Year 5 Homework- Due Thursday 19th September

Compulsory Homework


Nearly half of the class have now quizzed on a book and have begun their journey to their own personal reading targets. Lots of reading to be done this year as we begin on our journey to our end of year target- can you remember what it is?

Times Tables

Lots of TTRS to make sure we are super sharp and speedy on our times tables- these will come in handy this year. The children’s TTRS logins have been stuck on the inside of their homework books.


Our focus this week has been words containing the letter string ‘ough’. Lots of these words sound differently to each other so make sure you practice over the weekend so you feel confident next week.

  1. fought

  2. nought

  3. ought

  4. bought

  5. cough

  6. trough

  7. tough

  8. rough

  9. enough

  10. thorough

  11. dough

  12. drought

    Mrs Barker’s group

    1. there

    2. could

    3. house

    4. children

    5. looked

    6. little

    7. she

    8. that

    9. now

    10. her

Optional Homework


We have started learning about the Ancient Greeks. One of the most interesting topics that the children love about the Greeks are the vast amount of Gods that they had.

  • Research some of the different Gods of Ancient Greece and compare them to each other.

  • Choose your favourite Ancient Greek God and tell me why.

  • Ask your parents if they know any of the Ancient Greek Gods- do they have a favourite.

This week...

Such a busy week in nursery! The children have enjoyed lots of new and exciting activities, including Fundamental Movement skills with Mr. Nay and Mr. Murray. The introduction of My Happy Mind and much much more. We are all exhausted!

My Happy Mind

This week we started our myHappymind journey to support the children's mental health and wellbeing.  We are delighted to be a myHappymind school! myHappymind is an award winning programme for schools and nurseries, families and organisations. It teaches preventative habits that support mental health, resilience and self-esteem. All the concepts that are taught are based on science and research and grounded in neuroscience and positive psychology. myHappymind is commissioned by the NHS. 

We have set up our own Happiness Heroes team to spread happiness around nursery and school and support others with their wellbeing through techniques such as Happy Breathing.

 myHappymind modules include: Meet the Brain, Celebrate, Gratitude, Relate and Engage.

This week we met Berty and Betty and found our about our brain and emotions.

Next week we will be continuing our journey and be asking the children this question: to plan a nice surprise for a friend or family. Perhaps you could have a little chat at home about what they could do.: maybe sing a song, draw a picture, give a hug or ask a friend to come and play. Let me know how you get on.

Mrs. Gregan will be formally launching the programme on the 25th September with a coffee morning. Keep checking the school blog for further details and and get involved.

In the meanwhile I have attached a Parent pack for you to take a look at. Click on the button below. Enjoy finding out!


This week we explored how our wonderful world was created.

We stared by seeing what object was in our magic box…it was a globe ball, a good way yo start our conversation. Each day we have looked at what God crated for us to love and look after. I have attached the slides for you to have the discussion at home too. See what your child has remembered (or put in their hippocampus-the memory part of our brain!)

Also, we talked about Jesus-who is Jesus? He was a teacher, a healer and a very good person. We are going to try to be like Jesus and be kind and thoughtful to each other. We are doing very well. One friend said on Wednesday“ I am like Jesus”; how wonderful!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone.

What a wonderful week we have had. Not only have we been growing our brains, but we have had lots and lots of fun doing so.

 The children have been busy getting to know each other and making new friendships. We have been talking about our families, the people we live with, where we live and if we have any pets. The children also drew what we had discussed. They really enjoyed talking about their pets and we found out that a lot of the children have dogs.

To help the children with their pencil grip and control, I've introduced dough disco. Playing with the dough helps to strengthen children's fine motor muscles to enable them to develop their grip which in turn will help to develop their drawing and writing skills. But most of all it's fun! What is dough disco, I hear you say. Dough disco is a fun activity that involves moulding play dough to music and performing different actions, such as squeezing, patting, poking, squashing into a pancake, tearing, twisting, rolling into a ball, rolling into a sausage, and pinching. Here is a link for you to have a go at home. I hope you enjoy, and remember, have fun! Click here.

Also, here is a recipe to make your own dough at home. Mix 2 mugs of plain flour, 2 tablespoons of cooking oil, 4 teaspoons of cream of tartar, 1 mug of salt, and 2 mugs of boiling water, and give it all a really good mix up. You can also add food colouring as you wish. Enjoy!!

Have a lovely weekend, and have a great time if you are going to the kite festival.

