Year 6 Home Learning 15.12.23


This week our focus is on the PREFIXES ‘sub’ and ‘mis’. Both of these prefixes are from Latin origins- can you tell us next week what the meaning of these prefixes are? How does that help you understand unfamiliar words? Next week we will be asking each of you for three words with each of these prefixes.

Please complete the IXL strands U3 and U4.

Your quiz will be picked from random on words with these prefixes so just do your best!

Library books …

On Monday I will be asking you if there are any books for series that you would like to see in our school library- have a think over the weekend what books you want and we will try to get them!


Please complete the IXL strands on comparing numbers.

A 11 Put numbers in order: up to one million

A 12 Put numbers in order: up to ten million


It is all about Walt Disney next week. This weekend could you watch a NEW Disney film that you haven’t seen before or even one you have already watched!

OPTIONAL : If you want to write want to write a film review of this and add it to our working wall then please do!

Christmas songs.

Keep practicing the songs for your Christmas Concert and your words- make sure you are speaking them slowly, clearly and loudly enough.

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 12th December

History - Ongoing homework challenge due by Thursday 18th December

In History we have been learning all about the Stone Age to the Iron Age. To consolidate and celebrate your learning, I would like you to create, write or draw something you have learned. Here are some ideas…be creative!

  • Make your very own model of a Stone Age home (inspired by Skara Brae)

  • Make an Iron Age Hill Fort (we are learning about this next week)

  • Create a poster about the impact of farming

  • Film a news report about an archaeological excavation

We will share our creations on the last day of school, so make sure they are in school by then.

Christmas Songs to practise at home


no know where wear meet meat grate great bear bare

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 18th December

Challenge Can you pick the correct homophone in your book to complete the sentences? How many homophone pairs do you know?

This week...a Christmas Special

Well what can I say, such a special week. I am sure that you will agree the Foundation Nativity was a triumph! I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

The children have all worked so very hard learning lines and remembering songs and their actions (it was tricky for the nursery ladies too!). For such young children to have the confidence to perform to a packed audience is truly amazing.

This week we are dedicating the blog to a celebration of the birth of Christ. During December it is easy to get lost in festivities and lose the true meaning of Christmas, Enjoy looking at the photos and maybe take five minutes to pause and give thanks for the love, hope and joy found in Jesus.

Next week your child’s key person will be emailing any additional Nativity photos that we may have...keep a look out!

Travelling Nativity

The children have really enjoyed taking the Travelling Nativity home. Don’t panic everyone will get a turn. It is so lovely that we are able to take this journey together.

Christmas Bake Off

A big thank you to everyone for your fabulous cakes and biscuits! Prue and Paul would be proud. We enjoyed tasting them all!

Christmas Party

Wednesday 20th of December will be KS1 and Foundation Christmas party. All the children are invited to join in the fun but if it is not you childs usual session can you please bring them at 9.15 am and collect them at 11.45 am.

Please do not bring any snack this morning as we will be having a birthday cake to celebrate Baby Jesus’ birthday! The children have requested a chocolate cake with chocolate icing abd Smarties on the top!! Mmmmmm sounds yummy!

Party clothes and dancing shoes please!

School Admissions September 2024

We still have some families that have not yet applied for a school for September 2024, or, returned their supplementary forms etc to school.

It is very important that you apply for school online before January 15th 2024 ( or call 01524 581148). You will need to bring to the school office your supplementary form signed by your Parish priest, along with a copy of your childs baptism certificate a.s.a.p. Please don’t leave it too late, time is running out!

Click on the button to access the Supplementary form

After such a hectic week it just remains for me to say…have a good rest this weekend and we will see everyone on Monday.

God Bless


Year 1 Homework 8.12.23


We are practising these songs regularly in school but it would really help if you can practise them at home too, we have been learning some actions see if they can remember them. The songs are easy to remember and very catchy - I hope you enjoy singing along too! The Lyrics are attached too so you can practise together.


We understand in the run up to Christmas it is very busy but if you can please read as much as possible at home. Books should have been changed today, due to the cake sale and our nativity practise a few may have been missed so I do apologise if yours has not. I will check all the books on Monday

Purple Mash Ongoing

Please continue to practise logging on and off Purple Mash.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond

Year 5 Weekly Blog 8.12.23- ' The true spirit of Christmas lies within your heart'

As we complete our first full week of December, the Christmas spirits have well and truly been present throughout school. On Tuesday morning, the story of our nativity began with our youngest children- who portrayed the story so beautifully. This story will then continue to travel with KS1 next week and then KS2 in Church. Speaking of which, our preparations for our Christmas concert have gone up a notch- with us having our first practice session in church this week.

