Year 1 Weekly Blog 2.12.22

This week we have continued our Science topic, looking at the structures of a variety of common animals and discussing the similarities and differences. We have also grouped these animals into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

 In RE we have been discussing Advent, we know it is a time when we prepare to celebrate the birthday of Jesus. We created our own advent wreath and discussed that the circle of evergreen branches is a reminder that God does not change. A new candle is lit each Sunday during Advent until all four candles are burning. Each candle has a different meaning. The final white candle is lit on Christmas day to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Each Monday we are lighting our candle to show the passing of time and our closeness to Jesus’ Birthday.

 We have also discussed the journey Mary and Joseph took to Bethlehem and that the shepherds were the first to hear about the birth of Jesus. We interviewed the shepherds. Year 1 asked them lots of curious questions such as: 

How did you feel when you saw the angels? “We felt shocked and surprised.”

What did the angels tell you to do? “The angels told us to go and find baby Jesus.”

How did you get to the stable? “We followed the star in the sky.”

What was it like when you saw baby Jesus? “It was wonderful and exciting!”

When you left the stable, what did you do? “We told everyone the good news.”

 We have enjoyed lots of practical Maths this week investigating the number 10. We also finished off our measuring unit by asking some challenging questions such as can you find me something that weighs more than a glue stick but less than the scissors? Which is longer three rubbers of two pairs of scissors?

 On Thursday when we arrived to school, we discovered an advent calandar and some wrapped presents. Each day two children will get to open the advent door for a treat and to find out what our advent promise will be for the evening or the next day. It may be something like saying hello to everyone or helping out at home. Ask your child if they can remember what the advent promise is for the day? We found out that the presents are Christmas books and we are excited to find out what book it will be each day and listen to a story before we go home.

 Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our certificate awardees:

Lizzie Ladybird you have been a determined learner in our handwriting sessions, practising your letter formations and taking your time when writing.

Sadie Spider You have worked hard in your Read Write Inc sessions and listening well during carpet input.

Henry is going home with this person for working hard in Maths counting to 10 well done :).

Show and Tell:

From next week if your child has something exciting to share with the class such as a recent certificate or medals. They can bring them in to share with the class on Fridays. We are looking forward to hearing your exciting news.

School trip 

On Friday 9th December and Thursday 15th December we will be walking to St Annes beach for our Geography topic to identify human and physical geographical features along the way. The class will be going in two groups of 15 children. The rest of the class will be in school with Miss Lavelle. The class will be leaving school on foot at 9:10 am and will return on foot to school at around 11.30am.

 Children will not need to bring anything extra with them for the visit and should come to school in their normal uniform. If you do not already have wellies in school please can your bring in a pair or bring in suitable footwear such as trainers or walking boots, as we will be going on the beach. Please ensure your child has a warm coat as we will be outside for the whole trip.


  • Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for this weeks homework.

  • Our Nativity performance at school will be on Tuesday 13th December and Wednesday 14th December at 9:30am.

  • If you haven't already please bring in an addressed envelope with a stamp. For our topic we will be making Christmas cards for another child in our class.

  • On Friday 9th December we can come into school in Christmas colours or a Christmas jumper or decorateyour clothes for Christmas you can choose. In return please can you bring in at least £1 so that through CAFOD, we can buy animals for people in need.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson

Year 5 Weekly Blog- 'Trust has to be earned and should only come after the passage of time'

It’s hard to believe that we are now closer to the end of term than the start. It has been another exciting and fun filled week with lots of learning.

In Maths, we are coming to the end of our number focus with decimals and are moving onto money. With all of the knowledge and understanding that the children have built up with decimals, I have no doubt that they will smash our money topic.

In English, we have been recapping conjunctions and how they are used in sentences as we have been discussing causal conjunctions. Over the next few weeks, children will be identifying different types of conjunctions in texts and then including these in their own pieces of writing.

We have also started our new class novel ‘Cloud Busting’ which the children have been excited and engaged with. The book is poetic and is written in verse, which also includes some Haikus poetry, a Japanese style of poetry that focuses on a limited amount of syllables.

