Year 5 Christmas Homework


Lot’s of time to finish our books so we are expecting lots of quizzing when we come back. If you have finished a book at the beginning of the holidays, then continue reading as the book may be available to quiz on Accelerated Reader.


The children have been given times tables sheets to complete over the holidays. These focus on some of the trickier times tables. It is important that we practice our times tables over the break and master these to prepare us for our multiplication topic when we come back.

Have most wonderful Christmas!

I can not believe we are at the end of our first term! The children have been absolutely wonderful this week! The dinner hall has been full of festive cheer, yet calm and reflective. On Wednesday, we all joined together to feast on a delightful Christmas dinner. Thank you so much to the kitchen and lunchtime team for all your hard work in making this possible.

After the New Year, the Lunchtime Blog will be going live every half term, teachers will be celebrating the weekly Role Models and Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners on their class blog.

We would like to thank and say a fond farewell to the lovely Mrs Duxbury, who has been part of the kitchen team. It has been a pleasure to work with you and we wish you all the very best in your new adventure. We will miss you!

Wishing you a Happy and Holy Christmas

God Bless

The Lunchtime Team

We Wish you a Merry Christmas...

I can’t believe that we are already one third of the way through the school year. Time certainly does fly when you are enjoying your self!

It has been an extremely long term and the children (and nursery ladies) are all exhausted, everyone has been growing their brains. You should be so proud of your child, they have learnt so much, they have made new friends and grown in confidence and independence.

During Advent, we have journeyed to the stable together. It has been such a wonderful experience for the children to have the opportunity to pause and give thanks for the love, hope and joy found in Jesus – our Saviour and our friend.

On behalf of the nursery team can I say a huge thank your your kind words and gifts this Christmas, they have been greatly appreciated. Working alongside your children and seeing them grow and develop daily is a privilege; we are grateful for your trust in us and for sharing your precious children.

Making a birthday Cake for Baby Jesus

It was sooo delcious!!!

Christmas Party

What a fabulous party!

It just remains for me to say I hope you all have a Happy and Holy Christmas and we will see everyone in 2024!

Stay safe and God Bless


Year 6 Home Learning

For homework over Christmas I would like you just to relax, make memories with your families and re-charge those batteries ready for another busy term.

However, the one thing we would ask is that you do lots of reading over the holidays!

It would be great if you could go to the library and borrow a couple of Biographies, as we will be writing our own when we come back! This will help you to gather certain vocabulary and get used to the style of writing, as well of course as being extremely interesting learning about the lives of others!

Here are some websites that you can download free biographies from incase you can’t get to the library:

Year 5 Weekly Blog 15.12.23- ' Music is all around us, all we have to do is listen’

Our last full week of 2023 has come to an end and yet it has still been filled with lots of learning opportunities. The focus of the week has been our KS2 nativity practice which has taken place at church- where we have been practicing our songs for the Christmas concert. With the concert taking place this Monday- it is important that we have one final practice over the weekend so we are super confident with all of our songs.

In Maths, we have continued with our money topic and have been looking at tackling real life money problems such as working out change and shopping scenarios. With Mrs Gregan, the children have been linking their angles work to properties of shapes and making connections about what they know about different polygons.

We finished our Geography unit of rivers by learning about erosion and how this takes place in a river. We looked at the four different types of erosion and used sugar cubes and a spatula to show how this happens.

In Science, we have continued with our forces topic- with each week focusing on a different force and how it is seen in everyday life. This week, our focus was water resistance and we looked at how professional swimmers use streamlining to allow them to travel faster through the water (reduce the effects of water resistance). For our experiment, we created different shapes out of playdough and dropped them into some water to test how long it would take to reach the bottom.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Gabriella for being a determined learner: This week you have been trying really hard in your times tables practice and have been so focused in getting through as much work as you can. You have developed strategies to help improve on particular tables that are harder than others (‘Use what you know to work out what you don’t know’). Brilliant work!

  • Elsie for being a reflective learner: Your focus and drive to succeed is what helps you make so much progress in your learning Elsie. Your attitude to responding to feedback is excellent and you love to challenge yourself- no matter the task at at hand. Excellent work!

  • Sophia for being a faith-filled and hopeful learner: You have been seen countless times helping other children when they have hurt themselves and are always the first to comfort them- regardless of how close of a friend they are to you. You will always choose to spend your own break time to help others rather than to play if they are in need.

  • Niamh for being a faith-filled and hopeful learner: You are such as calm and loving member of our class and you have been seen showing this out on the playground to help calm others who are in distress. You never make a big fuss about it- you just help people because it is the kind and loving thing to do. Thank you Niamh!


  • Monday 18th December- Christmas Concert at Church. This will be performed twice, the first performance at 2pm and the later one at 6pm. Children need to arrive at Church at 5:45pm in their full school uniform.

  • Tuesday 19th December- KS2 Christmas Party Day. Children will be partying in the morning followed by a film in the afternoon. Children can come into school in their own clothes. Please make sure that they are wearing appropiate shoes. They can bring in one small fizzy drink and a small party snack (small bag of chocolate or crisps). The children will be intaking lots of sugar so it is vital that they still bring their water bottle in and are drinking plenty of healthy fluids.

