Welcome to our weekly Year 1 blog. Please read on….
Read more'Spring brings new life and new beauty to all that is.'
Reception Blog - Friday 12th April 2024
Read moreYear 5 Homework due Thursday 18th April
The children have been given a set of grammar and punctuation questions which have been stuck in their books.
Science- Materials
Pick an object/material in your house and analyse its properties by using the table to help you.
Year 4 Weekly blog Friday 12th April "Individually, we are one drop; together we are an ocean."
What a lovely first week we have had in year 4 - full of achievements! In our religion lessons this week, we have started to learn about the very first Christians, beginning with St Peter and then the Ascension of Jesus to heaven. We welcome back Miss Bassett who is teaching RE on Tuesdays in Year 4 and was very impressed with children’s reflective questions, especially in our worship about belief.
On Wednesday children performed their Shakespeare for the whole school. I am sure you were as proud as I was of them - what a performance! What a team! In our English lessons now, we are focusing on putting all our writing skills together to compose a story about a Dragon Slayer and then it will be time for our class novel, ‘The Firework-Maker’s daughter.’
In history, we have now moved onto our topic on Vikings. Children began this topic by meeting’Sven the boatbuilder’ who looked suspiciously like Mrs Lyons with a viking helmet on. Nevertheless, the children quizzed Sven about how great longships were made and why Vikings were such great sailors.
On Thursday, we ended our Science topic about Rocks by taking a trip through the square, examining buildings to theorise about what type of rocks were used. I won’t tell you any more - I will let the children do that (see conversation starter below)
In maths, we have been understanding multiplicative relationships and children have been using their times tables knowledge to great advantage by solving calculations like 154 x 6! The speed at which many children know their times tables makes this easy for them now!
Conversation starters
Tell your family all about our trip to the beach. What is our church made of? What has happened to it? What other types of rocks did we see on buildings? What bout the rocks you found on the beach? What did your rock tests suggest about their rock type? Also - why not take your family to the limestone wall of fossils near the YMCA?
Let’s Celebrate!
This week our certificates are as follows:
Amelia received a Sadie Spider/ Kiki Chameleon certificate for being so productive and getting so much work done - but also putting a lot of thouht into it all too!
Gus received a Bobby Bee/Clara Clownfish certificate for being so enthusiastic, being a great listener and explaining things in maths and Science so eloquently - with excellent use of vocabulary.
Learned and Wise butterflies
This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are learned in their actions, finding God in all things. Those who are wise, who use their learning for the common good. These are children who are trying to drive their own learning forward. This week the butterfy goes to Lorenzo who is trying so hard to grow wise and reflect on how to improve.
GOING GREEN! This week, these children have been awarded their going green certificate for having completely green heatmaps - meaning they have mastered their times tables!
Well done! This is through sheer hard work and practice! Keep going everyone else - you are almost there!
Inside PE will be on a Thursday each week so children will need shorts under their tracksuits. Wednesday is outside PE.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Lyons , Mrs Ely, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Carter
Year 4 home learning to be completed by Thursday 18th April
In line with our new homework policy, each class will now have some optional half termly tasks . Some tasks will build on previous learning and others will enrich this half term’s learning. Please click on the link below to view the tasks for this half term. You can do these in homework books, as photos, powerpoints or however you like.
Then we have our usual weekly learning - to be carried out by everyone:
Dedicate 15 - 30 minutes on reading. Have you quizzed yet this half term?
TTROCKSTARS 10 minutes per day in Garage - see if you can improve your heatmap. Also, can you use our method to complete the following calculations?
a) 14 x 6 b) 17 x 8 c) 19 x 5 d) 24 x 3 e) 28 x 4 f) 27 x 7 g) 49 x 3 h)234 x 5
In Year 4, we work them out by partitioning the larger number into its parts.
See the example below
16 x 7= (break it into the calculations below then add up the answers)
10 x 7=
6 x 7=
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
actual, address, calendar, disappear, experience, particular, thought, separate, difficult, weight
Group 2 Practise these spellings below.
