Year 1 Homework 10.5.24


There were lots of children who unfortunately couldn’t quiz this week as they hadn’t read at home. We do try and listen to your child read in school at least once a week, but there are times when we can’t so it’s really important that you read at home, especially as we have the Phonics screening coming up in a few weeks (10th June). The children need as much practise as possible.

Please continue to read regularly at home and sign the challenge boxes, just a reminder it is one box per day.

There is a phonics activity in your child’s homework book, look for special friends, fred talk read the word.

Ask your child which sounds they have been learning this week, you can watch the videos to practise at home. These next few weeks are important, please focus on reading and phonics, to help prepare your child for their phonics screening. Look at the help your child at home section for games and websites. I will start to make up phonics packs ready for half term, working together at home makes a huge difference, thank you :).


Please keep up with handwriting practise at home, this week we have been practising ‘i’ and ‘l’ and ‘t’ we appreciate all you are doing at home, thank you.

Once you log in, you can click on free play to explore at home or Year 1.

To find the letters ‘i’ ‘l’ and ‘t’, click on easy letters, then click on the ‘i’ ‘l’ and ‘t’ at the bottom of the screen. You can click on the play button to see how you write the letter, then click on try and the bottom of the screen under the play button so you can practice each letter.

Don’t forget to practise with pencils in your purple books.

Optional Challenges!

It has been nice to see a few optional challenges that have been completed at home, we have shared these tasks in class. Ronnie made a brilliant maraca.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond

Year 3 Weekly Blog 10th May - I came from the Father and have come into the world, and now I am leaving to the world and going to the Father' (John 16:28)

Our class worship on Wednesday, was led by Alice, Heath and Liam. They read ‘Go into All the World’ Matthew 28 and we sang The Table and All Glory Lord and Honor. Next week, our class worship will be led Hugo, Lettie and Mia-Grace.
Our word of the week has been “love” as a class we brainstormed and collected words that we associated with love, we can’t see love but we can feel and show love.

Read more

Year 5 Homework 10.05.24

Homework will look slightly differently from now on, with us offering optional homework across the half term aimed at accessing the wider curriculum, engaging in fun and active tasks and to share your learning with your parents. Compulsory homework will still be live which will consist of:

  • Spellings

  • SPAG

  • Reading

  • Times Tables

The optional homework will have no deadline with this being optional but this can be documented/evidenced in a separate homework book marked ‘Learning Journal’.

Compulsory Homework


  1. harass

  2. hinderance

  3. identity

  4. immediate

  5. immediately

  6. individual

  7. interfere

  8. interrupt

  9. language

  10. leisure

  11. lightning

  12. marvellous


The weekly SPAG sheet consisting of 10 questions has been stuck into the children’s homework books ready to complete.

Times Tables

Congratulations if you have ‘Gone Green’ on TTRS. Many of you are so close to getting green so keep practicing. If you are already green, focus on getting your time down to under one second- you know what the score to beat is! Check the new TTRS scoreboard just outside the create room.


We have really upped our reading this half term, with some children in the millionaire club, some doubling their word count for the year and lots of others making really good progress.

This week...

Summer has begun…at last! We have enjoyed the sunshine as it has allowed us to use lots of water in our play and learning! It has been such fun to splash, squirt and spray everywhere!

A gentle reminder that we need your Sports Day t-shirts in as soon as possible…Health and Happiness weeks are getting close.


May-The Month of Mary

May is a very special month, as we remember Mary, the Mother of Jesus and Mother of us all. 

The whole month of May we will be learning about Mary and the Rosary. We will be thinking about Mary, saying special prayers to tell her how much we love her, and to ask her to help us stay close to her son Jesus and to try to live as Jesus shows us. 

We will also be learning the Lords Prayer and the Glory be. We have already learnt the Hail Mary and next week everyone will be making their own Rosary!

Perhaps you can pray the Rosary at home together as a family. 

Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone,  

I hope you all had a lovely Bank Holiday and have been enjoying the sunshine. 

We have been in the garden every day this week and have been busy growing our brains, watching our seeds grow in the sun. The children have shown so much interest looking after everything they have planted and they especially love to water them.

Here is a fun growing activity to do at home; growing cress heads. The best thing to do once it has grown is to give your cress head a haircut and taste what you have grown. Click here.

The children have been busy in the water, using large pipettes for filling up large bottles and containers. This will help with developing the children's fine motor skills and strengthening their hand muscles. The children have also been pouring large containers of water over our wheel to make it spin. Carrying heavy objects carefully, can help the children develop balance, coordination, and strength. The children have loved the challenge. 

We have continued using our muscles in PE as we have been using the apparatus for jumping, balancing, hopping and moving our bodies in different ways across the beams. The children came up with some fantastic ways to move their bodies and some were a bit tricky too. The children have been practicing their jumping from a high platform and landing on their feet without wobbling over. Their confidence is growing, which is lovely to see.

Something different happened at one of our story times this week. Some children stood up in front of their friends to help tell the story of the Gruffalo. Using the puppet characters, the children enjoyed getting involved and told the story beautifully. Everyone was so proud. 

Here is a lovely story about a seed by Eric Carle. I hope you enjoy as much as me. Click here

Have a wonderful sunny weekend, and see you all on Monday.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

The weather has been glorious this week so we have found lots to do in the garden. Our sunflowers we planted from the seeds of last year's flowers have all start d to germinate. We are planning on sending them home before half term so you can grow them at home. It would be great if you could send us some pictures so we can see how big they are growing.

Preparations for sports day are well underway, Mr Murray gave us lots of practice of the fundamental movement skills in PE this week. The fundamental movement skills are running, hopping, jumping, throwing and catching. We hope you can come to Sports Day to see how well we have all improved in these skills.

We continue to work hard on our counting and number recognition. Here is a good game to practice number recognition, helicopter rescue. Click here 

We were able to go on an adventure this week and explore school while everyone was at mass in the church. We were challenged with finding a cross, a set of rosary beads and a monkey in every classroom. We had lots of fun exploring and also visited the office and the kitchen.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week 


Exploring school

All the children on Thursady went to mass which left us in school alone!! We had great fun exploring all the other classrooms and shared areas in school. Can you spot where we went?

Parent ‘Drop in’ session

We will be holding our half termly drop in session on Tuesday 14th May from 3.45pm to 4.45 pm. Try and pop in to see us and look what your child has been learning about at nursery.

Eco Day

Friday 17th May is Eco Day in school! Children attending nursery on that day are invited to bring £1 and wear green! If it is not your day…choose and other day to join in.

Our Eco Warriors in school will use donations to to enhance our eco environments in and around school. Please give us your support!


‘Walk, Scoot, Cycle or Skate’ to school month

Help us win £50!!! Each week the class that has the least cars arriving at school will win £50 to spend on new equipment of the childrens choosing

Remember to ‘Walk, Scoot, Cycle or Skate’ to school month during May. We want to encourage all members of our school community to get involved. If you drive to school, could you park a little bit further away so that you could walk in and quieten the roads? There is the Parish Centre car park that can be used or even just further down the road. Do you have bikes or scooters in your shed that need their cobwebs brushing off?

Each day during May we are going to tally this in each class and create a whole school picture. We really are counting on you to keep our roads around school safe.

Sports Day

Foundation Sports Day is being held on Tuesday 18th June at 2.00pm. All children are invited to attend this event but must be in nursery no later than 1.45 pm wearing shorts and trainers. As in previous years each child will be designing their own t-shirt. We therefore ask if everyone can bring in a. s. a. p. as named, plain white t-shirt. We have to start early to ensure that we get them all finished in time!!

Finally, word has it that it will be a sunny weekend, please make the most of it! Enjoy your time together and make some magical memories.

As always stay safe and God bless.


Year 6 Weekly Blog- “You are only as successful as you let yourself be"

‘Christ has no body now on earth but yours’ Saint Teresa of Avila

Yesterday we went to church to celebrate the Ascension of Christ as a whole school. Father Peter told us the quote of St Teresa of Avila, reminding us the commandment that Jesus shared with us- To Love One Another and that although Jesus is not present in body, that he works through us. It is a beautiful reminder that we simply need to love.

May is the month of Mary, a very special month where we will study and use Rosary beads to pray and remember the ministry, life and death of Jesus but also Mary, the mother of Jesus. Throughout May we will be learning about and praying the mysteries.

