Nursery photographs

Tempest photographers will be coming in on Wednesday the 16th October 2019. Individual and sibling photographs will be taken during the morning. If you have children who are not in school but you wish to have a photograph taken with their siblings in school, then please email school to Mrs Hodges,  as we will have to ask you to come in early and be here for 8:30am. We need to hear from you so that we can assess numbers.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 9th October 2019

Myself and Mrs Webster loved looking at your art homework this week - what beautiful artists you are!

Keep ticking away at IXL - some of it is tricky but I can see that you are trying.

Spelling - ibly and ably ending words

understandably, suitably, comfortably, miserably, horribly, terribly, incredibly, possibly, responsibly, considerably, reasonably, adorably, visibly

Maths - IXL B1, B2 and B3

Science - Please complete your Purple Mash poster work that was set on Electricity. Complete to the best of your ability. When looking at the electricity used at home, think about how things are powered: mained or battery. Provide as much detail as possible.

English - optional - write a poem about wings or a winged creature in the style of Tyger Tyger

Year 3 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 16th October

SPELLING - well done on the spellings you collected and learnt last week. This week we have new tricky spellings to focus on. I have taken these from your books and focused on words that we keep getting wrong:

because climb beautiful could should would

We are trying lots of different ways to practice these in class- what exciting and fun ways can you think of to practice these words at home? Maybe produce some art work with the words? Write a silly story with the words in? Create a crossword? Or even get the grown ups to keep quizzing you? We will have a quick quiz next week to see how well we have learnt them!


MATHS Please complete the IXL strands L2 Place value models up to hundreds and L5 Place value up to hundreds

HISTORY You have now started your learning about the Stone Age. Please complete the reading of the slideshow on the Stone Age on your ‘2do’ list at the top of purple mash.

SCIENCE Please complete the worksheet in your homework books by labeling the names of the bones in the human skeleton and then completing the research question at the bottom of the sheet.

School trip to Brockholes on Friday

Friday is our school trip to Brockholes and we are all very excited to go! We will be setting off promptly at 9am, therefore please ensure that you are at school for 8:45am. We should be back for the end of school, after a wonderful day outdoors, with no rain (here’s hoping).

As the trip is outdoors all day and we may get muddy, the children have been asked to wear their own, old clothes. Please do not let the children wear anything they don’t want to potentially ruin or get muddy! We ask that no jeans are worn as these can get very wet, and advise children to wear wither tracksuit bottoms or leggings. Layers is also advisable, t-shirt, with jumper over the top and please, please, please do not forget a waterproof coat. If you child has waterproof bottoms, then feel free to send these in. The children also need to wear old trainers or walking boots for the day.

Jackie will provide packed lunches for those children who usually have a school dinner on Friday, however, if you usually have a packed lunch then please do the same. It is vital that all packed lunches are packed in disposable bags, as the children will not be able to carry these around with them and there is no storage. No Tupperwares, plastic forks or special water bottles- the bottles again need to be disposable. The children will not need bags or any other belongings with them on this day, as they need to just concentrate on their learning and having fun.

Home Learning 4.10.19


Please support the children to write sentences about the forest using the word bank. I will be looking out for children who use and in their sentences; we have been practising using this joining word in class.


Children are to continue learning the word sets. Please support the children to learn these words inside out; the children need to be able to read these words on sight (not by Fredding in their head).

Every Monday/Tuesday the children will be tested on these words, if they know them fluently and confidently, they will be given the next set. There are 25 sets in total.

Please encourage the children to read as much as possible over the weekend. On Monday/Tuesday, the children will quiz on their accelerated reader book and will be given a new reading book. Children should be ready to quiz on their reading book on these days.


Maths C.1, C.2, C.3, C.4 and C.5. To be completed by the end of half term. There are a lot of questions to be completed, please support the children to do as much as they can.

IXL is a fantastic learning tool, please encourage the children to practise their learning on this as much as possible.

Year 2 Home Learning - 4.10.19


Please look on Purple Mash and complete the 2do activity - sequencing numbers on a numberline.


Please learn set 2 spellings from the spelling pack.

Words with the soft c - face race price except city


In school, we have started our new computing topic all about technology. Please encourage your child to look around your home and complete the attached technology sheet. We will be using these in class next week to start our discussions.

Maths IXL

A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 A.7 A.8 A.9 A.10 A.11 A.24 A.25 A.26 A.27

English IXL

A.1 A.2

B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4

C.1 C.2 C.3

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3

"The most beautiful way to start and end the day is with a grateful heart"

Another week has flown by with Year 2 working as hard as ever to grow those brains and achieve those ever changing targets they are setting themselves. We began reading our first focus story ‘Meerkat Mail’ this week, with the children focusing on the main character Sunny. As a class, we learned all about adjectives and the adjectives we could use to describe our new favourite Meerkat. In the coming weeks, we will develop these adjectives to create our own postcards from Sunny’s travels and hopefully, some incredibly entertaining meerkat poems - watch this space!

Read more

Homework to be handed in for Thursday 10th October

Assembly Parts

One last push before Tuesday! Speak loudly, confidently and with expression!


I have met with each one of you this week to discuss your reading with you. We decided we MUST timetable in our reading at home to make sure we are doing twenty minutes at least, daily. Decide with your adults whether this will be in the morning, when you get home from school or at bedtime - then put it on your timetable to remind yourselves. It is crucial to put this time in at your stage in school so that you become passionate readers who give yourselves a chance to get really into the story you read. Reading is such a gift!

We have ten children in class who have now met their reading targets - we are aiming for the whole class by the end of this half term. Go for it children!


We have all been doing very well in our place value understanding. To consolidate please complete IXL units B4 B5 B7 and B8. Why not pace yourself and do one or two per day instead of all in one go?


This week we have practised 6 year 4 key words and we have also looked at the suffix cian used for jobs. Please practice:

guide enough different decide earth extreme

musician magician electrician politician optician mathematician

It would be really good if you could make up a paragraph containing these words. It can be funny or factual!

Year 5 homework to be handed in on Thursday 10th October


We have two weeks left before half term and the children are all trying to reach their reading target. A number of them have already done it which is great and the rest of us are hot on their heals! The reading sessions in class are lovely, calm and focused- keep reading at night especially before bed- it not only makes you more intelligent it helps you sleep!!! Win ! Win!


I have a lovely student teacher teaching along side me at the moment- Mrs Gawthrope. This week she delivered the spelling lesson. We investigated the letter pattern SC when it makes the sound S. Please learn these spellings:










IXL this week please complete A14 putting numbers up to 1 million in order


We are taking part in Missio- EEM the “Extraordinary Month of Mission” alongside Pope Francis. I would like the children to find our about the “Little Red Mission Box” visit the website below and write three facts about Missio (including the box) that you didn’t know before.

In addition, can you come up with an accessible way for Year 5 to raise a little money this month for the mission? All ideas welcome.

The Merchant of Venice


As part of our back stage experience Leo and Casey Hornby , who are in charge of marketing, would like to invite you to see the Royal Shakespeare Company’s performance of THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. The show will be performed at Our Lady of the Assumption on Tuesday 8th October at 7pm. Tickets on sale at Our Lady of the Assumption reception. Or you could come along to the Grand in Blackpool. On Saturday at 1:30pm 20 children from our school will be part of the production both backstage and front of house. Casey and Leo will be there to greet you!

The quality of mercy is not strained.It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath.
— William Shakespeare