Good morning everybody! I have had a good look at your Sumdog results last night and the report that it is providing me. There are some out and out high flyers on the website…well done! Some of your times on there are amazing. Some children are not accessing it as much as you should. It is a really good tool so please use it to keep your maths ticking along.
Read moreHome Learning - Wednesday 25th March 2020
I loved seeing so much interaction on the class blog yesterday - it is so lovely to hear from you all. If you haven’t been in touch, please do. I miss you all.
I am loving seeing the work that you are getting up to…keep the photos coming!
Read moreHome Learning - Tuesday 24th March 2020
I hope that you all had a good day yesterday and settled yourself into working at home. Please send me some photos of you working and how you have organised your house. Don’t forget everything that we have learnt with Mrs Ward in yoga - why not build some yoga practice into your day?
Read moreMonday March 23rd - Using Sumdog while we learn from home/school
Helping you to learn maths at home with SUM DOG
Follow the instructions, log on and play!
Dear children welcome to our online learning community. We will be helping you to keep learning every day!
We have subscribed every child in the school to the interactive maths website “SUM DOG.COM”. To get started I have made a little on screen instruction video below. You will need your username and password. The passwords for each class are to be found below :
Home Learning - Monday 23rd March 2020
Good morning everybody! I hope you are up and ready and raring to go!
I have created a blog in Purple Mash which you all have access to. Have a look at the images below so that you can locate it. It is there for you to ask questions and to keep in touch. I will respond to anything throughout the course of the day where possible.
You should now all have your home learning books: maths, english and art. All of your home learning tasks need to be completed in these. I am going to try and keep learning the same where possible and I expect you to do the same and operate at the same standard that you would in class.
Read moreHome Learning 12th March 2020
English - Grammar paper in your revision book.
Maths - addition and multiplication of fractions. Calculate and then you can check these afterwards, marking and correcting your work. Go through your arithmetic paper, use it as a point of revision - what do you need to correct? What do you now need to revise?
Reading - there is a short read in your revision books - non fiction. Answer the questions in detail.
Spelling - suffixes. There are 20 spellings this week. The test will be on Wednesday.
establishment, advertisement, embarrassment, announcement, management, distasteful, disgraceful, remorseful, sorrowful, grateful, friendliness, justness, bitterness, sleepiness, quietness, unfocused, included, resigned, composed, required.
Home Learning 4th March 2020
English - Semi-colon work in your revision book. Please complete the sheet that you have got.
Maths - formal multiplication. Calculate and then you can check these afterwards, marking and correcting your work. Go through your arithmetic paper, use it as a point of revision - what do you need to correct? What do you now need to revise?
Reading - there is a short read in your revision books. Answer the questions in detail.
Spelling - suffixes. There are 20 spellings this week. The test will be on Wednesday.
encouragement, embankment, disappointment, entertainment, compartment, thoughtful, unsuccessful, respectful, insightful, stressful, illness, oddness, laziness, lioness, business, unaided, wrecked, heated, muted, untamed
Home Learning - Wednesday 26th February 2020
Spelling - cial and -tial
official, special, social, artificial, financial, essential, partial, confidential, initial, influential, presidential, torrential, potential, crucial, officially
Maths - Revise, Revise and Revise - use IXL and Maths is fun.
Complete the worksheet on dividing fractions.
English - Watch the clip where Dorothy meets the scarecrow and complete the sheet in your homework book.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road
Dorothy meets the Scarecrow
Home Learning - Year 6 Half Term Learning
With our assessments fast approaching, it is time to start preparing ourselves so that we know what to expect. when the tests finally come around. For homework this week, it is time to do a little revision ready for assessment week the first week back:
Spelling - please take your spelling books home this half term. Revise all spelling patterns that we have learnt since September.
English - There is a revision sheet at the back of your homework book - have a look at it. Particularly the tense aspect that you have been previously taught in other year groups.
Use IXL English to help you revise punctuation, word classes and sentence level work. Simply type this into the search bar.
Maths - Have a look back in your maths book at the reasoning questions that you have been answering for homework. What aspect of the arithmetic curriculum needs your attention?
Column addition/subtraction, formal multiplication, multiplication of decimals, short division, long division. Adding and subtracting fractions and multiplying fractions.
This website is brilliant - use it to teach and revise concepts
Reading - Can you complete the Fantastic Book Awards book? Read the next two chapters of Mary Poppins.
Home Learning - Wednesday 5th February 2020
Spelling - words ending tious and cial and tial
cautious, infectious, ambitious, superstitious, nutritious, scrumptious, fictitious, official, special, artificial, financial, partial, essential, initial, social
Maths - Complete the two pages of reasoning questions.
English - ~To write a letter of complaint in role as PL Travers to Walt Disney. Click on the task below to find the toolkit and planning information that we discussed in class.
