Easter half term!

During the Easter half term we will not be asking you to complete any formal homework. However, as always you have access to TT Rockstars to keep your multiplication skills ticking over, along with reading plenty of books.

In RE we have been learning some of the responses to mass. We have sent you home with a little responses card. You could take this with you each time you go to mass to help you with the responses.

Year 3 homework to be handed in Thursday 6.4.23

Easter assembly parts

After our rehearsals this week we are all much clearer on our parts, actions and positions. Please practise along with those all important words!


Can you choose 5 unit fractions from below and order them using greater and less than symbols? Can you draw a representation of any of the fractions using the same shape? Remember, rectangles are the easiest to show equal parts. On the right is an example we did in class.

Making the sign of the cross

Please practise correctly making the sign of the cross. We have noticed that quite a few of us are not making the sign of the cross correctly.

Optional Spellings

As we have been focusing on our Easter Assembly this week, we have not had the time to learn any new spellings. If you would really like to practise some spellings, can you write the fractions above in words? e.g. one-quarter is greater than one-sixth.

Year 3 Homework to be handed in 30.3.23


History words




root word + suffix -ian








TT Rockstars

Please continue to spend time on TT Rockstars to practise those all important time tables.

Assembly parts

If you have been given any words to practise please make sure these have been learnt by Monday 27.3 when we begin our rehearsals.

English - Verbs

To get ready for our reading next week we have been looking at verbs and there meanings. See if you can complete the sheet below. Remember that using a dictionary or Word Hippo can be a great help.

Year 3 Homework set on 17.3.23


Maths vocabulary





adding the suffix -ion








The children’s times table fluency is getting better and better. Keep going Year 3!


Continue with your Geography homework from last week.

CAFOD Fundraising

WE NEED PEBBLES! (1 per child - large enough to write a short message)

Next week we are going for a walk to Ashton Gardens to raise money for Cafod. Whilst there, each child will need a pebble that is big enough to write a small message of kindness on. The children will decorate these in school, write their message whilst there, and then leave their pebbles in the community for the public to read, take and share.

Easter assembly

Year 3 will be sharing the Last Supper to our school community on Monday 3rd April. Some of you came home with speaking parts. These need to be prioritised and learnt ready for our rehearsals. Those of you without speaking parts, you have certainly not been left out, our assembly doesn’t have many speaking parts for a reason. We will be sharing this part of the Easter story through more dance, mime and movement…

Year 3 homework given on Friday 10th March


Geography Words



Mount Vesuvius



Words with the sh sound spelt ch







Please have a go at using this week strategy to answer the following sums:

85 + 30 = 79 + 50 = 62 + 50 =

71 + 40 = 88 + 40 = 50 + 62 =

Did you notice anything about a couple of these sums?

Below are a few examples from this weeks work to help you…


Children, your challenge is to create a non-chronological report on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii. You can present your non-chronological report however you choose e.g. in their homework book, on Purple Mash, on a larger piece of paper etc. The more creative the better! Your report should be well structured with an engaging title, subheadings, photos/drawings and bursting with information that makes the reader want to keep reading…not to forget geographical vocabulary! For those children who want to really challenge their brains, can you also include a rhetorical question and conjunctions (when, if, because, although, while, since, until, before, after, so)?

Below are some resources to get you started. Parents, this event was of course devastating and I’m aware that there are photos on the internet that the children may find unsettling. I kindly ask that you monitor their research. Thank you!

You have got two weeks to complete this challenge (23.3.23) and really give it your everything!

Year 3 homework to be handed in by 9.3.23


Children will be tested next Friday. They did brilliantly today with their tion words! Well done Year 3!

Geography Key Words





Words with the c sound spelt ch







TT Rockstars

We ask that you continue to practise your times tables by spending time each day on TT Rockstars. Each week we reflect on how we are all getting on. This week our top TT Rockers are Louis, Teddy, Charlotte and John-Paul who have averaged over 5 minutes each day. Well done!


We have continued to practise our touch typing skills. I have re set the task that we were working on together on Wednesday. It needs perseverance and concentration.

Task title: Homework: Home, top and bottom row keys

English - Optional homework

Following our week of celebrating World book day/week in our case. Year 3 have expressed a desire to write (or possibly just illustrate like the original book) a spin off book from the original book, ‘Journey’. They would need to create a story all about the little boy that we met at the end of the book. This boy had a special purple pencil… I wonder what adventure he had been on before meeting ‘Sophie’.