Let’s Celebrate

Nicola for being a focused learner: Nicola is always making the right choice in the classroom. She is always the first person I see sat quietly when the noise stats to get louder. She is an example of how we should behave in class, in which she also helps her classmates to not make the wrong choice.

Betsy for being a enthusiastic learner: Betsy has such a positive attitude whenever she enters the classroom which is reflected in her learning. She is never afraid to ask for help when needed and still maintains a positive attitude when she is struggling. Her attitude means she is a brilliant classmate and works really well in partner activities.


School trip- Our school trip to Lytham Hall is on Monday 28th November. Please can all children be at school for 8:30pm as we need to leave earlier to catch our train. Children will be in their own clothes so please make sure they are weather appropriate. We will be back before the school day finishes so pick ups will be as normal. We will be back in time for music so can children still bring their clarinets in.

Swimming- The children did not finish their water safety lessons in year 4. Their final swimming lesson will be on Thursday 15th December. Please can children arrive at school at 8:30pm with their swimming costume and pajamas.

Christmas concert- Will be on Thursday 15th December. This will be done at church and the two times for the concert are 2pm and 7pm.

Year 1 Weekly Blog 25.11.22

This week we continued with our science activities focusing on animals, we have identified and classified them into: mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish and birds.

 In RE we learnt about Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth. As soon as Elizabeth heard Mary, her baby leaped with joy. Elizabeth said that Mary and her baby were very blessed by God. We reflected on the good news and drew a picture of Mary and Elizabeth and explained what had happened.

 We have continued measuring in Maths, we love all the practical activities and when we were weighing we discovered that sometimes the biggest object isn’t always the heaviest. We have also been focusing on the number 8, ask your child how many different ways they can make 8? Or if I have… how many more do I need to make 8? Practise the stem sentence 8 is made of ….. and …./…. and …. make 8.

Today we had a whole class art lesson together, we create our own winter trees, don’t they look amazing :).


 We had our fifth KidSafe session this week about what to do if your trusted adults are arguing and how this can make us feel. We also recapped the last four sessions and the children evaluated their understanding of this important learning.

Please click the button below to find out more details about this session.


Show and Tell:

From next week if your child has something exciting to share with the class such as a certificate or medals. They can bring them in to share with the class on Fridays. We are looking forward to hearing your exciting news.

 Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our certificate awardees for excellent work in Phonics especially for her super neat handwriting and using this knowledge to help support her spellings.

This week you have reflected on yourself and your learning and have not giving up even when you have found things challenging.

Henry is going home with this person for always being a fantastic role model to our class, you always work hard listen and support your friends well done.

Our Pe superstars are:


  • Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for this weeks homework.

  • Our Nativty performance at school will be on Tuesday 13th December and Wednesday 14th December at 9:30.


Have a lovely weekend


Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson

Year 1 Homework 25.11.22

In Geography we will be looking at our local environment and our home addresses, please could you bring in a stamped envelope with your child’s name and address on.


This weeks spellings are:

goes are can’t

don’t new took

The children will have their spelling test on Friday.

Maths IXL:

This week in Maths we have been focusing on the number 8 and countinued measuring. To consolidate their learning of counting, here are some IXL challenges for your child to have a go at. see this as an ongoing learning challenge and certainly not to be completed by next Thursday.

Ask your child to compare measurements at home by askings questions such as: who is taller/shorter? Which is longer/shorter? can you find me something which is longer than this, but shorter than this? Can you compare a few objects which is ? (longest/shortest/tallest/shortest)

How many different ways can you make 8? If I have 4 how many more do we need? Practise these stem sentences at home: 8 is made of ….. and …./ ….. and …. make 8. We have been really impressed with how quickly the children can work out the answers.


1.      Long and short

2.      Tall and short

3.      Wide and narrow

4.      Light and heavy

5.      Holds more or less

6.      Compare size, weight and capacity

7.      Measure using objects

8.      Measure length with cubes

9.      Build cube trains to measure length

10.  Measure height with cubes

11.  Build cube trains to measure height

Thank you

Miss Drummond

This week...