See you all on Monday.


Michelle’s blog

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog.

Our learning this week has been focused on learning ‘All About Me’. We have explored what makes us unique and what makes us similar.  We used the mirrors to look in detail at our features and then had a go at painting them. We then all drew a picture of ourselves in our new floor book.  This year we are really going to try to ‘Reach for the stars’ and try to do our best. 

We have used our imaginations this week as we explored our role play home corner. We took it in turns to play mummy, daddy, brother, sister and baby. This enabled us to explore families and to think about our own families. We looked at the pictures of our families and found that we are all different, but we know that our family will always love us. Thank you for sending in your family photos, but don't worry if you haven't managed yet, there is still lots of time.  Just email to any of us, or send in a printed copy. We don't mind, but we would love to see all of our families on our family wall.

Here are some fun activities you could try at home. Click here.

Have a lovely weekend


I’m sure all our learning will explain why your child is so tired at the end of the day…one or two friends even all asleep during the day!!

I hope that everyone has a lovely weekend in readiness for another busy week next week!

Stay safe and God bless.


Year 6 Home Learning 12.09.24

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

Homework books - Please personalize/ cover your homework book to tells me something about you, I would love to find out more about you! Please ensure that your name is clearly visible.

Assembly- You now have your lines for our Assembly a week next Tuesday. Please learn them off by heart and practice speaking with loudly and with great expression!

Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! Please complete the bar model structures homework in your books.

Spelling - will be practiced throughout the week and the children will be quizzed on the Thursday. There will also be a quiz for you to complete on Purple Mash, once you have spent a good amount of time practicing these spellings throughout the week.


Annual Flu Vaccination

This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of Flu. There may be a rebound in Flu levels this coming winter following low levels in the past 2 years. The vaccination is free and is a quick, simple, painless spray up the nose. Our vaccinations in school will take place on Monday 14th September.

Please complete the online consent form.

If you DO NOT wish your child to be vaccinated for whatever reason please complete the form stating NO and the reasons.

Online Consent Form: 

Use the link below to access the online consent form and enter the unique school code with BP in capital letters - BP119627

Please inform the School Vaccination Team (Not School) of the following:

 •           If your child has steroid tablets prescribed two weeks prior to vaccination.

•           If in the few days prior to vaccination your child has been wheezy.

•           If after consenting you take your child to your GP surgery to receive their vaccination

 It is your responsibility to contact the school vaccination team to ensure they do not receive the immunisation again. Our contact details are:

 Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde: 01253 951984 Morecambe / Lancaster 01524 519430

All Stars - Sessions and Payment Information

What a brilliant week we have had with the new All Stars Club in school. It is always daunting setting something new up, especially when the one at St Thomas’s was so successful, but I think we have made a really good start - and I cannot thank the staff enough for what they have done. The children are great and are giving us more ideas about what they would like to do. I am sure that it will continue to evolve over the next term. Some of our sessions are already fully booked - which is just wonderful!

As we are a new club, and could only register as of the 1st September, things are taking a little while to finalise. Things like being a tax free childcare provider is in process; we are just waiting for our registration number. So here are a few pointers for you:

  • Mrs Nel is in the process of working out what each child needs to pay for the club. This will be put on Parent Pay this week. We have decided to charge half-termly, rather than termly, to give families greater flexibility and to also ensure that you are being charged for the sessions that you will be attending over the half-term. Payment will still need to be made at the beginning of each half-term so that costs for the club can be covered. If you are not paying via Parent Pay, and instead via a different method, please just send an email to Mrs Nel. You will be able to see via Parent Pay what you owe for each half-term. This will be smoother going forward. The summer holidays and being a new provider has stalled this.

  • One of the main drivers for bringing All Stars here is so that children can access before and after school extra-curricular sessions. Now that the timetable has been finalised, you need to let Mrs Nel know by email whether your child will not be attending All Stars due to them attending another club in school. For example, if you have signed your child up for multi-skills and they are arriving at school at 8am, then you can relinquish your All Stars place for that morning and you will not be charged. However, if you child arrives at school at 7.45am for All Stars, and then they go into the club at 8am, we will need to reserve payment for their space. Please can you let Mrs Nel know by email if your child is attending a sports club for the specified time, therefore will not need an All Stars place. I hope this makes sense. If you can do that ASAP, then costings can be calculated.

All payments will be on Parent Pay by Friday of this week.

Please continue to bare with us. Some of the set up is beyond our control and we are waiting on other organisations to send information to us. We will continue to communicate with you throughout. Please do ask any questions if you have them and we will get back to you when we can.

Mrs Nel’s email is

Year 5 Weekly Blog 06.09.24- ‘The journey of a thousand miles begin with just one step’

What a fantastic start to the new year we have had! Friends reunited and new relationships forming with new teachers- just plenty of smiles all round. The children have taken to life in the upper juniors with real excitement and pride as they have dived straight into the learning, along with their roles and responsibilities.

We began our first day back by coming together as a school in unity with a morning assembly, followed by our first look into the exiting curriculum of Year 5 with a bit of History, where we are learning about Ancient Greece. As promised, we finished the end of the day with the famous parachute (curtesy of Reception) to give both children and staff a chance to get to know each other.

The rest of the week consisted of beginning our English and Maths topics with us focusing on retrieving some key skills such as grammar, punctuation, times tables and place value. It was only fitting that we ended the week in worship together as we celebrated the new year at mass. The children were partnered with their new Year 1 buddies in which they were so gentle, kind and supportive towards.

“Treat others how you would like to be treated”- This is our class slogan for the year in which we aim to promote kindness, compassion and respect towards everyone in what we say and do throughout our daily life.

Photos have been taken throughout the week to capture the children’s first steps in their Year 5 journey- these will be uploaded in next weeks blog after all of the consent forms have been submitted.


This week, we started up our kidsafe lessons again to go over our rules of these lessons along with our chosen theme for the week. Please read the letter below to see what was discussed in the lesson.


  • Induction Evening- This will take place on Wednesday 18th September. There will be two opportunities to attend this with them being at 3:45pm-4:30pm and then 4:45pm-5:30pm.

  • Medical and Consent Forms- Please complete these ASAP to allow your teachers to know about any medical requirements that your child has along with consent forms over online publications.

  • Sports Club Opportunities- Information regarding this is available on the sports page of the website. If interested, please complete the forms to register your child for a specific club.

  • School Gates- Gates will open at 8:45am in the mornings and closing at 8:55am. Gates will open up again at 3:15pm with the classroom doors being opened between 3:20pm-3:25pm. You can come through any of the two gates both in the morning and afternoon.

Our first week at nursery!

Welcome to our first blog of the year.

This year in nursery and in school, we are taking time to focus on our school name and how we can shine like stars in the sky. If we truly are to live the life that God intended us to, then we must look at how we can do all of those small things well and shine like a star. This message will be the golden thread in everything that we do and who we are this year; recognising all of the stars that shine so very brightly. We have got off to a great start and have all been shining brightly, but we must keep trying.

Each Friday you will be able to catch up with all the learning we have been doing at nursery and perhaps join in at home. The blog is full of ideas to extend learning and revisit, so get involved!

It is always lovely to hear the children enjoying finding out with their families. You could even send us pictures to share with or friends. Just email them either to me or your childs key person and we show them on our fabulous Touch TV.

It has been a fantastic start to the week. There may have been a couple of tears at drop off time but they haven’t lasted long at all. Everyone has been exploring the continuous provision both inside and outside, it is so very exciting. We have started to build new friendships, but it is a bit tricky remembering lots of names.

Each week your key person will write a short blog about your childs learning at nursery for the week. It will include photos and some activities you may want to try at home.

It is important that you visit the nursery to keep up to date with everything that will be happening in nursery, we would not like you to miss anything. You may also like to read about what is happening throughout the school too.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful summer.

 Welcome to our nursery blog.

 The children have had a fantastic first week and it's been wonderful getting to know each and every one of them. We have been busy making friends and following nursery routine, the children have also enjoyed exploring inside and outside of nursery, enjoying the different spaces to play. 

As it’s our first week, we have been talking about our feelings. When starting nursery our feelings sometimes could be a little bit mixed up. The colour monster story is about a monster who wakes up with mixed up emotions and a little girl who helps him to sort them out using colours. The book is a brilliant way to express and talk about how we feel; to help the children learn to identify and discuss their emotions. It helps us to develop social skills, confidence, and empathy. We have been using different coloured pom poms to express how we are feeling. The children have really enjoyed the story.

 Why not watch and listen at home. Click here.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I can't wait to to see you all on Monday for more learning and lots more fun. 


Michelle’s blog

A very big welcome to our new families and those returning for another great year at nursery!!.

