Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday January 16th

Welcome back- keep working hard! Hard work always pays off!!


Reading is the key to success. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to meet with individuals this week and set a clear new target in their books- I have set targets on the ACR system so a number of children have already quizzed on the books they received/read for Christmas. Well done great start. Please read every night.


We have been exploring some great word problems this week working through different steps to find the answer. We also explored addition pyramids- these were fun. I have set on for homework. I have attached a PDF here. Take care the two on the right are adding the two on the left are take away- I’ve got the answers so I know it works. Be resilient!


We have started our new “crime and punishment” topic in history this week and we have some new words to master. Please learn the following spellings:







death penalty


Spelling challenge: Write a 100 word paragraph about a band of outlaws who get into trouble. I will put the funniest one on the blog next week- good luck!!!

Purple Mash Task

I have set a “to do” task on your Purple Mash account. Please complete the “Highwayman” picture- taking a picture of yourself!!! In the speech bubble make the text smaller and write an account of a robbery you committed last night- make it boastful!!!

Final homework for this term- to be handed in on Thursday December 19th

Singing hymns

Know your songs for the concert on Tuesday


Most children have reached their reading target set for this half term. There is still time for you to finish the novel you are currently reading so you too can get meet target- go for it!!!


We have been applying our understanding of addition and subtraction in problems (varied fluency) and one of the lessens involved finding the missing numbers in a column addition problem. To solve these puzzles the child has to understand the procedure - column addition deeply. Have a go at IXL B3

Science on Purple Mash

Complete the science investigation planning sheet. We have discussed the investigation in class- Mrs Hotchkiss’ shoes are two pictures below. We don’t have the results yet so leave this part out. We will be using your planner in class next week!


Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 12th December


The class are continuing to make very pleasing progress with their reading. It is a rare day when we haven’y been able to spend 20-30 minutes of our day lost in a book. There is nothing nicer than seeing children lost in their imaginations!


We have mastery column addition and column subtraction - applying it to problems and large numbers. Please complete B5.


The ending que when is sounds like c (cat)





The ending gue when it sounds like g (gate)





Please learn them in you favourite way: I have attached some spelling challenge cards to help with fun ways to learn them!


I have set you a new challenge in Purple Mash. This time you have to select an image then place the force arrows on. Please labels your arrows showing the forces acting in the picture. Your Posters were fantastic last week! Have a look at my feedback.


We need to keep practising our songs- we are doing really well

Year 5 homework to be handed in on Thursday December 5th


The children have completed their Star Reader test and I am conferencing them one to one on their next targets this Friday. As always those children who have put in the extra mile have done really well. Reading is a gift please continue to create space for the children to read at home every day. Thank you.


Final mental maths for the moment. Please complete the table of mental maths sums- think carefully about the strategies you are using!

Now complete IXL B4 the commutative law!

Science - Purple Mash

We went through our replies to Sir Isaac Newton and discovered there was a big difference in the quality of response. I would ask that all the children work hard to make sure their homework is well thought out and carefully completed. Sir Isaac replied but most children did not notice- if I have reset your please reply to him again!

I have also set you a describing forces challenge- use the descriptors on the left to help you remember to use the vocabulary we have used in our science lessons: Push pull, forces, energy, weight, friction , sliding friction, rolling friction fluid friction, air resistance and water resistance. We will be printing out the best work for display!!!

Concert practice

Year 5 homework to be handed in Thursday 28th November


We will be taking our Star reader assessments next week. This assessment may move our ZPD, it also gives me an overview of each child highlighting those on track and anyone who needs more support for reading. Reading at home is so important, some children need to read with an adult share the text and discuss others may read independently too but all children should still be read to. The richness of a shared novel has the greatest impact- no lesson can match it.


A new timed maths sheet- I am not thinking about the time and I’m not comparing- this time is to help you stay focused as you move form one metal strategy to another

Spelling- this week words we have encountered in RE and Science:

Please write the words in a sentence to show understanding then write each one out 5 time or more until you can write it with your eyes closed










We have had some fun this week as we explored forces! I have set the children the next part of their Sir Isaac Newton homework. You will need to log onto purple mash. Sir Isaac has sent you an email you need to reply!

Christmas concert

Please press the link below to watch a video of us singing one of our concert songs- please practice using the video to singalong and learn the lines.

Have fun!!!

Year 5 Homework to be returned on Thursday 21st November


We have started reading a new class novel “ The Midnight Fox” by Betsy Byers. Even though it was written over 50 years ago, it rings true. It is all about a little boy facing normal family difficulties- and finding himself too. So many children are racing towards their targets and I know when we are all engrossed in our books because the room is still and silent during our reading sessions- great to see!


Mental maths challenge. I have given the children one of my Mental maths challenges. They have to complete all the sums mentally and time themselves! They will get another one next week and the week after- they have to keep improving their time! Have fun!


Words with the prefix il added and revising im






Orange words: marvellous, prejudice

Please write the definitions for the words in your homework book! and learn the spelling!


Next week we will be starting our science topic on Forces. I would like you to do some research on the famous scientist Sir Issac Newton. This week I want you to find out when and where he was born and what happened to him when he was a young man. You don’t have to find out what he discovered yet - that’s for next week. Now imagine you are writing an article about Sir Issac Newton write the introduction about his early life (homework book)- You will be typing so do a good job- it will save you time in the future this soon onto a Purple mash App!! I’ve made a link here to a good web page!

Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 14th November


Almost everyone has made a cracking start to their reading this half term. Some children are shooting up the reading display in class - well done to Rhys, Jayden and Elizabeth- they have reached their targets already!!! These three are closely followed by Dylan and Annabelle. I wanted to celebrate these children as they have made great progress - they are enjoying their books and scoring well on the test at the end. Keep it up everyone! I have attached a parents guide for ACR so you too can keep a track of your child’s progress too


Please complete IXL F9 for Mrs Hotchkiss and K3 for Mrs Gawthrope


Thank you for completing the Extended Noun Phrases last week! We will practice these again throughout the year - they are tricky- even I made an error in class this week. This week have explored sentences with ED openers. I have prepared a special homework page to explain. Once you have read the explanation complete the task set.


Please complete the Purple Mash map work challenge. This week I have returned to the UK. Can you name the counties of England? We have parents who originally came from a different part of the country- Mrs Hotchkiss comes from Greater Manchester. Can you label the counties correctly. I have handed out a map to help the children.

Note: I have shown the children how Purple Mash reports on how they did on each task. It shows the level of accuracy and who completed it. IXL does the same. Please make sure you complete the tasks in the week set- Thank you. Good homework habits now will set you up for life long learning!

Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday November 7th


So many children have made a fantastic start to their reading sessions this half term. I have set them all new targets. Because they have read a lot over the holidays they have begun to romp up our reading target board! Keep it up every one.


We have complete the negative number unit on IXL so why not have a go on this mission game. It is not tablet friendly so you will need a computer. If you need to complete it in school just ask!


This week the children created extended noun phrases. These are descriptive sentences that fully describe the noun. The are fun to make. I have downloaded my PowerPoint for the children. I would like them to be the teacher and one of their parents (or sibling) to be the pupil. Please teach.

Once you have taught it write extended noun phrases for the following nouns:





Topic work- Purple Mash

We are moving onto our new Geography topic North America. We will be investigating the countries tat make up North America over the next few weeks. Before we move across the Atlantic. Can you complete the two purple mash map work challenges I have set you? You will need an atlas our online map of Europe!

Nessy homework

The children involved in the Nessy program, are able to continue working through the tasks at home. Please see the letter they received it has all the information you need for logging on. The children have been assessed and had an independent session too in school. Three fifteen minute sessions would be great but you can do more - it’s up to you!

Have fun

Have fun

Year 5 homework to be handed in after the holidays on Thursday 31st October


Two thirds of the class have reached or are about to reach their reading target set at the beginning of the half term. We are determined as a class to help the other third make the progress they can. We all need to be Sadie Spiders - determined to read as much as possible- reading is the key to all learning- it boosts confidence and leads to exciting new insights. Please read over the Holiday- please do not stop!


We have started negative numbers and Mrs Kennedy is leading the lessons next week. Get ahead by completing IXL A10 and A11

Spelling- this week can we learn the spelling of sion words when it is added to verbs to make nouns

Confusion (confuse)

Revision (revise)

Explosion (explode)

Division (divide)

Decision (decide)

Invasion (invade)

erode (erosion)

Please learn you spelling for our return after the holidays. Because you have extra time please find the definition for each and place it into a sentence.

Eco council member

Year 5 have been formally invited to join the school Eco-Council by Mrs Mather our Eco Council Leader. To become a member the children need to do something that shows they care about God’s world. You could:

Re purpose rubbish into something new and bring it to school

Create a poster communicating what we need to do to look after our world

Send a photograph “via the contact button” on our class blog. A picture showing you doing something environmental

Be creative!


