Let's Learn at home

As promised, just in case of rainy days, although it could be said there is also learning during inclement weather, here are a couple of Let’s learn at home’ booklets with some ideas to keep everyone busy. They have been produced by Lancashire’s Early Years Consultants. I hope you enjoy them, and if you feel like emailing some pictures of your child completing the activities I will gladly add them to their ‘Learning Journey’ folders. Enjoy!

Have a fabulous half term break and stay safe. We are looking forward to seeing you week commencing 2nd November.


We have all been authors this week! Everyday we have written a different part of our own legend! Every night I have marked their next instalment and the children have responded to my feedback.

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"Have you thanked your body today? Be grateful, stay positive!"

What a week Year 2! It has certainly whizzed past with the amount of learning we have got through!

In RHE we continued to think about ourselves this week, with us paying particular attention to our body parts. It was so lovely to hear the children celebrating their favourite body parts and giving reasons as to why. Amongst others, the children were grateful for their legs for running, their eyes for seeing and their hands for making!

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Reception Home Learning 16.10.20

Everyone has a new book to enjoy, sound flashcards with this week’s sounds added and some word flashcards in their folder.

Phonics - Read Write Inc

PLEASE continue to form letters in fun and imaginative ways alongside the below activity.

  • Choose a sound that we have learnt so far (m,a,s,d,t,i,n,p,g,o,c,k,u,b,f)

  • Pass or roll a ball or balloon to each other, saying a different word each time that starts with your chosen sound. Which letter can you get most words for? For example, flower, foot, face, fox, fog…

  • You could use the same idea to segment words, choose a word, then each time the ball or balloon is thrown or rolled say a sound. For example, f-i-n, f-o-g (We have been reading these words this week using our new sounds...bun, bat, bag, big, bus, bug, sun cup, mug, fan, fun, fin, fit, fog, fan). 


Use your imagination to turn the shapes (on the separate sheet inside reading folder) into a picture. Look at the examples below, a circle can be turned into a bee and a square can be turned into a cat. I can’t wait to see what you think of!


Physical Development

This week we have been improving our running skills, see if you can try this at home. Remember to take long strides, with bent arms and moving backwards and forwards the opposite to our legs. This will help us to run quickly!



Miss Lavelle, Miss Neves and Barbara




Year 4 homework to be completed over the half term

Mainly online homework this week

Holy Communion

This week please share and complete together p21-p39 of Called to His supper Book. Next week we will have our final session so please complete all the rest of the book to the end, over the holidays.


Please complete IXL: A11 F5 J4 which practise negative numbers AND the 4xtable

Also 8 x table. We have been practising it in class. The best way to learn tables is as follows:

  1. Learn how to count in 4’s. Do whilst marching, clapping, do slowly, build up and get faster. Write out all the multiples of 8

  2. Learn the key facts which are 1 x 8, 2 x 8, 5 x 8 and 10 x 8. All other facts can be worked out from those. eg 9 x 8 is 10 x 8 - 8. Also write out the 4xtable and compare. It is DOUBLE the fours! The more patterns we can see - the better!

  3. Begin to recite your 8 x table and learn your Percy Parker song!



Also complete IXL F9 and J8 over the hols which practise the 8X table.


Go on Charanga and practise Abi’s Blues and the new song below it. Begin to feel confident at blowing a B and an A note.

Don’t forget to sterilise your recorder and bring it in for Monday.

Purple Mash

I have set you a 2do to complete either this week or over the holidays. It is linked to our Geography focusing on extreme environments. Choose ONE postcard 2do out of the ones I sent.

Wow! What a fantastic week, we have a class full of enthusiastic Bobby Bee’s. Everyone in our class has done something to be proud of this week. From being a kind friend, a busy learner, or using our imagination we’ve done it!

We were introduced to Bobby Bee this week and he reminds us to feel proud of each achievement, be enthusiastic and Believe in yourself and know you can do it.

We have had a busy week of learning and growing our brains.

This week in RE we have talked about Harvest, this is a time when we thank God for the Harvest and for the food provided for us. We joined Nursery in our gardens on Tuesday to do the Harvest Samba, we wanted to say thank you to God for the sun and the rain that helps the crops to grow. We also said a prayer to show how grateful we are to the farmers and people who prepare delicious food for us at home and school.

In Read =-0Write Inc (RWI) . This week we have learnt two bouncy sounds and one stretchy sound. I have been so impressed with the enthusiasm, and excitement to learn new sounds and read words

Let’s Celebrate

This week we have two Co-operative Rodger Robins, thank you both for being great team members of our class.

Heath - For listening carefully to others and sharing his own ideas and supporting other children if they feel sad.

Isaac - For making choices that show you are a caring friend and being a fantastic team player at tidy up time.

Important Notices

School closes for the half term holidays at 3:15pm/3:30pm on Wednesday 21st October.

Children return back to school at 8:30am/8:45am on Monday 2nd November.