Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 27th November 2020


Read for at least 10 minutes each day.

I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash. Think carefully about the fairy tales and fairy tale with a twist stories that we have read so far this term. Which new words do you like? Can you remember what they mean? Fill in some sections on your online dictionary. For an extra challenge, try and put them in alphabetical order!


Set 9 - I’ve I’m now call house school
Adding the suffix -ing - stopping   shopping    grabbing    slipping  dropping     running


Science and Online Safety

As part of online safety day, we learned about safe searching and where we can share our work safely with our friends. I have set a 2Do on Purple mash to complete the life cycle of a butterfly. Once you have completed and saved this, see if you can save it to our Year 2 Display Board by clicking the share button. Remember that everything posted here is checked by me before it can be seen by the rest of the class.


IXL Maths - S.2
IXL English - L.3

Please complete the units above. If you do find that you have spare time and would like to complete more IXL sections throughout the week, feel free to work through sections A-I. These link with our previous addition and subtraction learning.

“If you dream a thing more than once, it's sure to come true.”- Sleeping Beauty.

You are working so incredibly hard Year 2 and each week is just flying by!

This week in English, the children were introduced to our new focus story ‘The Great Fairy Tale Disaster’. We have really enjoyed reading the beginning of the story, picking out our favourite vocabulary and learning to retell it using story maps and actions. The class have already begun to think what might happen in their own fairy tale disasters and who might be involved. I can’t wait to see more of those Creative Kiki Chameleons as we begin writing in the next couple of weeks Year 2!

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Year 6 Blog - 'Let every heart prepare him room.'

As we head towards the season of Advent, now more than ever, we are trying to be the light that is shining in our world. Each and every day, I am reminded of the joy that each of your children bring. There is not a day that does not go by where we don’t laugh in class - we are really having such a wonderful time learning and overcoming all of the challenges that we constantly face. I am really looking forward to celebrating this magical time with the class. We know that our Christmas preparations will be different this year - maybe it will give us more time to reflect its true meaning.

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Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 25th November 2020

There are a few different tasks on here today…see how well you can do.

Spellings - suffix ious

odious, various, obvious, serious, anxious, serious, precious, gracious, factious, religious, ambitious, hilarious, delirious, atrocious, officious.

Maths and Science

These are both assignments on your SHOWBIE account.

Maths - complete the long division calculations by writing on the sheet. Can you add a voice recording to explain to me what you have done?

Science - to be completed in your homework book and uploaded onto Showbie. Take a photo and upload.

Who was Charles Darwin and what did he discover at the Galapogos Islands?

Friar Lawrence.jpg

English - Was Friar Lawrence responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s death? I have set you a task on Purple Mash to debate and discuss.

3 detailed reasons why Friar Lawrence was responsible and 3 detailed reasons why he was not responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s deaths.

Foundation Stage Christmas Hat Day and Danceathon

Owing to the current restrictions, r our Christmas celebrations and charity donations at nursery will have to be different this year. We have all been thinking really hard and discussing what we could do to help our chosen charity; Brian House Children’s Hospice.

Brian House the children’s unit specializes in respite, palliative, end of life care and bereavement support for children, young people and their families. Brian House, working as part of the multi-disciplinary team, provides care and a ‘home from home’ environment for children and young adults from within the Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre areas who have life threatening and/or life limiting conditions and meet the criteria for care.

Everyone has decided that on Tuesday 15th December KS1 and Foundation will be having a class ‘danceathon’. We are asking that all the children present that day to bring a £1 donation.

On Friday 11th December it will be Christmas hat day and once more we are asking for a £1 donation. All monies collected will be given to Brain House Hospice.

As in previous years we ask that you do not send Christmas cards into nursery but instead make the above donations to such a worthy cause.

With regards to our virtual Nativity (to be posted on our webpage on Wednesday 16th December); I have this week sent home an image consent form. It is important that you complete it and return to nursery as soon as possible. If I do not receive your permission I will be unable to post the video on our webpage.

Finally, our Christmas party will be held in our nursery bubble this year on Thursday 17th December 9.30 am -11.30 am.

I hope everyone manages to have a restful weekend, but just in case you have time on your hands click on the button below for a nature activity sheet.

See you on Monday!


‘No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.’

The children have worked so hard this week and have really challenged their brilliant brains, especially in maths! On Tuesday we had Online Safety Day. We had lots of discussion about communicating online and the importance of always being kind. The children then sent emails to story book characters, such as The Big Bad Wolf and Goldilocks. It was lovely to see how these children communicated kindly even though they didn’t agree with the choices of these characters.

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