Happy Half term everybody!

Although we have had a short week, we have certainly packed in a lot! We were kept busy on Monday, making special harvest biscuits ready for our harvest celebration. On Tuesday we joined together with our friends from Year 1, 2 and Nursery, for our harvest celebration. We listened to Year 2 beautifully read a gospel story, Year 1 shared a special poem and  Nursery danced away to the harvest festival song. It was such a nice way to celebrate! Today, we have been looking at how to use electrical equipment safely and  what we should do if we are ever unsure, when using an IPad, IPhone or computer game.

We have had the most wonderful first half term in school. The children are all settled and have made delightful friendships with one another. We hope that you all enjoy the next week, spending time together as a family and resting up ready for our next exciting half term together. 

Miss Bassett, Miss Neves and Mrs Malley

Half term already!

It’s hard to believe that we have already been at nursery for a full half term! Everyone has settled so well in to nursery life and is embracing all the new challenges that learning can offer. The children have worked so hard, I think they are in need of a well earned rest.

I do hope everyone manages to get some time to relax and recharge their batteries in readiness for a VERY busy next half term. I would also like to thank you all for your wonderful support of nursery, it is greatly appreciated.

We made a scarecrow called Poppy!

The children thought it would be a fantastic idea to make a scarecrow for the nursery garden, to scare away the birds!!

We found some garden canes and old clothes in the cupboard. A group of friends stuffed the clothes with autumn leaves. Everyone thought the scarecrow should have a happy face and be called Poppy! A good choice I think!


“Discover how to visit the past and bring yesterday's stories into our lives today”

Sorry for the late post, but I wanted to make sure that I uploaded all the pictures from today to show you what a muddy but wonderful time we all had! Wow, today has definitely been the highlight of our week… we all had the best time, despite the wet weather! In the morning the children worked together so cooperatively to build their shelters as the early Stone Age men would have done. There was lots of little extra touches as well that were added, such as fires, chairs and some very impressive entrances. I am sure you are impressed by the photographs. Then all the children, used flints to begin their own fires, which was then safely put out by heat proof gloves- they were all super sensible! We then had the opportunity to get dry inside while we had our lunch, until is was back to the forest to play some hunting games! What a day!

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Year 5 homework to be handed in after the holidays on Thursday 31st October


Two thirds of the class have reached or are about to reach their reading target set at the beginning of the half term. We are determined as a class to help the other third make the progress they can. We all need to be Sadie Spiders - determined to read as much as possible- reading is the key to all learning- it boosts confidence and leads to exciting new insights. Please read over the Holiday- please do not stop!


We have started negative numbers and Mrs Kennedy is leading the lessons next week. Get ahead by completing IXL A10 and A11

Spelling- this week can we learn the spelling of sion words when it is added to verbs to make nouns

Confusion (confuse)

Revision (revise)

Explosion (explode)

Division (divide)

Decision (decide)

Invasion (invade)

erode (erosion)

Please learn you spelling for our return after the holidays. Because you have extra time please find the definition for each and place it into a sentence.

Eco council member

Year 5 have been formally invited to join the school Eco-Council by Mrs Mather our Eco Council Leader. To become a member the children need to do something that shows they care about God’s world. You could:

Re purpose rubbish into something new and bring it to school

Create a poster communicating what we need to do to look after our world

Send a photograph “via the contact button” on our class blog. A picture showing you doing something environmental

Be creative!


Master the oral story telling of Gellert. Can you learn the first two paragraphs using the images up loaded here? . I am looking for children who can take it one step further and learn the whole story. I have downloaded it here for you. You may take sheets of paper from school to create your images. I will film us performing the story next week so you can see it on our class page.

Home Learning 11.10.19

All to be completed over half term.


To consolidate the children’s learning on animals, I have challenged the children to create their favourite animal in any form. This could be a drawing, a model or a poster - the more creative the better! The children should research the animal and be able to talk about it. The children will share their creations on 1.11.19, during show and tell.


Children are to continue learning the word sets. Please support the children to learn these words inside out; the children need to be able to read these words on sight (not by Fredding in their head).

Please encourage the children to read as much as possible over half term and do record this in their reading log.


Maths C.1, C.2, C.3, C.4 and C.5. To be completed by the end of half term. There are a lot of questions to be completed, please support the children to do as much as they can.

IXL is a fantastic learning tool, please encourage the children to practise their learning on this as much as possible.

Year 2 Home Learning - 11.10.16

Home learning to be completed over the half term holidays.


Please complete the sequences sheet attached below.

Spellings - Please learn set 3 words from your child’s spelling pack and adding the suffix -y:

spotty boggy funny muddy sloppy runny

English IXL

A.1 A.2

B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4

C.1 C.2 C.3

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6

Maths IXL

A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 A.7 A.8 A.9 A.10 A.11 A.20 A.21 A.22 A.24 A.25 A.26 A.27

"It's our choices ... that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities"

With only three days of learning left before the holidays, the children are remaining as focused as ever in order to achieve those half term goals. Maths lessons have been filled with sequences and counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s. The children have been busy solving problems by finding missing numbers and have been giving some great explanations and reasons as to why they have given certain answers - the use of mathematical vocabulary has been great.

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Year 6 blog - 'I do believe something magical can happen when you read a good book!'

It is so lovely to get lost in a good book and that is exactly what we have done this half term. As we approach the end of Skellig, we are looking back at the vast amount of work we have completed around this book. Discussion texts, poetry and setting descriptions have all been completed and I am excited for you all to read them on Thursday at parents’s day. Thank you to all of the parent’s who have made an appointment or who have contacted me. If you are still to make an appointment, please book on using parent pay.

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Home learning to be in after half term: Thursday October 31st


Please complete the following units:

B6 B9 P3 and P1. This last unit P1 is very tricky once you get past 85 points because it is in the tens of thousands. You can stop at 85 if this is too tricky.


peculiar, strange, children, thought, decide heard

replace, refresh, reappear redo redecorate, renew



We have been finding out about different climate zones. Please complete the purple mash 2do write a postcard as though you are visiting a desert. You may need to do a little research, which will give you practice in your ‘effective searching skills’ you have been practising in Computing lessons.


Please read a really good book over the holidays and enjoy it. You will most likely be able to quiz on it when you get back to school!