What has surprised you about home learning? I’ve been surprised by how much work I can get done when I give myself little breaks in the sunshine.
Read moreYear 3 Tuesday 12th May 2020 home learning
What are your thoughts on today? Is there anything you need help with?
Read moreYear 3 Monday 11th May 2020 home learning
How are you feeling today? What are you looking forward to?
Read moreYear 3 Thursday 7th May 2020 home learning
What is your favourite season and why? I love Summer as you can be outside more, I like long walks in the sunshine and ice cream.
Read moreYear 3 Wednesday 6th May 2020 home learning
Doesn’t this look a lovely picture, it makes me feel relaxed. How does it make you feel?
Read moreYear 3 Tuesday 5th May 2020 home learning
Do you prefer playing in the sunshine or jumping in puddles in your wellies?
Read moreYear 3 Monday 4th May 2020 home learning
What a beautiful image, it is so peaceful isn’t it?
Read moreYear 3 Friday 1st May Learning from Home
Good morning children. I can’t believe it’s nearly the weekend again, I hope that you have enjoyed your learning this week.
There has been some amazing reading going on this week, with lots of people reaching their targets, some twice and lots more people getting sooooo close. Keep reading and don’t forget to let us know when you have reached your target so that we can celebrate. Well done everyone, keep up the good work. Congratulations to Mason who has reached his target.
Here are the answers from yesterday’s maths. How did you get on?
Look here for today’s maths challenges.
Today we are going to write the final chapter in our story. So re-read Chapter 5 below.
Just like we have done before, you are going to use the chapter above to help you to write your own chapter, but again you are going to make it your own. Look carefully at how the author has used description and powerful verbs. Look at how they have added adverbs and speech. Using the same sort of plan as the author in the story you are going to write your own Chapter 5.
Think carefully about how you are going to write this final part of the story. Have the children really learned their lesson? (I don’t think so - Ben just asks for a bacon sandwich and thinks that everything will be okay).
Think carefully about what they say to each other. How do they say it? Remember to add an action to explain in more detail.
Look at how the author has referred to the warning that was given at the beginning of the story. How will you do this?
Think about the best words to choose for the best impact. Remember to think carefully about the verbs that you use - select really powerful ones to add to the impact of your story and create a clear picture for the reader.
Make sure that your handwriting is really neat and clear and is joined up please. Think carefully about your spelling and remember to use punctuation.
When you have finished your chapter 5, read it through carefully to make sure that it makes sense.
Happy writing!!
It’s Friday again, so it’s time for some RE.
Read the story of Doubting Thomas.
How do you think Thomas felt? Can you understand why Thomas felt like that? Have you ever been told something but because you haven’t seen it for yourself you are not sure whether to believe it or not?
Task 1 Write a list of questions you would like to ask Thomas about what happened and how he came to believe in Jesus’ resurrection.
Task 2 Think about Jesus’ words ‘Blessed are those who have not seen me…’ What do you think He meant by these words? How do these words apply to us today? Write a short paragraph about what you think Jesus meant by this and how these words apply to us today.
Task 3 Thomas didn’t believe because he did not see Jesus. Where do you see Jesus? Draw a picture of where you see Jesus today. (I see Jesus in the many wonderful things that I see people doing to help other people. What sort of things do you see Jesus in?)
Year 3 Thursday 30th April 2020 home learning
Happy Thursday! We are heading towards the end of another week of wonderful home learning, we have loved your emails, videos and photos. Thank you for brightening our days. Today is your art day, so head over to Mrs Curtis’ art page at some point throughout the day to see what challenge she has set you to complete.
Read moreYear 3 Wednesday 29th April 2020 home learning challenges
Happy Wednesday! How did yesterday’s learning go? Which challenge did you enjoy the most? Is there anything we can help you understand better?
Today is Wednesday, so there is some Science further down the page that Mrs Nel would like you to have a go at. I have just been speaking to her and she says a big hello and she misses you all.
Read moreYear 3 Tuesday 28th April Learning from Home
Good morning Year 3. Thank you for all of your photos yesterday. We hope that you are ready for another day of exciting challenges. Work hard and have fun and don’t forget to keep smiling and be kind.
Choose a quiet place and get out your book. Read for about 30 minutes. Don’t forget to quiz if you have finished your book. Lots of you are nearly at your target. Think carefully about the questions and don’t rush. Let us know if you reach your target and then we can celebrate. Isabella has met her target for the second time this half term - wow! Fantastic reading Isabella. Enjoy this quiet time to get lost in your reading and maybe you could join our 100% bunch of readers!
Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths challenges.
Here are today’s maths challenges, please click below.