Another lovely week at nursery, even though everyone appears to be a little‘under the weather’. Nonetheless, we have battled through and got to Friday with smiles on our faces.

We have started to talk about Advent and what that means in the Christian calendar. Everyone is very excited about getting ready for Baby Jesus’ birthday…we have already started to make preparations! More on that next week.

On Friday we went in to the school hall to sing our Christmas songs alongside Reception…we are getting very good!!

Ooodle of noodles!

We had great fun on Monday. We coloured some noodles pink and some noodles blue! We then practiced our snipping skills until they were all cut into tiny, tiny pieces. Take a look!


If you have not completed your order form (the form is on last weeks blog) you will need to do it a.s.a.p., as the school office needs to calculate numbers. If you can send in money to nursery when tickets have been allocated that would be great!

Your key person should have emailed you this week about parts for the Nativity, and if you need to provide anything. If there are any problems just let me know.


This week through Mollie the Cat and Billy Bird talking about their respective journeys from kitten/egg to adult animals, we explored the natural human cycle of life, focusing on what we could remember about our development so far and what we know will happen as we get older. This was underpinned by the religious understanding that growing up is part of God’s plan for our lives and that we are loved by Him at every life stage. Click on the button below to see the slides.

Michelle’s blog


We have had such a busy week. Our rehearsals for our Nativity are really have coming along, we can't wait to perform for you all. Hopefully you seen the message on last week’s blog about how to get tickets. We are getting so good at singing and doing all the actions. 

Thank you to everyone for your generous donations to our Children in Need Pyjama Day, it was such fun coming to nursery in our pyjamas and with our teddies too.  

We are really working hard to learn our letter sounds, and this week we have begun to learn some new sounds. Here is a quick reminder of the sounds, remember it’s the pure sounds your child needs to learn e.g., ‘mm’ not ‘muh’  Click here

We have spent some time this week playing games with our friends. It's so important that we can learn to take turns but sometimes it's just so hard waiting when we want to win! We do have to remember that we can't win all the time. The shopping game is our favourite this week, but we have also played outside games and games on the computer too. Some ideas for games to play at home. Click here.   

This week in PE we have further explored our feelings with the Cherry Tots. Our favourite cherry is still Cheeky Cherry and we love it when the cherries dance together at the end. Doing PE gives us the opportunity to practise putting our shoes and socks on, at first this was so tricky but we keep practising and we are getting better every week.  

Although the weather wasn’t great this week, we have still managed to get out for lots of outdoor play. We can't believe that we still have so many Ladybirds in our nursery garden, and we have also seen some slugs and spiders too. Maybe you can go on a mini best hunt in your garden, I’m sure there are lots of creepy crawlies hiding out there. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you all next week! 

Colette’s blog

Hello everyone.

We have been practising our songs this week for our wonderful nativity and Nursery Ladies are trying very hard to remember the actions that go with the songs….we definitely need more practise. I wonder if your child can sing you any of the songs.     The cast list has been finalised and now we truly cannot wait to tell you the wonderful Christmas story.

We have been looking closely at the number 4 and understanding how many different ways we can make 4 (e.g. 2+2, 1+3, 4+0) the children can do this by using their fingers. Click here to watch numberblocks. We have been singing lots of number songs about sausages sizzling in the pan, current buns in the bakers shop and our favourite 5 bananas on the banana tree. Numbers have been everywhere!! Even the number monkeys have been sneaking off from their usual spot and have hidden themselves all around nursery (the children just keep on finding them…they are almost too good!!!!)

Have a lovely weekend!


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone!

What a week we have had with the weather – we’ve been inside, then outside then inside again! We loved seeing a rainbow on Wednesday and spoke about all the colours we could see.

We have continued to make up funny stories this week – we wrote a story about a cat that went on the bus and then wrote a letter! The children have great imaginations! We also had a go at sorting objects based on their initial sounds, using the 5 sounds we have learnt so far (m, a, d, s and t). The children are working hard to listen for the sound at the beginning of a word.

