Year 3 Homework- Tuesday 10th June


This weeks focus is common exception words
Spelling quiz will be on Monday 17th June

  1. appear

  2. material

  3. library

  4. perhaps

  5. sentence

  6. various

  7. regular

  8. bicycle

  9. possess

  10. caught

Reading targets have been reset! On Monday and Tuesday the children completed their Star reading assessments - thier new reading levels have been noted in the front of their homework books and on their log in cards in class.

Summer Term Optional Homework

New Summer 2 homework task will be online next Tuesday.

Swimming Gala Selections- Friday 14th June 2024

Friday 14th June, which is the first week back after half term, will be this years swimming Gala at Palatine Leisure Centre, Blackpool, FY4 2AP.

We were limited to around 4 children in each category.

Well done to the children chosen to take part.

Year 5 Girls:

Elsie, Niamh, Ella, Sophia, Esther

Year 5 Boys:

Benjamin, Luke, Isaac, Arthur

Year 6 Girls:

Millie, Iris, Tabby, Daisy

Year 6 Boys:

Owen, Max, Stanley, Edi

Arrival will be 8:45am as we are in the first slot for the changing rooms. Parents are to take their child straight to the leisure centre and then back to school. Scheduled finish time is 12:30pm so the children will have lunch at school.

Parents can stay and watch with their being a seated stand at the leisure centre.

Children to come wearing their PE kits (with their hoodies) and are to bring their swimming costume, towel, goggles, swimming cap for anyone with long hair and plenty of fluid to stay hydrated. Isotonic drinks are acceptable. No energy drinks. Water is advised.

Make sure to have a fueling breakfast as snacks are not allowed during the gala due to the children being poolside.

Our time at Borwick Hall ...

What a wonderful time we have had on our residential! It has rained pretty much the whole trip but it certainly did not dampen our mood or stop us from doing any activity! Every single child has reached their potential, challenged themselves to push beyond what they thought they were capable of and have shown such resilience and bravery! We could not be any prouder of them all. Being away from home, for some, is not easy, but every single one of them have supported their friends and as you can see from the photos there has been so much laughter and joy. We have all climbed, rambled and meandered down a canal!

Last night, was the perfect finale of our stay as we were treated to array of talented acts. From theatrical performances, comedy sketches, dancing duos and pianists! What a range of talented bunch of children you have!

Enjoy the photos below which sums up our wonderful time away together making memories to stay in our hearts forever…





Year 6 have now all been given their roles for the end of year play- we are so excited to get started on it! I know each child will embrace their role and they will be encouraged both at school and home with great enthusaism! Every role in the play is crucial. Just like in a team, each member plays a significant part in working towards the shared goal. They will contribute to the overall success of the performance as a whole and help create something truly memorable. It will be a show  you won’t forget because they all played a part in creating it and we can’t wait!


    • Half Term- School to close for half on Friday 24th May at normal time. School will reopen on Monday 10th June.

    • Tuesday 11th June Sports Day- This will be the second day back after half term so feel free to practice the events over half term. The events and set up will be identical to last year- starting at 1:30-3:00.

    • Monday 17th June Jim Jam Jog- Sponsorship forms have gone out to all children. Get fundraising for a brilliant cause. Money to be brought in on Jim Jam Jog Day.

Year 5 Weekly Blog 24.05.24- ‘Humility has the ability to protect our common home’- Pope Francis

What a half term it has been! 5 down and 1 to go. With a very busy end to the week, we had to make sure the start was filled with lots of learning (which it was). In English, after learning and retrieving the features of an article, the children analysed some real life newspapers in order to find each of the features. The fun came with trying to decrypt the headlines by using our reading skills to work out the puns.

In Maths, we finished our conversion of metres, centimetres and millimetres and then used this knowledge to work with litres and millilitres. We also finished our history topic of crime and punishment- where we looked at modern day crimes and how they have impacted society and affected our prison population.

Thursday was a jam-packed day, with us having another visit of Frazier from Fylde Rangers. The class were tasked with trimming and organising our environmental garden in preparations for a potential forest school next year. The children also spent the day prepping for their cooking day after half term, with some tasting I believe taking place.

We finished the week with a CAFOD themed day, with a lovely visit from Diane, to show the children the importance of their fundraising and how their choices can impact communities around the world.

