We have had an exciting week of learning. We have been writing, puzzling, painting, cooking creating motifs and more please read on ……
Read moreYear 4 home learning to be completed by Thursday 9th May
This will remain the same for the half term (see below)
Then we have our usual weekly learning - to be carried out by everyone:
Holy Communion.
Please complete from p23-41 in your ‘Called to His Supper,’ booklet. Also practise our song, God’s Greatest Gift.’ You have the words and here is a link to the tune
Dedicate 15 - 30 minutes on reading. How are you progressing towards your target?
TWO TIMED SHEETS. Parents - please sit with your child and time them to answer the times tables questions on the first sheet. At the end, mark answers and give them a time. (Children are used to doing these sheets on a Friday)
After a couple of days and some practice on the unknown questions (or slow ones) please complete the second test as before - timed. Stick both sheets in homework book. Did you beat your first time?
TTROCKSTARS - continue. Those without a recent green heatmap, please practice in garage as much as possible
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
complete, opposite, experiment, naughty, grammar, knowledge, favourite, caught, promise, occasion
Group 2 These are spellings from last week that you are unsure of:
watch, does, their, through, someone, many
and please complete the 3 quizzes set on purple mash
Year 3 Weekly Blog 3rd May - 'This year I am trying to spread smiles.' Phoebe
Our class worship on Wednesday, was led by Joseph, Lena and Phoebe. They shared their beautiful prayers giving thanks for things that are important to them and asking God to help guide them through their final term in Year 3. They read ‘Go into All the World’ Matthew 28 and we sang The Table and This is my Body. Next week, our class worship will be led Alice, Heath and Liam.
Read moreYear 3 Homework- Tuesday 8th May
This weeks focus is ce that sounds like s.
Spelling quiz will be on Monday 13th May.
We’ve only got a few weeks left of the first part of the summer term - How far off your reading target are you? Don’t forget you can check quiz results at home.
Summer Term Optional Homework
As mentioned on Mrs Gregan’s weekly blog, the Summer term sees us launch our new Home Learning Policy. Below is a link to this half terms home learning tasks.
Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 2.05.24
The children are very clear about what they need to do and the areas that they need to develop. Please look at the ‘How to Help Your Child’ button on the Year 6 page. There are lots of resources for the children to access as well as the revision boxes that are in the classroom.
Maths: Please have a go and complete the maths reasoning paper. You could do this along side an adult or do it to the time- it should take you 40 minutes to complete the test.
READING- Please complete the SAT’s reading paper- some of you definitely need to practise this paper to ensure you complete the test in one hour.
GPS- Have a go at the revision map on punctuation I have sent you.
There may be other areas you want to go over that you have identified from the last paper you completed.
Year 2 homework to be handed in Tuesday 7th (Bank Holiday Monday)
How are you progressing through the Numbots story mode? How quick are you?
Read moreShakespeare Playmaking Festival 2024 ROMEO AND JULIET
Children in Year 4 performed 6 scenes from the opening of Romeo and Juliet to an audience at Hodgson High School this year. When they arrived they received some last minute coaching tips from Emma from the Royal Shakespeare company and then they were ready to go!They captured the rivalry between the two feuding gangs brilliantly. Seeing their confidence grow and their stunning ability to retain all those lines AND understand them was a great experience for all!
Here are some photos and a video of the performance:
'Be like a lighthouse and shine.'
Reception Blog - Friday 26th April 2024
Read moreYear 1 Homework 26.4.24
Please continue to read regularly at home and sign the challenge boxes, just a reminder it is one box per day.
Ask your child which sounds they have been learning this week, you can watch the videos to practise at home.
Please keep up with handwriting practise at home, this week we have been practising ‘b’ and ‘p’ and ‘K’ we appreciate all you are doing at home, thank you.
Once you log in, you can click on free play to explore at home or Year 1.
To find the letters ‘b’ ‘k’ and ‘p’, click on easy letters, then click on the ‘b’ ‘k’ and ‘p’ at the bottom of the screen. You can click on the play button to see how you write the letter, then click on try and the bottom of the screen under the play button so you can practice each letter.
