Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Thursday 2nd July

Good Morning Year 2!

Here are Thursday’s home learning activities:


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading and Epic Reading resources.  Help can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section of my page if you need it. 

Please note:  From the 30th June, the school’s subscription changes and the EPIC reading resource will only be available for 2 hours across the week. 

Remember, you should be reading for at least half an hour each day.  Also try to read both a range of fiction and non-fiction books. 


Day 4:

Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen

With an adult, read together Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen:
(Click the image for the full version)

Now watch and enjoy Michael Rosen performing the poem here:

Make connections with the poem and compare the two versions. Discuss – What did you think of the poem? Which version did you prefer? How were they similar/different? Did the poem remind you of anything? Have you ever craved a particular type of food like Michael craved the chocolate cake in the poem?
Your child might comment that the piece resembles a story more than a poem and that during the performance piece, Rosen does not recite the poem exactly word for word. Use this opportunity to explain that some poems are not written in verse (free verse), do not need to rhyme, can vary in performance and can sometimes resemble more like the telling of a story!

Re-read the poem together, pausing frequently and summarising what is happening in each section, e.g. First of all, Rosen explains why he likes chocolate cake so much. Then he wakes in the night thinking about the chocolate cake. After that, he sneaks downstairs to eat the remaining cake, etc.

You are now going to plan to write your own version of Chocolate Cake. First of all, you need to decide what food your poem is going to be about. Now you are going to plan your poem. Think about the sequence (order) of your poem, e.g. why you like your chosen food so much, how you might wake in the night thinking about it, the act of sneaking downstairs into the kitchen, eating and enjoying it, etc.

Create a plan similar to a story map, including each of the different sections above. Talk your planned sequence through with an adult.

Oxford Owl Spellings

Choose a spelling rule to focus on today.


Please access - Summer Term - Week 8 (w/c 15th June) - Lesson 4 - ‘Patterns with 2D and 2D Shapes’ and watch the video.  Then, complete the activity below:


Which sections do you have left to complete?  Have a look and see how many you can get through.


Click the link below for lots of games and activities linked to this week’s shape learning.

Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for more learning!

Have a wonderful day,

Miss Woodend

Sharing a Shell

This week I am reading story from a new classroom. Can you guess where I am?

Our friend Ava has chosen this story, it’s one of her favourites.

Are you all sitting super smart and doing good listening?

What do you think I should read next week?

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Wednesday 1st July

Wow - it’s now the month of July! Can you believe it? I certainly can’t!

Here are Wednesday’s home learning activities:


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading and Epic Reading resources.  Help can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section of my page if you need it. 

Please note:  From the 30th June, the school’s subscription changes and the EPIC reading resource will only be available for 2 hours across the week. 

Remember, you should be reading for at least half an hour each day.  Also try to read both a range of fiction and non-fiction books. 


Day 3:

On the Ning Nang Nong! by Spike Milligan

Read the poem 'On the Ning Nang Nong’ here:

Now, play the audio recording of the poem as read by Spike Milligan (click on the image above).

Discuss your child’s reaction to the poem – they might be surprised by the nonsense words! Some background information on Spike Milligan and his nonsense poetry can be found in the first two paragraphs here:
(Note: Please avoid clicking on + Continue Reading tab as the content may not be considered age appropriate).

Your first task today is to draw and label a picture of the Ning Nang Nong. What creatures and living things need to be included in your picture? (cows, monkeys, mice, trees). If you were to attach speech bubbles to the animals, what would they be saying? (Bong! BOO! Clang!) What other creatures or living things could you add? What might they be doing? What other noises might you hear? Remember it doesn’t matter how ridiculous your ideas are – you can be as creative as you like! Colour your picture to make it as attractive as possible.

Now write some sentences to describe your version of the Ning Nang Nong. Remember to include details about all the living creatures that live there, the noises they make and what they do. You can use some adjectives (describing words) and include your own nonsense words too if you like!
Remember to read back through your work to check for spelling and punctuation.

Oxford Owl Spellings

Choose a spelling rule to focus on today.


Please access - Summer Term - Week 8 (w/c 15th June) - Lesson 3 - ‘Sorting 2D and 2D Shapes’ and watch the video.  Then, complete the activity below: I do understand that there was a lot to complete for yesterday’s maths, so please do complete what you can. Friday’s maths is reinforcing what has already been taught, so these activities could always be skipped and today’s or tomorrow’s work carried over to Friday.


Which sections do you have left to complete?  Have a look and see how many you can get through.


Click the link below for lots of games and activities linked to this week’s shape learning.

Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for more learning!

Have a lovely day, 

Miss Woodend