Master the oral story telling of Gellert. Can you learn the first two paragraphs using the images up loaded here? . I am looking for children who can take it one step further and learn the whole story. I have downloaded it here for you. You may take sheets of paper from school to create your images. I will film us performing the story next week so you can see it on our class page.

Year 5 homework to be handed in on Thursday 10th October


We have two weeks left before half term and the children are all trying to reach their reading target. A number of them have already done it which is great and the rest of us are hot on their heals! The reading sessions in class are lovely, calm and focused- keep reading at night especially before bed- it not only makes you more intelligent it helps you sleep!!! Win ! Win!


I have a lovely student teacher teaching along side me at the moment- Mrs Gawthrope. This week she delivered the spelling lesson. We investigated the letter pattern SC when it makes the sound S. Please learn these spellings:










IXL this week please complete A14 putting numbers up to 1 million in order


We are taking part in Missio- EEM the “Extraordinary Month of Mission” alongside Pope Francis. I would like the children to find our about the “Little Red Mission Box” visit the website below and write three facts about Missio (including the box) that you didn’t know before.

In addition, can you come up with an accessible way for Year 5 to raise a little money this month for the mission? All ideas welcome.

Year 5 homework to be complete for Thursday 3rd October


Most of the class are really getting into their reading stride. I am delighted to see children carefully selecting books that are challenging yet accessible- this is a very important and mature skill. Children are experiencing increased reading success and their is a buzz in the room at reading time! Well done everyone. KEEP READING EVERY NIGHT- we need to improve our daily reading times now!

Assembly lines

Some children have assembly lines- please make sure you know them for Monday!


We have synonyms for feelings: sad and fear. Can you learn the spellings:

Livid, furious and irritated

Petrified, and anxious

When we write we are trying to choose the right word- sometimes the words we know are just not powerful enough!

Purple Mash

I am sure the children have already told you about our new computing platform- Purple Mash. The children have all been to a purple mash club at lunchtime run by Year 6. Today we completed our first task in class- writing about our history topic “Ancient Greece”. I have set two "2do” tasks for the children:

Task one: Game - Testing your 3 and 6 times tables facts

Task two: As requested A Slide Show. Creating a slide show all about your passion! Mrs Hotchkiss would have to create one all about sewing or Manchester Utd!

I have set up the tasks and the folders into which the work needs saving!

Have fun!

Year 5 homework - to be handed in on Thursday September 26th


Please read every night. I have sat with every pupil this week and showed them their current reading data. We have set some personal targets too. I will be able to share all this with you too during Parents Day in October.

I have also sent home another Greek Legend “ The Giant Wooden Horse”. We see the return of Odysseus- this is a story set during the Trojan wars before he set off on his odyssey!


Once you have read the story of the wooden horse write a paragraph in your homework book SUMMARIZING - I have modeled this skill in class and we have already had a go independently to! Take care, make sure you sequence the main events so your summary is clear.


We have explored Roman Numerals to 1000- it is tricky! We learnt the mnemonic:

I value Xylophones like cows dig milk!

We have also worked on IXL unit A6. It would be wonderful if you can achieve 100 percent on A6- be resilient!

For those who have got 100% and for those who need more practice press the button below to complete the challenges. For the less confident have a go at beginners and intermediate and for the confident go for the advanced.


The suffix OUS

Mountainous, dangerous

Courageous outrageous (keep e to that the g is a soft g)

Orange words: Ancient and language

In class council today we decided that it was important for parents to sign our homework book each week. We agreed that when we have completed a task- but there is no written evidence- the children will write the task (few words) and the parent will sign. This makes it easier to see who may need support.

Thank you for all you support, it is very much appreciated

Year 5 homework to be handed in Thursday 19th September


Reading every night! ENJOY!!!

Maths IXL

Please complete A1 and A2


The children have started researching in the Greek Gods. They have brought this home to complete. The cards in their bags create a fan. I would like the children to bring these back so we can pin them together and display them. I have linked one useful website here


This week we ave learnt the ay sound when it appears as “eigh” ey” “ei”

Please learn: reign, neighbour, obey, vein, eighteen, weight, prey, freight, sleigh veil, they

History optional

We have chatted about the film “Jason and the Argo-naughts” in class. It was made along time ago and its special effects are creative but fun to watch now! If you have time to watch it with your child I know they will gain a great deal as it references a lot of the learning we are doing at the moment. I have found the whole film on You-Tube. why not buy some popcorn and enjoy- there are some scary bits so sharing the experience would be best!

Thank you Mrs H