After working with the children this week, we feel nothing but pride. The way the children have come in to school every day and giving their absolute best, no matter how they are feeling on the inside, is truly amazing! Each one of them are overcoming barriers and challenges, no matter how big or how small and this process is making them see, that hard work, over a long period of time, really does pay off. This week we celebrated all the children, not on their marks of their final practice papers, but on the progress they have made and for some, this has been huge! We have worked SUPER hard this week on the areas we needed to, as well as an exciting visit to ‘The Grand’ watching ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’- we just finished the last chapter in time! It was such a treat to see all the characters and the story come to life on stage!

Going Forward …

Monday will be the start of the children’s SAT’s journey and they are extremely ready for this! There will, of course, be some nerves and anticipation this weekend on the run up, but the most important thing to do over the next few days is to relax, exercise, have plenty of sleep and eat healthily. We need those brains ready and raring to go! It would be a good idea if the children, did a little revision (small doses) to keep their learning ticking over, we have sent a short reading task to omplete over the weekend ready for Monday, a sentence function revision map to prepare them for their grammar on Tuesday, and some ideas of IXL for their maths. It may just give them a bit of practice and confidence before the week begins. On Friday, the children set up the hall ready for Monday, so they all know exactly what they are walking in to and where to sit - I think there was even some excitement by the time we left the hall!

Next week’s timetable is as follows so that you know which each day holds. Please ensure that your child is in school on time after a really good night sleep and a substantial breakfast…

Monday am: Grammar, punctuation and Spelling test.

               pm: Reading revision focus

Tuesday am: Reading test

                Pm: Maths revision focus

Wednesday am: Arithmetic and Reasoning 1 test

                      pm: Maths revision focus

Thursday am: Maths Reasoning 2 test

                  pm: read through of script

The following week: Monday will be auditions and Tuesday will be the interview for jobs around school (dress to impress)

Leading Learners

Well done to Charlie and Alexander this week.

Wow Charlie, you have come back after your illness with such a determined attitude to your work. You are showing us exactly what you can do when you put your mind to it. You have put such a lot of effort into your revision work this week and the results are clear to see. What a capable young man you are!

Alex, you have been so considerate and flexible towards your classmates this week. You have helped around the school when you are needed and have made a difference wherever you are. Whether in the classroom, or on the playground, you have looked after our younger pupils with kindness and patience. Thank you for being a terrific role model.

Learned and Wise butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are learned in their actions, finding God in all things. Those who are wise, who use their learning for the common good. These children are the role models of the school, who drive their own learning and who have the wisdom to know when and how to apply one’s learning. This week we thank Nicola for working for the common good of our classroom this week.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Stanley

Role Model of the week … Anncia

This week we will take a break form helping in the mornings and start again the following week- thank you!


Thursday 16th May - End of year play read through

The Eco Council Green Day will be held on Friday 17th May- children to come in green and bring a pound. This is to raise funds to assist us in looking after our school grounds.

Monday 20th May- Auditions

Tuesday 21st May - Formal interviews with Mrs Gregan for positions around school. The children can come into school in formal interview wear. Dress to impress!

Have a wonderful and restful long weekend and thank you for your continued support.

Year 6 team

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 9/05/24


The children are very clear about what they need to do and the areas that they need to develop. Please look at the ‘How to Help Your Child’ button on the Year 6 page. There are lots of resources for the children to access as well as the revision boxes that are in the classroom.

READING- Have a go at the short reading task. Please also ensure you’re reading for AT LEAST 40 minutes per day.

GPS- Have a go at the revision map I have sent you, focus on the sentence functions.

There may be other areas you want to go over that you have identified from the last papers you completed.


Year 1 Homework 3.5.24


Please continue to read regularly at home and sign the challenge boxes, just a reminder it is one box per day.

Ask your child which sounds they have been learning this week, you can watch the videos to practise at home. These next few weeks are important, please focus on reading and phonics, to help prepare your child for their phonics screening. Look at the help your child at home section for games and websites. I will start to make up phonics packs ready for half term, working together at home makes a huge difference, thank you :).


Please keep up with handwriting practise at home, this week we have been practising ‘u’ and ‘w’ and ‘e’ we appreciate all you are doing at home, thank you.

Once you log in, you can click on free play to explore at home or Year 1.

To find the letters ‘e’ ‘u’ and ‘w’, click on easy letters, then click on the ‘e’ ‘u’ and ‘w’ at the bottom of the screen. You can click on the play button to see how you write the letter, then click on try and the bottom of the screen under the play button so you can practice each letter.

Don’t forget to practise with pencils in your purple books.

Optional Challenges!