We finished our week with the much anticipated ‘Our Lady’s Bake Off’. Families across the school have put their baking skills to the test to create some festive bakes. The children were so proud to show off their hard working creations and loved the judging element of the competition (us teachers certainly did). We combined this with a belated Christmas jumper day just to make the day even more festive and exciting for all of the children.

We have used our hetic schedule this week to squeeze in lots of our geography unit of rivers. The children love a no book lesson so we got practical with some chalk to plot the course of a river by separating it into its three courses. We have also been looking at how a waterfall is formed and researching some of the most known waterfalls in the UK/world.

In Maths, the children have been continuing with their angles topic with Mrs Gregan whilst also practicing lots of retrieval with our multiplication and division. This will pay off in abundance after Christmas when we start our multiplication and division topic.

In English, we have come to the end of our legends topic as the children have finished re-writing their own version of the ‘Legend of Gelert’. I have been blown away by the children’s creative thinking and description and how they have put this together as a full story.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Arthur for being a reflective learner: This half term you have really taken control over your decision making. You understand when you have made a wrong choice and you have really reflected on how to make the right choices. The shift in your behaviour has been amazing to see. Keep this up!

  • Esther for being a creative learner: Your creative thinking and your story writing has really blown me away this half term. This is been seen particularly this week when writing our own legends stories and the description you create through your writing has been amazing.

  • Benjamin for being a hopeful and faith-filled learner: You have been a really considerable and careful learning partner this week. To show such patience and care to help your partner is a real sign of maturity and growing up. This was delightful for us teachers to see.


  • Cold Weather- We will be taking regular trips to church to practice our concert so can all children have appropriate clothing such as a big coat, hat and gloves.

  • Christmas Concert- Will take place on Monday 18th December. This will take place at church and the children will be performing the concert twice (2pm and 6pm).

  • End of Term- School will close for Christmas on Thursday 21st December at 2pm.

  • Christmas Dinner- This will be the options for school dinners on Wednesday 20th December. There will be a vegetarian Christmas dinner option for choice 2.

Year 5 Homework- Due Thursday 14th December


  1. silence

  2. absence

  3. magnificence

  4. intelligence

  5. obedience

  6. dependence

  7. innocence

  8. patience

  9. confidence

  10. evidence

Christmas Concert Practice- PRIORITY

With only two whole group practice sessions left, it it vital that we are practicing our songs for the KS2 Christmas concert. Here are the videos from our previous practice sessions. Some children have lost their lyric sheets so I have uploaded the lyrics for all of our songs down below.

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 8.12.23

SPELLING:Another week of CONSOLIDATING the spellings that we have previosuly learnt. This should be easier and give you another chance of getting any incorrect ones another try! We will only quiz you on 10 random ones from this list. Once you have practised there is also a Purple Mash quiz set for you to test yourself at home. I have also set a 2Do on Purple Mash, where you will find some downlaodable flash cards, that may help you if you want to print them off:

Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group

work year again air animal another


Please complete the ‘Animal Habitats Adaptations’ quiz on Purple Mash.

It’s that time of year again …

URGENT- Please continue to practise and know your lines off by heart. Remember to ensure your speak clearly, loudly and with expression.

Also, please practise and learn this final song for our Chrsitmas Concert…

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 5th December


In science this week we have learnt all about our digestive system and the journey our food goes on when we eat. Have a look at the bbc bitesize website here and see if you can match th pictures and information in your homework books

History - Ongoing homework challenge due by Thursday 18th December

In History we have been learning all about the Stone Age to the Iron Age. To consolidate and celebrate your learning, I would like you to create, write or draw something you have learned. Here are some ideas…be creative!

  • Make your very own model of a Stone Age home (inspired by Skara Brae)

  • Make an Iron Age Hill Fort (we are learning about this next week)

  • Create a poster about the impact of farming

  • Film a news report about an archaeological excavation

We will share our creations on the last day of school, so make sure they are in school by then.

Christmas Songs to practise at home


Silent letters
lamb length sword island should answer February salmon business strength

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 11th December