You could complete this using paper and pencils, your homework book, or I have set a 2Do on purple mash if you would prefer to use the computer to create your story.

Year 3 Home Learning to be handed in on 2.3.23


Children will be tested next Friday on a selection of the words below. Can you explain the spelling rule to your grown ups for -ation?

History Words




adding -ation to verbs to form nouns









Please remember to keep going on to practise your timetables. We have one child who has very nearly completed their map!

Preparing for World Book Day

This Thursday is World Book Day. We ask that the children come to school dressed as one of their favourite book characters.


We would like you to do some research to prepare you for our next lesson. What is a conductor of electricity and what is an insulator? Be ready to share your findings with your partner next week.

Year 3 homework to be handed in by Thursday 9th February

Thank you for your wonderful homework last week! Please know that completing homework well with the support and encouragement of loving parents makes all the difference- it build confidence and self belief.


Reading is always the most important homework - please read with your child every day.


Homophones this week - We have been drawing pictures in schoo, to help us. Can you do the same in your Homework book - a pictures for each word!

meet and meat

where and wear

week and weak

great and grate

bear and bare

MATHS - Daily practice

Please continue with your daily TT Rock Star! Well done to all those children who are completing this daily - I can see your effort and progress.

Passwords in homework books- display somewhere at home to - thank you!

Computing - Coding

Please find the 2Do which has been set called, ‘Jumping monkey’ follow the steps to create the code and make the monkey reach the banana.

Remember to nest the commands correctly. if you want the command to happen after something else has happened it must be nested inside.

For example below: In the first image, the second command is not nested inside the first command, meaning the timer will start straight away and the monkey will move down after 1 second. Whereas, in the second image these commands are nested inside, meaning the commands will follow in sequence.

Optional Competition set by Mrs Gregan - still time to do this by Monday 6th February

Year 3 homework to be handed in by 2.2.23


Continue to read every night! Please listen to your child’s fluency. It is good to let them read a page twice or even three times- building up their word recognition and really focusing on reading the punctuation - pausing is all the correct places

MATHS - Daily practice

Dear parents we need you help- last week the children were asked to complete 5-10 minutes of TT Rockstars everyday. They need to log on and play in the garage. I have shown them in class. 9 children haven’t been on their account this week. I have had a quiet word with them to explain how important it is to learn these facts and to know that I am able to track their progress. Thank you to everyone who started to make this part of their routine.

Passwords in homework books- display somewhere at home to.


This week we have read chapter 3 of Ice Cat. Below is a copy of this chapter. I would like you to read this chapter to an adult. When reading please make sure you focus on using the punctuation and pausing when you see a comma or full stop. Start a new sentence with a new tone - its a new mini story. Use commas for a mini pause too.

Parent grade: (are we improving the following…)

1. reading each word correctly and accurately

2. reading in an interesting voice

3. reading at a decent pace - not too fast or slow.

4. Ability to use punctuation

Once you have done this, just like last week, can you summaries what happened in this chapter in 1 or 2 sentences. We will share these next week.


Find out who was the inventor(s) of electricity. Tell me a little bit about their early life. Can you find out as much information as you can about how their invention came about. How did their invention effect or change our world? We will share our findings next week.


Competition set by Mrs Gregan - to be in on Monday 6th February (optional)

Year 3 homework to be handed in on 26.1.23


Readig take priority - as always. Please read daily with your child.


This week we have continued our learning of coding. We have set you the 2Do, ‘Magician’. To complete this activity you must follow each step, carefully listening to the short videos at the start of each task. Remember that if you are still stuck you can use the HINT button to give you more help.

One of our new words in computing this week was, NESTED. We soon realised how important it is to make sure we nested our commands together so that they ran in the correct order. You will need to be mindful of this when you complete this challenge at home:


Along with discovering our reading brains, we also looked at how to summerise and did this after reading Chapter 1. In your homework book we would like you to have a go at summarising Chapter 2. Remember to do this correctly, your summery must only be one or two sentences long. It must include only the key information about this chapter.

What was the point to this chapter? What did we find out? Can you make your sentence/s into complex a sentence/s by adding: when, if, because, although, while, since, until, before, after, so?


TT Rock stars!!!