Yesterday you looked at your Chapter 1 again and edited it. Re-read it again because today we are going to carry on and write Chapter 2 and you need to know where you were up to.
Re-read Chapter 2 of the House Haunting - click on the button below.
You are going to use the chapter above to help you to write, but you are going to make it your own. Look carefully at how the author has used description and powerful verbs. Look at how they have added adverbs and a little speech. Using the same sort of plan as the author in the story you are going to write your own Chapter 2.
Think carefully about how you are going to describe the inside of the house as the boys (or girls) move from room to room exploring. Make sure you create a clear picture with your words. (The house in the story is musty and dusty. It’s quiet and still. Cool but there is a chink of sunlight coming in through the window.) What do you want your house to look like? Think about the best words to choose for the best impact. Remember to think carefully about the verbs that you use - select really powerful ones to add to the impact of your story. You want to create excitement and suspense in your chapter.
When the boys (or girls) venture upstairs (that’s a good powerful verb!!) make sure that it gets even more exciting. Have one of the children whisper something. What will they say? (Don’t forget to use “ “ around what they say.)
Then as you describe them going up the stairs, add the noise that they hear - what sort of noise is it?.(loud or quiet?) Add an adverb here to add to the suspense - “suddenly” is quite a good one. Can you add some description to show how the boys are feeling without actually saying the boys were scared? Look back to Wednesday’s lesson (chapter 3) from last week and see how some things were inferred. Can you add some inferred meaning in your writing?
Make sure that your handwriting is really neat and clear and is joined up please. Think carefully about your spelling and remember to use punctuation.
When you have finished your chapter 2, read it through carefully to make sure that it makes sense.
Then read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 together.
Don’t forget to send us some photos of your writing so that we can read and share your Chapter 2.
Happy writing!!
I was so impressed with your coding children, I bet your grown ups were too as we didn’t do coding when we were at school. Have a look at lesson 2 of coding and see today’s challenges.
Year 3 Monday 27th April home learning
Happy Monday everyone!
I hope everyone has enjoyed the sunshine and that you are taking good care of each other. A big well done to Abi, Jess and James who have met their reading targets, great work children! There are some other children on percentages of 80s and 90s, so you could soon be there too - let us know when you have reached your target and we can celebrate and set you some new ones. Keep up that great reading. Where are you going to sit to read today? Does anyone have any recommendations of books to share with the rest of the class? Email us with your ideas and we’ll share with them your friends.
This week we are going to move on to the 4 times table, please click below to access today’s work.
This week’s English follows on from last week so I hope that you enjoyed the story of the House Haunting!! (If you didn’t get chance to read it all don’t worry just look on last week’s learning pages and have a read. I love doing this story - it’s so exciting and a great one to use to write our own stories from.)
Yes, you’ve guessed it we are going to be following the pattern of the story we have read and making up our own stories chapter by chapter over the week. So here goes!!!
Task 1 Last Monday we wrote an opening (Chapter 1) for the story of the House Haunting. Re -read the chapter (click on the button above) and then re-read your chapter. You are going to purple pen (or pick a different colour if you don’t have a purple one) your work and improve on it. Use the prompts that I have given you to help. Check each one separately and purple pen your corrections.
Does your chapter start with some speech? Have you used “ “ to show the speech? Have you said who is speaking - use a word that is better than “said”. Have you added a bit of description in with the speech sentence to show how it was said/what they were doing as they were speaking?
Does your chapter have great description? How have you described things? Make sure that you really think carefully about how to describe the house. Does it sound scary? Does it sound like it is abandoned and overgrown?
Have you used powerful verbs? Go through your writing carefully and check - can you change any of the verbs into more powerful ones?
Have you checked your spellings? Look carefully and make sure that you have thought about every word. Correct any spelling mistakes that you have made.
Have you checked for punctuation? Read every sentence carefully. Have you included all of the punctuation that is needed? CL FS ? “ “ , ! etc. Make sure that you have used CL for names. Check and correct.
Once you have checked your work, read it again. Does it sound any better now? (I’m sure it does!!) Practise reading it through and then read it to someone else. What do they think about it?
Task 2 Have you got any unanswered questions? Can you answer them having read all of the story? Go back to your questions and answer them if you can.
Task 3 Spellings for this week. Practise your spellings for this week. Have a look at the fun ways we talked about to learn your spellings and see if you can do one of these. Then have a go at writing your spellings in a sentence. Can you write any sentences using the present perfect tense?
This week’s spellings are: interest learn answer increase knowledge separate
Have a go at one of the spelling challenges on Sumdog - they have the spellings from the last few weeks and also from earlier in the year on them. This week’s spellings appear in Spelling Challenge 6.
We are going to continue with our European Neighbours topic, click below to access today’s learning. The answers to the quiz style questions are on the next page of the document so be careful not to scroll down too far and reveal the answers too soon.
Year 3 Friday 24th April Learning from Home Daily Challenges
It is so important that you are reading each day and taking your quizzes. So try to fit in 30 minutes reading - choose a quiet, comfy place and dive into a book. (or an ebook)
I hope your Sumdog challenge went well, I can see that lots of people got really high scores on their 3 times tables one. Today I would you to have a go at this addition and subtraction quiz, we use these in school after a topic has finished. As we finished addition and subtraction before the Easter break I would like you to have a go at it, do not worry if you haven’t retained some of these strategies and need help from a grown up. Use drawings, practical equipment or anything else you want - there are some tricky questions on here which will really get that brain thinking!
Today is the final part of our House Haunting story. Have you managed to answer any of your questions yet or do you keep asking new ones? What do you think is going to happen today? Click on the button to find out the final bit of the story…
Now we would like you to do the tasks below.
Task 1 Something to talk about…
What did you think about the story?
Did the author make you want to read more? What were your favourite bits? Why?
Task 2 Imagine that you are one of the boys. Write some sentences in the present perfect tense. Remember to write in the first person ( I, me, my, we).
Don’t forget to use adjectives and powerful verbs to create a good picture for the reader.
Remember beautiful joined up handwriting please and don’t forget to use correct punctuation please.
Read the story of the Road to Emmaus. Click on the button below.
Task 1 If you could ask the disciples any questions, what would you ask them? (Think about different ways to start your questions)
Task 2 Draw a picture of what happened and write what they were saying in speech bubbles. (Remember to write what they said first and then draw the speech bubble)
Year 3 Learning from Home Thursday 23rd April
Some people might not have been able to get on the internet yesterday - don’t panic, we totally understand. Those children working in school couldn’t get on either. Please don’t worry but please make sure that you do yesterday’s work (Maths and English) before you do today’s work - otherwise some of it won’t make any sense!!! Don’t worry if you don’t get through it all by Friday!
How are you getting on with your reading? Have you managed to quiz? Are you near to your target yet?
30 minutes of lovely reading each day is sooooooo relaxing. I’ve really enjoyed having time to get lost in a good book. My favourite place is relaxing on my bed. Where’s yours? Maybe you could send us a photo.
Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths.
Please go on Sumdog where you will find a times table challenge for you to complete.
Can you remember where we left off yesterday? Take a moment to think what happened. Think about the characters and how they were feeling yesterday.
Now read Chapter 4
Task 1 Have you answered any of your earlier questions? What are you thinking now? Do you have any new questions? Write your new questions in your book. (Remember punctuation and joined handwriting please)
Task 2 What do you think Jack's Mum said to the boys when she saw them? What did the boys say to Jack’s Mum?
Write a short conversation of what they might have said.
Remember to include " " and to say who said it. Use words instead of said. (eg called, whispered, hollered, cried, sobbed, muttered.) Think carefully about the “said words” that you chose because it helps to create the picture of what is happening.
Can you add any other detail in your conversation to create an even better picture of what is happening? Try to show and action or how they are feeling.
eg. “Yes, we’re here!” Jack hollered at the top of his voice, standing up and stumbling towards the door.
Yes, it’s Thursday again and time for Art. Have a look at the exciting lesson that Mrs Curtis has posted for you today. Don’t forget to send us your photos.
Year 3 Wednesday 22nd April Learning at Home
Remember to do lots of reading (about 30 minutes each day) and quizzing on Accelerated Reader. How are you getting on with your quizzes? Are you nearly at your target? Please let us know when you have reached them and we can celebrate. We’ve had to reset some people’s targets - Well done!
Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths work.
Here is today’s maths work to have a go at.
Are you ready for the next exciting chapter in our House Haunting story? Remember where we were up to yesterday. The boys had just heard a noise as they were going up the stairs. Then they heard it again but … “This time it was louder and nearer”. Read the next chapter to find out what happens…
Task 1 Have you answered any of your questions from yesterday? Do you have any new questions? What are you thinking now? Write any new questions you might have.
Task 2 In this chapter we learn some more things about the boys characters. We learn these things about the boys because the author has inferred it through his writing.
How would you describe each of the boys? How do you know this? What did the author say to make you think this? (Use the suggestions below to help you to create your sentences.)
I think that Ben is _________ because...
I know that Jack is _________ because…
Task 3 Something to talk about…
What can we infer by ... …
Jack’s legs wobbled like jelly as he followed.
Jack shivered as they turned the handle and the door creaked open.
The door banged shut.
They held each other even tighter and sunk against the wardrobe, hoping the darkness would swallow them up.
For your science lesson this week, Mrs Nel says…
Wow! Can you believe how quickly everything is growing outdoors at the moment? I wonder how plants manage to survive and grow? I would like you to research the parts of a flowering plant…
Draw a labelled diagram of a flowering plant and then write a detailed description of the function of each part. ( You might want to look in a book/ an ebook or on the internet to help you with this part.)
If you are lucky to have your own garden your family may have had to start removing weeds. If there is a weed that has been removed with roots etc intact put it aside and observe what happens to it over the next week. Record what you notice each day and at the end of the week look over all your observations. Can you write an explanation of why you think any changes may have occurred? What do these changes tell you about the plants needs to grow and survive?
It is always wonderful to enjoy nature and now is your chance to be creative. Write a poem, rap or even a riddle about the parts of a plant and their functions. Keep safe, have fun outdoors and remember to always be curious about what you see.
Don’t forget to keep watching out for how the plants, flowers and trees are changing as you go on your walks.
Year 3 Tuesday 21st April - Home learning challenges
Good morning! We hope that you are ready for today’s Learning from Home challenges. Have you spotted this week’s picture theme? We hope that you are staying healthy and remembering to eat your fruit. Which fruit do you think we will pick tomorrow????
Remember to do lots of reading (about 30 minutes each day) and quizzing on Accelerated Reader. How are you getting on with your quizzes? Are you nearly at your target? Please let us know when you have reached them and we can celebrate. (Some people are getting really close - so Keeeeep Reeeeading). Well done to Isabella for getting to 100% of her target! There are a couple of others really close to the magic 100 mark as of today.
We are continuing with our work on multiplication, click the button below to have a look at today’s work. Remember you do not need to print this out, just have it open while you discuss and work it all out. Record your answers in your maths home learning book, the answers will be on tomorrow’s blog for you to see how you got on.
Yesterday we left the boys at the door of the house - it “swung open with hardly a squeak.” Do you think they will go in? Read chapter 2 to find out…
Task 1 Read though the chapter again and look carefully for any adverbs that the author has used. Look again and spot any powerful verbs. Look one more time and look how the author has used description to describe.
Task 2 What are you thinking now? What are you wondering about? Have you got any new questions that you would like to ask? Write your new questions? (Remember to punctuated them correctly.) Can you answer any of you questions from yesterday?
Task 3 Using adverbs (eg cautiously, excitedly, suddenly and any others that you want to add), write some exciting sentences to describe what happened in the next chapter. (You don’t have to write this chapter, unless you have been inspired to do so.) Make your sentences really exciting - grab the reader and make them want to know more!)
This week I would like you to focus on learning more about our own country. Remember on 15.4.2020 I set the task of completing the ‘My country snapshot’ about another European country? This week I would like you to find out the same things about England so that you can make comparisons between England and your chosen country.
You can use the ‘My country snapshot’ format again (just click the button below) or set it out however you want.
Once you have found out the information about England I would like you to list 3 similarities and 3 differences. Which place do you think you would prefer to live in?
Year 3 Monday 20th April Learning from Home
Good morning and welcome to a new week of home learning.
We hope that you are ready to do lots of super learning this week. Don’t forget to send us your photos, we love seeing them.
Remember to do lots of reading (about 30 minutes each day) and quizzing on Accelerated Reader. How are you getting on with your quizzes? Are you nearly at your target? Please let us know when you have reached them and we can celebrate.
How did your 3 times tables practising go? Ask someone to quiz you on them. Do you notice a pattern in the answers?
Have a look at the PDF below for your new computing topic, enjoy!
The Magic Box
Following on from all of your lovely poetry last week we thought that you might like to create your own magic box of things. You can either collect together and put your magical things in a magic box or you can draw a magic box and draw all of your magical things in it.
What will you put in your magic box? Use your imagination and be creative! Don’t forget to send us your lovely photos please.
This week we are going to be looking at the story The House Haunting. We will be adding a bit more of the story each day and asking you to do the activities to go with it. It gets quite exciting so don’t miss out on any of the chapters!
Read chapter 1 of The House Haunting
Task 1 What are you now thinking and wondering about? What questions would you now like to ask?
Write your questions remembering to use correct punctuation. Start your questions in different ways.
Task 2 Look carefully at the vocabulary that the author has used. Are there any words that you are not sure about? Find out what they mean. Are there any words or descriptive phrases that you really like? Maybe you could magpie these or add to them when you write your story opening.