It's been a very exciting week as we have all got to know each other. We have learnt lots of new names and are beginning to know the rhythm of the nursery day.

We are all learning to be more independent by finding out trays and putting our coats on.

You can help your child on their road to independence by giving them time to put their coat on by themselves and also by recognising their name when written down.

We have had such a lovely first week and are really looking forward to next week.

Have a lovely weekend 


As you can see we are having a lovely time in nursery. I am so proud with how the children have settled. More fun next week.

Story time

This week we read Little Rabbit Foo Foo. It’s a great story and it made us laugh so much. We talked about choices; was Little Rabbit Foo Foo making good choices? What is a Goonie? Click here to watch and listen at home.

A few good housekeeping reminders

I understand how difficult it is organising our lives around getting to nursery on time, as well the things we ask of you, sorry, but here are a few reminders that will help both your child and nursery ladies.

Please can each child have an Our Lady book bag and not bring back packs as we haven’t got room in our reception area. You can purchase them from Top Marque in St Annes.

When choosing shoes could you think about how you child will be able to get them off for PE etc and then put them on. We encourage the children to be as independent as possible. Velcro trainers/ shoes are probably the best. Hi-top boots are extremely tricky.

Please make sure that your child is wearing appropriate clothing for the weather. We go our in all types of weather. Wellies and waterproofs when raining. Coats for outside play.

Your child will require one snack (fruit or veg only please) for each session. Two pieces for a full day, one for half day. Please note grapes, cherry tomatoes are to be cut into quarters. All snack pots to be clearly labelled.

Anything your child brings to nursery or clothing that could be taken off during the day must be labelled. The nursery ladies get very confused!

Could each child bring a photograph of their family to display on our family wall.

Lastly, could I say a huge thank you, to you, our lovely parents. You have prepared your child so well for the next part of their learning journey. Working in partnership is so important.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday.

God bless


Year 5 Homework- Due on Thursday 12th September

Compulsory Homework


The children have completed their first STAR reader assessment of the year (I have been so impressed with the results!) and they all now have their ZPD scores. Lots of reading to be done this year as we begin on our journey to our end of year target- can you remember what it is?

Times Tables

Lots of TTRS to make sure we are super sharp and speedy on our times tables- these will come in handy this year. The children’s TTRS logins have been stuck on the inside of their homework books.


Our focus this week has been words containing the silent letter b. Lots of these words sound differently to each other so make sure you practice over the weekend so you feel confident next week.

  1. thumb

  2. numb

  3. crumb

  4. debt

  5. doubt

  6. limb

  7. climb

  8. tomb

  9. comb

  10. subtle

  11. lamb

  12. plumber

Optional Homework


We have started learning about the Ancient Greeks. One of the most interesting topics that the children love about the Greeks are the vast amount of Gods that they had.

  • Research some of the different Gods of Ancient Greece and compare them to each other.

  • Choose your favourite Ancient Greek God and tell me why.

  • Ask your parents if they know any of the Ancient Greek Gods- do they have a favourite.

Class Councilor

If you would like to be a class councilor and you haven’t already been one (excluding the COVID years) then feel free to prepare a speech to tell your class the following:

  • Why do you want to be a councilor?

  • Why should people vote for you?

  • What changes are you going to bring about?

  • What should a good class councilor do/don’t when in the job?

Year 6 Weekly Blog 06.09.24 'Be brave, take risks and allow the unexpected'

Welcome to Year 6!

What a week we have had! There has been such a warm and friendly buzz of excitement, anticipation and enthusiasm over the last two days in Year 6. We could not be happier with how the children have returned to school for their final year at Our Lady’s. We have spent a lot of time over the past two days talking about leadership and our vision for the year ahead. We have shared a beautiful story with the children called The Invisible. A tender story about how we all belong in the world. Please click on the button below to read the story

Read more

Year 6 Homework Week 1

Homework usually should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

 English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day! .


Spellings will be practised throughout the week and the children will be quizzed on the Friday. There will also be a quiz for you to complete on Purple Mash, once you have spent a good amount of time practising these spellings throughout the week.


Optional Homework

Have you never been a Class Councillor? Would you like this opportunity in your final year at Our Lady’s? Now is your chance …

If you would like to be considered in our class votes then you need to prepare a short speech, presentation or poster that outlines why your class should vote for you and why you would be good at the job. We are voting next Thursday, so make sure you prepare and bring in everything you need before this day.