To practise your skill of multiplying 3 digit numbers by one digit numbers I would like you to solve the problems in IXL H13. You will find many of these are easy and can be solved mentally or with jottings - until you get to the challenge zone! These last ones will need to be worked out using the extended method in your maths home learning books. You must finish it to challenge yourselves!
I have also set you a new Sum dog challenge to practise this skill - you have until Sunday to complete it.
This week, all of our English will be done on Purple Mash. We will be reading parts of a story each day called “The Sleeping Volcano.’ I will set you some reading and comprehension challenges to do each day about this so check your 2do’s today and every day please.
If you have time, you could complete the spelling, punctuation and grammar learning linked to Chapter 1 and 2. These practise our key skills for Year 4.