Don’t forget to practise with pencils in your purple books.
Optional Challenges!
It is wonderful that the children are so excited about their learning and to see how keen they are to continue this outside of school. We welcome any opportunity to share these learning experiences with you at home, which is why we have created ‘optional challenges’ across each year group which can be explored over this Summer 1 half term.
These challenges link to the wider area of our curriculum, there are some activities to help with retrival and some with topics that are coming up.
Below you will find the optional challenges linking to the topics and areas of learning that we will be exploring this half term. These fun challenges are designed to cover a range of skills without being stressful or time consuming for you at home. You are welcome to complete them in any order you wish and it would be lovely to see pictures or examples of things that the children have enjoyed at home.
As always, thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Drummond
Year 5 Weekly Blog 26.04.24- ' A true shepherd leads the way and does not simply point the way'
Such a beautiful and heartwarming week for liturgy and celebration this week as we came together for our Father Peter. On Thursday, it marked the 50 year anniversary of Father Peter becoming a priest, in which we celebrated together as the Our Lady family at church to dedicate the mass to him. The children sang Father’s favourite hymns with such love and created such beautiful gifts for him. I hope that the spreading of love and happiness from that mass is spread into your weekend as you read this.
What have we been learning this week?
English- It has been a very independent writing week as the children finished their final drafts of the ‘The Highwayman’ and began to construct their finished piece. You will be amazed with the creativity and imagination that the children have managed to entwine into their writing.
PE- Beautiful weather this week to match up perfectly with our chosen sport for the half term- Cricket. This week it was all things bowling, in which we broke the skill down and focused on the details of the teaching points. We then took this outside and practiced bowling on the right line and length in order to try and hit our wickets.
History- Our dive into crime and punishment from the 15th century onwards has taken us to all things ‘witches’. We discussed as a class what came to mind when we hear the word and if we could make any connections to what we already knew. The shock came to children when they discovered the severity of witchcraft belief back in the 1500’s and the strategies people used to catch and torture them. We then set up our own witch hunt around the classroom, for the children to find the reasons behind the rise of witch hunts during this time.
Deeper thinking questions
Every week now, we would like children to explore their weekly learning at home by discussing interesting questions with family members. This may be at the table during dinner, before bedtime or when out for a walk. However you choose to discuss these questions is up to you but this may give you more of an insight into what we have been learning in class.
Do you think having a jury system is correct? Would you change it?
Has any of your family members/anyone you know been involved in a jury?
Let’s Celebrate
Gabriella for being a resilient learner- You have really put the work in with your multiplication work and it is paying off. You are more fluent with your independent work and you are gaining more confidence from this- Keep this up!
Dominic for being an focused learner- I have been super impressed with your attentiveness and your focus during our tutoring lessons. All of your TTRS practice is paying off as you have been able to catch up on all of our multiplication work.
Virtue Butterflies- Our virtues for this half term are learned and wise. Our butterfly goes to Faye. You really are a role model in terms of your behaviour and how you make wise decisions. This is always seen in class but it is great to see this outside on the playground- as this is a class target of ours.
Lunchtime Certificates
Marvellous Manners- Elsie
Role Model of the Week- Riley
Football Kits- If you have played for the school football team this year, could you have a look for any kits that you may still have in which they are to be brought back in. This will consists of blue top, blue socks and white socks. This will either be the Our Lady’s kit (with CN Active sponsorship) or the Premier League Primary Stars kit.
Thursday 16th May- We will be going on a school trip to Lancaster to visit the Castle and the Police Museum to further learn about our crime and punishment unit in History. A text will be sent out closer to the time in regards to payments
A weed is a plant, that is growing in the wrong place!
This week, we have weeded galore to prepare the raised beds for this years growing season. The beds are immaculate and ready to go! The children have been wonderful in digging out those unwanted plants, watering the seedlings thriving in the polytunnel and re organizing it, so we have more room for even more planting. I am so excited to see the array fruit and vegetables that we hope to produce this year.
This week...
