Year 6 Blog - 'Love and compassion are necessities not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.'

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. This week is always a poignant week as we stop and remember all of those fallen victims of war and conflict. We started our week on Monday with a worship. The children had all made a poppy for the centre focus and we shared prayers for everyone who has been affected by war and conflict around the world.

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When Goldilocks came to nursery!

Over the past two weeks we have been reading the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children have been retelling the story using puppets, drawing pictures and acting out. It’s been great fun!

We have also been focusing on the number three and trying to think of any other stories or rhymes we might know with the number three in it. We did think of quite a few books to explore as well as some stories we made up too!

On Wednesday we found out that Goldilocks had visited nursery whilst we were all at home and played with all our toys. She even broke one of our chairs!!

Click on the slide show below to see the pictures of all the things Goldilocks got up to and ask your child to tell you a story all about them!

Watch this space because next week we will be reading the Three Billy Goats Gruff!!! I hope the troll doesn’t pay us a visit!

Have a lovely weekend. Plenty of time for telling stories!


Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 11th November 2020

Spellings - suffix ful

boastful, disrespectful, insightful, neglectful, truthful, prayerful, skillful, watchful, harmful, powerful, peaceful, dreadful, wrongful, vengeful, beautiful

Maths - IXL

Please complete the division units of work D4, D5 and D6

Can you also visit Times Tables Rockstars?

Remembrance Day Art

You can create some beautiful pieces of artwork digitally. Can you create a Poppy?

You can create some beautiful pieces of artwork digitally. Can you create a Poppy?

Next week we will be creating some digital artwork as we turn ourselves into Kings and Queens of Tudor times. Have a practice for home learning. Using the to do that I have set you on Purple Mash, can you create a poppy. Think about what tools you are going to use to get your desired effect. Be creative!

Online Safety

Next Tuesday is this term’s online safety day so I have set you two challenges on Purple Mash. One is a game…what keeps us safe online? The second is a quiz about your digital footprint. We will be exploring how our digital footprint has changed, especially during lockdown…so have a think about what you use the internet for at home? What digital devices have you got?

"What we learn with pleasure we never forget!"

Welcome Back! The children returned back to school on Monday full of enthusiasm and ready for the new term ahead. After finding their new learning spaces and discovering what their new class job for the term will be, it was time to get back into learning. We enjoyed watching an assembly created by Year 6 which brought last term’s virtues ‘grateful and generous’ to a lovely close

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Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 6th November 2020


Please complete the addition sheet attached below. I have also included a die template for the children to use if they wish. Alternatively, the children can use a die that they may already have at home.

Have a go at playing the game below which will help to consolidate counting in steps of 2s, 5s and 10s.


Please read your reading book for at least 10 minutes per day. I have spoken to the children this week about quizzing and reminded them that some books should be read more than once before quizzing. For those children on longer books, I reminded them to really take their time so that when it comes to quizzing, they have a good understanding of what happened.

As mentioned in this week’s blog, we have been using dictionaries to help us to discover new vocabulary. If you do have a dictionary at home, it would be great if the children could practise the skill. You could give your child a word to find each night and time how long it takes them to find it.
If you don’t have a dictionary at home, you could write a list of words for your child that they then have to put into alphabetical order. Can you challenge them by writing two words that begin with the same letter?


Set 6 from the spelling pack -
some come they this there that
Adding the suffix -ly -
sadly loudly quietly slowly quickly bravely

IXL Maths

I.1 I.2 I.3 I.4

IXL English

H.1 H.2 H.3 H.4 H.5


Year 6 Blog - 'Compassion is an action word with no boundaries.'

Compassion, it is such a big word with such an important meaning. This week in RE we have looked at times when Jesus showed mercy and compassion. He didn’t just show it to people who were one type of member of society, He showed to everyone - from every aspect of society. We have been looking at how we can bring compassion and mercy to our community and to the people in our lives.

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