We have continued looking at Number 4. The children are coming up with all the different ways to make 4, they have shown us on their fingers and also with gems under cups! They have been trying to trick the nursery ladies by moving the gems around under the cups – but somehow the total is always 4! We have also been doing some lovely work for our Numberblocks display in the classroom.

PE has been great fun this week. We have looked at different ways of moving – we danced with ribbons and we also had a go at walking on benches and jumping off the raised platforms. Some of us were a bit wary but very proud when we did it!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you on Monday


…and a few extras from Justine!

As you can see it’s been another fun week at nursery…we can’t wait for next week!

Have a restful weekend…it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

God Bless


Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.'

And in the blink of an eye…another week in Year 6 has passed. From the minute that the children walk into class in the morning to the moment that they walk out of the door, they are constantly learning and challenging themselves to be the best that they can be. It really astounds me just how much work that the children have completed. As we approach Advent, and the birth of Jesus Christ, we continue to strive to be prophetic and intentional in our actions, which are our two virtues this half term.

Learning is always fast paced in Year 6 and this week has been no exception. This week it has been all about our writing! Every day, the children have taken a paragraph/ event from our class novel and we have either written our very own as a class or the they have independently innovated the main ideas to create their own paragraph. The next day, they look at the feedback they have been given and challenge themselves to meet this target. Wow, what wonderful writing they have created. They have all worked so hard and produced such depth, trying hard to blend their description, dialogue and action throughout.

We have been writing stories in Maths too this week. Funny, you may think, but they have really helped us to understand addition and subtraction calculations. The children have really enjoyed this and it has helped them to understand what calculation is required in the word problems. In RE, we have continued our topic on Injustice, researching and writing about Oscar Romero, who recognized the injustices of his country and who fought to overcome these. Ask the children to tell you what they have learnt about him.

Leading Learners

Well done to Olivia and James this week.

Olivia, We have loved reading your writing this week. Your creativity and ability to hook the reader in and entertain them with your words, is beautiful. You have been so creative with your descriptions that we felt like we were actually IN your story- You had us hooked! You have also controlled the pace of your writing creatively with your precise punctuation and variation of sentence lengths, just at the right time. Thank you for working so hard and sharing your writing with the class. 

James, you are so focused on your learning and always engaged, ready to learn and answer any questions thrown your way!  You listen to the learning, reflect, manage any distractions extremely well and challenge yourself in your work. You work so hard to improve and hit your targets every day and this is reflected in your work. A big well done James- keep up the great work!

Prophetic and Intentional butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are intentional with their actions, who make deliberate choices for the good of others. Those that are prophetic, who may stand up to injustice for the greater good even when it is difficult to do so. These children are the role models of the school, who may march to the beat of a different drummer, but who make a big difference not just to our class, but to our school. This week we thank Steph and Kai.

Helpers in the mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Amber Holly Jessica Lena


Our Christmas performance is in church on Thursday 15th December at 2pm and 7pm.

Please bring as many bottle tops and pinecones as you can!

Have a lovely weekend all of you,

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Miss Forster and Mrs Webster

Year 3 Weekly Blog 25.11.22 - "Hope is but the dream of those who wake."

As we begin our journey through Advent, we have all created our own Advent promises. These are things that we will aim to do during these weeks before Christmas… our gift to Jesus. We hope to help make our world a better place, some of us are starting with helping our families somehow, others are being more mindful about worldly issues such as helping keep wildlife safe through picking up of litter. Please ask your child what they have decided they want to do this Advent… maybe this is something you could do as a family.

We have continued to be super excited to discover more about dragons in English! This week we have looked closely at a dragon which has been spotted in the North-West, the Manchester Ridge-back. We have looked closely at the non-chronological report, made a story map to help us remember the key information, created detailed diagrams and discovered what the key features are of this non-chronological report. We have certainly been busy!

On Wednesday the children came buzzing back from their art lesson. Each child has helped to create the most wonderful Christmas village, by upcycling different plastic and cardboard items. It is lovely to see their creativity and how they have chosen to represent different things. I am sure that you will be seeing their creations in a few weeks time when they are proudly brought home at the end of the term.

