'Lest We Forget.'

What a busy but wonderful week we have had in Reception! There has been so much happening I’m not quite sure where to start…!

We have been actors, narrators, writers, artists, inventors and much much more. The children have such a thirst for learning and it’s fantastic to see them working together as a team, sharing their knowledge and learning from each other. The children have also loved sharing these experiences during our first two stay and play sessions. Thank you so much for coming along and getting involved in our play (I think tambourines will be on grown up's Christmas lists this year!).

We really hope you enjoyed the afternoons and we look forward to welcoming more grown ups next week!

What have we been learning this week…

Phonics: This week, as well as reviewing all of our previously learnt sounds, we have introduced the sounds sh (we call ‘sh’ special friends, two letters that make one sound), r, j and v. We have focused on the sound that the letter makes, writing the letter using the correct formation and suggesting / reading words with this initial sound. We have also been doing lots of Fred Talk so we can hear the sounds within words (e.g. h-a-t = hat).

Maths Mastery: This week we have continued with our focus on comparison by using language such as more than and fewer than to compare amounts. (‘Fewer than’ is used rather than ‘less than’ because the focus is on countable things). The children have become more confident using this language in full sentences and building on their understanding by explaining how they know. There have been some wonderful discussions e.g. “Pat has fewer than Sam because Sam has 6 and Pat only has 5 and I know that 5 is one less that 6”.

Language & Communication and Literacy: This week we have been narrators and actors and in particular, we have enjoyed the story of ‘The Enormous Turnip’. To help us learn the story, we drew a story map and thought of some actions. We enjoyed acting out the story and used exciting expression and story telling voices to bring it to life! Can you teach the story to your grown ups at home?

Personal Social Emotional Development and Understanding the world: We have already had some lovely family pictures which we have displayed in our home corner. These have sparked some wonderful discussions and the children are really enjoying sharing these special memories with each other. If you would be happy for us to display a family photograph in our classroom please send one to s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk. If you have already shared a family photo for the pick up list and would be happy for us to use that, please let us know via email.

Curriculum Evening

On Thursday 17th November at 6pm, we will be welcoming both parents and children into school for a Curriculum Evening where there will be a variety of interactive stations around school for you to engage with. These activities will share information regarding aspects of our curriculum, our school’s virtues and Read Write Inc Phonics.

This will be a wonderful evening and an exciting opportunity for you to learn more about our schools curriculum and how we can work together to support your child throughout their learning journey. We are really looking forward to coming together as a whole school community once again to share how we promote that love of learning in the children.

We hope you can make it!

Let’s Celebrate!

Determined Sadie Spider: Aubree
Aubree, you have blown us away with your determination this week, especially in Phonics. You have remembered all of our new sounds (very speedily!) and did not give up even when you found the letter formation tricky. You’re doing so well with our Fred Talk as well, listening carefully to all of the sounds in our words. Its wonderful to see how much you are enjoying learning to read.
Well done Aubree, keep up this fantastic determination!

Brave Tommy Turtle: Leo P
Leo, you have been such a brave learner in Phonics this week and you have tried really hard with your letter formation. You have not been afraid to make mistakes because you have seen just how much you can achieve when you practise. It was wonderful to see you beaming with pride when you realised what you could do and we were incredibly proud too.
Well done for being a brave learner; always believe in yourself Leo!

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

  • On Friday 18th November we are having a pyjama day to raise money for Brian House who support children in need in our local area. Children can come to school in pyjama’s and trainers and we kindly ask that they bring a £1 donation which will be given to Brian House.

  • As explained in a previous message sent out by the school, Stuart Robinson will now be joining us in school on the morning of Wednesday 16th November for our sport session.

  • Reading Books - Polite reminder that reading packets and books must be brought to school each day so we can read with the children in school. Thank you for your support with reading at home, it is really important that they have regular opportunities to read and build on these skills.

  • School Bags - Now that we need extra layers and winter coats, our cloakroom area is beginning to get quite full! Please could you only send in one school bag, ideally this should be the blue school bags as these fit in the trays leaving space on the pegs for coats etc. If keyrings on bags could be limited to one, it is easier for them to fit in trays. Independence is a huge part of Reception and having fewer items makes things much easier for them to be independent; thank you for your understanding and support.

  • Outside Provision and Play - We use our outside classroom throughout the day and as the weather is getting colder, children will need warm coats, hats, and wellies. Please make sure these are clearly labelled to avoid getting lost.

    As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful weekend,
God bless,

The Reception Team

Year 2 Weekly Blog 11.11.22 - "Lest we forget"

Friday has come around once again in what seems like the blink of an eye! This week, I have seen such wonderful acts of kindness within our classroom. I can’t quite believe just how independent the children have become and the compassion and respect they show toward each other every day is a joy to witness. Thank you Year 2, you continue to be such a pleasure to teach!

Read more

Year 5 Weekly Blog 11.11.22- 'Lest we forget'

Another week completed and another week that has flown by. Time must really fly when you’re having fun. This week has been taken over the focus of our class assembly. We have been in the hall doing our dress rehearsals, along with script practices and our song. The children have really come together and put the effort into remembering their lines and really expressing themselves on stage. I cant’ wait for everyone else to see it in action on Tuesday 15th November. Today, we paid our respects as a school and took a minute silence for all those that lost their lives for us during the world wars. We discussed what remembrance day means to us, during assembly, by learning about some important figures such as Desmond Doss.

In Maths, we have been mastering our decimals, looking at tenths. The children have been representing decimals in so many different ways and have been completing larger decimal calculations, using the column method. At the end of the week, we introduced hundredths, where the children have learnt the relationships between ones, tenths and hundredths.

In RE, we have finished our creation topic by looking into God’s great helpers and looking into their lives to see what they did that made them stand out. We researched different saints, such as Martin De Porres and St Vincent De Paul, and the impact of all of their wonderful acts of kindness.

Let’s Celebrate

Jay for being an inquisitive learner: This week, you have asked so many curious questions throughout our learning, especially during our class novel, where you have been predicting the ending. Your contribution during group activities is excellent and you can work alongside anyone in the class.

Charlie for being an enthusiastic and focused learner: For always having a positive attitude towards your learning, where you have a go at every task that you do. You are full of resilience and enthusiasm, which is inspiring towards everyone in your class. You are such a supportive member of our class and you are always encouraging people around you.


Year 5 assembly- Our class assembly will be on Tuesday 15th November. We will be doing the assembly twice. The first one starting at 9:10am and then 9:35am. All family members are welcome to come along.

Curriculum evening- Will take place on Thursday 17th November at 6pm. This is a chance for parents to come to school and see what life is like at Our Lady’s. The evening will have lots of fun learning activities, which the children and parents can take part in.

Pajama Day- Will take place on Friday 18th November. This is to help raise money for Brian House so can the children bring in £1.

Christmas villages- Miss Neves has asked for children to bring in some used objects for future art lessons, which will be used for our christmas projects in December. Our class have been asked to bring in milk/juice cartons. Can children put these items in the recycling pod, which is just outside the create room.

Stuart Robinson- Due to concussion, our GB athlete Stuart Robinson had to postpone our PE afternoon. This has been resechuled for Wednesday 16th November, so children have got some additional time to collect their sponsors and to raise money for their PE activities. More information about this event is included in the forms, which the children were given last week.

This week...

Another fabulous week at nursery! We have completed our firework/colour display, complete with sounds that we heard on Bonfire Night. We splatted paint everywhere just like Jackson Pollock!!! Take a look at the photos.

Take a look at our field of poppies!! We all made a remembering poppy.

We have also updated our snack list. Please take a few minutes to read it. Click on the button below.


This week we used pictures and short stories of Freddy Teddy and his friends experiencing different feelings. The children discussed how they are feeling, what feelings can look like and why they might be feeling them. We also worked on empathy and understanding of others, and how to help. Click on the button below to read the story.

Read Write Inc

We have continued learning and playing with the sounds m,s,a,t,d. We have been looking for them in our environments, buried in the sand, we have played ‘pinny time’ and much much more.

Click here to watch Geraldine Giraffe find objects beginning with ‘m’.

Click here to watch Geraldine Giraffe find objects beginning with ‘a’.

More to follow!!!!

Maths Mastery

Four is the new block on the block and he can’t wait to share how much he loves to be square!

We have been:

  • learning 4 is one more than 3

  • counting to 4

  • the structure of 4 as a square number

  • recognising 4 items without counting (this is called subitising)

Click here to meet 4!

Stuart Robinson - Paralympic Athlete Visit

On Wednesday 16th November, school is being visited by Stuart Robinson. Stuart is a gold medal winning Paralympian, who represented GB in the recent Olympic games in wheel-chair rugby.

Stuart’s visit is part of an event for Sports for Schools. This is an opportunity for the children to take part in a sporting event organised by Stuart, and to then hear about his story as part of an assembly. He will be with us all afternoon.

Stuart is incredibly inspirational. I had the pleasure of meeting him last year and hearing about the life-changing events that led him to where he is now. I have no doubt that the children will take a huge amount away in terms of attitude, resilience and living life to the full.

This event is also an opportunity to raise money for our school - for PE, Sport and Active Learning.

The children have all brought a sponsor form home for them to collect as many sponsors as they can before the event next Friday.

Craig McCann visited our school three years ago as part of the same event. We managed to raise over £1000 for our school - it was fabulous! Let’s see if this year we can do even better!

Could all our Wednesday children please come to nursery in trainers and PE clothes as we will be joining in with school at this event!

Children in Need

Friday 18th November 2022 is Children in Need Day. The children are invited to pay £1 and wear pyjama’s for the day. Please no slippers, sensible shoes or trainers. It’s always a fun day and a good way of donating to charity. All proceeds will go to Brian House.

Brian House cares for local children with very complex needs and life-limiting conditions. They face huge challenges, but with our help they can continue to support children and their families at every step of their difficult and often unpredictable journey…

Colette’s Blog

Hello everyone,

We have reached the end of another busy week…where do the children get all their energy from??

At the beginning of the week we discussed our experiences of Bonfire night and the children told us all about the wonderful colours and sounds they saw in the night sky.

Afterwards we turned our discussion to Remembrance Day and we wondered what poppies looked like and wanted to know why some people wear them in November. To help us understand we have been watching a beautiful children’s animated story where we were able to see how some small animals reacted to the fighting during WW1.   Click here to watch the story together.

We have also been looking at lots of numbers!! We have been introduced to number 4 and have been playing lots of number games. There have been some monkey numbers hiding all over Nursery too.

Finally, remember to keep your eye on the website for any important information that you might need.

Have a lovely weekend together.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone

We have had another busy week. We have continued to make firework pictures, using lots of fluorescent paint and glitter. We have also learnt about Remembrance Day and why we wear poppies. We had a go at painting poppies and have made a display or our artwork. We also went to Chapel and sang our loudest songs, we hope that the neighbours like our singing too.

In PE we have danced with the Cherry Tots, exploring sad and glad and also yes and no. Just look at our sad faces! Its not easy pretending to be sad when we are having so much fun.

Our learning continued as we consolidated our knowledge of the letter sounds, ‘a’ ‘d’ ‘m’ ‘s’ and ‘t’ with lots of games and challenges. We also met number 4 this week and explored how we can make number 4 in lots of different ways.

We have also practised really hard being independent., putting our shoes and socks on after PE and putting our coats on by ourselves. Here is a really good method for children to do this by themselves, ask your chid to show you how thy do it. Click here to watch.

Here’s a few extra photos from Justine!

Steph’s Blog

Hello everyone!

What a fun week we have had! I have watched some lovely role – play taking place this week. The children have enjoyed making food for each other and taking on different family roles in the house inside and outside. This is great for developing the children’s friendships and their language and conversational skills. It has also provided the opportunity to talk about our likes and dislikes and how we are all different.

We have also been helping each other and taking turns, especially in the garden. Barbara brought us in some big new logs – some of us were a bit wary so our friends helped us get up on them and walk across them. It was great fun!

We have carried on practising our five phonics sounds this week (m, a, s, d and t). The children are really excited when they find them around the classroom or in their books. Maybe you could find some around the house at home and send us a picture. We also played ‘Snowball Phonics’. Each child got one of the sounds on a piece of paper, then screwed it up into a snowball and threw it into the middle. We then found a new snowball, opened it up and had a look to see if it was the same sound as before or a new one. We also found a friend with the same sound.

We finished the week with a minutes silence to Remember those who were hurt in the war. We have been discussing this over the week and have made some lovely poppy pictures for the classroom and in our learning books. This allowed us to continue our discussions about feelings. Here is a link to the CBeebies video we watched: Click here.

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you on Monday


Curriculum Evening

Our long awaited CURRICULUM EVENING is being held on Thursday 17th November 6pm -8 pm. Come along with your child to find out more about our Jesuit Virtues and how they underpin everything that we do in nursery and school. You will also have the opportunity to find our more about what we mean by ‘Cultural Capital’, Read, Write Inc and much more!

It is always a fabulous evening and a wonderful opportunity to learn alongside your child and the staff.

Please come join us!


This week we have started to learn our songs for the Christmas Nativity. In previous years ( pre Covid ) we always joined Reception for a whole Foundation Stage production. I am pleased to say that this year there will be live performances! We can’t wait!

The children (and staff) are so very excited!

The Nativity performance dates are:

Tuesday 6th December- this is a dress rehearsal performed for the rest of the school

Wednesday 7th December- Parent performance

Thursday 8th December- Parent performance

Parts have not yet been allocated but we are hopeful that we will have all the costumes that we need. Sewing volunteers if we need them are always useful….let me know if you can help.

Whilst we are talking all things ‘Christmas’ can I remind everyone that the Christmas Party is being held on Monday 19th December 9.30-11.30 am (if is not your child’s usual session), otherwise times are the same.

I think that could be enough information for this week! Oh, just before I go, don’t forget to keep checking Purple Mash for more home learning!

Enjoy your weekend

God bless


Year 6 Weekly Blog 'Lest we forget'

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. This week is always a poignant week as we stop and remember all of those fallen victims of war and conflict. We ended our week today with a reflective assembly and worship in class, sharing prayers for everyone who has been affected by war and conflict around the world.

Once again, we started the week off with Bikeability, where all children who completed their level 2 passed, there will be certificates to be presented in the next few weeks. The children have took this very seriously, listening well to the instructors, reflecting on their cycling skills and always thinking of the safety rules when on the road. The instructors praised the children on how well they listened and we couldn’t be more proud of them.

The week has flown by and we have done so much exciting and challenging learning. We have read chapter 9 of our class novel this week and even created our very own wonder, just as the main character did. Writing has been the focus of the week, as the children again reflected on their writing targets and wrote another diary entry in the perspective of Daniel. They have also put their formal letter writing to good use, writing to the Brazilian leader to express their concerns about the causes and consequences of deforestation. In RE we have started our Justice topic, where we reflected on the meaning of this work and firstly what it means.

Our Mathematics this week has been on fire and we are no unstoppable at finding fractions of number, using our reasoning skills to tackle problems and finding the whole quantity from the part. Very impressive!

In Art, we have dyed our fabric designs with instant coffee- we can’t wait to see the results!


This week, we have completed our 5th and final Kidsafe lesson, before our recap in summer term, about hearing parents/carers arguing.

Please click the button below to find out more detail about this lesson.

Leading Learners

Well done to Saul and Abi this week.

Saul, you have impressed us with your attitude to your work this week and your desire to improve. You have reflected on advice given and it has been a joy to watch you striving to reach these goals. We have been particularly proud of how you are challenging yourself on the books you are reading and what a joy it is to see the empathy and enjoyment you get from reading.

Abi, For... Being so curious in your learning, always seeking to find out more and what you can do to move your own learning forward. Abi you are a dream to teach, as you strive to hit those targets every day, reflecting on teachers advice and always showing us just what you are capable of! Never stop being curious, it’s the only way to learn!

Kind and compassionate butterflies

We have been on the look out for acts of kindness and compassion this week. Pure love and kindness has been shown in abundance this week. It definitely makes our classroom a happier and a richer place for it. Thank you to Lena . There have been so many times this week when you have gone out of your way to help someone in class. Thank you for all that you do!

Helpers in the mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Abi Holly James Julia


Our Sports visit has moved- Instead we will be visited in school by Stuart Robinson on Wednesday 16th November. Stuart is a gold medal winning Paralympian, who represented GB in the recent Olympic games in wheel-chair rugby. Don’t forget to send in Sponsor Forms EARLY next week please.

Stuart’s visit is part of an event for Sports for Schools. This is an opportunity for the children to take part in a sporting event organised by Stuart, and to then hear about his story as part of an assembly. He will be with us all afternoon. This event is also an opportunity to raise money for our school - for PE, Sport and Active Learning.

17th November 6pm- Curriculum Evening. Please come along and learn with us. We would please like the following children to come and help at the event:

  • House captains

  • Head boy and girl

  • Sports Captains

18th November- please come to school in your PJ’s and bring a ‘furry friend’ to school- we just ask that you bring £1 with you to raise money for Brian House.

Have a lovely weekend all of you,

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Miss Forster and Mrs Webster

Year 3 Blog 11.11.22 - "I wear a little poppy, as red as it can be, to show that I remember, those who fought for me."

I can’t believe we are at the end of the week, it has absolutely flown! Throughout the week the children have been super focused in maths and we are now much more confident with our two subtracting strategies. It has been wonderful to hear the children share with one another how they got to the answer, these discussions are becoming more and more filled with fantastic vocabulary and understanding.

We have also started our exciting new English learning, which is all about DRAGONS! Together we looked at some reported sightings and read a very interesting non chronological report about the Manchester Ridge-Back. Miss Russell couldn’t wait to start reading to the children the first chapter of our class novel, The Boy Who Grew Dragons… I wonder what might happen next….

In History we have continued our learning about the Stone Age. The children have been reading an interesting article and have used the computers to note down all of the interesting new facts they had discovered through their reading!

Let’s celebrate…

Tilly S receives a Tommy Turtle Certificate for being a brave learner this week. Well done Tilly you are always ready to challenge yourself and have a go at your learning. Keep up the good work, be brave and see how much you are achieving.

Toby receives a combination certificate this week for being a focused Cooper Crab and a co-operative Roger Robin. Well done Toby, we love the way that you are always ready to get on with your work and manage any distractions. You are also such a lovely learning partner.


  • Stuart Robinson will be in school Wednesday this coming week. This means all children must be in their PE kit on this day. Please remember your sponsor forms too.

  • Curriculum evening - On Thursday 17th November (next week) we have our school curriculum evening. We hope you can come along to get more of an insight into our school life.

  • The Art Team (Miss Neves, Mrs Mather and Mrs Nel) are wanting items that can be recycled during art lessons in the next few weeks. Exciting projects - all will be revealed in a few weeks time! If you have any of the following items, please send them in to be used during art. Thank you in anticipation.

  • Cereal boxes / cereal bar boxes/ biscuit boxes/packages (eg oreos, Belvita etc)

  • Yogurt pots or yogurt bottles

  • Kitchen Rolls

  • Milk or juice cartons (small or normal size)

  • Bottle lids ( flat ones please eg. milk lids )

  • Pinecones real ones (if you go for a walk please see if you can find any of these) Thank you

Year 3 home learning to be handed in on 17.11

Spellings: words with the prefix im- and the suffix -ous











Maths - IXL Subtraction

Please complete F5 and F6

 HRSE - Emotions

You will find a new 2Do set on Purple Mash. When on the 2Do, along the left hand side you will see a vocabulary list of positive emotions. What do each of these words mean? Can you complete the positive emotions poster?

For example, under the first section you might put the word confident. Underneath your drawing or image write: I feel confident when….

Year 6 Home Learning 11.11.22


This week our focus is going to be on words ending in ‘ibly’ or ‘ably’. Please see the spelling quiz set for you to complete on Purple Mash to help you practice. These are the following words that you will be quizzed on:

adorably, comfortably, noticeably, understandably, terribly, horribly, incredibly, possibly


Get on TT Rockstars and practice the speed of your multiplication facts!


Please complete the reading in 5 minute sheet- to help build on reading skills and comprehnesion.

History - The six wives of Henry VIII.

One more week to complete.

Remembrance Day Art

You can create some beautiful pieces of artwork digitally. Can you create a Poppy?

Dance Festival: Final info!

Dear Parents,

 As you all know we are gearing up for our performance next week on Tuesday 15th November at the Winter Gardens. Here you should find all the final information that you may need regarding the event on Tuesday.

 On this day the children will come to school as normal (wear PE kit). They will access their usual morning lessons before we all have lunch at an earlier time. This will either be a packed lunch or a school hot dinner. If your child does NOT usually have a school dinner on this day, please make sure that you have booked their school meal via ParentPay, this will be at a cost of £2.40 (remember as this is a long day we advise that you book a hot school meal as they will not be having their usual evening meal, however, you know your child and what they will/will not eat).

 After this we will then get on a coach which will take us to the Winter Gardens. This is where we will remain for the rest of the day - until the show has finished. We will have 1 rehearsal on the stage and the remainder of the time we will be backstage - we therefore ask that you bring a couple of books, colouring books or puzzle books to keep you busy (nothing valuable).

 After the show we will walk the children to outside the Grand theatre. This is where you will be able to collect your child from.

To clarify your checklist for the day:

- wear school tracksuit and bring a coat.

 - make sure your leggings are in school ready to take with us.

 - pack your bag with a couple of books, crayons and colouring book/puzzle book (no tech/valuables as belongings won’t always be supervised).

 - book a school meal or bring a packed lunch for our lunchtime at school.

 - bring a packed meal (in a plastic bag which is easy to throw away after) that we will eat during our evening at the Winter Gardens.

 - make sure you have a snack or two and a water bottle/drinks(non fizzy) to keep you going throughout the day.

 Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Miss Bassett and Miss Liddell


Year 1 Homework

Thank you for practising your lines over half term, the children have been amazing.

This weekend please can you continue to practise your lines ensuing that you say them slowly with a clear loud voice.

Please can you also practise these songs:

Feeling Song

I have feelings, you do too

Lets all sing about a few,

I am happy, I am sad,

I am scared and I am mad

I have feelings, you do too,

We just sang about a few.


If You’re Happy and you Know it

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.

If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.


If you’re angry and you know it stamp your feet.

If you’re angry and you know it stamp your feet.

If you’re angry and you know it, then your face will surely show it.

If you’re angry and you know it stamp your feet.


If you’re scared and you know it hide your eyes.

If you’re scared and you know it hide your eyes.

If you’re scared and you know it, then your face will surely show it.

If you’re scared and you know it hide your eyes.

If you’re shocked and you know it cover your face.

If you’re shocked and you know it cover your face.

If you’re shocked and you know it, then your face will surely show it.

If you’re shocked and you know it cover your face.


If you’re sad and you know it dry your eyes.

If you’re sad and you know it dry your eyes.

If you’re sad and you know it, then your face will surely show it.

If you’re sad and you know it dry your eyes.


If you’re calm and you know it take a deep breath.

If you’re calm and you know it take a deep breath.

If you’re calm and you know it, then your face will surely show it.

If you’re calm and you know it take a deep breath.

If you’re loved and you know it hug yourself.

If you’re loved and you know it hug yourself.

If you’re loved and you know it, then your face will surely show it.

If you’re loved and you know it, hug yourself.

Please continue with Maths IXL, I am happy for you to go on other games if your child has completed ones that have been set previously. Please continue to read lots at home, we have changed books and will get back on track listening to readers after Tuesday.

We are so sorry we didn’t get chance to do our spellings this week but keep practising them and we will do them together on Friday.

Thank you,

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Weekly Blog 4.11.22

Welcome back, what a busy week we have had, we have been practising our class assembly every day. We are excited for you to watch us on Tuesday. I have been very impressed with the children learning their lines, and they have been working hard on making sure their voices are loud and clear, they have been brilliant!

As it was All Saints Day on Tuesday, we have been inspired by the Saints, we learnt about a different Saint each day: Saint Clare, Saint Pio, Saint Frances, Saint Martin and Saint Therese. We attended Mass on Tuesday to celebrate all the Saints . The children sat and sang beautifully and it was lovely to hear positive comments from other members of the church about our children.

The children are enjoying their phonics sessions and are making good progress, keep reading lots at home and please remember to bring reading folders in every day.

Today we discussed Fireworks and Bonfire Night and how we can all stay safe, we were excited to have Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 together. We enjoyed our creative activities and we learnt a poem!

In Art we learnt about Andy Goldsworthy and how he uses the environment to create his own art work. We went outside and created some wonderful art using resources we found outside.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to these children for super listening during our assembly practise, they know their lines, when to come on the stage and have supported the children around them.

Have a lovely weekend with Henry :).


  • Our Class Assembly is on Tuesday 8th November at 9:10 for KS2 and 9:35 for EYFS and KS1, you can stay for both performances if you would like. Please continue to practise lines and songs.

  • On Friday 11th November, we will be visited in school by Stuart Robinson. Stuart is a gold medal-winning Paralympian, who represented GB in the recent Olympic games in wheelchair rugby.
    Stuart’s visit is part of an event for Sports for Schools. This is an opportunity for the children to take part in a sporting event organised by Stuart, and to then hear about his story as part of an assembly. He will be with us all afternoon. This event is also an opportunity to raise money for our school - for PE, Sport and Active Learning.
    The children have all brought a sponsor form home for them to collect as many sponsors as they can before the event next Friday. Please can all children come in their tracksuits on this day - Friday 11th November.

  • On Thursday 17th November at 6pm, we will be welcoming both parents and children into school for Curriculum Evening. We’ve been unable to hold the event for the last couple of years due to Covid, so we are looking forward to comingtogether as a whole school community once again to share how we promote that love of learning in our children. More information will be given about the evening.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson

Year 5 Homework- Due Wednesday 10th November


To read for a minimum of 20 minutes per day at home.


Will be online on IXL

DD1- What decimal is illustrated?

DD16- Comparing decimals


Will be online on IXL

Q2- Coordinating conjunctions

Q3- Subordinating conjunctions

Assembly practice

To practice this song for our Year 5 assembly. The theme of our assembly will be stewardship of the earth and how we should listen and carry the word of God.

Earth song by Micheal Jackson