  • Wednesday 20th December- Christmas Dinner. These will be the hot dinner options for this day, with choice 2 being a vegetarian Christmas dinner.

  • Thursday 21st December- School will close at 2pm for the Christmas break.

Year 1 Homework 15.12.23

The children have worked so hard this week, it has been very busy. They are very tired rest up and enjoy your weekend together they deserve it. Due to the busy week all books may not have been changed we are going to quiz next week and change books/word sets before we break up.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond

“The gift of Play is that it invites us to create without attachment, explore without a destination, and enjoy without complexity.” ~ Vince Gowmon

Let’s Celebrate!


Class of the Week.  Year 3



First Sitting.

Class of the Week: Year 3

Role Model of the Week; Liam, Year 3 and Charlotte, Year 4

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners: Alana, Year 3 and Logan, Year 4


Second Sitting.

Class of the Week: Year 6

Role Model of the Week: Rex, Year 5 and Stanley, Year 6

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners: Ella, Year 5 and Rosa, Year 6


Third Sitting.

Class of the Week: Year 1

Role Model of the Week: Amara, Reception, Daniel, Year 1 and Marla, Year 2

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners: Hector, Reception, Daisy, Year 1 and Sasha, Year 2



Well done and thank you so much children for making lunchtimes such a lovely time of the day.

Read more

Year 5 Weekly Homework- Due 20th December


  1. develop

  2. determined

  3. familiar

  4. definite

  5. awkward

  6. persuade

  7. especially

  8. guessed

  9. rhythm

  10. curiosity

Christmas Concert Practice- PRIORITY

We have now finished all of our concert practice sessions and with our concert being on Monday, it s crucial that children spend the weekend going over any of the songs that they do not know as well. All of the songs and lyrics are on last weeks blog.

The song in particular that needs the most practice is ‘While Shepherds Watched’. This is because each class sings a different verse so it is more independent of each child to loudly and confidently sing the lyrics. We are singing Verse 2 which is;

“Fear not,” said he for mighty dread

had seized their troubled mind

“glad tidings of great joy I bring

to you and all mankind

This week...

As we limp towards the end of term our learning and Christmas fun just keeps on going. This week, please don’t thin we have gone mad! Your childs key person blog reflects learning that happened in nursery week commencing 8th December as last week we dedicated to our Christmas Nativity; you will have noticed that there has been no frosty weather this week.

Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone, 

What a wonderful and busy week we have had.

Firstly, we are super proud of all the nursery children with how wonderful they were in our nativity. We hope you enjoyed watching it as much as we did putting it together and learning all the songs. Thank you for your support. 

The children have been quite excited that Jack Frost has been to the nursery garden, they have been playing detectives in the garden, finding frost on the ground. They liked to touch and walk on it to feel how different it felt under their feet. They also discovered ice, which the children enjoyed looking through and watching it melt in their hands. We then left some cups of water outside overnight to see what would happen and we discovered that the liquid had turned into solid ice and then saw as it warms and melts, it turns back into liquid. We wanted to do it again, but the next day wasn't as cold for the liquid to freeze. The children make great detectives. 

As December has arrived, and therefore the start of advent, we attended assembly with the rest of the school and we lit our first candle HOPE on our Advent wreath.

Nursery also has it own Advent celebrations and every day one of the children will open a pocket to see what exciting knitted object is hiding in there!

We also have been busy putting up the Christmas tree in nursery and the children helped to decorate by putting baubles on the tree. We have had lots of fun. Here is a link for you to decorate your own tree. Click here

TROUBLE IN NURSERY! Don't worry you're not in trouble, we have a little elf that has come to join in with our learning, but he keeps getting up to mischief and his name is ‘Trouble’ the elf. He has been hanging his washing up in nursery, he's been jumping on Barbara’s back and she didn't even know! He's also climbed up into a tiny hole in the ceiling. He is so cheeky. I hope you haven't got any cheeky elves at home?

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and see you all on Monday.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog. This week we have very much been feeling the festive spirit as we began our Advent celebrations. We were excited to join the rest of the school for Advent assembly, where we sang one of our favourite songs, Away in a Manger.

This week in Advent is all about Hope. We hope that you all enjoy our Nativity performances. We were so excited to perform them for the school and our friends and family. We have been practising so hard, and I’m sure you will agree that we were all fantastic! We are looking forward to watching the rest of the school perform their Nativities. We have heard them practice and can’t wait to see them. We are also looking forward to our Christmas party. We’ve heard that chocolate cake might be involved.

As it is the beginning of Advent, we had a very important job to do as we decorated the Christmas Tree. We all think it looks so magical.

This week we have also made snow and enjoyed reading our Christmas stories in our very own snow cave. We have also enjoyed taking home the Travelling Nativity to our homes and sharing the story of the birth of Christ with our families. The photos have all been truly wonderful, we hope you have enjoyed taking part in this special celebration. Please don’t worry if you haven’t had a turn yet, we still have a few more homes to visit yet before the end of term.

