Year 1 - Meeting your new teacher - Thursday 9th July

Good morning Year 1! Did you enjoy yesterday’s Playground Pal day? I hope you did!


Here are Thursday’s daily activities:

The School Prayer

Read the school prayer below with an adult.

school prayer.JPG

As you can see, our school prayer is missing a bit of colour and a few illustrations to match the words. Can you make an eye catching poster containing the school prayer? You can print the one out above and decorate it or can write out the prayer yourself using your beautiful handwriting. The most creative will be used on display in your new Year 2 classroom.

Faith-Filled and Hopeful

As we are coming to the end of transition week, I would like you to look ahead and think carefully about your hopes for next year. What do you hope for yourself? What do you hope for the world? Create a poster containing your hope using the Purple Mash template set as a 2DO. We will then be collecting together your hopes to create a lovely, whole school display for when you return to school in September.


Check Mrs Curtis’ blog for this week’s art activity. Have fun being a ‘Creative Kiki Chameleon!’

Extra Activities

Which Year 1 IXL sections do you need to complete before Year 2? Have a look and see if you can complete them all!

Purple Mash - Play challenge 1 of the ‘bond bubbles’ game I have set as a 2DO for you on Purple Mash.

Keep reading for at least 30 minutes a day. Maybe you could send me the name of your favourite book or author!

Practise your cursive handwriting using the sheet below as a guide to help you.

Enjoy your day,

Miss Woodend

Year 1 - Meet your new teacher - Wednesday 8th July

We’ve reached the middle of the week Year 1! Are you enjoying your taste of Year 2? Are you feeling like a Year 2 yet?


Here are Wednesday’s daily activities:

Today is Playground Pal day!

“What is a Playground Pal?” I hear you ask! Watch the video below to find out more.

Listen to and enjoy ‘Spinderella’ by Julia Donaldson.

What lessons did Spinderella and her family learn in the story? Are Playground Pals like Spinderella? What do you think?
Imagine that you are Spinderella and you are looking down onto our playground at school. What would you like to see? What would the Playground Pals be doing? What would the children be playing? Draw a picture and label with all of the important features of a happy playtime.

Activity 2

Can you create a new Playground Pal bib? What would it show? Would it have a logo on it to show everyone on the playground what your job was? How would it stand out? Use the template below if you wish.

Extra Activities

Which Year 1 IXL sections do you need to complete before Year 2? Have a look and see if you can complete them all!

Purple Mash - Play challenge 1 of the ‘bond bubbles’ game I have set as a 2DO for you on Purple Mash.

Keep reading for at least 30 minutes a day. Maybe you could send me the name of your favourite book or author!

Practise your cursive handwriting using the sheet below as a guide to help you.

Have a wonderful day future Playground Pals,

Miss Woodend

Year 1 - Meet your new teacher - Tuesday 7th July

Hi Year 1!
I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s activities and are ready for the day ahead.


Here are Tuesday’s daily activities:

School’s Mission Statement - ‘You are precious in my eyes’

precious is my eyes.JPG

As we all know, we are all precious in God’s eyes and are all incredibly unique and special! Today, I would like you all to think about how you are special and precious … what makes you YOU?! Draw a picture of yourself and surround it with all of your talents and the qualities that make you unique. Did God give you the gift of honesty? Did he give you the gift of humour? Do you enjoy singing and dancing? Think really carefully and celebrate how special we all truly are!

Our Year 2 class rules and expectations

When we start school in September, we will be sitting down and creating our class rules and expectations together. Today I would you to think carefully about what our class rules should be and how we can create a happy, calm and loving classroom environment.
Look at the image below and print off if possible.

blob classroom.JPG

Have you ever felt like any of the Blobs in the image? Which Blobs are making the right choices? Which are not? Which Blob do you aspire to be like in September? If you could give a colour for each feeling and emotion, what colours would the Blobs be? Would some be red for angry? Would some be blue for sad? Would any be yellow for happy? If you are able to print the image, colour the Blobs in their feeling colours.
Now have a go at writing a list of classroom rules and expectations. What would you like others to see if they came into our classroom?


Check Mrs Gregan’s post for this week’s PE challenge. Have fun!

Extra Activities

Which Year 1 IXL sections do you need to complete before Year 2? Have a look and see if you can complete them all!

Purple Mash - Play challenge 1 of the ‘bond bubbles’ game I have set as a 2DO for you on Purple Mash.

Keep reading for at least 30 minutes a day. Maybe you could send me the name of your favourite book or author!

Practise your cursive handwriting using the sheet below as a guide to help you.

Enjoy your day,

Miss Woodend

Year 1 - Meet your new teacher - Monday 6th July

Good Morning Year 1!

As you can see, this week is slightly different, as I (Miss Woodend) am taking over your learning page to get to know you a little more. This means that next year …. I am going to be your new Year 2 teacher! I am so excited!

Watch the video below for a quick hello!

Helping in our classroom next year is also going to be Mrs Connolly, who is also incredibly excited to get to know you!

Just like you have been used to over the past couple of months of home learning, I will be posting a sheet of activities that can be dipped in and out of throughout the week. I will also be posting a couple of activities each day for you to complete. The children at school will be completing exactly the same work as the children at home, so please don’t worry!

If you would like to contact me over the coming week, my email address is

I am looking forward to receiving your photographs and getting to know you all.

Here are the activities for you to access throughout the week:


Here are Monday’s daily activities:

Getting to know you!

Below I have attached a getting to know you sheet just like the one I used in the video. Please complete your sheet, thinking really carefully about all of your favourite things. This will help me to get to know you even more! If you are unable to print out the sheet, you could draw your own or create a poster and include all of your favourite things using the headings to help you. Once finished, take a photograph and send it to my email address. I can’t wait to find out all about you all!

Faith-Filled and Hopeful

During our time at home over the last couple of months, we have all had to put our trust in God and be as full of faith and hope as we possible could be in such different and difficult times. Therefore, the teachers at school decided that the best virtues to focus upon during the last two weeks of home learning would be faith-filled and hopeful.

Activity 1 - Walking by faith
1 person is to be blindfolded whilst another guides them from one point to another without bumping into anything. Before blindfolding, the guider will ask “Do you trust me to guide you? Do you have faith in yourself and in me to get from here to there without being able to see where you’re going? I will be with you for the journey and guide you along the way. Are you ready?”
The guider then guides the blindfolded person from point A to B. To make it more difficult, can the guider use only verbal directions?

Watch the video by clicking the link below:

Now discuss. How is this similar to following God? How is this like our spiritual walk in faith? Why do you think the Bible calls our spiritual life a ‘walk’? In what ways does God guide us? Is everyone’s journey the same? What ONE step will you take this week in your spiritual walk? Write this in your books or create an image on Purple Mash.

Extra Activities

Which Year 1 IXL sections do you need to complete before Year 2? Have a look and see if you can complete them all!

Purple Mash - Play challenge 1 of the ‘bond bubbles’ game I have set as a 2DO for you on Purple Mash.

Keep reading for at least 30 minutes a day. Maybe you could send me the name of your favourite book or author!

Practise your cursive handwriting using the sheet below as a guide to help you.

Have a lovely day,

Miss Woodend