Let’s Celebrate

With us coming to the end of a half term, the children voted on their half termly certificate winners. The focus was engagement in lessons and how well they respond to teacher input. The children have voted for…

Rafe and Bella

  • Virtue Butterflies- Our virtues for this half term are learned and wise. Our butterfly goes to Riley. I love the way you play at out on the playground and how you use your creativity to have fun. It is so joyful when you play with children in younger year groups.

    Lunchtime Certificates

    • Marvellous Manners- Roseanna

    • Role Model of the Week- Ola


  • Homework- Please check the homework blog for over half term.

  • Half Term- School to close for half on Friday 24th May at normal time. School will reopen on Monday 10th June.

  • Tuesday 11th June Sports Day- This will be the second day back after half term so feel free to practice the events over half term. The events and set up will be identical to last year- starting at 1:30-3:00.

  • Friday 14th June Swimming Gala- Due to our longer half term and availability at the YMCA pools, we won’t be able to host a trails morning to take race times in order to pick our swimmers for the gala. Therefore, the children who have registered an interest in taking part are to record their own times for freestyle (front crawl), backstroke and breaststroke. It will just be one length of a regular sized swimming pool (25m). Please can a parent or guardian record these times and then let me know their time either via email or written down and brought into school. Ideally, can these times be completed before half term but anytime over half term is great- allowing us to collect everyone’s times and choose who will be competing.

  • Monday 17th June Jim Jam Jog- Sponsorship forms have gone out to all children. Get fundraising for a brilliant cause. Money to be brought in on Jim Jam Jog Day.

  • Music Wider Opportunities- For the past year, your child has learnt a musical instrument as part of the Wider Opportunity Scheme in school. For our Year 4 children it has been the flute, and for Year 5, the clarinet. As your child progresses to their next class, there will be the opportunity for them to continue to learn the instrument that they have learnt this year, in small groups, if they choose to do so. If your child wants to continue, there will be a cost to these sessions. That will be worked out once we know how many children want to continue their instruments into the next year. 

    Please complete the form below as an expression of interest.

Year 1 Homework 24.5.24


Please continue to read regularly at home and sign the challenge boxes, just a reminder it is one box per day.


I have made every child a phonics pack, please use it over the half term holidays. The work you do at home makes a huge difference and we can tell when you have worked at home. Two weeks is a long time so please try and fit it is as much as possible, it only needs to be a few mins per day. You can take the pack on holiday and the RWI videos are great to watch. This is the only homework I would like you to focus on as it is our priority over the holiday break

Below is a copy of the letter that is in your phonics pack:

In this pack there are a selection of flashcards and games to help practise our phonics reading skills. Please can you practise this at home, as we are off for two weeks it is really important that we continue our phonics during the holidays as the Phonics Screening will take place from Monday 10th June to Friday 14th June. Please note these screenings will take place over the week, so please continue to practise during the week, we are back at school. I will let you know when you child has completed their screening, but I cannot give results as the score threshold may change. You will find out if your child has passed or will retake in Year 2 in their report. If there is anything your child needs to focus on, I will write it on the pack and I have put specific sound sheets in so you can practise these at home.

 If you have any questions please email me.

When reading these words it is important we are accurate not speedy, I know for RWI we have been focusing on being speedy readers to move up in groups.

The Phonics screening is about accuracy, we have been practising in class please can you follow this at home, the children will know what to do:

 Scanning for the special friends

Fred talk

Read the word

During the screening I can’t prompt them so it is best they get in the habit of the above. By practising they will do it automatically.

If you have any questions about the phonics screening please email me.

Ask your child which sounds they have been learning this week, you can watch the videos to practise at home.

Have a lovely half break

Miss Drummond

Year 3 Weekly Blog 24th May - “If you see someone without a smile give them yours.”

Class Worship

Our class worship was led by Anna, Isaac and Jackson this week.They chose the hymns Shine, Jesus, Shine and All Glory Lord and honour for us to sing and they read God’s Promise (Acts 2). Our word of the week has been “Pentecost”.
In RE, we have learnt about The Holy Trinity - the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit.


This week’s learning:

Maths: We been talking all things lines! Horizontal, vertical, diagonal, parallel and perpendicular have been our key words. The children enjoyed spotting horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines on our trim trail. Check out their photos!
We identified parallel and perpendicular lines in shapes and uses mathematical notations to show them.


English: We have come to the end of our narrative writing unit this week as well as the end of our class novel “The Wild Robot". The children have thoroughly enjoyed listening to this heartwarming story. Today they have spent time writing a book review and designing posters for the movie. We’ve enjoyed watching the trailer - you can see it here.
Next half term we will be looking a classical poetry - the children have already had a sneak peek at some of the resources we will be using and are very curious and excited!