I’ve, I’m, now, call, house, school, would, could, should, other, mother, brother
Netball Tournament Selections
Next Thursday, the local netball tournament will be played at Lytham St Annes High School. It will start at 3.30pm, hoping to be finished by around 5.15pm at the latest. Please can you collect your child from school at 3.10pm and take them to the event.
We are only able to take one team to the tournament.
Well done to the following girls who have been selected:
Daisy, Iris, Nicola, Tabby, Millie, Faye, Esther, Bella
The girls’ will need to be in full netball kit and school PE kit with appropriate trainers. Plenty of fluid will be required to keep hydrated.
The tournament is being run by the young leaders from LSA who will be supporting, running the table, umpiring and lots of things. Please be kind and courteous to them.
Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence'
This week we have celebrated the risen Lord in our school chapel, how we can grow in our relationship with God and how we can be His true disciples. We shared how throughour faith we know Jesus is still among us and talked about all the things they have not yet seen, but know it is there. This is closely related to our new virtues of the half term- Learned and Wise. Finding God in all things and using His teachings wisely in our everyday lives to work for the common good.
Read moreThis week...
Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a lovely Easter despite the rain and the wind!
We have started our new learning thread ‘growing’. A big thank you to everyone who has donated seeds and pots. Our delivery of soil arrived just before Easter…I may have over ordered, it’s HUGE bag.
On Monday we planted carrots, meadow seeds, lettuce, tomatoes and strawberries. Now we are waiting patiently. In the meanwhile we have been discussing what will be happening under the soil and what the seeds need to thrive. Click here to watch and here to see the seeds start to germinate.
This week we explored the concept of the Trinity, where God is three-in-one and each part loves the others and loves us. We discussed how Children we are made in the image of God, we are designed to love God and love one another in our wider communities too.
Our word of the week is ‘believe’. Even though we have seen the season of Lent cumulate in Easter Sunday, and Jesus’ Resurrection, Eastertide still continues. Now ids the time to celebrate in the risen Lord; during which we are called to grow in friendship with Jesus, believe in Him, and tell others about the Resurrection. We have been learning the hymn ‘Be Still for the Presence of the Lord’. Click here to join in at home.
Emma’s Blog
Hello everyone,
Welcome back. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. It's been lovely hearing the children telling us all what they have been up to over the holidays.
As it’s a new term and Summer is here, we have been busy planting seeds in our garden. We have planted strawberry, carrot, tomato and cucumber plants as well as wild flower seeds, and lots more. We have been working our brains and learning about how seeds germinate, and how the roots of the seed need water and nutrients to feed the plant and to help it grow from under the ground. Talking about nutrition in the soil, how does the soil gets the nutrition I here you ask? Earthworms are fantastic burrowing creatures and are the living, breathing, engineers of the underworld, eating and recycling organic matter to keep our soil healthy with nutrition ready for planting.
We also found out lots of interesting facts about the earthworm, and here is a link for you to look at: Click here to learn more.
The children have been working together to make a wormery in nursery, to see how the worms live and eat underground. The children really enjoyed looking for the worms and layering their new home with sand and soil and feeding them by leaving out dead leaves and plants on top of the soil. I will keep you all updated with how they are getting on.
We have also been busy learning our new sounds, ng, nk, qu, th, ch this week. The children are working really hard with their sounds.
See you all next week.
Michelle’s blog
Hello, and welcome to this week’s nursery blog. I hope you all had a restful and peaceful Easter and didn’t eat too many eggs.
This week we have jumped straight into our new topic of spring and growing with both feet, or should that be both wellies?
We have decided we want to grow lots of things , lots of flowers and lots of fruit and vegetable. We have spent some time planting seeds and plants with pots and compost. We keep looking but they haven’t grown yet.
Here are some fantastic spring ideas for you to try at home. Click here.
If you would like to have a go at growing at home but are short on space or time, here are some ideas for growing using vegetable scraps, click here
In PE we have continued to practise our Fundamental Movement skills of throwing, catching, jumping, running and hopping. Catching is really tricky but we keep practising. This is a skill that you could try practising with your child, as you can throw and catch anything, it doesn’t have to be a ball.
