Autumn 2 Extra-Curricular Clubs and Opportunities.

Please click on the button below to see what is available this half term and what your child can sign up for. As always, we will rotate options throughout the year to give all children access, whilst also looking at the competitions taking place. If you child attends the All Stars Wrap Around Care at school and would like to take part in the clubs, please still complete the form so that we can amend registers. Children will be able to attend All Stars before of after the clubs.

We are tweaking what we offer through Judo Education and now offering it as a permanent club where the children will compete and grade. This is really exciting and a lovely development for our school. The children who sign up will be the same children throughout the rest of the year. This will be run direct through Judo Education.

It is lovely that our choir is back on with Miss Woodend as we approach Christmas. Every Thursday, from the second week back, Miss Woodend will be leading a group of children from Years 4, 5 & 6. We are so excited to see what you do! This will then lead into the Big Sing Festival in Spring.

Please sign up to the clubs using the buttons below.

This week...

All things Harvest this week!

We have been talking about God’s Wonderful World and how it allows us to grow foods to eat. We found out how food was harvested and stored for the Winter months and how we should be grateful. We watched a couple of short videos. Click here for Harvest Time Down on the Farm and here for What is Harvest Festival?

We even made our own bread and ate it for snack! Everyone said it was delicious! We found our about wheat and how to make bread with my friend Pip, click on the button to see the slides. Maybe you could make some bread at home too!

We also danced the Harvest Samba, click here to dance at home!

We had great fun mixing our own playdough too!

Harvest Festival with Reception

Such a wonderful celebration! It was so lovely to be together as a whole Foundation Stage. We found out about Harvest Festival and talked about the generous donations we had collected and why?

To finish our assembly we said a prayer to say ‘thank you’ to God for giving us the world to live in and for the opportunity to grow such fabulous foods. We then danced the Harvest Samba all around the hall…and played instruments! It was joyous!

After worship we all had a BIG play in the nursery garden…together. It was magical!!

If you fancy a Harvest Story at home click here!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

Summer has definitely gone now, and autumn is finally here, but it hasn't stopped the children from having fun.

Our nursery garden is full of Autumn colours and leaves. There are still plenty more to fall too, that means lots of sweeping! Never to miss an opportunity to be creative the children have been turning the leaves in to leaf people! They have brought them alive by gluing the leaves onto paper and adding faces and body parts! They look fabulous!!!

Here's an Autumn song. Hope you enjoy singing along to it. Click here. 

To continue working on our fine motor skills, the children have been having fun making dens using lots of different fabrics and large pegs to hold their den together. The children found it a bit tricky, as the pegs were quite wide to grasp, but they kept on trying, just like one of our learning characters, Sadie Spider…try, try, try to catch that fly!!!!

To further challenge the children’s fine motor skills we have been having a go at a fun finger and hand strengthening activity…stretching their hand muscles. The activity involved stretching hair scrunchies over a large cup, just like putting a sock over their feet. I will also be sending this activity home for you to practice, so have fun! It will help the children to put their socks on independently after PE sessions…good luck everyone!

Have a wonderful Autumn weekend and I will see you all for our last week before half-term.

Michelle’s blog

Welcome to this week's blog everyone.

We continue with our brain growing as we have been developing our pincer grip. We do this by taking part in lots of activities where we have to use our fingers to grip and pick up. I hope you have been enjoying the Evil Pea game that has been going home. I have enjoyed hearing the children tell us about how they played it at home with their families. This game helps children to develop a pincer grip, which they will need to become confident writers. We have lots more games planned, so they children can share their learning at home.

This week we have noticed that Autumn is definitely here. We have explored and investigated the leaves in the garden and have noticed that they are changing colour. Why not go for an autumn walk and see what you can discover. Here are some ideas.

Have a lovely weekend 


Wow! What a fabulous week!

It’s hard to believe we have nearly been at nursery for half a term! Can I remind everyone that nursery will close on Thursday next week for the half term holiday, we return on Monday 3rd November. Make sure you have a good rest because we will be starting number work (cardinality and counting) and sounds (phonemes) when we return!