Computing: We’ve continued working on our Keynote presentations about St.Annes. This week we learnt how to add media to our slides.

PE - We managed to get outside on Monday afternoon and practised some of the events for our Sports Day. Sports Day will be on Wednesday 12th June at 1.30pm - Family and friends are welcome to watch and support their children.

Science - On Monday we had lots of fun with magnets, we set up four stations in the classroom. We made compasses, magnet mazes, suspended magnets and made them dance and I challenged the children to make magnets float using only a wooden dowel, playdough and some ring magnets.

Choir - Next half term Choir will be open to Year 3’s to join. Choir practise is on Thursday after school until 4.15pm with Miss Woodend. For more information and to sign up please see Miss Woodend’s blog post on the choir page here.

Conversation starter…

As we get ready for the final term of the school year, I would like to reflect on the year so far and think about what your goal will be for the next half term.

Which lessons have you enjoyed? Has there been a favourite topic or lesson this year? What have you found tricky? What has made you proud?
What would you like to achieve in the final term? How will you do this?

We will be setting ourselves goals in the first week back - I’m looking forward to hearing yours.


Learners of the half term have been voted for by the children in the class. The children were asked to voted for children who are focused and engaged during lessons showing great learning behaviour. The children voted for Phoebe and Liam.
Liam - Your friends have described you as a focused learned, who is funny and kind.
Phoebe - Your friends have described you as a focused learner, who is wise and a fantastic listener.

This half term’s virtues are learned and wise.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Heath.

Lunchtime Awards:
Role Model: Lena
Marvelous Manners: Hugo


  • School reopens on Monday 10th June at 8.45am

  • Monday 17th June - Jim Jam Jog! - Come to school in your pajamas and take in our sponsored event.

  • Library Visit - Year 3 will be visiting St Annes Library on Thursday 20th June.

  • Glazey Days Trip - We will be painting tiles on Thursday 4th July at Glazey Days in Fleetwood - more info to follow.

  • Nut Free School - Over the last couple of weeks we’ve noticed that items containing nuts are coming into school. It is really important that that doesn’t happen, there are children in school who have severe allergies and we need to ensure school is a safe place for them. Please help us with this by ensuring snack and lunchboxes are nut free this includes nut based spreads such as nutella and peanut butter, chocolate bars with nuts eg snicker type chocolates.

  • Helmets- We are hoping to buy some scooters for outside use on the playground, for money we have won for being the BEST class at walking to school! (Well done) We are wondering if anyone has any spare helmets their children no longer wear that they could kindly donate?

  • Sunglasses - Please do not send your children into school with sunglasses.

  • PE Days - Monday outdoor PE, Wednesday indoor PE. PE kits to be worn on these day, full school uniform the rest of the week unless your child has a sports club in the morning ie Judo on Friday.

  • Earrings - Must be removed for PE lessons, please do not send children in with tape or plasters to cover their earrings. If your child cannot remove earrings themselves please ensure they are removed at home before school.

Have a amazing half term and we’ll see you bright and early on Monday 10th June.

Mrs Naylor, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely

Year 5 Half Term Homework

Last chance to complete any of Summer 1’s optional homework. This can be documented/evidenced in a separate homework book marked ‘Learning Journal’. Please check last weeks blog to find these options.

Compulsory Homework


  1. privilege

  2. profession

  3. programme

  4. pronunciation

  5. punctuation

  6. queue

  7. recognise

  8. recommend

  9. relevant

  10. restaurant

  11. rhyme

  12. rhythm


The weekly SPAG sheet consisting of 10 questions has been stuck into the children’s homework books ready to complete.


Congratulations if you have ‘Gone Green’ on TTRS. Many of you are so close to getting green so keep practicing. If you are already green, focus on getting your time down to under one second- you know what the score to beat is! Check the new TTRS scoreboard just outside the create room.

Fractions will be our new unit of work after half term with lots to learn.

Z1- Fractions review

We have been doing lots of retrieval on percentages of amounts. Have a go at this IXL to keep our knowledge sharp. Remember these key rules:

10% (divide by 10)

1% (divide by 100)

50% = half

25% = quarter

HH9- Percent of a number


We have reached our class target of over 10,000,000 words for the year! Now it is time to focus on your own personal reading targets with only one half term to go!

