"When in doubt, think about and talk it out"

Well done Year 2 - it has been another successful week of learning in class. Tuesday was our first Online Safety Day in school. This day always provides time for us to just stop and think about how we use technology and how we can ensure that we are being safe whilst doing so. We focused on our digital footprint and discussed all of the different software, apps and games that we enjoy using both in school and home. The children found it interesting to learn that everything they access can leave a footprint behind which can often be found by others. Technology is such a wonderful tool for both enjoyment and learning, but it must be used safely and appropriately.

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“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” —Winnie the Pooh

The staff and I are so blessed to be able to witness so many of those small things that occur in the dinner hall and on the playground that makes lunchtimes such a special time of day. The acts of kindness, selflessness and compassion that is shown and shared so many times between the children so effortlessly, fills our hearts with joy on a daily basis. and this week has been no exception.

The playground has rung out with laughter, as games have been played, jokes shared and friends simply being together. Unicorns and vets have visited us this week, alongside a cone shop and the mighty power rangers! Super heroes with an array of special talents have been busy saving the day, whilst races have been won and tennis matches played. There is never a dull moment to be had!

Mr Nay has continued to deliver varying activities for all the children to enjoy. It is so lovely to see them beaming with achievement and joy during his sessions, along with their rosy cheeks!

Foundation Stage.

Role Model of the Week: Louisa Reception

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Ava Reception

Keystage 1

Table of the Week: Year 1

Role Model of the Week: Roseanna Year2

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: William Year 1

Lower Keystage 2.

Table of the Week: Year 4

Role Model of the Week: Kiefer Year 4

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Ruby Lily Year 3

Upper Keystage 2.

Table of the Week: Year 6

Role Model of the Week: Fin Year 5

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Sol Year 6

Congratulations children and thank you so much for being such wonderful role models .

We hope that you all have a wonderful and relaxing weekend

God Bless

The Lunchtime Team

Reception Home Learning 20.11.20


Thank you very much we have had most reading books in everyday this week and the children are getting into a great routine of putting them in their house colour box.

Please continue to read your books at home. Everyone should have a new set of word flashcards to practise with. If you do not have a set it is because the previous set wasn’t returned, please send them in next week and we can swap them over.


Practice counting orally to 20 from different numbers. For example, you say…8 they continue with…9,10,11,12,13…all the way to 20.

Purple Mash

Each child has received a login for Purple Mash, this is a small laminated card in their reading folders.

Please use the details to log in to https://www.purplemash.com and follow the instructions below.

Use 2Paint to create a picture of a nocturnal animal. You could also add text to the bottom to write a fact about your animal.

Thank you and enjoy!

Miss Lavelle

Click on the alert in the top left corner.

Click on the alert in the top left corner.

This box will pop up. Click on ‘Go to’

This box will pop up. Click on ‘Go to’

When the picture is finished, click the arrow at the top right.

When the picture is finished, click the arrow at the top right.

A box will appear, choose the ‘Save and Exit’ button.

A box will appear, choose the ‘Save and Exit’ button.

Then click the ‘Hand In’ button, so I will be able to see the picture.

Then click the ‘Hand In’ button, so I will be able to see the picture.

“To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark.” — Victor Hugo

Another exciting week in Year 4! On Thursday, lots of books arrived that the children had requested that they would love to read. As one child commented, “It’s book heaven!” Their excitement was so beautiful that I had to film it!

Another great success at the moment is our recorder lessons. Here is a little sample of our progress so far - very good I’m sure you would agree!

This week we had our Online Safety day where we discussed our digital footprint - the traces of ourselves that we leave online. We did lots of work around making sure we are safe online and only post or share photos, videos and/or comments which will not hurt or embarrass yourself or others. As usual, children produced some excellent work.

We have loved learning further about Anglo-Saxons this week and on Thursday, we had a mystery to solve - the mysery of the empty grave - an Anglo-Saxon burial site filled with all sorts of treasures found at Sutton Hoo- East Anglia. But who did the grave belong to? Children looked at the evidence and interpreted it to figure out the possible owner of such a grave - A Superior King - King Raedwald!

We have also begun our novel ‘Charlotte’s Web’ this week which children are already very in love with! They are such book lovers - I feel privileged to take them on their journey of books this year!

RHE focus

This week, we have thought about our gifts from God and how we can make the most of them. We have also reflected on God’s greatest gift - love and how we can show this to Him and others around us. In our class council we have been discussing how to raise money for our class charity, Streetlife. Children have come up with brilliant fundraising ideas and have decided what our Autumn fundraiser will be - see notices below.

Let’s celebrate!

This week we have a Bobby Bee certificate for Jayden who is growing so much in self-belief and enthusiasm. We are so proud of you!

We also have a Sadie Spider for Asher, who never ever gives up. In all he does he makes sure it is his very best and often adds that extra bit of detail.

Our recorder stars this week were Kai and Julia for super focus and effort.

Our PE stars were Jayden for excellent focus and Abi for really using her intelligence to strategise in the game.


Given the current situation that we are all in, the school have decided that this year fundraising will take place solely for different charities as they need our help now more than ever. Each class has been given a charity to raise money for in their own way. Year 4’s charity is ‘Streetlife,’ in Blackpool.

Christmas Arts and Crafts Day - Friday 4th December - Our first fundraiser in Year 4 will be a Christmas Arts and Crafts Day. On this day, children will be making Christmas decorations for our classroom and for home - all things Christmassy. They can wear a Christmas jumper on this day too if they want - with their own trousers, jeans or skirt - obviously weather appropriate! A donation of £1 (or any donation) would be kindly received, but this must be in the form of a £1 coin as we also want to limit the handling and counting out of money.

Christmas Danceathon Day - Tuesday 15th December - This much anticipated annual event will return with a slight twist this year. The children can come to school wearing their PE kits and we will dance the day away to Christmas music when Miss Hornby sounds those school bells. Unfortunately there will be no gathering on the school playground to dance as a school community but we will dance our socks off in class! Again, donations of £1 for this event in the single coin.

Christmas Party Day - Thursday 17th December - This year we will be enjoying those Christmas party games in our classrooms. On this day, children can come to school in their best party clothes. A small snack of a chocolate bar or a packet of crisps with a drink (no fizzy please) can also be brought into school to be enjoyed after the party. We will also be enjoying a Christmas dinner for lunch.

We all hope you have a lovely weekend with your family. God bless,

Mrs Lyons, Miss Forster and Mrs Mather

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 18th November 2020

Online Safety


This week we have completed our work on online safety and what our digital footprint says about us. Please complete the following 2 tasks:

  1. Can you complete this anonymous survey on your screen time? We will be using the data to inform us in class.


  2. Complete the digital safety piece of work that I have set you on Purple Mash. Remember to use the prompts on the side of the page to inform your writing. I would like to see a detailed and informative piece of writing. Make sure that it reflects what you have done.

Maths - Rockstars this week please!

Next week I will be setting you into some challenging tables so get practising this week. Make sure you get those skills up! The quicker the recall the better the results. Remember that Rockstars over practises skills until you have got them.

Spellings - suffix ly

early, curly, unruly, simply, timidly, bristly, slightly, luckily, utterly, ideally, ghastly, probably, violently, generally, immediately.

Year 4 blog -Two important notices!

Home/School Agreement

Please could you share and complete online the home school agreement form with your child this weekend. It is very short and will be good to remind children of their responsibilities in school. Part of it is a parent agreement too.


Another thing that has changed in school is the way in which you report a child’s illness or absence from school. There is an online form to complete and submit in the ‘discover’ section of our website under attendance. The form is called ‘Reporting an Illness.’ This is a more simple and effective way of letting us know if your child is poorly.

"Your wings already exist all you need to do is fly!"

The children may have already told you about our science lessons this week! We have been investigating forces and to do this we made elastic firing rockets, paper aeroplanes and parachutes. It was been fun but very scientific. We have carefully collected data, evaluated our work and thought about other things we could test. I have placed a gallery of use busy at work in class! We have had a tricky time in maths, we are not all confident problem solvers of word problems yet and we need to keep revisiting the whole and part model to help us. In English we have continued to explore Hamlet through drama. Our ghost was pretty spectacular in the end. Alongside this work on the play we are learning to write a really good character description and the paired writing the children completed on Thursday was wonderful. Next week, we will be watching the RSC production in class! Mrs Harrison joined us again on Thursday and shared the story of Noah and the covenant he had with God. She is really enjoying teaching again after her short break. In RHE (relationship and health education) we explored gifts and talents - it was an interesting lesson as we often celebrate achievement but we also thought about who we are and how we are loved: how we are unique :

we are loved- not for what we do but for who we are.

I hope you all have fun with the homework this week ! More aeroplanes to investigate!

Grow your brain certificates this week went to: Emma and Georgia


The classroom is highly ventilated and as the days get colder the class does too. Please encourage your child to wear layers under their white t-shirt. I know some of them just don’t feel the cold but others do. The art room is particularly cool and Mrs Curtis is happy for the children to wear an old spare jumper under their painting shirt.

Thank you- have a lovely weekend

Mrs H xx

Reception Home Learning 13.11.20


Read, read, read! Read signs, read labels, read bedtime stories and please spend 5-10 minutes reading the book sent home with your child. This should be done at least three times during the week.

Please remember it’s not just about reading words:

  • Make predictions of what will happen next

  • Build character knowledge including descriptions and feelings

  • Answer questions using evidence from the pictures or text

  • Retell and sequence the story

  • Embellish the story and even create alternative endings.


The class have shown a real interest in nocturnal animals, next week we will be finding out more about them.

Please choose one of the animals below to tell a story about.

You could make a little lolly stick puppet or something similar to help you tell the story or use some of the other nocturnal animals as other characters in your story.

Please record the story and send it to s.lavelle@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk. We will share them as a class next week.

Nocturnal animals.png

Physical Development

Fine motor fun! Make or use playdough you have already to have a ‘Dough Disco’. Here is an example… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrBsNhwxzgc&safe=active Put on a favourite song and enjoy, rolling, pinching, splatting, pressing, squeezing the playdough to the music.

Thank you and enjoy!

Miss Lavelle

"Life itself is the most wonderful fairytale"

The weather may have grown a little colder and darker this week, but this hasn’t stopped Year 2 from working hard and reaching those goals! All of the adults working within Year 2 continue to be amazed by the children’s resilience, enthusiasm and compassion as we continue our learning journeys in these uncertain times. We are all so lucky to be learning in our little bubble and I am so proud of what the children are achieving each day.

Read more

Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 13th November 2020


Read for at least 10 minutes each day. Don’t forget about the reading challenge mentioned on this week’s blog! If you take your time to read and quiz carefully, it might just be you taking home one of those special books!

We have been reading so many fairytales in class this week, but have paid particular attention to The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf. I have set a 2Do on Purple Mash to retell the story of The Three Little Pigs in your own words. Remember I will look at these and mark them, so please try your best!


Set 7 - have do little out our saw

Kn or gn - knee knife know knight knock gnome

Online Safety

On Tuesday, we will be having our first Online Safety Day of the year. It would be great if the children could complete the quiz set for them on Purple Mash to see what they can remember from last year.

Maths IXL

H.1 H.2 H.3 H.4 H.5

English IXL

F.1 F.2 F.3 F.4 F.5