It has been nice to see a few optional challenges that have been completed at home, Olivia shared her musical instrument she made in show and tell and played us a tune.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond

Year 5 Weekly Blog 3.5.24- ' There is no pillow as soft as a clear conscience'

This week in RE, we have taken our discussions of reconciliation and forgiveness further by looking into how we sin and how we use our conscience to make these decisions. The children really reflected on how they use their own conscience and what conversations they have with themselves before making a decision.

We also had our fifth enrichment morning of the school year, with Year 5 taking a trip down to Reception. The class spent the morning with Mrs Hartley for a lesson of German. The children were greeted upon arrival with some traditional German greetings whilst also learning numbers 1-10. They then tested their knowledge via a game of German bingo!

What have we been learning this week?

English- After finishing our independent write up of part 1 of ‘The Highwayman’, we began to dive into part 2. The anticipation has definitely gone up with all the action unfolding- with the children also not knowing what will happen next.

Science- This week, we decided the use our knowledge of the states of matter, including how they change, to practically discover which materials melt and which burn. This led to our discovery of the terminology ‘reversible/irreversible material’ .

History- The deep dive into the history of crime and punishment has taken a gruesome turn as we looked at the period of time when capital punishment was introduced. We examined one of the first hanging cases in England discussed the social and legal protocols behind this type of sentencing.

Deeper thinking questions

Every week now, we would like children to explore their weekly learning at home by discussing interesting questions with family members. This may be at the table during dinner, before bedtime or when out for a walk. However you choose to discuss these questions is up to you but this may give you more of an insight into what we have been learning in class.

Do you think having a jury system is correct? Would you change it?

Has any of your family members/anyone you know been involved in a jury?

Let’s Celebrate

  • Rex for being a resilient learner- Even being the speedster that you are on TT Rockstars, multiplication and division in Year 5 is tricky. At first, you let this get to you but you have persevered through hard work and focus and are really showing progress and fluidity during these lessons.

  • Niamh for being a creative learner- I never knew how much of a computer whizz you were! You have blown me away with your creativeness and your knowledge around purple mash during our game creating unit (Almost making it impossible for me to complete your game). I can not wait to see what your final game will look like.

  • Virtue Butterflies- Our virtues for this half term are learned and wise. Our butterfly goes to Ola for being such a learned person. You are learning every day, both academically and personally. You take in and observe others to process what the right and wrong choice is which has led to you always making the right one.

    Lunchtime Certificates

    • Marvellous Manners- Arthur

    • Role Model of the Week- Ben


  • Bank Holiday Monday- School will be closed this upcoming Monday, so school will be reopen on Tuesday 7th May.

  • Homework- Can all children make sure that they are practicing their spellings and making sure their homework books are back in on Thursdays.

  • Football Kits- If you have played for the school football team this year, could you have a look for any kits that you may still have in which they are to be brought back in. This will consists of blue top, blue socks and white socks. This will either be the Our Lady’s kit (with CN Active sponsorship) or the Premier League Primary Stars kit.

  • Thursday 16th May- We will be going on a school trip to Lancaster to visit the Castle and the Police Museum to further learn about our crime and punishment unit in History. The payment is now live on parent pay.

This week...

Here comes the sun! What a fabulous week. It has been so warm we have set up our BIG water play in the garden. Such fun even if we did get a bit soggy!

Our garden is now beginning to look spectacular, there is so much growing…we can’t wait to start eating everything, mmmm.

This week we managed to go on another Super Croccy mission. The Owl babies mother has gone missing and had been frozen by Ice Woman. We found her camouflaged high up in a tree, and shivering. We had to rescue her and warm her up!

Just in case you haven’t met Super Croccy…here he is!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have had a fantastic week, we have been so busy growing our brains. 

The children have had a great time in Mr. Nay's PE class, the children really look forward to it. This week included a tricky game, and the children had to throw a tennis ball into a football net which was quite far away. Some of the children couldn't believe their eyes after their ball went into the net. Mr. Nay split the children into 2 teams and they had to throw as many balls as possible into the other teams net. It was great fun with balls being thrown everywhere. The children are really working hard on their over and underarm throwing skills. Well done everybody. 

The children have been practicing their listening skills and following instructions to the Superman, and There’s a worm at the bottom of the garden song. The children have asked if the songs can go on the blog, so here they are, enjoy! 

