Year 3 photos of home learning week beginning 8th June

What a great week, you seem to have got straight back into your home learning after the holiday. Well done children. We love seeing how you have tackled your work each week and we love seeing you!

Please make sure you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page, there is lots to see.

As part of our health and happiness week Steph got busy making PowerPoints to share her learning with you all, great work!

Here are your photography skills photos that you took for your computing work. Can you guess where the locations are and what the close up photos are of?

PART 3 - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS WEEK - June 5th Learning together

Good morning everyone and welcome to our final set of tasks for Health and Happiness week. Today is all about STAYING ACTIVE! There are so many studies that link regular exercise to emotional well being as well as a healthy body. Moving helps our minds too! Discover inside and outside challenges and one last community challenge as Lancashire County Council collect archive material about this unusual time in history- when we all stayed home.

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PART 2 - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS WEEK! June 3rd-4th Learning together

Welcome to Part 2 of our Health and Happiness week. The following tasks and challenges help us to reflect on our feelings. It is so important to acknowledge our feelings and to learn how to manage them. Our emotions really do drive us each day, looking after them and understanding them helps us to become emotionally resilient.

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PART 1 - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS WEEK! June 1st-2nd Learning together

Hello everyone. This week the teachers have put together a selection of learning tasks that help us to reflect on our own well being. Usually we would complete these tasks in class with our friends. This year you can complete them with your siblings and family.

We have divided the tasks into three:

PART 1 - Mon and Tues complete the Healthy Hands - learning all about germs

PART 2 - Wed and Thurs complete the Healthy Feelings - exploring our feelings and managing them

PART 3 - Friday get creatively active! - looking after our bodies

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Home learning photos for week beginning 18th May 2020

Well, it is half term next week and you will be able to rest and relax with your family, this Summer 1 half term has been jam packed full of learning and we are really proud of how you have met the challenges we have set you. Here is a video of the last week, you really are little super stars! Look out for our Health and Happiness challenges for week beginning 1st June. Enjoy your holidays, take care of each other and stay happy!

Our little Science professor here would not have been heard over the jazzy music, so here he is teaching us what he knows about plants.

A big hello from the Year 3 team

Today some other familiar and very friendly faces wanted to say hello. Now that I have mastered videos I will be editing all your photos and videos in to one big video at the end of each week, so each Friday make sure you log on to see the Year 3 movie of the week. Grown ups please let us know if you do not want photos or videos of your child to be used, thank you.

Have a lovely weekend, the Year 3 team.

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Year 3 Thursday 14th May photos from home learning

How is everyone today? We have loved seeing your photos this week, some of you look to have grown! See below the photos for some amazing Powerpoints and a video that have been created by your classmates.


Well done young man, you’re correct! ‘You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.’ is a quote from Dr Seuss.

Year 3 Tuesday 12th May Photos from your Home Learning

It was lovely to see you yesterday looking refreshed and ready to learn after the long weekend. Here are the photos from today’s home learning, we hope that you enjoy them and even get some inspiration from them. We love to see all the things that you are doing.

This week I have challenged myself to get going with some little videos, so see what some of your friends have been up to over the last few weeks. Feel free to send me videos of your learning, Miss Edmondson.

Year 3 Thursday 7th May photos from home learning

Today we have a few different things to show you, it is so lovely to see you in videos as well as photos. Powerpoint presentations are a great way to show what you know, have a look at the science one below. Make sure you scroll down to the bottom of the page you don’t want to miss anything. Keep the work coming to our emails please. Team Year 3.

Year 3 - here are some more notes from some of your friends.

To my Teachers & friends I am missing you and coming to school. Playing on the trim trail, I can’t wait to see you.

To my school family, I miss you all.

Read this super story written by Max. Enjoy!