Such an exciting week, our seeds have started to germinate!! The children couldn’t believe their eyes. The nursery garden will look so beautiful this year.
As we have had lots of sunshine this week we have spent most of time outside tending the garden and getting our new house decorated and ready to use. The new flooring went down on Tuesday and it looks fantastic. We have new curtains and fairy lights along with some rare pictures hanging on the wall. Come and have a look on our drop in session.
Drop in session
This terms parent ‘drop in’ session is being held on Tuesday 14th May from 3.45- 4.45 pm. This is an ideal opportunity to pop in to see all our wonderful learning and have a chat with the nursery team. No appointment necessary.
Sports Day
Foundation Sports Day is being held on Tuesday 18th June at 2.00pm. All children are invited to attend this event but must be in nursery no later than 1.45 pm wearing shorts and trainers. As in previous years each child will be designing their own t-shirt. We therefore ask if everyone can bring in a. s. a. p. as named, plain white t-shirt. We have to start early to ensure that we get them all finished in time!!
We have been practising our fundamental movement skills and team games with Mr. Nay and Mr. Murray and we are getting better and better.
Getting ready for school
Click here to find out more about the skills your child will need to be school ready.
Click here for What to Expect When. This is a really useful document.
We have also been on a ‘mission’ with ‘Super Croccy’. The Big Bad Wolf was busy blowing things down and we had to catch him! We listened to the Amazing Super Hero song and decided which special super powers we may need! Click here to sing along at home, maybe you could go a secret mission too!
Michelle’s blog
Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog.
We have all had a lovely but busy week at nursery, planting more wild flowers and plants to eat. We have planted peas, beans, different herbs and also raspberry plants. We are hoping we get lots of lovely fruit and vegetables to eat.
We were very excited this week as our new house outside has had new flooring put down and we can now use it. We had a grand opening this week. It looks really fantastic, just like a real house.
We met another number this week, number nine. We worked really hard to think of different ways to make number nine. We watched numberblock number nine and it helped us to remember that nine can be made from three plus three plus three. We also practised writing number nine ‘loop and then a downward line, that’s the way to make a 9’.
In PE we have concentrated on practising our Fundamental Movement Skills, ready for Sports Day. We are getting very good at throwing, running, jumping and hopping.
We were very excited when Emma showed us the wormery and we could see that the worms had wriggled and writhed in the sand and soil. We then enjoyed an activity where we had to rescue Superworm from the Wizard Lizard and his crow. This was tricky as we couldn’t use our hands, we could only use clothes pegs. It was lots of fun, but it also turns out that using clothes pegs is a good way to exercise those muscles in our hands that we need to be wonderful writers. Here are some activities to try at home. Click here.
The weather has been great this week so we have enjoyed our time in the garden, where there were lots of superheroes. We practised our superhero jumps and runs, and of course, rescued lots of our friends who were in tricky situations. We spoke about our superpowers; everyone has their own superpower. We are all superheroes! What’s your superpower?
Have a lovely weekend everyone
Emma’s blog
Hello everyone
We have had a very busy and exciting week.
Firsty, some of our seeds have germinated inside and outside. We have carrot, lettuce and sunflower seedlings and now we just need lots of sun to help with the rest.
Something exciting has happened to the wormery as all of the food has gone, and there is more compost than before. The children have been helping by giving the worms some more food, and you could see that the worms have started to pull down some of the new leaves. We are very excited about the changes.
We have been brain growing, looking at the cycle of a seed from an apple using a chain to link the cycle together. The children worked out in order of events and we all agreed that, we eat the apple, we find and plant the seed. The sun and water help it to grow. We then eat the apple and give the core to the worms for them to turn it into compost. The whole process then starts again.
To continue our thread, learning about planting, we have been busy making spring flowers out of dough by following Dough Disco. It's a little bit tricky, but the children all did fantastic in having a go. Here is the link to practice at home, click here. Enjoy!
