFOD World Gifts.

Our Christmas performance is in church on Thursday 15th December at 2pm and 7pm.

Friday 16th December Key Stage 2 Christmas party. Children can come to school in party clothes and sensible shoes. They can bring a non fizzy drink and a small snack such as chocolate or a packet of crisps.

Have a lovely weekend all of you,

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Miss Forster and Mrs Webster