EGG DECORATING COMPETITON - Wednesday 5th April. For £1 entry fee, the children need to bring in a boiled, decorated egg for the competition. Let your imagination go wild. Could the egg be a character in a scene? Or have a specific pattern? Think creatively. The student council will be judging the winners from their paired class. There may even be a large chocolatey prize for the winners.
There’s still time to order an Easter lunch - Jackie, and her bunnies, will be preparing a lovely Easter Lunch for the whole school community to enjoy on Wednesday 5th April. If your child usually has a school dinner on a Wednesday, they will automatically receive the Easter Lunch.
If your child does not have a dinner and would like one, please ensure you order a lunch by clicking the link on the Easter Lunch page. Each dinner is £2.40. Mrs Hodges will update Parent Pay once the orders are in.
Let’s Celebrate
Well done to our certificate winners this week!
Scarlett, your singing and enthusiasm in our Palm Sunday Worship really stood out. You spoke beautifully even though you were feeling a bit nervous. You were courageous and this should be celebrated.
Well done Scarlett.
Another amazing performance Nathan, you also spoke beautifully in our assembly, loud and clear just as we had practised. You are well mannered and polite at all times and a great learning partner to your friends. I noticed you this week encouraging others when we were practicing, helping them to achieve their best too.
Well done Nathan.
This week’s Star Readers are Joseph, Alice and Bea.
Our PE days are now Monday and Wednesday
Easter Egg Competition - Wednesday 5th April
Easter Lunch - Wednesday 5th April
Last day of spring term - Thursday 6th April 2pm close
Lifeboat Station Visit - Wednesday 19th April
Library Visit - Wednesday 3rd May
Reminder - We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher