End of Year Assessment
This year, the SATs tests will take place the week beginning Monday 13th May. I have had a conversation with the children this week, discussing what our plan of action is, to best prepare them. They know that the pace of learning will ramp up this term as we try and get everything that we need to cover, completed. This is the first time that we have discussed them as I am a great believer that Year 6 is not just about the SATs. However, it would be unfair if the children did not prepare for the tests properly.
The children know that there is nothing to be worried about and they should not feel anxious about taking them, all they need to do, is their BEST as their best is ALWAYS good enough. Please do not run out and start buying SATs materials, I will provide everything that you need and these will be targeted to the children and their current learning.
We will in the next couple of months arrange a meeting where we can discuss SAT’s and offer ideas as to how best you can help your child to prepare them. If anybody does have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Leading Learners
Well done to Harvey and Owen this week.
Harvey you have thoroughly got involved in learning this week and pushed yourself to be better each day. You have listened carefully in lessons, applied this to your work and managed those distractions really well this week- keep this up! We have been so proud of how reilient you have been and how yyou have shown great independence in your work- Keep up with your positive approach!
Owen, you work tirelessly in lessons to be the best you can be and I love teaching you as you are always so focused and engaged, with your great attention to detail- you most definitely keep me on my toes! Your thirst for learning is contagious and how you strive to challenge yourself in your work.
Lunch Time Awards …
Marvellous Manners awards … Daisy
Role Model of the week … Connor-Sean
Borwick Hall
The next payment towards our residential is now live on ParentPay, please ensure this next instalment in paid by Friday 9th February. Any problems or questions, do please come and see Mrs Nel in the office or Mrs Gregan.
Helpers in the mornings:
This week and for the first week back after Christmas we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:
Tabby Evan Owen Leon
Indoor Athletics Competition- Will take place on Tuesday 16th January at Stanley Park Sports Centre in Blackpool. Those that have been picked will have been informed and information will be on the sports page.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker