This week...

A big thank you to everyone who managed to come along to our parent drop in session on Tuesday. It was so lovely to see you.

This week we have started to make our Advent Prayer Station. Advent Stations are a prayer journey that helps us prepare for Christ's birth. Our contribution to the whole school will be Mary setting out on the journey to Bethlehem.

The Travelling Nativity is still winding it’s way towards your home, everyone will get a turn before we break for Christmas.

Meet Two!

Another one

One discovers it’s tricky to play tennis when you’re the only block in the world. She bumps into a magic mirror and meets another One- and they join forces to make Two. Click here to watch.


Two finds a pair of magic dancing shoes and shows One that everything is better with 2, singing, counting things that belong in pairs. Click here to watch.

We learnt:

  • Counting to 2

  • The ‘Twoness’ of two

  • How to write two- one curve down is what to do, then straight across to make a two. Have a go at home but don’t forget the duck fingers!

Read, Write Inc.

This week we started to learn the next five sounds from Read, Write Inc. Speed- set 1. i, n, o, p, g.

Click on the links below to watch Geraldine the Giraffe explore the sounds.

‘i’ click here

‘n’ click here

‘o’ click here

‘p’ click here

‘g’ click here

Keep a look out in your child’s book bag to have a go at writing the sounds. The sound mats we sent home before half term will help you out and as always don’t forget your duck fingers!

Here is Oxford Owl website for more information. Please focus on the sounds we have covered at nursery, we need to walk before we run!

Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone,

 The cold weather is definitely here now, but that doesn't stop the children playing and learning outside. We are starting to have a go at zipping or buttoning our coats up by ourselves. We know it can be tricky, but by having a go, it is a step closer to them putting their coats on independently. Here is a video you can watch together and practice. Good luck. Click here.

To continue with our learning thread about our bodies, we have been looking at why it's important to wash our hands before eating, after using the toilet, or just when our hands are dirty from doing everyday activities. This is to help the children understand the importance of keeping our hands free from germs. We did an experiment where I used a bowl of water and sprinkled pepper on the top to represent the germs, then by adding washing up liquid on our fingers (which represented the soap on their hands), the children dipped their fingers into the water. The pepper (germs) moved away from their fingers which we told them was like when you have washed your hands using soap and warm water, all of the germs go away. It's amazing to see, so have a go at home. Here is the video about germs. Click here. and here.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone. Wrap up warm when your out and about, and I will see you all on Monday. 


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog 

This week we have taken some time to consolidate some of our previous learning. We have continued to learn how to care for our teeth in our very own dentist. We have explored and discussed which foods are good choices for our bodies and our teeth. I have been impressed with the children's knowledge about healthy eating. I'm sure you will be amazed with their knowledge too, if you ask your child which foods are bad choices and should only be eaten as treats occasionally.

This week we met Numberblock two. We have learnt that one plus another one is two. We have investigated and explored pairs of two. We had to sort out the washing, all the socks had got mixed up. The children worked hard to find the right ones to make a pair. This is a good game to play at home. Get them to match the socks after laundry day.

Another busy week and more planned for next week.

Have a lovely weekend 


Parent information

As part of Lancashire Educational Psychology Services new early years offer, they are delivering a series of CPD events for Parent Carers.  These are aimed at any Parent Carer in Lancashire with a child aged 0-5 years. Click on the button below for more information.

Another busy week and only one more before our Nativity. We can’t wait!

Have a splendid weekend everyone and see you all on Monday!!

Stay safe and God bless.


Year 5 Homework due on Thursday 28th November

Essential Homework

  • Reading- 20 to 30 minutes a day at home.

  • Times Tables- 5 minutes per day.

  • Spellings- to complete the sheets in their books and 2 trail spelling tests

  1. money

  2. change

  3. buy

  4. learn

  5. promise

  6. group

  7. reign

  8. manor

  9. hymn

  10. choose

  11. aggressive

  12. competition

  13. identity

  14. profession

  15. soldier

Mrs Barker’s group

  1. cause

  2. coin

  3. raffle

  4. money

  5. change

  6. buy

  7. learn

  8. promise

  9. group

  10. choose

Christmas Concert Practice

We have been practicing for our KS2 Christmas Concert, which will take place on Monday 16th December.

We have practiced the next three songs in our booklet;

Below are also the lyrics of ‘The Prayer’ as they are wrong in the booklet.


To complete their Biomes Research Project which is stuck in their books.

The children have been given 3 different biomes and will have to collect research for each of the four categories.

The children have made notes to help them with their research.

Year 6 Home Learning 21.11.24

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! In your books please also complete the maths questions that are stuck in. We have been doing this in class, so the children should be able to have a good go at this!

Reading- Please complete the short reading paper. Remember to refer back to the text and underline the important information in the text.

Spelling - Please complete the spellings rules sheet in your books- we will practice these throughout the week in class but you also need to practice them at home ready for our quiz on a Thursday!

Christmas songs

Please learn the next 3 Christmas songs below.

You have a booklet with the words to all songs in your bag - please keep at home to practice and do not lose it.

There is also a copy of the words below as well as our videos


Family Mass - Sunday 1st December

On Sunday 1st December, we will have our second family mass in church. Our first family mass was so well attended; thank you to everyone who came. This Mass will be extra special as it is the first Sunday of Advent - what a lovely way to start it together.

The children who will be directly involved in the Mass on Sunday are on the PDF below. If your child’s name isn’t listed, they will be involved, just sat with you taking part in the mass. Those children who are in the choir, will be sat in the choir loft with the parish choir. The readers and offertory children can sit with their parents and come up when it is there turn for involvement. Staff will be present too to support.

For the homily, as with every homily on the 1st Sunday of Advent, there will be a letter read out written by Bishop Paul. Having been visited by Bishop Paul this year, it will be special for the children to hear directly from him in a letter.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday 1st December. Following mass, there is the monthly coffee and craft club at the Parish Centre. Please do attend if you are able to.

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 20th November


This weeks focus is the suffix ‘ous’ Spelling quiz will be on Monday 25th November.

  1. poisonous

  2. dangerous

  3. enormous

  4. serious

  5. famous

  6. nervous

  7. continuous

  8. obvious

  9. jealous

  10. curious

Key Stage 2 Carol concert

Below is a link to the words of the songs we are practising for our carol concert and a video of the first 3 song to practise singing along with.

Please try to read for 10-15 minutes at home each day - the children have made a great start and are already moving up our target board.

Purplemash log ins are in the front of homework books. Each week I will set ‘2dos’ link to our learning in class.
There are optional activities set on adding ones to 3 digit numbers and labelling compass points .

TT Rockstars & Numbots
Please keep logging on, practising times tables and number skills makes a huge difference. Can you recall number facts speedily?

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 5 Weekly Blog 15.11.24- ' Everything is better in pyjamas’

The week has certainly flown by this week as the countdown to Christmas has begun! Lots of learning has been taking place, even when dressed in the comfiest pyjamas at the end of the week. Regardless of all of the excitement of teddies, onesies and oodies, the children’s focus and attitude towards their learning was still as expected- which is a big sign of maturity as upper juniors. This was seen during our English and spelling lessons today with the children thinking deeply into different pairs of homophones and how they differ and also when it was time to get active during our ‘legends carousel’ in English. Can the members of your household complete the ‘Pronunciation Poem’ ?

In Maths, it has been all things money this week, with us comparing the value of the different coins/notes we use and how we can combine these to reach total amounts. We have looked at different methods that we can use when calculating with money to make things simplier for ourselves- such as adjusting.

In Geography ,we have continued with looking into the world map and the countries within it- this week it has been all about capital cities. We shared what we already know about them and how many capital cities do they already know around the world. We then used our investigating skills to locate the biggest cities in the UK and where they are located on a map.