Let’s celebrate…

Charlotte for being a … Brave and Co-operative learner! We were so proud to watch you this week, working alongside your learning partners so beautifully. It was lovely to hear you reflect on your math learning on Tuesday and Thursday. You shared with the class how your partner had helped you with a tricky challenge and explained how much you valued this co-operation. You have taken on challenges this week and really pushed yourself. Well done Charlotte!

Hugo for being a … Co-operative learner! You are so thoughtful Hugo and have shown this even more this week! You are able to think of others and how they are feeling, finding solutions so that others feel happy and valued. When moving places this week you noticed that a friend felt more comfortable in your space, you recognised this and selflessly asked to find another seat, this was so kind and helpful! You are a great learning partner and your kind actions help to make our classroom a happy place. Thank you Hugo!


There are many exciting events coming up so make sure you keep looking out for important information!

  • Next Friday 2nd December, we are going to watch Sleeping Beauty at the parish centre with the Year 4 class. The cost of this is £5 and is on parentpay. We will be late back to school, approximately 4:00pm.

  • Our Christmas performance is in church on Thursday 15th December at 2pm and 7pm. You will notice that your main task in homework this week is to focus on practising the first 3 hymns ready for rehearsals to begin!

Year 3 Home learning - To be handed in on 1.12


  1. limitation

2. information

3. sensation

4. admiration

5. preparation

6. echo

7. chaos

8. chorus

9. school

10. stomach

Christmas concert song practise

You have been given a booklet with all our Christmas songs to practise for our upcoming Christmas concert on Thursday 15th December. Please make it a real priority to learn the words to the first 3 we practised this week. There is a video below with all three songs you can sing along to at home. What a jolly homework! Learning points to those who know the words for our practice next Tuesday.


Please complete R3 and R4

TT Rockstars

Please make sure you are still logging on and spending time practising your timestables skills.

Finally.. READING!

A daily task you MUST make sure you complete. Check your understanding of your book before you quiz. We should be aiming for a quiz a week MINIMUM.

Year 6 Home Learning 25.11.22


This week our focus is on SUFFIXES ‘less’ and ‘ful’ which form adjectives.

Please complete the IXL strands U6 and U7.

Your quiz will be picked from random on adjectives with these suffixes.


Please complete the following IXL strands:

A5 and A6- writing numbers up to one million

Christmas songs.

You have been given a booklet with all our Christmas songs and your lines to practise for our upcoming Christmas concert on Thursday 15th December. Please make it a real priority to learn your lines and the words to the first 3 songs we practised this week. There is a video below with all three songs you can sing along to at home. What a jolly homework! Learning points to those who know the words for our practice next Tuesday.

Indoor Athletics Training

For many years, we have competed in the INDOOR ATHLETICS COMPETITON. This year…it is back after a delay.

For the next two weeks, training will take place for those children who wish to be considered for the team. Children in Year 6 will train on Monday mornings at 8am and Year 5 will train on Wednesday mornings at 8am.

Read more

Year 1 Homework 18.11.22

We have had a very busy week, so please focus on reading your books at home over the weekend and practising your spelling for Friday.


This weeks spellings are:

were what look

one all was

The children will have their spelling test on Friday.

Maths IXL:

This week in Maths we have been discussing odd and even numbers and measuring. To consolidate their learning of counting, here are some IXL challenges for your child to have a go at. see this as an ongoing learning challenge and certainly not to be completed by next Thursday.


1.      Long and short

2.      Tall and short

3.      Wide and narrow

4.      Light and heavy

5.      Holds more or less

6.      Compare size, weight and capacity

7.      Measure using objects

8.      Measure length with cubes

9.      Build cube trains to measure length

10.  Measure height with cubes

11.  Build cube trains to measure height

In English we havecontinued discussing Nouns (naming words) and adjectives (describing words). Ask your child what are they can they give you any examples?

Adjectives and verbs:

1.    Compare pictures using adjectives

2.    Find the picture that matches the action verb

 Thank you

Miss Drummond