I would like the children to complete TT Rock Stars everyday for 5 - 10 minutes. Could you please organise a time in the day when they have to complete their “TT - time”. It could be after breakfast - great for getting your brain going. TT Rockstars systematically and intuitively interacts with the user as they learn their multiplication and division facts off by heart!! I am able to see how much daily time was spent on the program and each child has a heat map in the teacher’s dashboard. This heat map displays each fact in a different colour- red for the facts they don’t know yet - then it turns orange then yellow then green the quicker they become. Eventually they become a Rock Legend!!


More words ending with the chuh sound spelt - ture










Thank you!!!!

Year 3 home learning

From now until we return, we want you to relax and enjoy Christmas. Spend time together, take the pressure off… bake, watch your favourite films, visit somewhere new, re-organise your bedroom, learn how to play a new board game, GET CREATIVE AND HAVE FUN!

We would love for you to share these memories that you make… you have our emails and can send any photos that you would like us to share in class when we return.

Try and get lost in a new book, visit the library if you can. When we return we will be looking at describing settings and characters… maybe you could start to magpie ideas from books that you read over the summer. These ideas could go into your homework book so that you have them to use when in school.

Remember that you have TT Rockstars to continue to use. Can you earn enough points to make your character Christmassy?

All our love, and wishing you the most wonderful Christmas.

Your ever growing Year 3 team xxx

Year 3 Homework to be handed in by 15.12.22

Christmas concert practise

Please practise the songs below:

Practise the British sign language for verse 2 only:

English - Dragons:

In your homework this week you should find a promt sheet to help you to create/design your own dragon. This dragon is going to be your main character in our innovated non-chronological report, which we will be writing next week. Please draw and label your main character (dragon). Include descriptive vocabulary that you would like to include in your independent writing. Think about/describe how your character will move (verbs/adverbs). Our innovated report will be based on the Manchester Ridge-Back. To all of our enthusiastic Bobby-bees you will already be thinking about the original non-chronological report and how you would like to change and improve it.

Year 3 Home Learning to be handed in 8.12.22












Christmas concert - the next few songs

Thank you for learning the songs from last week and please continue to prioritise this, along with learning the following songs:


This week we have been discussing how it feels to be given an important job. Year 3 shared that they feel trusted, special and helpful to name but a few. We then looked at the moment Mary was chosen by God, to be the mother of His Son, when she was visited by Angel Gabriel. You homework this week is to research how different artists have drawn or painted this moment (the Annunciation). Next week we will use these ideas to create our own artwork to depict the Annunciation.

Maths - IXL

Please complete A8 and B1

Year 3 Home learning - To be handed in on 1.12


  1. limitation

2. information

3. sensation

4. admiration

5. preparation

6. echo

7. chaos

8. chorus

9. school

10. stomach

Christmas concert song practise

You have been given a booklet with all our Christmas songs to practise for our upcoming Christmas concert on Thursday 15th December. Please make it a real priority to learn the words to the first 3 we practised this week. There is a video below with all three songs you can sing along to at home. What a jolly homework! Learning points to those who know the words for our practice next Tuesday.


Please complete R3 and R4

TT Rockstars

Please make sure you are still logging on and spending time practising your timestables skills.

Finally.. READING!

A daily task you MUST make sure you complete. Check your understanding of your book before you quiz. We should be aiming for a quiz a week MINIMUM.

Year 3 Home Learning 18/11/2022

Spellings: words with the suffix -ly and the suffix -ture











IXL Maths

Please complete A4 and R1

English - In Homework books

This week we have been on the look out for dragons. So far in our learning we have discovered lots of different clues that could mean a dragon has been close by. In your homework book I would like you to record any new evidence you might find over the coming week.

You will need to draw what it is you have found, seen or heard and write a little bit about what it looked like or sounded like, where you discovered it and any other information that you think is important.

We can share all our findings together next week!

Year 3 home learning to be handed in on 17.11

Spellings: words with the prefix im- and the suffix -ous











Maths - IXL Subtraction

Please complete F5 and F6

 HRSE - Emotions

You will find a new 2Do set on Purple Mash. When on the 2Do, along the left hand side you will see a vocabulary list of positive emotions. What do each of these words mean? Can you complete the positive emotions poster?

For example, under the first section you might put the word confident. Underneath your drawing or image write: I feel confident when….