Year 6 Home Learning - Tuesday 5th January 2021

As we are at home for a day, I thought I would set up your homework for you to crack on with at home.

Science - This week you have looked at Mary Anning with Mrs Webster. Can you complete the fact file on her that has been set for you on Purple Mash. Think about what you found out about her and what extra information you can include from your own further research. Remember sentence openers and how you are going to present the information.

Fossils - Mrs Webster started your discussion on fossils yesterday. What else can you discover about them? Complete your own research and complete the fossil factfile on Purple Mash.

Maths - IXL F strand. There are a fair few decimal strands that we haven't completed this year that would stand you in good stead for our fraction work - either in school or online. Tick away at these today.

Times Table Rockstars - where can you get to?

RE - Complete the work on the Seder Plate that you started in class on Monday.

READ READ READ READ READ! Can you complete one of the book reviews based on a book that you have read over Christmas? Remember that I would like 2 completed before half term, you can get a good start on one today. Remember to follow the prompts that have been provided for you.

Wishing you a Happy and Holy Christmas

To all of my wonderful Year 1 families, I just want to say thank you. I am beyond grateful for all of the extra learning you do with the children at home; I know how much the children love sharing their learning with you. They have made wonderful progress since September and every step has been magical. I could not be prouder of them!

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"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given..."

Well … Christmas is here, and what a term it’s been! I couldn’t be more proud of the children. They have adapted to new school routines seamlessly and have taken everything in their stride. Being together with only our class bubble hasn’t always been easy, but the children have shown what resilient and kind young people they are. I also want to say a huge thank you to you, our Year 2 families! You have been so supportive in the strangest of times and your children have continued to grow.

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Art News...Week Seven... It's Christmasssssssss!

Wow! We made it to the end of term and what a term it has been. This week has been so much fun as we have come together as a school family but still safely in our class bubbles. The whole school online nativity is beautiful and the nursery nativity is adorable, if you have not seen it yet, head over to the discover page and the nursery page for a real treat. Thursday saw all classes having their special Christmas parties and of course a tasty Christmas lunch, prepared by our cook Jacqui and her team. It’s been a different celebration this year but one we won’t forget and one that brought us all closer together.

In Art…

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Mankind is a great, an immense family... This is proved by what we feel in our hearts at Christmas.

Although we have not been able to share in our celebrations as our whole school family this week, our class has felt like a family. We have been taking care of each other, still working hard but having so much fun too along the way!

This week has seen us complete our lovely class nativity - portraying the Three Wise Men’s visit (see school blog) Then we had a fantastic time on Tuesday, taking part in our Danceathon in classes and also, by request on the playground too! Thanks so much for all your kind donations. So far, our class has raised £122.00 for streetlife! We’ve even had some Christmas French.

For English, we have also been studying this Christmas poem. The children have loved learning it and putting it together. Enjoy!

Thursday was our Christmas party day and what a jolly lot the children were! We played party games in class such as good old musical chairs and our special secret santa game. A beautiful Christmas dinner was shared by all. Then time for a movie and some popcorn too.

The children were astounded when a video appeared on our screen of Santa in our class - he delivered presents to all classes around the school! Many theories were flying about - How did he get here? Why didn’t we see him? All very exciting!

Let’s Celebrate!

This week a Lizzie Ladybird certificate goes to Saul for making so much improvement this last term. A Sadie Spider certificate has gone to Max for being so determined to meet his reading target and improve his spellings. A Bobby Bee certtificate has gone to Mason for often doing his own exciting poems and stories to bring in for us all to enjoy.

20 children have met their reading target this half term! Excellent Year 4. We are very proud of you.

PE stars this week were John’Joseph for getting into spaces and confidently calling for others to pass to him. Also Lena who did some amazing interception to get the ball in basketball!

Your children have all worked so hard this term and have each overcome so many obstacles. The class feels like a big family, growing in trust and love for one another. I have loved helping them to grow and learn and look forward to the new year to teach them again.

But as we are all exhausted, all that is left to say is have a lovely Christmas and a good rest. Best wishes and God bless,

Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Forster.

Sing and Shout for Joy Nativity

I know everyone has been waiting for today and to be able to watch our Nativity. The children have worked extremely hard and taken their roles very seriously. I hope that sharing our Nativity will bring the true meaning of Christmas in to your homes.

Please sit back and let the Christmas spirit enter your hearts.

I am sure that you would like to join me in thanking Clare, who wrote this wonderful production and Colette, who filmed each scene. Also, our thanks must go to Mrs. Gregan who edited each image, song and video so beautifully.

Finally, on behalf of the whole nursery team we would like to say a huge ‘ thank you’ to you all for your wonderful support this term.

Have a happy and Holy Christmas and we will see you in January.