The cardinal value of a number refers to the quantity of things it represents, e.g. the numerosity, ‘howmanyness’, or ‘threeness’ of three. When children understand the cardinality of numbers, they know what the numbers mean in terms of knowing how many things they refer to. Counting is one way of establishing how many things are in a group, because the last number you say tells you how many there are. Children enjoy learning the sequence of counting numbers long before they understand the cardinal values of the numbers. Subitising is another way of recognising how many there are, without counting.

Don’t panic, it’s fun!

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.

God Bless


Year 5 Homework due Thursday 17th October

Compulsory Homework


Lots of children are close to their reading target for the half term, just two weeks left so lots of extra reading at home.

Times Tables

Lots of TTRS to make sure we are super sharp and speedy on our times tables- these will come in handy this year. The children’s TTRS logins have been stuck on the inside of their homework books.


Our spellings have changed slightly in that we are aiming to achieve more retrieval across our spellings. The children have been given a spellings practice sheet, which is to be completed as evidence of practice. Each child has also been given two spelling test sheets to practice over the week in order to identify which words require more focus.

  1. where

  2. room

  3. food

  4. minute

  5. special

  6. popular

  7. chatting

  8. knitted

  9. shredding

  10. grabbed

  11. rhyme

  12. signature

  13. mischievous

  14. appreciate

  15. environment

    Mrs Barker’s group

    1. key

    2. saw

    3. bird

    4. where

    5. room

    6. food

    7. minute

    8. special

    9. popular

    10. skipping

Optional Homework

Music- The Blues

Ask your parents if they are interested in any blues songs?

Play with ‘Expressions Test’ with them and see how similar/different your thoughts are with your family (starter activity in lessons)

Listen to some of the biggest/best blues songs to be made– can you choose a favourite and tell me why.

 History- Ancient Greeks

There are so many Ancient Greek Gods/Goddesses. All with amazing abilities and qualities.

Create a set of Top Trumps Cards– Ancient Gods Edition.

Choose your own stats and battle against your friends.

Science- Materials

Pick a material in your house and analyse its properties (ticks and crosses)

 examples of properties:

-Hard or Soft?

-Rough or Smooth?

- Transparent, Translucent or Opaque?



 My Happy Mind

Do your parents know about the different parts of the brain (HAP)? Can you teach them this so they can learn something new?

Happy Breathing is a technique used to calm us down when were stressed or scared. Teach your family how to do this and write down when you have used this technique

Year 6 Weekly Blog - "Small seeds of Gratitude will produce a harvest of hope"

Harvest is a time of thanksgiving and gratitude; to thank God for the things we have and all that God has given to us. Our liturgies this week have been centred around this and our RE this week looked also at the smallest seed- the mustard seed. Year 6 have been reflecting on the parables that Jesus shared with us that taught us about the Kingdom of God and how this can start off so small within us, but as we love and follow in Jesus’ footsteps this can grown in to something more powerful.

This week we had a beautiful litrugy led by a number of children, all about the courage that God gives us…

When I reflect on the week, I am so proud of the amount of learning Year 6 are getting through. They are working so hard and trying their absolute best in every lesson! The big push has been reading this week, as there were a number of pupils that are not reading or quizzing regualrly enough, and the children have responded really well to me setting them targets when they should be quizzing by- please encourage them at home to relax and have quiet time out with a book!

In our English lessons, we are loving our class novel and seeing how the mysteries unfold. We have written diaries in the perspective of the main character and next week they will get feedback on this, but I have had a quick look and I am excited to get reading! In History we have been looking at the highs and lows in Catherine Aragon’s life, making our very own human graph and even looking for evidence in a letter from Henry to Anne Boleyn- was it a love letter?

My Happy Mind

This week in our My Happy Mind session we had some fun, using our knowledge of the three parts of the brain: The Hippocampus, Amygdala and the Prefrontal Cortex. We played a game of ‘TEAM-HAP-SNAP’, seeing who was first to match all the characters working together!


This week, we have completed our 5th and final Kidsafe lesson, before our recap in summer term, about hearing parents/carers arguing. Please click the button below to find out more detail about this lesson.

Please click the button below to find out more detail about this lesson.