Task 3 Look at how the author has started the story. Starting with a warning not to go near the house because it’s dangerous makes you want to find out why it’s dangerous. Straight away it makes you want to read more. It grabs your interest. The author then goes on to describe what the boys go past as they leave home and when they get to the house the author describes in great detail what it is like outside the house. The author starts at the gate and works their way up to the door - the door opens!!!! You are left at a really exciting cliff hanger. Do you go in or not??????
We would like you to follow the pattern used by the author, starting with a warning, (Remember “…” when people speak) and write your own story opening (chapter 1). Make sure that you explain and describe what the children go past on the way to the house and use lots of description to describe your house once you get there. Don’t forget to include information about the characters. Look at how the author has done this for a little help. Make your chapter 1 really exciting. Grab the reader - make them want to read some more!
Year 3 Weekly Challenges for week beginning 20th April
Good morning Year 3 and welcome to another week of Learning from Home.
Here are all of the different challenges that you can dip into over the week.
Please make sure that you try some of them, especially the Reading, Sumdog and Nessy challenges.
Have fun and keep learning. We are so proud of all of your efforts and so grateful for all of the help that your parents are giving you all. Please make sure you say a big “Thank you” to them from all of us in the Year 3 team. We can’t wait to see you all again but in the meantime we love receiving your emails and seeing your lovely photos. If you haven’t been in touch yet please do drop us an email, and maybe a photo or two, so that we know that you are okay.
Have fun with this week’s challenges…
Try to do a PE challenge each day.
PE with Joe Wicks. Yoga (there are some super videos on line). One of Mrs Gregan’s PE challenges for the week. Our outdoor warm up. How many of each station can you do? (Spotty dog… Downward dog running… Push ups… Star jumps) Trampolining. Skip with a skipping rope. Put on some music and have a good dance. Go for a bike ride or a walk or a run. If you have done any other form of exercise don’t forget to tell us about it.
Have a go at some of the maths or spelling challenges that are on Sumdog. Try out some different games.
If you have a Nessy login, please make sure that you are having a go on Nessy each day. (Just 15 minutes a day will really help you.)
Daily Reading
Make sure that you are reading each day and having a go at the quizzes on Accelerated Reader. (Please do quizzes on Accelerated Reader even if you are managing to quiz on other websites too. Drop us a quick email to tell us if you have reached your target). Try to be really focused when taking your quizzes so that you can get 100%. Don’t forget that you can read books or ebooks. If you have not yet signed up for Epic Reading and want to do this, just drop us an email and we will get you started. What is your favourite place to read? What is the best book you have read recently? Can you send us a photo of you reading?
This week we would like you to practise the following words. Maybe you could try some of the exciting ways on the Fun Ways to Learn Your Spellings sheet that we sent out a few weeks ago. You might even be able to manage to put some of them in your written work this week.
Maybe you could have a go on some of the Sumdog spelling challenges - lots of your spelling words from the year are included in them.
See if you can make up a very short story that manages to get every one of these spellings into it.
Have fun! (Send them to us if you can!!!)
bicycle complete imagine accident address experience
Helping around the house
Don’t forget to keep helping around the house. What jobs can you do this week? Maybe you could make everyone’s bed or load the dishwasher/do the washing up. Maybe you could do some baking - make sure you tidy up afterwards, or maybe you can tidy your bedroom without being asked. Don’t forget to send us a picture of you helping around the home.
Have a go at some of the typing games on Purple Mash. Are you a Sadie Spider and a Lizzie Ladybird? Can you improve on your scores within the set time? Let us know how you get on.
How many different items of furniture can you learn the names of in French? Can you draw some pictures and label them?
Draw a picture
This week you might want to have a go at drawing a picture to illustrate part of the story of The House Haunting. Make sure that you read the story section carefully, think about the words that the author has used to describe what is happening and what can be seen. Which part will you choose to illustrate? (Send us your pictures so that we can put them on the class blog.)
Think about how we do our class and children’s liturgies in school.
Make up your own liturgy to share with your family. Think about what your theme will be, what you will look at, what you will read (a bible story), what you will say (a prayer). You might even want everyone to sing a song or hymn.
Year 3 Friday 17th April home learning
The end of another week, what are you enjoying about learning at home? Don’t say the snacks, my niece and nephew are trying to persuade my sister into several snacks in their home learning day. I read something about telling snackaholic children to use their ‘school stomach’ which made me smile.
Read moreYear 3 Thursday 16th April home learning
What has been everyone’s favourite learning challenge so far this week? It has been lovely to see all your photos again this week, we really do appreciate your effort in sending them to us and keeping us up to date with how you are getting on. Keep up the great work!
Read more