We also started our Computing lessons this week and deep dived into the world of coding. The children were able to apply their previously learned skills and their creativity to complete certain tasks.

Conversation starters

  • Can you remember which character strength you chose that you need to work on in My Happy Mind. Share this with your parents and discuss how they could help you strive to improving this strength.

  • Geography: We have looked at capital cities of the world. Compete with your family members to see who can name more capital cities of the world.

Let’s Celebrate

Virtue Star of the Week: Our virtue star of the week goes to Hudson. You have such a kind and caring nature Hudson and you are so prophetic in your actions- especially out on the playground. Your aim is always to have fun and to look after others and this is just a joy to see.

Joseph for being a determined and reflective learner: What a week you have had Joseph! I have seen a big shift in your maturity levels this past few weeks and how reflective you have been in your choices. I can see how determined you are in making sure your making more right choices and this has been noticed by all of your staff members. Keep this up!

Amelia for being a determined and enthusiastic learner: You are like a woman on a mission when it comes to your learning Amelia. You are so determined to get through your work, also making sure it is of a high standard- and you do this with such enthusiasm. Excellent work.

My Happy Mind Champion of the Week-

Lunchtime Certificates

Role Model of the Week- Tommy

Marvelous Manners- Charlotte


  • Homework: Make sure to check the homework blog and make sure homework is handed in on time.

  • Coats: Now the weather is starting to drop and we edge closer towards winter, can all children have a coat with them to make sure they are protected when out at break times.

  • Travelling Nativity: Please enjoy the wonderful story of the nativity with your child when you receive this. This needs to be brought back into school the following day to allow another child to share this joy. You can take a picture of your child with the nativity and send me this via email.

  • Own Clothes Day: To celebrate the arrival of December and the festive period, then children can wear their own clothes and also donate a bar of chocolate for the Christmas Raffle. This will take place on Friday 29th November.

  • Christmas Bake Off: Last year went so well, we just had to do it again! All things Christmas with cakes, bakes and jumpers on Friday 13th December.

  • KS2 Christmas Concert: This will take place at Church on Monday 16th December. The children will perform the concert twice at 2pm and 6pm.

This week...

Christmas preparations are well underway! We are learning our songs for the Nativity…the children are loving them! We have also started making our Christmas surprises (secret, sorry)

I would like to start this weeks blog with a few important reminders…sorry!

School Admissions September 2025

If your child is in their last year of pre-school/nursery you can now apply for their primary school place at:

It's quick and easy - and you will receive email confirmation of your application.

You must apply even if you already have siblings in school.

If you live in Lancashire you can include out of area preferences on your online application.

The closing date for primary reception applications for September 2025 is 23:59 on 15 January 2025.  

If you are applying for Our Lady Star of the Sea you are required to submit further documentation:

  • your child baptism certificate

  • signed faith reference (click the button below)

Water bottles

May I please remind everyone that only plain unflavoured water should be in your child’s water bottle. We have milk available if they prefer.

Christmas Nativity

We will be starting to learn our Christmas Nativity songs next week! We are all excited. The nursery children will be stars in our production. They will all require white leggings, a plain white t-shirt and a strand of silver tinsel please (named please). We have the shiny star costumes here ready and waiting.

Nativity productions will take place on:

Tuesday 3rd December: this production will be the dress rehearsal for the main school only. If you want your child to take part they will have to be in nursery at 8.45 am and collected at 10.30 am if it is not your child’s usual session. Please note a DVD of the production will be taken at this performance that you will be able to purchase.

Wednesday 4th December: Parent performance 9.30 am

Thursday 5th December: Parent performance 9.30 am

Please note: tickets are priced at £2 and owing to fire regulations are limited to 4 per family over both performances.

Have you ordered your tickets….they are selling fast. Complete the order form sent out last week and bring in asap.

