RSC Play Making Festival July 2020

The children in Year 5 will be joining other schools around the country for this years RSC Associate School Play Making Festival. Even though everyone is still staying safe the children have been set two challenges. Here are two short film- Mrs Hotchkiss explains to the children what they have to do.



Year 2 Weekly Home Learning Challenges - Week Beginning 15th June 2020

Welcome to another brand new week of learning Year 2! These weeks are flying by far too quickly. There are so many exciting tasks for you to complete this week, including Sports Week activities for you to participate in.

Here are the weekly challenges for this week:

Home learning challenges - wb 15.6.20.JPG

Have a brilliant week filled with superb learning and concentration!

Miss Woodend

"To reach a port we must sail. Sail-not drop anchor, Sail-not drift" Roosevelt

Keep sailing children and you will reach the right destination! Your next port of call will be Year 6! Speaking of Year 6 the week beginning 6th July Mrs Gregan will be taking over the Year 5 learning blog of the week. She will be setting you lessons and tasks introducing you to Year 6! Mrs Gregan has also organised this years Sports Day. We can’t come together but she is setting a daily challenge next week and you will be telling us how you have done so that we can collect house points! Come on Bamber!!!! Thank you for working so hard this week I know the maths was tough and long- but you got there. I have loved looking at your boats photos and films- you took this very seriously I have included them in the weekly film. Watch with care as some clever headlines appear too! I’m glad you enjoyed learning about the Titanic it was a great little topic. Next week is DRAMA!! Below is an explanation of the challenges the Royal Shakespeare Company have sent us and what we will need to do to take part. Please read carefully. Thank you!

We had two birthdays this week too- Tess and Alice! Happy Birthday girls!!!

RSC Play Making festival- important information for next week

Dear children and parents, studying Shakespeare is part of the Year 5 curriculum. We were fortunate enough to study two plays this year before we had to stay at home. This summer we should have been taking part in the RSC playmaking festival down in Stratford. Two members of the class would have accompanied me to Stratford to perform the Taming of the Shrew with other children from all over the country. Sadly, this will no longer take place. However in its place, the RSC is celebrating the play making of all its Associate Schools through film. We have been asked to prepare part of two speeches from “The Taming of the Shrew”. You will need to listen to my instructions carefully on Monday. You will then film yourself, the film needs to be sent to me by a parent with permission in that email for me to send it to the RSC and The Grand Theatre Blackpool for them to use and publish. Films can be too big to send via email so you will need help from your parents to use Wetranfer or Google Drive. I will then forward your work. You have until Thursday night to send your drama piece. I will be sending them on the Friday 19th. You may then appear on the RSC website performing your lines. This task is set for the next four days for you to practice to give you time to organise the sending via email.

I have create links to useful online videos explaining how to WEtransfer and Google drive via email. You could practice this weekend send me a happy message! I’ll reply with a thumbs up!! THANK YOU!!!!!!

'The service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.'

It seemed really appropriate that we started our final half term ‘Service with a Smile,’ that we focused on saying thank you and looking at our ‘everyday heroes’ who are currently serving our communities during the pandemic. It is so important to often stop in our tracks and just reflect on what this period of time at home has brought us. Over the next few weeks I will be asking the children to reflect on this time and to think about the positives that have come from it.

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"When we have each other. we have everything!"

Well, as always, each and everyone of you have bounced straight back into your learning. Your determination and resilience never seizes to amaze me and I am so proud of all of your achievements during home learning. Let’s keep this up right until the end of term. I know it’s not the end of term we would have wanted, but we are still a class team and we will continue to support and help each other until you are ready to start your new class adventures.

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Year 3 photos of home learning week beginning 8th June

What a great week, you seem to have got straight back into your home learning after the holiday. Well done children. We love seeing how you have tackled your work each week and we love seeing you!

Please make sure you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page, there is lots to see.

As part of our health and happiness week Steph got busy making PowerPoints to share her learning with you all, great work!

Here are your photography skills photos that you took for your computing work. Can you guess where the locations are and what the close up photos are of?

Story time with Barbara


This weeks story is call ‘Call me Gorgeous’. I hope you all enjoy it!

Watch out for next weeks story ‘There’s a Lion in my Cornflakes’; one of my favourite stories.

Some of our families have been asking how to access previous stories and blogs, it can be done!

If you open the last blog and then scroll down to the bottom of the page you will see the words ‘In Nursery’. If you click on the the words all previous posts will come up.

One of our friends has sent in her wonderful colouring of a butterfly. I am sure you will agree it is beautiful, well done!

Please keep your ‘learning at home photos coming.

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Friday 12th June

It’s Friday! Have a super day of learning - you’ve all worked so hard this week!


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading and Epic Reading resources. Help can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section of my page if you need it.

Remember, you should be reading for at least half an hour each day. Also try to read both a range of fiction and non-fiction books.


Day 5

Listen to the story of The Bird King:

Listen again and pause to make a list of all the birds who want to be ‘the bird king.’

Retell the story orally to each other. Use time sequencing words and phrases to help organise your retelling, e.g. Once upon a time …, first, next, after that, later that day, eventually, finally.

Your challenge today is to write your own version of The Bird King! Replace the parakeet, toucan, macaw etc. with your choice of birds. Perhaps you could include some birds that you have researched earlier this week!

Points to consider:
Why might each bird think that they should be the bird king? You could use this to highlight some of the birds’ special features, just as the birds do in the original (0:24 – 0:45 mins).
Think carefully about the bird which might replace the eagle. Which other large bird or bird of prey might fly so high?
Think carefully about which bird might replace the sparrow. Which other small bird could fly under the larger bird’s wing?
Talk about your ideas and your plan with an adult. Practise each of your sentences out loud before you write. Remember to keep reading through your writing to check it makes sense and to check for spelling and punctuation.


Complete the grammar competition

Oxford Owl Spelling

Choose a spelling rule to work on today.


Click the link below and access ‘Summer Term, Week 6 (w/c 1st June)’

Have a go at completing the Friday Family Challenge.


10 x tables


Which sections do you have left to complete? Have a look and see how many you can get through.

Times tables

Click below for a website which will help you to practise your times tables even more. You can create a free account which will enable you to see which medals you have collected along the way. Remember in Year 2, our main tables to focus on are 2, 5 and 10, but you could have a go at 3s too for an extra challenge.

Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for more learning!

And …. as promised, here is the first chapter of ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark’. I hope you enjoy it!

I hope you have a lovely weekend with your families,

Miss Woodend