This week....

This week the children have been celebrating Harvest. We have been finding out about all the fabulous foods which grow on our planet, nurtured by the farmers. On Tuesday everyone gathered in our outside learning environments to say a big ‘thank you’ to God for creating earth and sending us the sunshine and rain so we can grow yummy food in abundance, we are so grateful.

The children have been singing and dancing to the Harvest Samba, it’s such good fun we thought you may like to join in at home? Click here to access the video and enjoy!

Also, the children have been learning the story of Little Rabbit Foo Foo by Michael Rosen. Everyone knows it off by heart and last week we made a stage in the garden and performed it for Reception. If you click on the button below you can join in at home!

As you are aware next week we break up for half term, time has flown and we have learnt so much! We are all so pleased with how the children have settled in to nursery, especially under such unprecedented circumstances, and this I feel is down to you. As parents I must say a big thank you for all your wonderful support, and for your hard work in preparing your children to start nursery, it has been very much appreciated by all the nursery team.

I hope everyone manages to have some family time together and the weather is kind to us all. In case of rainy days I will be posting a 'Let’s Learn at Home’ booklet with ideas and activities to enjoy at home. Watch this space!!!


Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 14th October 2020

This is your final homework of this half term. I want to thank you for all of your efforts at home this half term. It has really made a difference to what we are getting through in class and the quality of learning that you are producing.

Spelling: this is a revision week of all of the spellings that you have had this half term so far. There will be a 20 random word spelling test on all of the suffix work that we have completed. Make sure that you revisit the spellings on the home learning.

Maths - this is to be completed over the half term holiday. Keep your maths ticking along!

C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7

These strands are all multiplication strands.

Do not forget Times Table Rockstars! I have had a look and some people have not been on for over 10 days!

Hit the Button - Division Facts

Use Hit the Button to practise those division facts.

Geography - choose one of these Amazon Animals to research.

Amazon Rainforest animal research.PNG

This is a task that I have set you on Purple Mash. Be creative with your presentation.

Jaguar, Pootoo, Red Eyed Tree Frog, Scarlett Macaw, Sloth, Emerald Tree Boa

You have a blank document that has been set for you on Purple Mash but this document to the left may help you.

Think about:

  • The image of your animal.

  • Introduction about them.

  • Appearance.

  • Habitat

  • Diet

  • Interesting facts

Year 6 Blog - 'How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.' - ANNE FRANK

We have all been totally captivated by the moving and inspiring story of Anne Frank this week. From learning about the regime that the Jewish people had to live by, to the surrender of the Frank family to go into hiding and then the joy that Anne’s diary has brought to so many people world wide - we have all been totally involved in her story. The events that surround the ordeal that the Franks and other Jewish families were incredibly harrowing and so very hard to believe. We have also discussed how this segregation still affects people, communities and cultures today - we pray continuously that they find a place of safety and that they are loved for who they are.

Read more

What to expect, when?

The purpose of this booklet is to help you as a parent find out more about how your child is learning and developing during their first five years, in relation to the EYFS (The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) sets out the learning and development stages for children as they grow from birth to five years). Children develop more rapidly during the first five years of their lives than at any other time. This booklet has been written to help you know what to expect during these vitally important years by focusing on the seven areas of learning and development which are covered in the EYFS.

Click on the button below to find our more.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 7th October 2020

Spellings - these are more suffixes.

careless, flavourless, hopeful, deceitful, meanness, lateness, achievement, definitely, thoroughly, pitiless, beautiful, merriment, laziness, speedily, simply

Maths - this week we have been working on our formal multiplication method. Have a go at the questions that are stuck into your book. If you need another copy, click on the button below.

Don’t forget Times Table Rockstars!

Geography - Deforestation in Brazil

This is a huge global problem, but more so in Brazil! Can you research this topic using the websites below and collect facts and figures in your homework book.

Think about:

What is deforestation? What are the effects of deforestation? How much of the Amazon is being lost to deforestation? Facts and figures surrounding deforestation.

Science - Electricity at home

What electrical items have you got at home? Have you got something that you think everyone else might not have?

Take lots of photos of the electrical things in your house and make a pic collage. You can use an app or make it on a document. Email it across when you have finished it.

Welcoming our New Councillors

What excitement this week for our new class councillors when they had a surprise visit during their lessons from Miss Hornby and Mrs Webster (who were wearing masks) to present them with their smart councillor badges. Everyone looked proud and confident as they received the badges, together with a huge round of congratulatory applause from their classmates.
Despite these extraordinary times, councillors are putting their heads together with their classes and thinking of a project they can achieve within their classes, to help enrich our school family with generosity and gratefulness - there are so many possibilities.

Although our meetings may now have to take place remotely we have great hope for the year ahead.

Here are some of the things our councillors said they were looking forward to:

‘ I want to make the school an even happier place.’
‘ I am looking forward to helping my classmates.’
‘ I am looking forward to asking lots of questions.’
‘ I want to help guide people to make the right choices.’
‘ I hope to keep the school community full of friendship.’
‘I just want to look after everyone.’

 We are all looking forward to working together.