Click here for Superman

Click here for Wiggly Woo

Speaking of worms…something very exciting has happened to our wormery and fruit seeds. The worms have started to bury the leaves that we put in the wormery. They have been pulling them down, making more gaps and tunnels in the soil. It's amazing to see. Also, some of our fruit seeds have started to germinate. The apple seeds and the tomato seeds are coming along well but the orange seeds are yet to crack open and shoot.

The children have been busy in the garden making a snail hotel and ant farm (known as a formicarium).

The children were looking and following snail trails to find some guests to stay in our hotel. We have found around 12 snails in total, and we left some fruit outside to see if we could attract some ants but so far, we only had a few visitors. In the end, the children found more ants dotted around the garden, so in they went into their new home. 

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

See you all on Monday for another fun week.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog. The weather has been kinder to us this week, so we have mostly had fun in the garden, looking after our plants and seeds that we are growing. Everything has really grown so much, we are taking lots of care and giving everything lots of water to drink.

This week we have continued to watch our worms in the wormery and we decided to make our own worms out of spaghetti. They were very wormy and squirmy when we used the tweezers to try to pick them up.

Why not make your own worms at home, just soak the spaghetti in hot water with a little food colouring for your very own worms.

We read Superworm again, it’s one of our favourite stories and we started to think about how the Wizard Lizard was always telling everyone what to do and did not listen to others views. We know how important for everyone to have a voice in nursery. Sometimes when we can’t decide we take a vote…the biggest number of votes wins! We decided to watch a video about democracy on CBeebies, the Treasure Champs. Click here to watch. We voted for which story to have before lunch, maybe you could have a family vote this weekend.

As you will have seen in Mrs Gregan’s newsletter last week, the month of May is walk, scoot or cycle to school month and in nursery we are joining in too. Every day we are collated the numbers to see how many of us walk, scoot or cycle to nursery. This is a good way of keeping fit as well as being really good for the environment. Fewer cars means a better planet for all of us. We’ve only got one planet so we have to look after it.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the Bank Holiday on Monday,


‘Walk, Scoot, Cycle or Skate’ to school month

The council have decided to hold a ‘Walk, Scoot, Cycle or Skate’ to school month during May. We want to encourage all members of our school community to get involved. If you drive to school, could you park a little bit further away so that you could walk in and quieten the roads? There is the Parish Centre car park that can be used or even just further down the road. Do you have bikes or scooters in your shed that need their cobwebs brushing off?

Each day during May we are going to tally this in each class and create a whole school picture. We really are counting on you to keep our roads around school safe.

Sport’s Day

Sports Day

Well done to everyone who has already sent in their t-shirts…I am impressed! Don’t worry if you have not had time we still have time.

Foundation Sports Day is being held on Tuesday 18th June at 2.00pm. All children are invited to attend this event but must be in nursery no later than 1.45 pm wearing shorts and trainers. As in previous years each child will be designing their own t-shirt. We therefore ask if everyone can bring in a. s. a. p. as named, plain white t-shirt. We have to start early to ensure that we get them all finished in time!!

Lastly, don’t forget that it is Bank Holiday this weekend so sadly there will be no nursery on Monday., but we will be back on Tuesday!

I hope the weather remains sunny and warm so we can fire up the BBQs.

Stay safe and God Bless


Year 5 Homework 03.05.24

Homework will look slightly differently from now on, with us offering optional homework across the half term aimed at accessing the wider curriculum, engaging in fun and active tasks and to share your learning with your parents. Compulsory homework will still be live which will consist of:

  • Spellings

  • SPAG

  • Reading

  • Times Tables

The optional homework will have no deadline with this being optional but this can be documented/evidenced in a separate homework book marked ‘Learning Journal’.

Compulsory Homework


  1. equipment

  2. especially

  3. exaggerate

  4. excellent

  5. existence

  6. explanation

  7. familiar

  8. foreign

  9. forty

  10. frequently

  11. government

  12. guarantee


The weekly SPAG sheet consisting of 10 questions has been stuck into the children’s homework books ready to complete.

Times Tables

Congratulations if you have ‘Gone Green’ on TTRS. Many of you are so close to getting green so keep practicing. If you are already green, focus on getting your time down to under one second- you know what the score to beat is! Check the new TTRS scoreboard just outside the create room.


We have really upped our reading this half term, with some children in the millionaire club, some doubling their word count for the year and lots of others making really good progress.