We have also continued exploring numbers this week and have been growing our brains trying to find all the different ways we can make different numbers and also looking for numbers in the environment. When you look, they are everywhere! Which numbers can you spot?
Here is a link to some fantastic number games, including letter formation, counting and number recognition. Click here.
That’s all for now. Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.
The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle; Click here
Please look out for a seeds sequencing card game to make at home…coming home this week! Enjoy!
Lastly, it has been so lovely to see everyone back at nursery this week, ready and eager to learn. Next week…more growing! We can’t wait.
Have a lovely weekend
God Bless
Year 3 Weekly Blog 11.4.24 - April showers bring May flowers!
Class Worship was led this week by Alice, Lena and Louie. They read the parable of Jesus feeding the five thousand (Matthew 14:13) and as a class we sang one of our favourites - All Glory Lord and Honor.
Read moreYear 6 Home Learning 11.04.24
Lots of reading please- let’s get quizzing!
This week we have looked at percentages. Please have a go at the following IXL strand to revisit your learning.
T3 Convert fractions to percents using grid models
T4Convert between percents, fractions and decimals
Then please complete the arithmetic booklet. This can be either completed independently to a time (30 minutes) or alongside a grown up where you can discuss the strategies and methods you use- you must decide what is going to be most beneficial for you.
This week’s spelling focus are words that contain a double consonant. Remember to practice these throughout the week and to complete the quiz on Purple Mash.
Optional revision:
1) Why don’t use look at the pronouns sections in IXL English GG PRONOUNS. We have been doing this in class so it would be great to reinforce!
2) Below is a list of the Year 5 and 6 word list that children are expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 6. Why not take a look at them and see how many you know how to spell? How many do you know you need to work on?
Summer 1 Extra-Curricular Names and Places
Please find above the names of the children who have signed up for the extra-curricular clubs this half term.
Archery, Judo and Mr Nay’s football sessions start tomorrow.
For the archery and judo, can all children come in through the main entrance, they will then be directed to where they need to go; depending on where the activity is. Please ensure that you have paid £28 before the session starts tomorrow.
The cricket clubs start next week and will run for the next 5 weeks.
Year 2 Home Learning To be completed for Monday 15th April
Weekly tasks: reading, number facts, spellings and cursive handwriting
Read moreYear 1 Homework 28.3.24
Please continue to read regularly at home and sign the challenge boxes, just a reminder it is one box per day.
Don’t forget you have the QR codes for the RWI videos these are great to practise their sounds at home, click on the buttons to get the codes.
It will be our big spelling test after the Easter break with a mix of the spellings from this half term and last. It will be on Friday 12th April.
The spellings are:
my were are said here our house pull
love come put do was by some they full they
of you we
Have a lovely Easter Break
Miss Drummond
Year 1 Weekly Blog 28.3.24 ' He is not here; He has risen'
Welcome to our weekly Year 1 blog. Please read on….
Read moreThis week...
Such an emotional week. We have travelled through Holy Week attending each moving assembly which has depicted Jesus’ journey to the cross. We have been discussing each event by visiting the stations of the cross. The children have been truly reflective, trying to comprehend ‘why’? On the morning of the Crucifixion assembly we were so overcome with sadness it made some of us cry.
It has not been all sadness though, we have enjoyed lots of fun in the garden, organising everything in readiness for a planting bonanza when we return!!
Our learning thread focusses on ‘cycles’; plants and animals, and also a complementary thread- ‘Superheroes’! Click on the button below to see our planning.
We were lucky enough to have Year 2 newly hatched chicks come to nursery for us to look after. It was thrilling. We watched a video of one of the chicks emerging from its shell (see year 2 blog from last week).
Easter Egg Hunt!
On Thursday Easter bunny came to nursery and hid eggs for everyone in the garden. We had great fun searching for them. Take a look!
Read, Write Inc.
