Year 3 Homework- Friday 18th October


This weeks focus is irregular past tense verbs.
Spelling quiz will be on Monday 28th October

  1. came

  2. went

  3. saw

  4. told

  5. sang

  6. broke

  7. heard

  8. won

  9. found

  10. thought

Well done to those children who achieved their reading targets this half term. Target will be reset ready to go again after the break.

Numbots & TT Rockstars
The children are able to log on at home to practise number skills and times tables. I have set some time telling 2dos on purplemash - can you have a go?

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 6 Weekly Blog ‘Autumn tells is the season that teaches us that change can be beautiful’

I can’t believe we have come to the end of our first half term in Year 6! It has gone by so quick, but what a start Year 6 have made. They have all grown so much in the last few weeks, developing their independence and reflecting on the areas they know they need to wok on- we couldn’t be more prouder of them. Make sure they get lots of rest this short break, so that they are ready and raring to go for another busy, run-up to Christmas. It has been so lovely to talk to you all at the parent’s meetings, celebrating the successes of each one of them.

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Power Prints!

This half term, the children have been homing in on their observational skills. From thinking about how shading can be used to express tone, observing and thinking about proportion, to using scissors to draw and create mechanical artwork. They have also had a go at making their very own scratch art! It has been absolutely wonderful taking the class through their journey of exploration into various art techniques to create a collaborative piece of art to end the unit.

Growing Artists!

We have had a wonderful time in art this half term, focusing on our drawing techniques to produce various botanical pieces of work. From observational drawing, shading, frottage and scientific study to produce amazing pieces. The children are such wonderful budding artists!

Marvellous Marks!


It has been so delightful welcoming Reception into the Create Room. This half term, the children have been busy exploring different media and mark making. From wax crayons to chalks and felt tips, we have thought about various marks we can make using different methods. The children have loved these sessions were very proud of their work.

Tell a story!

This half term has been an utter delight working alongside Year 2. Through the exploration of marks, observations, texture and characterisation, the children have taken a journey to create their own story through art. Each week building on previous learning to create their own book.

Make Your Mark!

What a joy it has been this half term, experimenting, exploring and investigating various media and mark making. The children have taken part in independent and collaborative tasks using new techniques to create pieces of art. The children have been so proud of what they have achieved and created, they are all such budding artists!

Make My Voice Heard!


This half term, we have been exploring an array of artistic influences. From Mayan art to Street art and Chiaroscuro, we have studied how, through art, we can make our voice heard. We have looked at how symbols within art can have an impact and how powerful these can be and come up with their own symbols to represent themselves. Using their knowledge and skills learned throughout the term, they will complete their own artistic piece after the half term break. It has been wonderful to watch they children grow in their artistic talent and I cannot wait to see how they will develop this further through the year!

Year 5 Weekly Blog 17.10.24-

And just like that, we have arrived at the end of our first half term of the year (it’s scary to think that Christmas is on its way). Regardless of the weather, it has still been a fun yet productive final week of autumn 1. On Monday, to celebrate completing our first unit of ‘My Happy Mind’, we put our arts and crafts skills to the test to make some ‘HAP Hats’. I’m hoping that these hats made it home in one piece for all of you to see. Our ‘My Happy Mind’ Champion for this week was Joseph, who wore his badge with pride and really looked after it this week- thankyou Joseph.

In certain lessons, it was about wrapping up our knowledge in that subject with some evaluation quizzes in which the children relished this and whizzed through their questions.

In History, we continued with the Battle of Marathon and analysed this as historians to look at the different verisons of this famous story. The children had to use the evidence presented to find the clues and answers to specific questions in order to assess the credibility of the story.

In English, we have continued in reading our class novel of ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’, surpassing Chapter 6 of our exciting childhood classic.


  • Sports Club Opportunities- Information for Autumn 2 clubs are available on the sports page of the blog.

  • Homework- Please check the homework blog for work to do over half term.

Have a wonderful half term break.

From Mr Cornwell, Mrs Barker and Mrs Tierney

Year 5 Weekly Blog 11.10.24- ' You are not weak for struggling, you are brave for facing your battles face on'

It has been a action-packed and fun-filled week in Year 5. On Wednesday, we began our second year of enrichment opportunities with each class going to another teacher to take part in an activity of their choosing. To kick things off, Year 5 took the small trip to their previous classroom for some card games with Mrs Lyons, where they learned a personal favourite of mine- Gin Rummy.

On Thursday, it was ‘World Mental Health Day’ in which we collaborated this with ‘Hello Yellow’. Our focus of the day was to stay informed what mental health is, what can cause mental health illness. We talked about the importance of talking to trusted adults and not bottling up any upsetting emotions and how we can maintain a positive mental attitude. The children then had some self-reflection on their own personal qualities and what makes them happy. The children then got to take part in my enrichment opportunity of ‘quiz mastering’ where they used their knowledge to battle through the quiz. We then ended the day with some arts and crafts by creating some happy yellow emoji bookmarks, something that the children can then take home.

We then ended our week in coming together in faith with our annual harvest mass. Thank you all so much for your generous donations- they really are appreciated. In English, it has been a full week of independent writing of our story based on ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’. Lots of sore hands this week with pages and pages of writing. The children have certainly earned their half term break.

In Maths. We have been doing lots of rounding and looking at numbers up to a million and focusing on rounding to digits across the place value chart. Children have enjoyed the challenge of applying these learnt skills into some problem solving and reasoning style questions.

In History, we have built on last weeks knowledge of Athens and Sparta to look at one of the most historical events of the Ancient Greek times- The Battle of Marathon. With lots of information to process including opposition, reasoning and strategical warfare, the best way to retain this information was to reenact the battle itself. With the class being split into Athenians, Spartans and Persians, they travelled across seas and battled hard on the Bay of Marathon. Big shoutout to our Philidipphies for their commitment to their role in running many laps around the school playground.

Conversation starters

In ‘My Happy Mind’, we have looked at how certain tasks can be fearful for us but have a low level of danger, which can send our amyglada into overdrive.

This may be :

  • the dark

  • public speaking

  • heights

This week’s question, “How do you calm yourself down when you’re feeling stressed?

Let’s Celebrate

Josh for being an enthusiastic and brave learner: We are all so proud of you Josh- representing the school football team! You have worked really hard in the training sessions leading to this and you were so happy to be playing alongside your classmates in the Our Lady’s shirt- collecting all of your stats from the game. Make sure you transfer this enthusiasm into the classroom.

Charlotte for being a reflective learner: You are a child who just loves learning Charlotte, especially displaying your learning in your books. This is why you set yourself high standards when it comes to presentation. Even though you are a terrific writer, during our independent writing you are still asking for help when you need it because you want to get the best out of the learning opportunity. Great work!

Virtue Star of the Week: Our virtue start of the week goes to Finley. You are just so attentive towards your classmates Finley. Such a kind and considerate soul who really takes everyone’s concerns and thoughts into account. You have shown this throughout many of our teamwork tasks this week.

My Happy Mind Champion- Tommy

Lunchtime Certificates

Role Model of the Week- Finley

Marvelous Manners- Ciaran


  • Sports Club Opportunities- Information regarding this is available on the sports page of the website. If interested, please complete the forms to register your child for a specific club.

  • Parents Day Appointments- This will take place on Friday 18th October. Bookings have gone live on ‘the cloud’ which is available on Mrs Gregan’s weekly blog.

  • Half Term- School will close on Thursday 17th October at normal time. School will reopen on Monday 28th October.

Have a wonderful weekend,

From Mr Cornwell, Mrs Barker and Mrs Tierney