We became scientists this week and we wondered what would happen if we put food colouring in the water of some flowers. We used red, blue, and yellow food colouring, and the children worked out that as the flowers would drink the water, they would charge colour. And guess what, they did! We couldn't believe it. I'm sure the children will tell you all about what's happened. Click here.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
See you all on Monday
Meet number 9!
We met number 9 this week and the children were excited to meet another new number.
Saying the counting numbers to 9
We recognised the cardinal principle of counting that the last number counted represents the entire set of the objects counted.
Partitioning and combining to 9
We noticed that nine if formed by combining one and eight and then partitioned again.
9 and 4 are square numbers
Although the children are not formally introduced to square numbers until much later, number 9 provides us with an opportunity to look at both the structure of squares with 4 equal sides and 4 corners, and square numbers make a shape with the same number of blocks down as across. Identifying pattern and seeing structure in number is important to early maths development.
Complicated stuff don’t you think!
Click here to watch the episode.
Wow, such a busy week!! A well earned rest is deserved.
Have a fabulous weekend.
Stay safe and God Bless
Year 4 Weekly blog Friday 26th April "Filled with my Spirit; how you will grow!"
The highlight of our week this week was preparing for and celebrating in Father Peter’s 50th anniversary as a priest! The children had so many ideas about what we could do for him! They thought he was like a good shepherd, he guides us like a lighthouse and he is named after St Peter, on whose rock our church was built. In the end, we decided to make him a lighthouse and thank him for guiding us. We went to mass on Thursday and sung all of his favourite hymns. It was a lovely celebration of such an inspirational human being.
In RE, children have learned about how the Holy Spirit gives us gifts and fills us with the courage to use them. Those such as self-control, kindness, compassion and forgiveness. They are reflecting on which fruits they could develop more in themselves.
This week, in English we have written our Dragon Slayer stories. We have also been working on our reading comprehension - being able to read and answer questions about texts we have read. We have also read a beautiful non-fiction book about Vikings in small groups to find out more.
In French we learned compass points in French and then did a French weather report in each area of France
In maths, we are whizzing through fractions at a phenomenal rate. We have revised unit fractions this week and made sure we understand what the numerator and denominator in a fraction represent.
In history this week, we have examined evidence that gives a rounder picture of the Vikings and shows them to be an interesting race of people. Children can you explain why to your parents? (See below)
Conversation starters
This week we have discussed the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Can you tell your parents about some of them? Which do you need to work on?
Vikings - we have learned more about them this week and got a more rounded view. What did we find out that paints them in a better light?
Let’s Celebrate!
We are really starting to improve as a class at being ready to learn, listening carefully and allowing others to focus around us when working.
Charlotte received a Lizzy Ladybird certificate this week. You strive so hard to improve and you are really reflecting upon yourself - well done!
Hudson also received a Lizzie Ladybird certificate. We can see you reflecting deeply Hudson and making wise choices. You are trying so hard to improve your schoolwork and you are thinking/participating well in maths. Well done Hudson!
Learned and Wise butterflies
This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are learned in their actions, finding God in all things. Those who are wise, who use their learning for the common good. These are children who are trying to drive their own learning forward. This week we have two butterflies. They go to Rory and Rose for being role models who guide others in how to learn well and be kind. You are so hardworking, wise and learned.
Lunchtime role model: William
Marvellous Lunchtime manners: Tilly
PE stars Sean and Teddy for some super triple-jumping! You learned the technique really well!
Music Stars: Matilda and Grace
French Stars: Lorenzo, Matilda and Charlotte
GOING GREEN! This week, these children have been awarded their going green certificate for having completely green heatmaps - meaning they have mastered their times tables!
Amelia and Seth.
You have worked so hard for this!
Holy Communion session 2 Thursday next week. Please bring booklets completed up to page stated in letter.
May is ‘Walk to School’ month. Why not try to walk, scoot, bike to school - if not all the way then part of the way. Get out in the lovely sunshine. We are still having serious issues with parking on double yellow lines outside school - I know our school council are discussing how we can proceed forward. They have plans!
PE days, Wednesday and Thursday
Date for diary: Tuesday 18th June Our Anglo Saxon/Viking trip to Tatton Park. Children need to come dressed as either an Anglo-Saxon or a Viking on this day. More information will be given nearer the time.
Multiplication check
This will take place formally at the end of June. Please keep working on preparing your child for this - little and often is best.
Do I dare say Spring IS finally here? Have a lovely sunny weekend.
Mrs Lyons , Mrs Ely, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Carter
Year 2 blog Friday 26th April "A plague on both your houses!"
If music be the food of love, play on ……… please read on
Read moreYear 6 Weekly Blog 'working hard is important but there is something that matters even more...believing in yourself' Harry Potter
"Feed the lambs and look after the sheep."
Yesterday we celebrated our very special Father Peter on his Golden Jubilee, 50 years since he was ordained a priest. We celebrated through sharing mass with him and it was extremely heart warming that we could share his special day with him. The gospel that we have shared during our prayer and liturgy, was the ‘Good Sheperd’ and how fitting this is, as Father Peter is our very own shepherd. He spoke about how when he was ordained he was given one job ‘to feed the lambs and look after the sheep’, and we think he does just that, as he always watches over us! We also spoke in our liturgy how we can be shepherds in our every day lives and how we can look after one another within our class. The children also prepared a book for Father Peter, showing just what Father Peter means to them- they wrote such beautful words!
What have we been learning this week?
Revision and building confidence when approaching SAT’s style questions has been the driving force behind all of our learning this week. This week we have recieved feedback and gone through our Maths papers. This was a particualrly tricky year and the children now know what they need to do going forward. Firstly, they need to celebrate what they have achieved so far, but they also know they need to reflect on those problem areas and be determined to overcome them. We have learnt this week, rushing and carelessness has been behind a lot of our mistakes but CONFIDENCE when approaching this area is also key- we have to believe WE CAN DO IT! Listen to Harry Potter!
English - This week we have focused our attention on our writing. We have revised what is needed when writing a balanced discussion text and written our own on whether Friar Lawrence was responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. I can’t wait to read them!
Maths - We started the week finishing off our pie chart work, problem solving and linking this to our percentage work. We then have moved swiftly on to ratio and proportion, looking at the language involved and how we can solve problems related to this.
With a bank holiday coming up, and only a few weeks to go until May, every day is crucial. Please ensure that your children are in school on time to maximise every learning opportunity.
Delving deeper through talk …
Every week now I am going to give you a question that I would like you to explore together and discuss at home. This could be over the dinner time as a family, at bedtime, on a walk or even in the car. How ever you choose to discuss this question is up to you, but the idea is that it will help to give an insight in to what we talk about in school, help children to understand more about themselves or others.
How could you be a shepherd and look over others in school?
After your feedback for maths, what can you celebrate about yourself? What are your next steps?
Learned and Wise butterflies
This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are learned in their actions, finding God in all things. Those who are wise, who use their learning for the common good. These children are the role models of the school, who drive their own learning and who have the wisdom to know when and how to apply one’s learning. This week we thank Owen for working for the common good of our classroom this week.
Leading Learners
Well done to Christian and Stanley this week.
Christian this week you have been so determined and this has shown in your own efforts and the progress you have made. You are listening, reflecting and responding to feedback. Keeping celebrating your strengths and developing your learning areas!
Stanley Wow you are such a ‘have a go’ Tommy turtle! It has been so wonderful to see how enthusaistic you have been to have a go, even when you have found things tricky, you have kept your focus and this has made you even more determined to achieve- we are very proud of you.
Lunch Time Awards …
Marvelous Manners awards … Evan
Role Model of the week … Iris
Helpers in the morning
This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:
Jay Leo Tabby Edi
‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’ …
As a class we have been reading the novel ‘The boy at the back of the class’ and the children are really enjoying this opprotunity to listen, enjoy and discuss this book. The children have loved hearing how Ahmed has transitioned in to his new school, learning about his background and seeing the friendship between him and the narrator develop. Luckily, The Grand at Blackpool, are performing this on stage and we thought it would be a great opprotunity to go and see this live at the theatre! It is the week before SAT’s too, which will give us some nice light relief from revision. With the cost of the coach and the tickets, this is £21, which is now on Parent Pay.
‘Treasure Trail’ evening at St Bede’s on Wednesday 1st May- please arrive between 5:30pm - 6:45pm to complete the trail.
Final payments for Borwick Hall is 3rd May, please see Parent Pay
Have a lovely weekend.
I will see you on Monday.
Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker
Year 1 Weekly Blog 26.4.24 'My lighthouse shining in the darkness, I will follow you'
Welcome to our weekly Year 1 blog. Please read on….
Read moreYear 4 home learning to be completed by Thursday 2nd May
This will remain the same for the half term (see below)
Then we have our usual weekly learning - to be carried out by everyone:
Holy Communion.
Please complete up to page 22 in your ‘Called to His Supper,’ booklet. Also practise our song, God’s Greatest Gift.’ You have the words and here is a link to the tune
Dedicate 15 - 30 minutes on reading. How are you progressing towards your target?
TTROCKSTARS. Why not try a soundcheck if you have not done one already? This mimics what the Multiplication Test in June will be like. You have 6 seconds to answer each question.
If your heatmap is not green - work on this.
If it is, work on raising your Rock Star Status. We now have a display of these statuses for Year 3, 4 and 5!
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
although through potatoes enough possess natural believe different possible probably
Group 2 Practise these spellings below and complete the quiz set on purple mash
today, watch, over, does, love, son, two their, through, many, water, someone
Year 3 Weekly Blog 26th April - “A true shepherd leads the way, he does not merely point the way.” (Leonard Ravenhill)
Emilia, Fletcher and George led our class worship on Wednesday, we made the most of the sunny weather and sat outside to listen to them share their prayers. We listened to the children read Breakfast By Galilee (John 21) and sang The Table and Sing Hosanna together. Next week, our class worship will be led by Joseph, Lena and Phoebe.
Read moreYear 6 Home Learning 25.04.24
With just 2 weeks until the end of year assessments, we have ramped up learning in class. The children are very clear about what they need to do and the areas that they need to develop. Please look at the ‘How to Help Your Child’ button on the link below. There are lots of resources for the children to access as well as the revision boxes that are in the classroom.
I have prepared a revision map word class sheet for you to have a go at. Once you have completed this, you will soon see any areas that you need to work on at identifying certain word classes. Once you have found the areas you found difficult, why not go to IXL to practise this!
Please complete the example reasoning SAT’s style word problems.
Keep practising your long divisions at home. I have left the video on to remind you.
SPELLING FOCUS - i before e, except after c. This is a really tricky rule! Focus on it.
What other spelling rules do you need to revise?
cashier, priest, mischief, deceive, receipt, mischief, believe, brief, niece, diesel, hygiene, fierce, siege, grief, receive, perceive, inconceivable, yield, efficient, conscience
2) Below is a list of the Year 5 and 6 word list that children are expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 6. Why not take a look at them and see how many you know how to spell? How many do you know you need to work on?
Mrs Barker’s group spellings …
let’s focus on the ‘ou’ sound.
touch, young, double, trouble, couple, country, cousin, courage,
In line with our new homework policy, each class will now have some optional tasks in addition to the set reading, spelling and Maths. Year 6 homework will look slightly different to other classes, as the need for reinforcement and revision is crucial on the run up to SAT’s, but then in Summer 2 term will follow the structure outlined on Mrs Gregan’s blog last week. The optional tasks below are for the whole term, some will build on previous learning and others will enrich this half term’s learning. Please click on the link below to view the tasks for this term. You can do these in homework books, as photos, powerpoints or however you like.
Year 3 Homework- Tuesday 23rd April
This weeks focus is sion sound
Spelling quiz will be on Monday 29th April.
The children are making good progress towards their new reading targets, please continue reading at home each evening.
Our Author of the month for April will be Peter Brown.
Summer Term Optional Homework
As mentioned on Mrs Gregan’s weekly blog, the Summer term sees us launch our new Home Learning Policy. Below is a link to this half terms home learning tasks.