Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Friday 4th December


Please read for at least 10 minutes each day.

Please practise retelling our focus story ‘The Great Fairy Tale Disaster’ using the story map provided. See how many people you can amaze with how much you can remember. Don’t forget those story actions too!


Set 10 - could would should other brother mother

Words ending in -ing - baking  riding   making   shining  racing  smiling


Maths IXL

(Feel free to work through sections A-I)

English IXL

V.1 V.2

Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'For it is in the giving that we receive.'

As Mother Teresa once told us, ‘It is not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.’ It has been lovely to insert some Christmas cheer into our classroom this week and to think about the needs of others before ourselves. We have constantly prayed for the residents of Stella Matitina during this term and I know how much joy the children’s letters have brought to them.

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This week...

A big thank you to you all, we have received permission from everyone to post our Nativity on our webpage next week. This week we have been filming all the scenes both inside and in the garden as well as singing like angels around the Christmas tree! Next week, we are hoping Mrs. Gregan will help us to edit it.

I must tell you that the children have worked extremely hard by learning all their lines and songs; not to mention their acting skills. We are expecting a BAFTA at the very least. By using drama to depict the Christmas Nativity has given the children a practical understanding of the true meaning of Christmas. It is beautiful to observe the Christmas message permeate the whole of the nursery during our play and learning.

May I remind the children who are in on Friday the 11th; it will be Christmas hat day and we are asking for a £1 donation towards our collection for Brian House Children’s Hospice. Please don’t worry if Friday is not your child’s day, they can still get involved and donate £!, just wear a Christmas hat on another day.

The children have been telling us that they have been using the Purple Mash website at home. I am so please that you finding it a useful learning tool. Remember that you can save work into the trays in the Mini Mash playroom and we will be able to access your child’s learning here at nursery. We can’t wait to see what you are learning about at home.

Next week we will be focusing on shape. If you click on the button below there are some activities for you do do at home! There are lots more activities on Purple Mash, why not explore!

Finally, have a lovely weekend and wrap up warm I believe it’s going to be rather chilly!!


"It is the beautiful task of Advent to awaken in all of us memories of goodness and thus to open doors of hope"

This week has been a lovely one in class. We have spent time reflecting upon the period of Advent and what we are going to try and give back as part of this special time. The children wrote their own Advent promises which are now being beautifully displayed in the school hall. As we have been unable to put on our usual Nativity productions, we have also been busy practising for a Nativity performance with a twist. Look out for this on the school website next week!

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Year 6 Weekly Home Learning - Wednesday 2nd December 2020

Spelling - tion. We are continuing to focus on suffixes. This week, all our words end in tion.

action, nation, potion, motion, section, station, fiction, caption, ignition, question, position, solution, education, formation, starvation.

Maths - read these instructions carefully.

  1. BODMAS - this task is set for you on Showbie or Purple Mash. It is the same task on both platforms. Choose one of them to complete the task on - or complete them on both if you want.

  2. LONG DIVISION - this is on Purple Mash. Please complete it on here.

English and Science - Science v Religion

Some people believe that the Theory of Evolution contradicts the Story of Creation. This is a challenging piece of homework that will make you really think. We have discussed this in class so think about what you need to include.

Can you log onto Purple Mash and complete the discussion text To Do which asks you to think of reasons for and against the Theory of Evolution. Remember to add detail - you will be using these for an Outcome 3 discussion text next week.

Romeo and Juliet Potion - optional as discussed with your partner.

Can you bring your Romeo and Juliet potion to life at home? Make your potion and take a photo. This can be used in your Book Creator about your potion.

Be creative with your photography work and email me your photos that you want to use.

Reception Home Learning 27.11.20


Keeeeeeeeeep Reading!

Everyone should have a new set of word flashcards to practise with. If you do not have a set it is because the previous set wasn’t returned, please send them in next week and we can swap them over.

Homework Books

We have now learnt 26 different sounds which is AMAZING. I have slotted a sheet in the books of all the RWI rhymes to remember how to form the letters.

Please choose 10 letters and practice writing them on the lined page of your book. It is very important you start and finish in the correct place.

It might be a good idea to warm up those fingers with a dough disco.

Purple Mash

Enjoy exploring 2Beat to make a rhythm we can all join in with next week. We have been using 2Beat all week, so hopefully they will be able to show you what the different buttons do!

Please remember to click ‘save and exit’ and then ‘hand in’

Thank you and as always…enjoy!

Miss Lavelle

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

An exciting week preparing for the start of Advent. Rehearsals and filming are well underway for our Virtual Nativity. The children are loving saying and acting their scenes and as for the singing I have just one word…FABULOUS. All the nursery team are so proud of how each child has risen to their individual challenge. I am certain you will be equally as proud when you get to watch it.

I must remind everyone that I am still missing just a few consent forms (I sent these home last week). Sadly If I do not have everyone’s consent I will be unable to post the Nativity video. Please could you check that you have retuned the full completed form and returned it to nursery. Please note you will have to sign and delete as appropriate each consent box as the Nativity will include both images and video footage.

We have also spotted one of Father Christmas’s elves at nursery. He keeps hiding in very odd places! The children are enjoying finding him as their first job when they arrive at nursery.

On Friday everyone noticed that our Christmas tree had been put up during the night; we all think it was the elf.

Next week we will be designing our Christmas cards and maybe a few more surprises!


Within school and nursery we remain grateful that our current situation is one in which all of our classes have stayed open. We know that in working with you and together meticulously following the guidance in and out of school, we are all keeping each other safe. I know that this can feel confining at times and it would so easy to relax and forget why we are following all these procedures, but we must stay alert and keep following those safety guidelines. We so want everyone to ‘stay safe and stay well’.

As we head towards the end of term I know so many of you will want to thank staff, as you always do and we are so blessed to have such caring and appreciative parents. As we always say, your support is felt through your actions and encouraging words. Your biggest gift - the best one you could ever give to us -is entrusting your child into our care. Over the years, even though we always try and tell you how much a kind letter or words of thanks mean to us, some of you still like to bring in small personal gifts; these we never expect though of course we appreciate your thoughtfulness.

This year of course is so different to any we have ever known and in the current situation we really are unable to accept items brought in, so we have to ask you please would you be kind enough to not send gifts into school, we would be so distressed to appear ungrateful. We are so strictly following the guidelines which we’re applying to children and staff and we can’t break our own rules at this point. However, those of you who are determined to say thank you, please contribute to your child’s class charity, or to the Food Banks - these are such all such worthy causes and they are finding survival extremely challenging. Thank you for your understanding.    

Have a lovely weekend.