We are so proud of ourselves…we have completed Speed Set 1 sounds, phew! We now need to keep practising them so that we get better and better.
Click here for z
Click here for ch
Click here for qu
Click here for x
Click here for ng
Click here for nk
Try and think of words with these sounds in them. Good luck, it’s tricky!
Emma’s blog
Hello everyone
We have had a fun packed 4 days this week.
Nursery has been into the school assembly every day this week to watch years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, tell different parts of the Easter story. We have really enjoyed it.
The children have continued learning about the 14 stations of the cross by using objects to represent each station. For example, a rock represents the tomb, 3 plasters represents Jesus falling 3 times, lolly sticks for the cross and many more. The children linked the objects to each station to help us remember and retell the Easter Story.
A big thank you for bringing back your Lenten boxes. Your kindness will really help those less fortunate.
We were so excited we met x and z letter sounds this week as the children have been waiting so long for these as its seems they really like saying them. The children also use there whole body to represent X.
We had some visitors in nursery this week. Some baby chick's from year 2, where the children in year 2 have been looking after them. They have had them since they were eggs and looked after them as they hatched. The children in nursery were really grateful that they got to see and touch them. Thank you year 2 for letting us spend time with your chick's.
As Easter is this weekend, here is a recipe to make chocolate nests and an Easter counting game. Click here and here. Enjoy!
Have a wonderful Easter and enjoy your week off, and I can’t wait to hear what you have all been up to.
Michelle’s blog
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.
This week we have had assembly every morning as we have watched the juniors tell the story of Easter. Mrs Gregan has said she was very impressed when visiting nursery at how much the children could recall about Easter. The children are very aware of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection as we have had many discussions over the previous weeks about many aspects of Easter.
Thank you so much for all the Lenten boxes that have been returned. We have been very humbled by your generosity.
We have continued learning new letter sounds this week and have been practising our writing too. Here is a reminder of the sounds we have learnt so far.
We are enjoying our revamped garden and have been enjoying it, whatever the weather.
Have a lovely Easter and we will see you after the holidays.
Finally, I would like to wish everyone and Happy and Holy Easter. Thank you for all your support of nursery this term, you are truly wonderful!
Stay safe and God bless, I will see you on the 8th April.
Year 5 Weekly Blog 287.03.24- ' Into your hands Lord, I commend my spirit'
Wow! What an emotional yet exhilarating final week of the term- where we all came together as one to witness Holy Week. Each day, we came into the hall in silence and reflection as we relived the story of Jesus’s death and resurrection. Wednesday was our big day as the children had the biggest of tasks of recreating the Crucifixion of Jesus. The children were fantastic in their character roles, their emotive behaviour and their delivery of prayer and scripture.
With the end of our Holy Week in school, Year 6 closed us out with a beautiful portray of the resurrection which was followed by celebrations of an Easter Egg Hunt! With a surprise visit from our Easter bunny, they had hidden an egg for each child around the gardens of the school. The children’s quick-witted investigating skills came in handy as they all found their eggs!
Let’s Celebrate
With it being the end of a term, the certificates were chosen by the children themselves- with the theme being a reflective learner'. Our winners for this term are;
Michael: You have been chosen by your classmates for:
Being an excellent learning partner
Putting lots of work into your handwriting practice
Pushing through till the end when things get tough
Taking every word from the teacher and wanting the improve
Elsie: You have been chosen by your classmates for:
High focus during independent tasks to make sure your work is your best
Pushing through till the end when things get tough
You like receiving feedback because it gives you a chance to improve
Always being kind to everyone and reflect how other people are feeling
Virtue Butterflies: Our butterfly this week goes to Ruby. You live and breath kindness and you are so respectful to all members of staff. You don’t just treat your closest friends with love and compassion but everyone you come across.
Homework for half term: Spellings will be the same as last weeks due to not having a spelling test this week. Any missed IXL’s or Art homework from last week needs to be completed. Lots of reading and times tables practice over the Easter break.
School will reopen on Monday 8th April
'He is Risen.'
