Updated Nursery Guidance during the Covid pandemic

Welcome back after what was an extremely quiet Christmas.

In line with current Government guidelines it has been necessary to make some small modifications to the nursery guidelines for keeping safe during the imposed restrictions.

I feel certain that you will support us in keeping nursery a safe space for the children and the staff and adhere to the new lockdown guidance. Click here to read the National Lockdown: Stay at Home guidance.

If you click on the buttons below you will find nursery’s updated guidelines.

Year 2 Remote Learning - Wednesday 6th January

Good Morning Year 2!

Welcome to the new Remote Learning section of the website. Here you will find the daily learning for each day. Each day there will be at least 3 lessons - Maths, English and another subject (some days there may be more). I understand that each family is facing their own challenges at home, so please work through as much of the activities as you can, when you can. Some days you may be able to complete all of the activities, and others you may need to catch up on a few lessons in a day. However, you will need to follow the lessons in the order they are posted, as most lessons build on from each other. If you do have any questions or concerns, please do no hesitate to ask. My email is

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Year 2 Remote Learning - Tuesday 5th January

Good Morning Year 2,

All of your teachers here in Year 2 are very sad that we won’t all be together in class for the next couple of weeks. However, we are all still here to help you on your fabulous learning journey and will be posting learning each day for you to get stuck into and enjoy. We are currently in school planning out your online learning and will post tomorrow’s as soon as it’s ready.

In the meantime, here are a few activities to keep you going!

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Tuesday 5th January Remote Learning


I just thought that I would give you a couple of things to keep you busy and learning today.

Keep smiling and remember that we want to keep our brains growing. Be the best that you can be.

Here are the maths fluency sheets that we were going to do in school this week. We have done Fluency 1 but you could have another go.

I have also added the question sheet that we started yesterday on the Wise Men’s visit to the stable. Remember that you were imagining that you were one of the Wise Men and had just visited Baby Jesus in the stable. Please give as much detail as you can.