Think about how PL Travers would speak and what she would say in her letter to Walt Disney. What was she unhappy with? Remember to be respectful of Walt but firm in your complaint. This is a formal piece of writing, therefore the language that you use should demonstrate that. Think about the requirements of a Year 6 writer and your previous targets. How can you ensure that you are including and evidencing them in this piece?
Home Learning Wednesday 29th January
Spelling - all of our words end in cious.
conscious, delicious, malicious, ferocious, vicious, precious, spacious, gracious, unconscious, luscious
For each word, can you include it in a complex sentence that is made up of a subordinate and main clause?Write 10 sentences in your book.
Maths - complete the Rapid Reasoning questions in your book.
Science/English - In the Wizard of Oz, we have seen that Dorothy’s house is destroyed by a cyclone. But what is a cyclone? Produce a piece of research as a poster, PowerPoint or in your book that answers these questions.
What is a cyclone?
When and where do cyclones form?
What are the types of cyclones?
Features of a cyclone.
Cyclone safety
Homework - Wednesday 22nd January
Spelling - next week will be a random test covering all of the spelling rules that we have looked at this year:
Silent letters, -ible ending, -able ending, -ibly and -ably ending, -ent ending, -ence ending, ei words, -ant, -ance and -ancy ending
Maths - Complete the two reasoning sheets with questions on for homework. Think carefully about what the question is asking you and how you are going to jot and annotate to get to your answer.
English - is Harry Potter a classic text? Complete the sheet in your book with 4 different reasons for it being a classic text and 4 different reasons against it being a classic text. Think about the criteria for something being a classic? This needs to be in school on Monday please.
Science - Who Was Carl Linnaeus? Next week, as part of our classification unit, we will be looking at the scientist Carl Linnaeus - but who was he? Complete some research about his scientific work. Can you collect some cohesive devices as you are researching? Record in your homework book.
Homework -Wednesday 15th January
Spelling -ant, ance, ancy words
distant, assistance, tolerant, defiant, elegant, relevance, hesitant, observance, instance, vacancy, pregnancy, substance, reliance, redundancy, infancy
Maths - Reasoning
Complete the 6 reasoning questions that are in your homework book.
Maths - IXL
Strands D1 - D3
Engligh/Geography - The UK
Next week, we will be starting a small topic on the UK and places within it. Where is your favourite place in the UK? Produce a descriptive piece of writing about this place thinking about:
Where it is?
What it is like there?
Any special landmarks
Key memories for you because of that place.
Clockwork Book Review
This is a To Do on Purple Mash. Can you complete a detailed book review on Purple Mash all about Clockwork. Use the Think about box on the side of the page to structure and detail your review.
Year 6 Homework Week 1
Spelling: i before e except after c words
cashier, siege, shriek, believe, pierce, diesel, hygiene, deceive, conceit, receipt, ceiling, mischief, shield, perceive, relief
Maths - Please complete the 6 Rapid Reasoning questions that are in your homework book. Think about what jottings you need to do.
History - Queen Elizabeth’s speech
Click on the link above to read Queen Elizabeth’s Speech to her troops.
Imagine you are sending your troops into battle, can you write your own speech using the language that Elizabeth used in hers. Use hers as an example but innovate it to make it your own. I am looking to see a Year 6 standard of writing that includes cohesive devices for this genre of writing, advanced punctuation for effect and excellent language. What is the purpose of this piece? How does your language fit that?
Final three hymns to practise - thank you children!!!!
Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 11th December
Spelling - These are the next set of common exception words that need to be learnt.
Maths - Please complete C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 and C6 on IXL. These all involve the multiplication strands that we have been working on. Continue with C15 and C16. Please can you complete these ready for Monday 6th January 2020.
Science - There are two Purple Mash tasks to complete. These should have been started in school, please finish them at home. As always, please think about the quality of your writing and what we have been working on in class.
A Galapogas Island Postcard
A interview with Charles Darwin
Computing - Next week we will be starting our computer science lessons and will be coding. What can you discover about the programs that we will be using? Have a play at home on them and make a list of what you have found out? Why not make a tutorial video?
Four Hymns to practice this weekend- some more coming on Tuesday!
Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 4th December
Spelling - there was a big improvement in the spelling scores this week. Please keep it up!
Maths - this week we have been working on our two digit multiplication strategies. Have a go at these calculations.
Christmas Concerts - Please learn your lines for the concert and song lyrics. You all have books and lines to learn. These will be coming out on Thursday.
Concert song for this week- Do you hear what I hear?
Year 6 Home Learning Wednesday 27th November
Please find your homework for this coming week.
Spelling - common exception words
Maths - calculate these multiplication calculations in your homework book. Think about the most efficient way to calculate. What strategy will you use? Show all of your working in your maths book.
RE - this week, we were visited by Mrs Lynam who talked to us about Amnesty International. She has asked us to design a Christmas Card to send to some people who are in need and are being supported by Amnesty International. Complete your to do on Purple Mash.
Why not design your own picture on 2paint a picture and then import it onto your card?