This week...

Each week seems to be getting busier and busier, we are running out of time every day. We have and lots of glorious sunshine which has enable us to play in part of the garden. The builders have been hard at work making our new play house, the children think it looks fabulous and can’t wait to play in it. Next week they will be replacing equipment in our builders yard and rebuilding the wooden pathway between Reception and us.

After the Easter holidays we will be focusing on growing and planting, all donations gratefully received!


As it is world book day on Thursday we have been reading stories from the Bible, and what great stories there are. We particularly enjoyed Noah’s Ark. We used our Noah’s Ark resource to tell the story along side the book. Click here to watch the story at home.

If you fancy reading more Bible stories at click here.

As you would expect we are continuing our deep dive into the Easter story. This week we have discussed further the feelings of Judas, Mary, Jesus and His disciples. The peg people that Mrs Gregan made have help us to understand the meaning of Easter.

World Book Day

World Book Day provides a fantastic opportunity to focus on reading for pleasure, supporting children's autonomy in book choice, and embedding a habit of reading that brings a wide range of benefits.

On Thursday we all came to nursery dressed as a book character. We also joined in the school challenge of writing a story to go into the story telling chest. Our story was a Space story about the adventures of a moon rock!

Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone, 

We have been very busy again this week.

Firstly, we have been continuing our learning thread about space. We have been looking at the different planets and wondering what they look like. Did you know that there are 3 gas planets, and that the planets closer to the sun are the hottest. The ones farther away are the coldest.

The children have been busy making planets with Justine, using lost of different materials and textures to bring them alive.

We have also made our own story about a piece of moon rock that Barbara found on the moon! The children all contributed to the story, they had some great ideas. 

As number 7 is the number we have been leaning about we decided to explore rainbows (as they have 7 colours). The children drew rainbows using chalk, blending the colours.

We investigated how rainbows are made in the sky, we became scientists. We found out that rain and light from the sun together make a rainbow, with the rain causing the light to refract (the bending of light). We did an experiment using a torch, water and a mirror to see if we could make a rainbow, and it worked! The children were very excited to see the rainbow we made.

 Click here to see how rainbows are made.

We also did another experiment using Skittles sweets. We added warm water to the sweets which we had placed around the outside of a plate; we watched the colours creep towards each other, making an amazing rainbow. Have a go at home. I will be sending home some instructions for you to have a try.

We have been outside this week enjoying the Spring sunshine, getting back into our garden. It's not finished yet, as you have probably seen, but the children have been busy making their favourite obstacle courses which has been lovely to watch. 

For all of you mums, have a wonderful Mother's Day and a great weekend. See you all on Monday.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog. We have continued growing our brains by learning the names of the planets in our solar system. We are learning that different planets have different properties. Some are big, some are small, some are made of rock and some are made of gas. Here is a fun quiz about planets, why not do it with your child. I am sure you will be surprised by how many planets they can identify from the clues. Click here.

This made us think if there were any other people/ creatures/ aliens living in our solar system. What would they look like? What would they sound like? We have decided to paint lots of aliens to decorate the wall. We read Here Come the Aliens to give us some ideas. Click here to listen at home. We then made our alien and called him Neno Cloudy.

We have continued our role play in our very own space station as we pretend to be astronauts in space. We have also practised our counting as we made an astronaut number line, blasting down from 10 to 0. We explored the one hundred square as we blasted off with the Numberblocks in space Click here.

We developed our physical skills by making a huge astronaut agility course in the garden. It was very big, and included lots of tricky balancing and our favourite thing of jumping off at the end.

This week was World Book Day and we have enjoyed learning about the greatest book of all, the Bible. We have re-enacted on of our favourite stories, Noah’s ark. This led to a discussion about looking after the world and the children had lots of suggestions for what they could do to help keep the planet safe for us all. They said we should not throw rubbish in the sea and we should look after the elephants and the tigers. We then visited the pen recycling centre in school to recycle some of our old pens.

Don’t forget we have parents’ evening for the next 2 weeks. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone and sharing all the fantastic progress all the children have been making.

Lastly, please log in to Purple Mash when you get the chance as there are some activities for your child to do.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


Just a few reminders (sorry)

Check that you have booked a time to meet with your childs key person. I am available too if you need to see me.

Have you been on Purple Mash recently?

Lenten Boxes are being collected week commencing 25th March

Lastly, to all our wonderful mummy’s, have the most wonderful Mothering Sunday. I will everyone on Monday.

God Bless


Year 5 Homework- Due 14th March


Our spelling focus this week has been silent letters. The first 6 spellings are our new words and contain a letter which is very quiet. The other 6 words are previous silent letter words that we have already learnt.

  1. average

  2. desperate

  3. temperature

  4. vegetable

  5. frequently

  6. equipment

  7. glisten

  8. whistle

  9. bustle

  10. thumb

  11. subtle

  12. debt


Will be on IXL;

  • H13- divide 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers

  • A10- Writing numbers up to one million in words: convert digits to words


In our discussion texts, we have been using facts to provide more information and to persuade our reader.

Remember- A fact is a statement that can be proven and is true.


  • R1- Distinguish facts from opinions

Science- Due on Monday

For our experiment on Monday, we will need some empty 2litre bottles and some empty milk bottles. We will be working in groups so as a class, if we had 10 of each bottle then that would be enough.

Year 6 Weekly Blog... 'A book is a gift you can open again and again'

You are never alone when you are lost in a book…

I love World Book Day-I am very upset I missed it! Yesterday, I am told, brought such happiness, laughter and excitement to the classroom. I hope you enjoy looking at the photographs from yesterday! This year, we have tried something a little different… throughout the school, we have spent the day being ‘storytellers’ and the children have worked incredibly hard creating and writing wonderful stories centred around their magical objects! The children loved the creative element of this and the endless possiblities to the imagination. Year 6 then got to share their stories with their Reception buddies and one lucky person will have their story chosen to go in to the ‘Storytellers’ box, which will be making its way back to The Grand Theatre!

Make time to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how big or small …

I hope you enjoyed our book look this week, the children couldn’t wait to show you their work and how much they have achieved this year so far …

For those that missed the SAT’s and Borwick talk, the information will be shared next week on the blog.

Leading Learners

Well done to Leon and Mollie-Ann this week.

Leo, You are showing us exactly what you can do when you put your mind to it. You have put a lot of effort into your independent work this week and we are very proud of you. What a capable young man you are! You are trying to be a super role model and we can see this- keep it up Leon, we are excited to see just what you can do!

Mollie-Ann, you are beginning to see just what you can achieve if you put your mind to it. You have put so much effort in to your work this week and it really shows. You have brightened our classroom with your positive attitude. Thank you.

Love and Compassionate butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that stop and notice how others are experiencing their lives, and how they feel, and why they say and believe what they do.  Ultimately, it is what makes us kind and, at a deeper level, opens up the possibility of being loving through our just and merciful actions and forgiving words. This week we thank Christian for always being compassionate and loving with others.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Leon

Role Model of the week … Millie

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Edi Iris Matilda Connor-Sean


  • For those who could not make our ‘Book Look’ this week… the classroom will be open for half an hour after school on Tuesday 19th March, for any parents or grandparents that would like to see their children’s work.

  • Have you booked your Parent meetings from Mrs Gregan’s blog ?? These virtual meetings will take place on either Wednesday 13th March or Wednesday 20th March 2pm- 5:20pm.

  • Date for the diary- Year 6 Reesurrection Assembly is on Thursday 28th March.

Have a lovely weekend.

We will see you on Monday.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker

Year 6 Home Learning 7.3.24

Homework is now due back on Wednesdays


During our feedback sesions it was clear that some children need to revise and practice telling the time and converting time between anolgue and digital and 12hour to 24 hour clock. Please use the folowing website to help you and then complete the worksheets provided. If you need to spend more time on this then please ask a grown up to help you.


This week’s spelling focus are words from the Year 6 Statutory word list. There is a quiz for you to complete on PurpleMash.

Mrs Barker’s Group

circle maybe angle whenever therefore exclaimed

Please continue reading at home for 20 minutes each night, the children are making good progress towards their reading targets.

The Bible

This week, as we head towards World Book Day, the most important book of all, centred around our faith is the bible. Can you read a story together from the Bible? Can you retell the story to a friend?

Year 5 Weekly Blog 01.03.24- ' Be the reason that someone smiles'

There is no better feeling than doing something for someone- in which they appreciate it. Sometimes we have to give up a bit of our time to help others. Some people choose to do this for others- making a sacrifice. We have looked at how Jesus sacrificed himself when he died for us on the cross. We explored his journey from his sentencing right until his final breath. The children have been able to recall Jesus’ journey and recall the loved ones that joined him on this journey. We used this lesson to then reflect on what sacrifices are we going to make in order to make someone else happy.

In English, we have continued to delve into some intriguing children based discussion topics and create arguments to both propose the motion and to oppose it. We have also trialed out a new style of debating called ‘boxing debating’. This is done to promote rapid reasoning, teamwork and confidence in public speaking. The children have been able to apply some of their persuasive devices into their writing and speaking which has helped boost their arguments.

Short division, or more commonly known as the ‘bus stop method’ has taken over our maths lessons this week- in which the children have been smashing through their work. The confidence the children have taken from all of their times tables work has been applied into this- giving them the best chance of succeeding.

In Science, we have been experimenting all things light and how it travels. After discussing how it travels in straight lines, we tested this by darkening the room and using simple resources to physically see the the light travel.

In French, we looked at ‘French around the world’- in which we analysed the 14 countries in the world that speak french. Using their geography skills, the children used the atlas’ to locate these countries on a map.

Let’s Celebrate

Riley for being an enthusiastic learner: You have taken to short division like a duck to water Riley. Your focus throughout the teacher input (along with your excellent times table knowledge) has helped you grasp the method straight away. This has given you massive confidence to tackle every division problem and to show what you can do.

Archie for being a enthusiastic learner: I had a feeling that you would enjoy our discussion and debating topic and you have certainly shown this these past few weeks. You have been eager to share your persuasive devices during our lessons and also to help your teammates in the debating- even when it isn’t your turn yet.

Virtue Butterflies: Our butterfly this week goes to Michael. You display our virtues of love and compassion in everything you do. No matter how small of a decision, you make every decision with lots of love and compassion, in which you take everyone’s feelings into consideration.

Lunchtime Certificates

  • Role Model of the Week-

  • Marvelous Manners-


  • Monday 4th March Year 5 Book Look- This will start at 9am and is a chance for the children to share with you some of the work that they have done and are proud of.

  • Thursday 7th March World Book Day- Please check to homework blog for more information about this.

  • Parents Evening Appointments- This will take place between 2:00pm-5:30pm over the course of two days, which are Wednesday 13th March and Wednesday 20th.

    Please book your appointments on Mrs Gregan’s blog.

Year 1 Homework 1.3.24


Please continue to read regularly at home and sign the challenge boxes, just a reminder it is one box per day.

Don’t forget you have the QR codes for the RWI videos these are great to practise their sounds at home.


Our spelling test will be on Friday 8th March.

This weeks spellings are:

my were says

are said here

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond

This week...

This week we have been finding our about our moon. We have found out lots of interesting facts such as the moon is silent, there is no air and little gravity. We have discussed how we would get there, what we would have to wear and the phases of the moon each month. Click here to find out more.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have been so busy again this week with all our learning. Here is what we have been up too.

We have been very excited as a space rocket has landed in nursery and this must mean one thing, we have been growing our brains and learning about space. We have been looking and learning about the moon. The children have been amazed with facts about the moon and they were so excited to here that 3 men, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins were the first men to land on the moon. They can't wait to learn more facts about space. 

We have also been having fun with dough disco. Playing with the dough we have been zooming into space, walking on the moon, and making our own rockets and using these moves to continue to help strengthen the children's hands and muscles. Here is the links for you to have a go at home.

Click here

Click here

Click here

The children continue to really enjoy Mr Nays' and Mr Murrays' PE sessions. On Monday we had to work hard with our listening, and following quick instructions, the children had to run, hop and jump towards a coloured cones, but Mr Nay would change the move and the colour of the cone each time making it tricky for the children and making them listen carefully and think quickly. The children had so much fun.

We have met some new sounds this week, j, v, and w. The children have been working hard practicing the sound and their accompanying rhymes.

The nursery went on a journey to visit the 14 stations of the cross, that each class have created.

They are all wonderful pieces of work and as we walk around, we discussed the Easter story and how each station made us feel.

Have a great weekend and I can't wait for more fun and learning next week.


Michelle’s blog

Hello and welcome to this week's blog.

We have been very excited this week as we have started our new topic of space.

We have been finding out about the moon. We learnt that the moon has very little gravity and only 3 astronauts have been there and it takes about 3 days to get there.

We were very excited to take home our very own moon rock. You will find this in the brown envelope with your child's name on.

We watched a video about the moon that explains why sometimes you can only see part of it and not the whole moon. Click here

We have also had lots of fun in our own space station putting on our suits and moon boots.

I hope you have been able to observe the moon this week if not then have a look out for it next week too 

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week 



We have continued our journey to the cross by creating the story using the peg figures Mrs. Gregan made. The children were able to tell the story of Easter using the appropriate figures. It was so beautiful to observe.

This week each child has made a prayer pebble and Easter cross. Keep a look out in your child’s bag- all will become clear when you read the poem.

Number 7

Seven shows the others how to be lucky: ask a number friend to jump on your head! But how do you know which friend? Click here to watch.

Geraldine Giraffe- sounds

Everyone was so excited to start learning new sounds. We must keep practising the old ones too though!

Click here for j

Click here for v

Click here for y

Click here for w

Click here for th


We visited the school library this week. We found the funniest and silliest story called ‘Stuck’ We all laughed so much. Click here to listen at home.

Also, here’s another good nonsense story. It is called ‘Man on the Moon’. Click here.

We’re going to the moon

We have found a good action song for everyone to join in at home. It is called ‘Zooming to the moon’. I can see you now zooming around your lounge. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did at nursery. Click here

Book Fair

The Book Fair will be in school Friday 1st March, Monday 4th March and Tuesday 5th March. It will be held in the school hall it would be lovely to see you there. Each child will have a 31 token towards the price of a book.

ALSO, next Thursday (7th March) will be World Book Day. Children are invited to come to nursery dressed as a book character. Please bear in mind health and safety, toileting etc (preferably no onesies/slippers- sensible shoes please).

Purple Mash

Please don’t forget to keep visiting Purple Mash, there is so much to explore as well as the learning your child’s key person has set. I have changed the pins on the virtual classroom, if you have time take a look.

You will have noticed all the building work that has been happening in the nursery garden recently. We thought it was coming to a close but we have found our that our outside play house need urgent attention. From Monday Sam the joiner will be taking it down and building a new one, along with a few more bits and bobs….watch this space (and the garden).

Lastly, don’t forget to book a Parents’ Evening appointment with your child’s key person. It would be lovely to see you for a catch up. If anyone would like to speak with me just drop me a email.

I think that’s everything. Please have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday for even more learning.

Stay safe and God Bless


Year 5 Weekly Homework- Due 7th March


Just 10 spellings this week. The focus for this week has been words ending in -tious that sounds like ‘shus’. Spelling number 6 is a tricky one as it is a xious ending instead but it has the same sound.

  1. cautious

  2. infectious

  3. ambitious

  4. superstitious

  5. nutritious

  6. anxious

  7. scrumptious

  8. fictitious

  9. repetitious

  10. pretentious


Our times tables knowledge has been a great help for us in our short division lessons. We are getting speedier with these which is giving us more time to tackle the division problem. Games like TTRS and Hit the Button are brilliant for speedy times tables. Have a go at ‘Hit the Button’ and see if you can get over 20 (or even 30!). Tell me your highest score.


AR has been down this week due to a county update regarding the IP. AR should be up and running by Monday in which we should see plenty of children ready to quiz.

World Book Day- Thursday 7th March

World Book Day is soon upon us so make sure you have your costumes ready for the big day. We are all going to create our own story, simply from our imagination. You will need to bring in a ‘magical object’- This may include a magic feather, a magic stone, a magic jewel- get creative.

Year 6 Weekly Blog 'From the cross, Christ teaches us to love even those that do not love us' Pope Francis

On Wednesday afternoon we went on a journey to the cross. For Jesus this journey was real but for us, the Stations of the Cross are a prayer journey. Father Peter, very kindly talked us through these fourteen stations to learn about what happened to Jesus when he died. This is such a crucial thing to do at this point of the year, as it reminds us of the vast love God has for us. Year 6 really enjoyed this, deep in prayer and asked some wonderful as they went around…

What have we been learning this week?

