Year 4 Home Learning to be completed by Thursday 12th November


This week, I have set the 8x tables on TT RockStars for you to play at home. You must put lots of practice in at home this week as I will be giving you an 8x tables test next Friday. We then need to move on to another x table. I know a lot of you have been practising as you were brilliant this week!

Also for maths this week I want you to show your parents how we complete column addition at our school by completing the sums below on the squared paper I have given you. If you forget, there is a help video on our ‘How to Help your Child’ section of the Year 4 page. India, Jack and Isabella have done a super, walk through demonstration!

a) 3426 + 4256 = b) 2809 + 4817 =

c) 5692 + 1430 = d) 2711 + 2718 =

e) 5692 + 143 = f) 271 + 2718 =

g) 2318 + 3218 + 1232 = h) 7894 + 903 + 342 =

i) 1239 + 1245 + 2809 = j) 1889 + 797 + 4786 =


Mrs Maddocks wants you to practise Hot Cross Buns on Charanga. See if you can now master playing B, A, G.


Year1/2 spellings to revise: father, brother, , mother, other, walk, talk

Year 3/4 spellings learn, heart , famous, different, through, group


Sheet in book - forming adverbs with adjectives. We have practiced these spellings in class this week. Make sure you also do your 5 sentences - don’t forget best handwriting and punctuation.

Welcome back!

Welcome back to nursery everyone, we have missed you. I hope you enjoyed doing some of the activities I posted during the half term holiday! You can send me some photos if you like.

Firstly, can I say how happy the children are to be back and start their learning. We began the week with leaf printing using autumn colours. To explore the leaves we were printing with we worked together to sweep up all the leaves in the garden into a huge pile. We looked very closely at them, touched them then discussed all the colours we could see. After our investigation we jumped in the pile of leaves and kicked them all over the garden…it was such fun, but we then had to sweep them all up again!!

It would be helpful if your child brought a pair of named wellies (clipped together with a named peg) to leave at nursery for rainy days and exploring puddles! Additionally, appropriate waterproof outdoor clothing would be appreciated.

Next week, we will be painting firework pictures and poppies for Remembrance Day. Watch this space!

Secondly, I would like to thank you all for wearing face coverings at drop off and collection times. It is important that we keep each other safe during such difficult times.

Lastly, I have noted that I do not have permission form everyone for the use of your child’s images on our webpage. Don’t worry just drop me and email!

Try and have a lovely weekend even if our routines have been currently interrupted. Perhaps I will see some of you whilst we are all out walking? If you click on the button below you will find ‘Ways to have a mini adventure’! Enjoy!

Take care and keep safe.


Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 4th November 2020

We have come back all guns blazing…let’s continue that with our home learning.

Spelling - continuing to look at suffixes

beautified, powerful, immediately, governed, speedily, achievement, stoppable, admittance, regrettable, beginning, referring, forgotten, commitment, forbiden, preferred.

Maths - This week we have been working really hard to consolidate the skill of short division. I am confident that you know what this involves and you have all shown that you can do it.

Have a go at the sheet in your book.

History - The six wives of Henry VIII

Henry VIII was a significant monarch in British History, but what can you find out about his 6 wives?

Six Wives.jpg

Gather as much information as you can about the wives and what happened to them.

What was their date of birth and death?

How old were they when they came to the throne as Henry’s wife?

Did they have any children?

What was their influence on Henry?

Year 4 Important update about Holy Communion

Dear Parents,

As you all know we will once again be entering National Lockdown from Thursday. For churches this means that they will only be open for private prayer sessions. Sadly, for us, this means that the planned masses to celebrate children making their first Holy Communion will have to be postponed. We are all so upset for the children and yourselves but at this time there is no other alternative.

We will hope to rearrange masses in January or February and will keep you informed as soon as we have firm dates. This is such an important sacrament for the children and we look forward to when we can eventually share this with them.

In the meantime, Mrs Lyons will continue to teach the children about the beauty of receiving the Eucharist in preparation for spring.

We will keep the children and yourselves in our prayers.

Miss Hornby

Attention Artists.

art shirt.jpg

Attention Y2, 4 & 5 Artists

Attention Year 2, 4 & 5

You will need an old, named t-shirt to go over your school uniform, to keep you clean during our ART lessons this half term. These will be kept in your tray’s in class and brought with you to each ART lesson.

Remember the Create room is a little chilly with the doors open so an extra layer on Art days is advisable. Thank you for your co-operation.

Mrs Curtis

Safety Guidelines

Dear Parents,

As you will be aware the whole of the country continues to live through difficult times. Within school and Nursery we have had to implement rigorous risk assessment procedures in an attempt to create the safest possible environment for both children and staff. It is with this in mind that I ask you all to reacquaint yourselves the safety guidelines below.