Reception Blog - Friday 28th March 2024
Read moreTrying to define play is like trying to define love. You can’t do it. It’s far too big for that. Gordon Sturrock
As we come to the end of another term, it never ceases to amaze me how time flies when you’re having fun.
Read moreYear 2 Blog - Have a Happy and Holy Easter
What a special, emotional and celebratory week …….
Read moreYear 4 Weekly blog Thursday 28th March " He is Risen, Alleluia, Alleluia!"
Thank you all so much for your kind donations in Lenten boxes for CAFOD and thank you children for all those tasks you did to earn the money.What a beautiful and poignant week it has been throughout school. It has been so painful at times, as children have been sorrowful and reflective when thinking about the agonising events of Holy week. Our class assembly showed their maturity to understand the fear, abandonment, betrayal and agony of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. On Wednesday children wrote about their reflections and feelings towards the crucifixion. There was a mixture of deep sorrow, frustration and gratefulness for what Jesus did for us. Also, children wrote questions they wanted to ask about it. I read their work on Wednesday night and felt tearful myself at the depth of children’s emotion towards and understanding of Good Friday’s events. Today they were asked to do reflections of a different nature, about the hope that the Resurrection of Jesus brings.
As we get to the final term, we are encouraging children to strive to be independent and believe in their own ideas when writing. The above tasks really helped them to see that their best is good enough and that there is not one right answer to things. In English this week, children have been writing our story learned in class, “Brer Fox and the White Plums,’ to see if they can use all the year 4 writing skills when they compose. A lot of learning is ‘mind over matter,’ and just taking the plunge to go for it! We are developing our resilience and stamina to keep going when things are tricky - to stand us in good stead for life’s challenges.
In Science we have learned all about fossil formation this week and also enjoyed sifting through soil with our plastic gloves to see exactly what it was made out of. After the holidays, we will go on a trip to the beach via St Annes, looking out for rocks, erosion, fossils and collecting rocks to bring back to school and test.
We had a treat today when the Easter bunny had hidden eggs all over our garden for each child in school. The excitement of the hunt was lovely!
Conversation starters
We learned about the Earth’s tectonic plates in Geography this week by taking the ‘lid’ off a crunch cream biscuit and seeing what happened when 2 plates rub together/converge. This taught children about the causes of earthquakes and volcanoes. See if they can explain it to you. Why not look up the ‘Tectonic plates - Ring of Fire,’ and find out why it gets its name.
Let’s Celebrate!
Each half term the class are asked to vote for the certificate winners. Mrs Gregan asked children to focus this half term on learners who were reflective. The class picked Matilda for how hard she tries and how she is always seeking to improve, listening well to feedback. They picked Tommy because he inspired them in Shakespeare by learning so many lines. He always tries to get better. He is a good listener and a kind friend. They also picked William because he is so enthusiastic and does not give up. They said he listens to advice and improves every day!
Loving and Compassionate butterflies
This half term, our virtues are ‘Loving and Compassionate.’ This week our butterfly go to Grace for always showing such respect for others and such love for her peers. Grace - you are full of grace!
Music Stars: Joseph, Tilly, Lily and William
PE stars this week go to Louis and John-Paul for some super sling throwing!
GOING GREEN! This week, these children have been awarded their going green certificate for having completely green heatmaps - meaning they have mastered their times tables!
Finley, Logan and Toby
Well done! This is through sheer hard work and practice!
No swimming after the holidays. However, inside PE will be on a Thursday each week so children will need shorts under their tracksuits. Wednesday is outside PE.
Wednesday 10th April 9:10am Children will do another performance of their Romeo and Juliet in our school hall for anyone to come and see.
Thursday 11th April We are going on a trip to the beach in the morning and having lunch there. I have sent a text if your child is normally a hot dinner and has said you will prepare them a packed lunch. Please could children bring in £2 for an ice-cream and a plastic bag to carry their rocks back to school.
Have a lovely Easter with your little chicks!
Mrs Lyons , Mrs Ely, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Carter