Christmas Party

This year the KS1 Christmas Party is being held on Thursday 19th December 9.30-11.30 am. All the children are invited to join the fun but if it is not your child’s usual session they must be collected at 11.30 am. Dust of those dancing shoes children!!!!!

Parent Drop in session

On Thursday 19th November 3.45-4.45 pm we will be holding our half termly parent drop in session. We invite you lovely parents to come along to nursery and see what we have been doing and to have a chat with the nursery team. Please try and pop in to see us!

Travelling Nativity

Our Travelling Nativity has started its journey to the stable. The children who have already had chance to take it home have loved sharing the birth of Jesus as a family. We have seen some lovely drawings in our sketch book too. Thank you to everyone that has sent us pictures of your child enjoying this special story sack. We have been sharing them with the nursery friends.

If you have not had your turn yet don’t panic it will be your turn soon!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

 What a week of learning and fun we have had.

 We have been busy practicing our cutting skills. The children have been cutting out pictures of healthy foods, such as fruit and vegetables, and unhealthy foods, like cake and sweets (which we talk about only having on our treats days). We have on our wall, a big picture of the inside the human body and we have been deciding where our cut outs should be placed discussing how the healthy foods benefit our bodies and help our brains work. The children enjoyed talking about how they like eating healthy foods and making good choices. Here is a short video about how its good to eat healthy food. Click here. Enjoy! 

The children have been working hard with their pencil control by having a go at writing the sounds that we are learning, m, a, s, t, d. We have been using the rhymes to help us write.

We have also been having a go a writing our numbers 0 and 1, again using the rhymes to help us write them. It has been lovely hearing the children say the rhymes as they are practicing.

0- round in a loop like an empty hoop.

1- one line down like a stick, makes a 1, that was quick.

Keep having a practice at home if you can.

Have a lovely weekend see you all on Monday.


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

The weather has definitely been colder this week but that hasn't stopped our play. We have been developing our throwing and catching skills this week, in the garden and in PE with Mr. Murray. As it gets the closer to the start of Advent Christmas we have started practicing our songs for the Nativity, we are so excited. Don't forget to order your tickets if you haven't done so already.

Our brain growing continues as this week we learnt about digestion. We watched a video that shows what happens when we eat food. Watch the video here

We then did our own experiment to watch what happens to the crackers. First we crunched them up in a bag, then added liquid and watched as the crackers were broken down 

We've also learnt more about what our body needs and how to make healthy food choices. 

Have a lovely weekend 


Our Lady’s Christmas events

Check out Mrs. Gregan’s blog this week for more information!!!

Click on the button below for events and dates.

Have a fabulous weekend and we will continue our learning journey on Monday.

Stay safe and God Bless


Year 5 Homework due Thursday 21st November

Essential Homework

  • Reading- 20 to 30 minutes a day at home.

  • Times Tables- 5 minutes per day.

  • Spellings- to complete the sheets in their books and 2 trail spelling tests

  1. pound

  2. coin

  3. note

  4. eight

  5. arrive

  6. quarter

  7. flour

  8. groan

  9. write

  10. aisle

  11. criticise

  12. interfere

  13. community

  14. opportunity

  15. symbol

Mrs Barker’s group

  1. phone

  2. toy

  3. toes

  4. pound

  5. coin

  6. note

  7. eight

  8. arrive

  9. quarter

  10. write

Christmas Concert Practice

We have just began practicing for our KS2 Christmas Concert, which will take place on Monday 16th December.

We have practiced the first three songs in our booklet;

  • The Gift

  • Hark! the herald angles sing

  • Silent Holy Night

Each child has been given a booklet with the song lyrics on but they are also available here if needed.

Book Work

  • Maths- How many coins make…

    Work out the equivalences of the coins e.g. 10 x 10p = £1

  • Geography- Capital cities

  • Grammar- Using commas for relative clauses (embedded)