This is such a strange time for us all and as we return to nursery after the half term break unfortunately parents will still not be able to enter the school grounds and continue to keep the social distancing rules.  All communication will also continue to take place via email or through phone calls. Any appointments must be scheduled and organised so that they can take place implementing social distancing protocol. I appreciate this is far from ideal and I pray that we will be able to return to a more normal practice soon.

I would encourage you to keep checking the Nursery page of the school website (this can be found by clicking the ‘Learn’ button at the top of the ‘Discover’ page) as any updates and current information will always be communicated in a timely manner.

Please use the buttons below to access the detailed guidance. You may also want to visit the Discover Page of the website to access the schools guidance.

We look forward to seeing everyone next week!


Attention Year 2, 4 & 5

You will need an old, named t-shirt to go over your school uniform, to keep you clean during our ART lessons this half term. These will be kept in your tray’s in class and brought with you to each ART lesson.

Remember the Create room is a little chilly with the doors open so an extra layer on Art days is advisable. Thank you for your co-operation.

Mrs Curtis

Read more

What more can I say- "Thank you"

Dear Wonderful Parents,

Thank you for all your support this half term. Year 5 have really settled into school and we have established a happy, safe and hardworking atmosphere in class. Myself and Mrs Nel have really enjoyed teaching them all and even though it has been tough at times we have always found room for fun and laughter.

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Reception Home Learning 21.10.20

Reading Books

Everyone has a new book to enjoy at home. After half term the children will read with an adult once a week and their book will be changed at the same time.

Please send your child’s reading folder everyday as the day they read will change each week. Homework books must be returned by Wednesday as usual.

Please remember to:

  • Make predictions of what will happen next

  • Build character knowledge including descriptions and feelings

  • Answer questions using evidence from the pictures or text

  • Retell and sequence the story

  • Embellish the story and even create alternative endings.

Phonics - Read Write Inc

PLEASE continue to form letters in fun and imaginative ways alongside the below activity.

  • Play Boggle using the sounds that we have learnt so far (m,a,s,d,t,i,n,p,g,o,c,k,u,b,f,e,l,h)

  • Cut out the sounds in your folder (or use the ones from the sound hunt 2 weeks ago if you still have them)

  • Set a timer for one minute and see how many words you can make using the sounds.

  • You will have to reuse some of the letters so maybe a grown up could write the words as you make them so you know how many you have made at the end.

  • After the timer has finished you could read the words on the list or ask a grown up to read the words for you to segment and write in your book.


Look at the information below, take a picture of the repeating pattern you make and put it in your book or email it to Miss Lavelle.                                         

Repeating Patterns Slide 1.png
Repeating Patterns Slide 2.png
Repeating Patterns Slide 3.png

Physical Development

Get outside as much as you can and enjoy the outdoors, jump in a muddy puddle, roll down a hill, jump over some stepping stones the possibilities are endless. Keep working on building those independent skills of pulling back inside out sleeves, putting coats and jumpers on and off and using a knife and fork too.

And please remember these wonderful words….

clothing quote.png

Have a great half term!

Miss Lavelle, Miss Neves and Barbara

Year 6 Half Term Learning

Well…we made it and not only did we make it…I feel like we have smashed this half term. Well done every single one of you. My heart is bursting with pride!

Maths - Continue to work through the C strand of IXL. Visit the previous home learning page to check which strands they are.

Reading - READ, READ, READ AND READ SOME MORE! Get ready to take some AR quizzes when you return to school.

Science - Have you finished your electricity leaflet on Purple Mash? Spend some time making sure it is ready to hand in.

Can you see me? Well…wasn’t that an emotional book to read (and that was just Mrs Gregan!)

Can you write a letter Tally? I have set you a task on Purple Mash - a letter document.

Use the school address as your address.

Can you see me.jpg

I would like you to include:

  • Why are you writing to Tally?

  • How did her story make you feel?

  • What parts of her story stood out for you?

  • What parts of her story are you going to learn from?

  • Why is Tally’s story important?

I cannot wait to see what standard of writing you produce. I am going to send these letters to the author. Think about being a Year 6 writer - how are you going to upskill your writing with language, punctuation and sentence openers?

"Gratitude paints little smiley faces on everything it touches"

Well, what can I say? What an amazing first half term we have had in Year 2! The children have thrown themselves into every challenge and have worked incredibly hard. I sometimes find it hard to believe that the children have been only been in Year 2 for such a short space of time. Even with the uncertainty and worries around us all at this time, the class have come together as one and have shown just what we can achieve when we all work co-operatively together.

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