This week...

Everything was going so well this week…the sun was shining and we were loving being warm and in the garden, then Wednesday arrived along with the rain! Never mind it saved us having to water the garden!

I must say the garden is looking spectacular. All the seeds we lovingly planted have germinated and are growing well. This week we have started to send home the childrens sunflower plants. Please encourage your child to look after them and then send us a picture when they have bloomed. We will have a little competition to see which sunflower is the tallest! No pressure!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

I can't believe how fast this half term has gone. You know what they say, time goes fast when you are having fun and that's exactly what we have been doing.

Here's what we have been up to.

Mr Murray has had us working our legs in a running race, ready for Sports Day. The children were put into teams and had to compete with each other (without wandering into another teams running lane!). It was made tricky as Mr Murray changed the movements to include hopping, jumping, galloping and finally, running backwards (this was really tricky). The children really enjoyed it and are getting very excited for Sports Day. 

Everyone has been busy being bug detectives in the garden. As our garden is growing, the children are starting to notice that the bugs are enjoying our garden too.

We have been very brave, picking them up to explore them in more detail. We can't wait to see what we can find when the garden has fully grown. Here is a bug matching game for you try at home. Click here. Enjoy!

It's show time! The children have been busy putting a show on for their friends. They have been dressing up, dancing, telling jokes and singing too. It has been fantastic to see how the children's confidence has grown. The nursery ladies really enjoyed it too. 

As the worms in our wormery have had babies, we have made our own little baby worms out of string for our wormery display. I measured the children's and nursery ladies little fingers, cut the string to that size, before sticking them up onto the wall. We played a size ordering game. The children had to work out the order from longest to shortest. We noticed that some of the strings were the same size. Although we have had a wonderful time exploring our wormery, it’s time to put the worms back into our garden so the babies can grow.

Have a wonderful 2 weeks off and I can't wait to hear what you've all been up to. Have lots of fun. 


Michelle’s blog

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog.

This week has been super busy and I can’t believe we only have one half term left of this school year.

This week we have had lots of practising for Sports Day. We have been kept very active in PE, as we tried really hard with our throwing and catching. We have also had some practice on the field, running in races.

We have also been practising our writing, trying to remember to use our ‘duck fingers’ also known as a tripod grip, with lots of name writing this week.

Every day in May we are keeping a tally of how we get to school, as we hope to help the environment by walking, cycling or scooting to school. Please join in with this if you can, as good habits started now will hopefully last a lifetime.



As you will know we have been learning about Mary and the Rosary. We have all made our own Rosary and made Rosary pictures as our nursery devotion to Mary. We have also created a small shrine dedicated to Our Lady and each day we have said the Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be.

We have also visited the school worship area to pray and Mrs Gregan has been joining us.

Jim Jam Jog

Your sponsor forms have been out going out for our annual JIM JAM JOG - a firm fixture on the school’s calendar. Every Summer, 240 children, staff and parents come dressed in their pjs ready to run as many times around the school field as possible. The funds raised always go towards the development of the school; this year that is our outside area and break time equipment. This year, it will take place on Monday 17th June at 8am.

In addition, this year we wanted to help another cause. It is very important that our children are aware of their community and causes that are close to them and us. There have been a number of significant events that have really made us stop this year and reflect. We hope that this summer, we can raise money for them both.

On 15th September 2023, we lost a very dear former pupil of ours, Harrison Bretheron. In a couple of week’s time, the family and friends of Harrison will be running his 22nd mile. Harrison never made it to 22 years of age; this is their tribute to him. All money raised from the run will be donated between Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and The Firefighter’s Charity; both of which have supported many of our current and former families. So far, they have raised over £15,000 - it is remarkable. We want to do our bit as well. Please support this event as much as you can - get your pjs ready!

We will be hosting a second charity towards the end of the year which our Year 5 children will tell us all about in a few week’s time.

Sports Day

Foundation Sports Day is being held on Tuesday 18th June at 2.00pm. All children are invited to attend this event. If it is not your childs usual day/session they are most welcome to join but they must be in nursery no later than 1.45 pm wearing shorts and trainers.

Things to do in the holidays

Purple Mash

Don’t forget there are lots of exciting learning opportunities on Purple Mash! Check to see what there is to do.

Story time

How to catch a rainbow. Click here.

Finally, I have just one thing to say…have the most wonderful half term holiday and may God send us the sunshine.

Keep safe and I will see everyone on the 10th June.

God Bless