We have continued to explore the letter sounds we have been learning. These are m,a,s,d,t,i,n,p,g and o. We have also been practising writing these in the sand and as we write our names in our Christmas cards we discovered that some of these sounds are in our names. Any practice that your child can get at home writing their name will be so beneficial for them.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you next week.


Read, Write Inc

Due to a popular request from the children we have started to learn some new sounds this week. The nursery ladies were going to wait until the New Year but the children insisted !!

The sounds are c, k, u, b, f. Click on the links to watch Geraldine the Giraffe

c - click here

k - click here

u - click here

b - click here

f - click here

The children are spotting sounds everywhere, even in the beginning, middle and end of their names. Enjoy sound spotting!

Travelling Nativity

Maths Mastery

Number 5

Five arrives to get the band together - and gets the party started with a big high five!

We have:

  • Met five

  • Learnt that 5 is one more than four

  • Counted to five

  • Lined up1 to 5 in order

  • Practiced writing 5

Click here to meet 5

Click here to practice writing 0-5

Christmas Activities for the holidays

Next week we will be sending home all the Christmas surprises the children have been making for you, keep a look out!

I will also be sending home our Christmas Taskmaster Activity ( if you have time!). It is packed full of things to do and to find our about. We hope you enjoy it. Send us some photos if you mange any of the challenges.

Lastly, a few reminders!

Nursery will close for the Christmas holidays on Thursday 21st December at 2 pm.

Christmas Party

Wednesday 20th of December will be KS1 and Foundation Christmas party. All the children are invited to join in the fun but if it is not you childs usual session can you please bring them at 9.15 am and collect them at 11.45 am.

Please do not bring any snack this morning as we will be having a birthday cake to celebrate Baby Jesus’ birthday! The children have requested a chocolate cake with chocolate icing and Smarties on the top!! Mmmmmm sounds yummy!

Party clothes and dancing shoes please!

School Admissions September 2024

We still have some families that have not yet applied for a school for September 2024, or, returned their supplementary forms etc to school.

It is very important that you apply for school online before January 15th 2024 ( or call 01524 581148). You will need to bring to the school office your supplementary form signed by your Parish priest, along with a copy of your childs baptism certificate a.s.a.p. Please don’t leave it too late, time is running out!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, have a rest next week is VERY busy!

Stay safe and God Bless


Year 6 Weekly Blog- 'Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day'

As we move towards the third week of advent, it seems unbelievable that we have nearly completed our first full term together in Year 6. As I reflect on how much the children have grown, learnt and enjoyed every experience in Year 6, it seems only fitting that the third candle of advent represents JOY. It reflects the joy that comes through Jesus’ arrival, and through the salvation he has gifted us and as we continue to approach Christmas Day, our joy grows more and more.

This week we have had a wonderful week of learning and practice for our Chrsitmas concert next week. The children are speaking out beautifully in church and singing their hearts out- we can’t wait for you to see it.

This week we have looked at two biographies in English- Walt Disney and Usain Bolt. We have collected biographical language, looked up any unfamiliar words and looked at the importance of using choronogy. In computing we have been coding, looking at and planning a game with a timer and score- such good fun problem solving. We have most defintiely been working on our debugging skills, trying to problem solve when things do not run as expected …

We had an extremely fun afternoon during our enrichment with Mr Cornwell- we did a teams game tournament with four different activities, such as ‘finger tip hoola-hoop, the human knot, bench ball and a general knowledge quiz! Points were awarded for each activity, with bonus points going towards teamwork- Mr Cornwell was very impressed with them!

Leading Learners

Well done to Millie and Charlie this week.

Millie, Wow your work this week has been outstanding. You always work so hard but this week you have thrived from the opportunity to work independently and creatively in your RE work. We have loved your maturity and focus, making notes whilst gathering content. Your work has shown such depth and all with a touch of artistic flair!

We love teaching you Charlie, you are so enthusiastic, and focused on your learning in every lesson and all with a huge smile on your face! Your thirst for learning and desire to learn as much as you can is contagious. You seem to possess all the necessary characteristics that help you best learn- we could give you the certificate every week! Thank you Charlie!

Helpers in the mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Owen Evan Leon Jay


Please could you make sure children have a warm coat and hat each day to keep warm.

We have decided as a school not to send individual Christmas cards to each other. Children can if they wish, write one card for the whole class.

Our Christmas performance is in church on Monday 18th December at 2pm and 6pm, for their last ever Christmas Concert at Our Lady’s. Children will be collected from school (not church) at the usual time of 3:20pm and in the evening they will need to be at church for 5:45pm - in full school uniform please- no PE kits this day.

We close for Christmas at 2pm on Thursday 21st December

Tuesday 19th December Key Stage 2 Christmas party. Children can come to school in party clothes and sensible shoes. They can bring a small snack such as chocolate or a packet of crisps. The Christmas film they choose may be a PG, but we will make sure it is appropriate. If this is not something you give consent too, please give me a quick email and we will stick to U ratings.

Have a lovely weekend all of you,

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker