Conversation starters
Our focus in Holy Communion this week has been on sharing the Holy meal with Jesus at mass. Can you talk about sharing meals with each other? What has been your favourite occasion where you shared a meal together. How does it feel to sit down with your family and share this time together?
Can you explain to your parents what sound is?
Let’s Celebrate!
Gus received a Lizzy Ladybird certificate this week. You take control of your learning Gus and you strive to get better and better. Brilliant reading this week!
Louis received a Bobby Bee certificate. You are such an enthusiastic learner who has grown in confidence and always gives 100% effort
Learned and Wise butterflies
This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are learned in their actions, finding God in all things. Those who are wise, who use their learning for the common good. These are children who are trying to drive their own learning forward. This week our butterfly goes to Joseph who always offers the hand of friendship to anyone - he does not discriminate. He notices good in others and tells them.
Lunchtime role model: Sean
Marvellous Lunchtime manners: Lorenzo
PE stars Beth and Amelia for super triple jumping and for lovely well thought out sequences in gymnastics.
Music Stars: Amelia and Jacob
GOING GREEN - Keep going those children who are not quite there yet!
Uniform reminder- Children are not allowed to wear earrings for PE. Please ensure they are removed on PE days. Also, children cannot bring sunglasses to wear at breaktime.
Homework - Please can you ensure children are engaging in the spelling and Times tables homework every week - including TTrockstars and Purple mash tasks.
Rosary - The month of May is where we pray the rosary together. If children wish, they can bring in their own set for this month to use.
Holy Communion session 3 Thursday next week. Please bring booklets completed up to page stated in letter.
Holy Communion ties - These can be bought on parent pay and picked up from the office.
May is ‘Walk to School’ month. Why not try to walk, scoot, bike to school - if not all the way then part of the way. Get out in the lovely sunshine. We are still having serious issues with parking on double yellow lines outside school - I know our school council are discussing how we can proceed forward. They have plans!
PE days, Wednesday and Thursday
Date for diary: Tuesday 18th June Our Anglo Saxon/Viking trip to Tatton Park. Children need to come dressed as either an Anglo-Saxon or a Viking on this day. More information will be given nearer the time.
Enjoy your bank holiday weekend,
Mrs Lyons , Mrs Ely, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Carter