Year 6 had a great afternoon at enrichment with Mr Cornwell for the ‘BIG QUIZ!’ …

Delving deeper through talk …

What is the Kingdom of God? Can you retell one of the parables and explain its meaning?

My Happy Mind…

Why is it important for all three parts of the brain to work together?

Helpers in the mornings:

This week Year 6 will only be helping on Thursday and Friday. We have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Liam Luke Cora Ella


Thank you to you all for getting in the medical forms- all information has now been sent off. Children will find out next Thursday who they will be sharing rooms with etc. Castlerigg have confrimed they do not need the actual duvet- children just need to bring a single duvet COVER or a sleeping bag. I will post the final details that you need to know, confirming times and reminding you of anyhting they need to bring on the blog next week- it’s getting exciting!

Leading Learners

Well done to Elsie and Gabriella and this week.

Elsie, you are such a reflective learner Elsie and this is what makes your work fly! You lsiten to feedback and respond, trying hard to improve all the time. We love the way you can also independently reflect on your own work without promting, always eager to edit and use that purple pen!

Gabriella- you have impressed us this week with how hard you have tried to complete your work, no matter how challegning you have found it. You have kept on going, not given up and all with a smile on your face! We see how hard you are trying Gabriella and we are so proud.

Attentive and Discerning butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are attentive in the way we look at the world and in others, taking the time to notice the big and the small things each day. We will also be spotting children who are discerning, who choose the right decisions with integrity. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Archie for being attentive and discerning to help others.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Isaac

Role Model of the week … Sophia


  • Please do visit Mrs Gregan’s blog for important information.

  • Have you booked your tickets for the dance show?

  • Could you please collect and bring in to school boxes, egg cartons, tubes (not toilet roll) - basically anything suitable  for constructing  their models in DT next half term!

  • Have you booked your parent’s day appointment for next Friday? Don’t forget we break up for October Half term on Thursday.

  • please encourage children to complete homework on time and handed in on Wednesdays- it is great preparation for High School

Year 6 Home Learning 10.10.24

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! In your books please also complete the missing addend problems in your book. We have been doing this in class, so the children should be able to have a good go at this!

Spelling - will be practiced throughout the week and the children will be quizzed on the Thursday. There will also be a quiz for you to complete on Purple Mash, once you have spent a good amount of time practicing these spellings throughout the week.


Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 9th October


This weeks focus is prefix ‘re’
Spelling quiz will be on Monday 14th October

  1. reread

  2. rewrite

  3. remind

  4. revisit

  5. refresh

  6. remove

  7. review

  8. replace

  9. repeat

  10. rearrange

Please continue reading at home daily for 10-15mins, targets will be reset at the end of this half term - Can you reach your target before then?

Numbots & TT Rockstars
The children are able to log on at home to practise number skills and times tables. I have set some time telling 2dos on purplemash - can you have a go?

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 5 Weekly Blog 04.10.24- 'Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much'

Yet another week has flown by in Year 5 with lots of learning, lots of thinking and lots of experiences taking place. Four lucky children this week were chosen for a trip out to St Peter’s for a forest school experience, something that we as a school are interested in having in our outdoor area. Photos from this are available on Mrs Gregan’s blog.

In Maths, it has been all things rounding in our number topic, with us recapping the important steps from Year 4, before we moved onto rounding to the nearest 10,000 and 100,000.

In English, we have began our independent write for our first narrative of the year- The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. The children have been combining their creative thinking and grammar skills so produce some excellent sentences.

In Science, we looked at methods of how to separate solutions via evaporation and looking at other real life examples of solution and how these are separated.

In RE, the focus has been about looking after our common home and what we can do protect God’s creation. This has linked perfectly to our Word of the Week which has been ‘unity’- how can we unite as God’s creation to look after his planet.

Conversation starters

In ‘My Happy Mind’, we have looked at ways of how to improve our brain to carry out activities that release serotonin. We created checklists of things that we currently do that help our brain and a list of targets to improve on.

These included:

  • regular exercise

  • Good amount of sleep

  • Consistent sleeping patterns

  • Reduced screen time on devices

This week’s question, “How does your checklist compare with your parents?

Subject question of the week- In History, we have looked at the life of a Spartan compared to an Athenian.

The Spartans main focus’ were strength, bravery and endurance. Where would you rank these three traits in terms of importance?

Let’s Celebrate

Matilda for being an inquisitive and cooperative learner: This week, you were given the opportunity to represent the school in an out of school learning occasion. You were given this chance because you are a role model and the virtues you portray every day. You worked so well in your forest school team and asked lots of really interesting questions that were beneficial to the school.

Ciaran for being a focused and determined learner: You have really taken on your teachers new expectations in Year 5 of focusing on your learning the second you step into the classroom. This has been seen in your Maths work this week as you have been flying through all of your rounding work. Excellent job Ciaran.

Virtue Star of the Week: Our virtue start of the week goes to Grace. Your patience, kindness and stillness is just so graceful Grace. You are a such a good learning partner to have. You are so considerate towards everyone and their needs and you always respect their viewpoints. A delight to teach!

My Happy Mind Champion- Beth

Lunchtime Certificates

Role Model of the Week- Lily

Marvelous Manners- Tilly


  • Sports Club Opportunities- Information regarding this is available on the sports page of the website. If interested, please complete the forms to register your child for a specific club.

  • Harvest Festival- For harvest this year, our chosen food for this year is canned meat. Any donations would be hugely appreciated. Our Harvest Mass will be on Friday 11th October which is when we will be taking our food donations down to church.

  • Thursday 10th October World Mental Health Day- To collaborate with this day, we are doing ‘Hello Yellow’ so the children bring £1 in and they can wear anything yellow. This could be a t-shirt, football kit, socks, hair bobble- anything.

  • Parents Day Appointments- This will take place on Friday 18th October. Bookings have gone live on ‘the cloud’ which is available on Mrs Gregan’s weekly blog.

Have a wonderful weekend,

From Mr Cornwell, Mrs Barker and Mrs Tierney

Year 6 Weekly Blog - "No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted."

Kindness doesn’t cost anything, it is something that we can all give and it makes our world a better place. This week, in our council meeting we shared the acts kindness we have seen within our class and celebrated those children. Another one of the Kingdom of God values. Seeing little acts of kindness around the classroom and on the playground throughout the week has been really lovely, and of course being active in the choices that we make. We have even started a kindness jar, where we add the acts of kindness we see throughout the day and share these with everyone.

Read more

Year 5 Homework due Thursday 10th October

Compulsory Homework


Lots of children are close to their reading target for the half term, just two weeks left so lots of extra reading at home.

Times Tables

Lots of TTRS to make sure we are super sharp and speedy on our times tables- these will come in handy this year. The children’s TTRS logins have been stuck on the inside of their homework books.


Our spellings have changed slightly in that we are aiming to achieve more retrieval across our spellings. The children have been given a spellings practice sheet, which is to be completed as evidence of practice. Each child has also been given two spelling test sheets to practice over the week in order to identify which words require more focus.

  1. some

  2. come

  3. their

  4. bicycle

  5. medicine

  6. question

  7. potatoes

  8. heroes

  9. geese

  10. people

  11. amateur

  12. communicate

  13. familiar

  14. physical

  15. twelfth

    Mrs Barker’s group

    1. show

    2. there

    3. chew

    4. some

    5. come

    6. their

    7. bicycle

    8. medicine

    9. question

    10. potatoes

Optional Homework

Music- The Blues

Ask your parents if they are interested in any blues songs?

Play with ‘Expressions Test’ with them and see how similar/different your thoughts are with your family (starter activity in lessons)

Listen to some of the biggest/best blues songs to be made– can you choose a favourite and tell me why.

 History- Ancient Greeks

There are so many Ancient Greek Gods/Goddesses. All with amazing abilities and qualities.

Create a set of Top Trumps Cards– Ancient Gods Edition.

Choose your own stats and battle against your friends.

Science- Materials

Pick a material in your house and analyse its properties (ticks and crosses)

 examples of properties:

-Hard or Soft?

-Rough or Smooth?

- Transparent, Translucent or Opaque?



