Christmas hat day!

Such a fabulous day!

We wore our Christmas hats and jumpers. We had great fun all week! May I thank you for your donations, they will be going to a very worthy charity; Brian House Children’s Hospice. Thank you.

I have put some photos of us all enjoying the festive fun.

Don’t forget next Wednesday I will be posting our Nativity video and on Thursday we we be having our nursery Christmas party from 9.30-11.30 am. Let’s get ready to party, dust off those dancing shoes!

Have a lovely weekend. Try and have a rest before an extremely busy week next week!!


Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 11th December 2020



Please read everyday for at least ten minutes


Set 11 - ever  everyone  everybody   every    another    father

‘j’ sound - gem   join    magic    large    fudge    bridge

 Please note that the spelling quiz will take place on Wednesday next week due to it being Christmas party day on Thursday.


We have been learning all about the Christmas story in RE. I have set a 2Do for you to complete on Purple Mash. Can you write a newspaper report all about the day that Jesus was born? How did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem? Who else was there? How did they find their way? Remember to think really carefully about your punctuation and spellings.

Maths IXL

S.5   S.6
Work through sections a-I if you have any spare minutes.

English IXL



Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Happiness is singing your heart out.'

This week has been all about making people smile and to share our joy with others. We have been busy making Christmas cards, baubles and a carol concert for the residents of Stella Matutina. They read out the email that we had sent them this week and it brought tears to many of the residents. If we can just spread a little joy to them this Christmas….what a wonderful gift. With the £1 from the danceathon next week, we hope to send them an incredible gift. I will post the video of the carols on the website next week when we share our whole school Christmas nativity. Hopefully it will bring you some light too.

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"Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem. May we let ourselves be drawn by the light of God made man."

With the Christmas holidays looming, we have spent many of our class prayer and liturgy sessions reflecting upon this special time and what we can do in order to prepare for the birth of Jesus. We have really enjoyed sharing Year 6’s Advent liturgies together - they are guiding our prayer beautifully each week. Thank you Year 6! In RE, we also became Nativity song writers. We listened to one of our favourites ‘Don’t Worry Mary’ and picked out the important messages from within the song. We then used these ideas to help write our own verses, with many children showing such confidence whilst performing their songs to the class. You are growing into such deep thinkers Year 2!

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Year 6 Weekly Home Learning - Wednesday 9th December 2020

Spellings: last week we looked at ‘shun’ endings spelt tion. This week it is ‘shun’ endings spelt cian.

electrician, magician, mathematician, physician, clinician, optician, politician, technician, beautician, musician, electrician, pediatrician, tactician, dietician.

What do all of the words have in common?

History - Tudor Clothing.

Tudor Clothin.PNG

Can you complete the To Do that some of you have started this week on Tudor Clothing? Don’t forget to use the question prompts at the side of the page to support your research and detail.

Put the research that you find into your own words.

Maths - There are 2 parts to your homework this week for maths

  1. Can you complete the Purple Mash document - MIXED UP MATHS. Remember to look at the display board to see all of the different ways that you can complete this. A small pencil is a must to avoid it being over sized.

  2. IXL - E5 and E6. Highest common factor and lowest common multiple. Remember to jot down the factors and multiples to help you.