I am not sure that we have drawn breath this week - it has been full on, fast paced and thoroughly exciting.

  • English - Romeo and Juliet has continued to be the central point to our English unit. We have moved onto the most iconic scene - The Balcony Scene. The children were tasked with writing in role as Juliet. To really understand her emotions and to use Shakespeare’s language within their work. I was blown away! Our grammar focus has been our use of colons and semi-colons. The children have been experimenting with them and using them within their diary entries.

  • Maths - I am incredibly proud of the work that we have done this week on fractions- we have been comparing, ordering, convertingg- it’s has all been going on. This is a tricky concept that the children have grabbed with both hands. Next stop…percentages!

  • PE- this week we started our tennis work and we performed our duet representing the hero and the villain. We were so proud of how hard they worked and what they put together, we wanted to share it with you …


Today I have spent a lot of time gathering children’s homework, re-printing homework that has been misplaced or left at home and organising children to comeplete their homework. I am a firm believer that we need to prepare our children for their next journey. Homework and the organisation of their own time and work out of school is one way we can help them to be successful at high school, without it being a big shock for them in September. I have therefore made the decision that I will be now be giving out homework on Thurday and the new handing in day will be a Wednesday, as I can mointor it more carefully. Many thanks for your support.

Leading Learners

Well done to Charlie and Iris this week.

Charlie your enthusiasm, determination and positive attitude towards your learning is inspiring. You are super focused in class and now have the self-belief that you can do it and if you do come across an area you find challenging then you remain positive and go away and practise the skill until you master it. You have learnt that you are in control of your own learning, and that anything is possible when you have that positive growth mindset.

Iris, you never stop learning! There are times when you could sit back, relax and let the learning wash over you, but you never do. You seize every learning opportunity and see every lesson or feedback as a chance to challenge yourself and take your learning to the next level. Sitting back is never an option for you, you’re engaged and ensure you are actively learning and because of this your progress is evident! You are also a wonderful role model, always there to lend a helping hand, thank you for your quiet kindness and consideration to others.

Love and Compassionate butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that stop and notice how others are experiencing their lives, and how they feel, and why they say and believe what they do.  Ultimately, it is what makes us kind and, at a deeper level, opens up the possibility of being loving through our just and merciful actions and forgiving words. This week we thank Evan for always being compassionate and loving with others.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Emilia

Role Model of the week … Matilda

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Leon Owen Evan Matilda


  • World Book Day 7th March- dress up as your favourite BOOK characters and bring with you a magical object to help spark our imaginations to create our own cllass story! This ‘magical object’ could be linked to the character you’re dressed up as, but it doesn’t have to be- but be prepared to share your story and get creative! Some magical objects may include: a magic feather, a magic stone, a magic jewel- be creative!

  • Wednesday 6th March Year 6 Book Look at 2pm- we will also be doing a brief talk on SAT’s - what to expect and on the end of year residential, so please come along!

  • Have you booked your Parent meetings from Mrs Gregan’s blog ?? These virtual meetings will take place on either Wednesday 13th March or Wednesday 20th March 2pm- 5:20pm.

Have a lovely weekend.

We will see you on Monday.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker

Year 6 Home Learning

Homework is now due back on Wednesdays


In Maths this week we have focused on converting mixed fractions and improper fractions- please reinforce this learning with these IXL strands.

L8- Mixed numbers

L9-Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers


This week’s spelling focus are words where you need to double the consonant. There is a quiz for you to complete on PurpleMash.

Maybe you could have a go at completing these sentences in your book- not compulsory but to check your undertsanding!

Mrs Barker’s Group

read should spell still study such


Well done - many of the children have already starting making progress towards their reading target this half term. When was your last 100% score? Have you made it into our 100% club yet?
Please continue reading at home for 30 minutes each night, it really does make a difference!

Kindness Homework

Now we have swapped lenten boxes with our Reception partners, what can you do at home this week to add money to our box? All money collected this year will go to CAFOD.