 My Happy Mind

Do your parents know about the different parts of the brain (HAP)? Can you teach them this so they can learn something new?

Happy Breathing is a technique used to calm us down when were stressed or scared. Teach your family how to do this and write down when you have used this technique

This week...

A lovely week at nursery. We have welcomed two new friends to our family here at school. Everyone has been very kind and generous showing them where everything lives and the routines and rhythms of the day.

When I think about everything that we do in a day and week at nursery I just can’t believe it. The children take everything in their stride. it’s no wonder they are exhausted by Friday. After half term we will be starting Read, Write Inc, sounds and Maths Mastery….even more learning, FANTASTIC! We love to grow our brains!

Read Write Inc (for those who want to know a little bit more and get ahead of the game!)

Read Write Inc is a method of learning centred around letter sounds and phonics.

Click here Please remember we will only be learning Set 1 Speed sounds. Sounds will be introduced slowly to ensure we can say the sounds correctly and have a go at writing them. Pencil hold is key!

If you scroll down the page there are some videos to watch. They are very useful especially how we say the sounds We are not at the blending sounds stage…save that video for later.

When we start (after half term) be guided by the information that I will post weekly.


The month of October each year is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. This week we have been making our own Rosary and practising the Hail Mary, Our Father and Glory be. There is a lot to remember maybe you could help our at home.

Everyone has made their own Rosary to use at school. We went to the school Chapel to pray the Rosary. We also took our prayer jar; we put new prayers in each week.

This week we have new prayer leaders to help us to make the sign of the Cross and how to hold our hands in prayer.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

 Firstly, it was really nice chatting and meeting some of you for the first time at our parent meetings. Thank you for coming. If you have not managed to catch up with me, just drop me an email.

We have been practising our gross motor skills in the garden this week. Gross motor skills involve the larger muscle groups in the arms, legs and core. We have been using different sized paint brushes in water, and the children have been busy painting walls, floors and even the outdoor play houses (not to mention themselves!). The children even used large sweeping brushes dipped in water as well. Working on gross motor skills prepares the children for writing, like holding the paper down with one hand and writing with the other.

We have continue our learning thread by making colour monster biscuits. The children all got involved to help make the biscuit mix. We discussed ingredients and the utensils that we would need to be able to make the biscuits. When they were cooked, we decorated them with icing and colour monster sprinkles. Everyone enjoyed eating them for our snack as a treat. Nursery suddenly became very quiet at snack time on that day, I'm not sure why?

Here is a video to watch how to make 'hair do cookies'. If you get time, have a go. I would love to see your bakes. Have fun. Click here.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

See you all on Monday 


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We had a really wet start to the week so this meant we had the opportunity to play lots of games indoors, practising our turn taking and sharing. We love the opposites game where we have to  find the opposite picture. It's quite tricky at times. Any practice you can give your child to find an opposite word will help with their recall and language development.

Another game we have been playing is sound lotto. This is where we have to listen really carefully and identify the sounds that we can hear. This is a good game for focus and concentration. It will also help with sound recognition when we start our Read, Write, Inc sessions. If you don't have this game at home you can easily play this outside by asking your child what they can hear.

We continue to develop our fundamental movement skills and have focussed on throwing and catching this week. Why not have a game of throw and catch at home this weekend.

Finally, it seems you have all been enjoying the Evil Pea game that I have been sending home. Don't worry if you haven't had a turn yet, everyone will get a chance to take it home.

Have a lovely weekend


My Happy Mind

This week we have been working hard to keep our brain calm and to improve our concentration skills.

We played mindfulness bubble bounce, have a go at home. Click here.

Harvest Festival

Thank you to everyone who has already brought in nappies for our contribution the the Harvest Festival. Don’t worry if you haven’t managed to yet we have until next Friday.

Family Mass

Don’t forget our first family mass on Sunday 6th October. As with everything that we offer in school, these are just opportunities and are never compulsory, just another way of coming together. Ironically, the theme of the Gospel that weekend is children coming to God - seems just perfect.

Lastly, I hope the weather stays fine and you manage some lovely family time outdoors. Here’s a little weekend challenge if you are up for it! Click on the button below.

Remember stay safe and God Bless
